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‫ﺷﻬﺎدة اﻟﺘﺴﺠﻴﻞ ﰲ ﴐﻳﺒﺔ اﻟﻘﻴﻤﺔ اﳌﻀﺎﻓﺔ‬

‫ ﺑﺸﺄن إﻧﺸﺎء اﻟﻬﻴﺌﺔ اﻻﺗﺤﺎدﻳﺔ ﻟﻠﴬاﺋﺐ‬2016 ‫( ﻟﺴﻨﺔ‬13) ‫( ﻣﻦ اﳌﺮﺳﻮم ﺑﻘﺎﻧﻮن رﻗﻢ‬4) ‫أُﺻﺪرت ﻤﺑﻮﺟﺐ اﻟﺼﻼﺣﻴﺔ اﳌﻤﻨﻮﺣﺔ ﻤﺑﻮﺟﺐ اﳌﺎدة‬
Certificate of Registration for Value Added Tax in the United Arab Emirates
Issued under the authority allocated by Art. 4 of the Federal Decree-Law No. 13 of 2016

The Federal Tax Authority certifies that the entity below is ‫ﺗﺸﻬﺪ اﻟﻬﻴﺌﺔ اﻻﺗﺤﺎدﻳﺔ ﻟﻠﴬاﺋﺐ أن اﻟﺠﻬﺔ اﻟﺘﺎﻟﻴﺔ ﻣﺴﺠﻠﺔ ﻟﴬﻳﺒﺔ اﻟﻘﻴﻤﺔ اﳌﻀﺎﻓﺔ ﰲ اﻹﻣﺎرات اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬
a registered person for Value Added Tax in the UAE ‫اﳌﺘﺤﺪة‬

Tax Registration Number 104010826600003 ‫رﻗﻢ اﻟﺘﺴﺠﻴﻞ اﻟﴬﻳﺒﻲ‬

Legal Name of Entity (Arabic) 3‫م دي ﻛﻮﻧﺴﻴﺒﺘﺲ ﻟﻠﺘﺠﺎرة اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ‬.‫م‬.‫ذ‬.‫ش‬ (‫اﻹﺳﻢ اﻟﻘﺎﻧﻮﻲﻧ )اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬

Legal Name of Entity (English) 3D CONCEPTS GENERAL TRADING L.L.C (‫اﻻﺳﻢ اﻟﻘﺎﻧﻮﻲﻧ اﻟﻜﺎﻣﻞ )اﻟﻠﻐﺔ اﻹﻧﺠﻠﻴﺰﻳﺔ‬

307 Bank Street Building, Bur Dubai,

Registered Address, and Contact Number ‫اﻟﻌﻨﻮان اﳌﺴﺠﻞ ورﻗﻢ اﻟﺘﻮاﺻﻞ‬
Burjuman, Dubai, 120349, Dubai, 971

Effective Registration Date 01/01/2023 ‫ﺗﺎرﻳﺦ اﻟﺘﺴﺠﻴﻞ اﻟﻔﻌﲇ‬

First VAT Return Period 01/01/2023 - 31/03/2023 ‫ﻓﱰة أول إﻗﺮار ﻟﴬﻳﺒﺔ اﻟﻘﻴﻤﺔ اﳌﻀﺎﻓﺔ‬

First VAT Return 28/04/2023 ‫ﺗﺎرﻳﺦ اﺳﺘﺤﻘﺎق اﻹﻗﺮار اﻟﴬﻳﺒﻲ ﻟﴬﻳﺒﺔ اﻟﻘﻴﻤﺔ اﳌﻀﺎﻓﺔ‬

1st Apr to 30th Jun, 1st Jul to 30th Sep,

Start and end dates of Tax periods ‫ﺗﻮارﻳﺦ ﺑﺪء واﻧﺘﻬﺎء اﻟﻔﱰات اﻟﴬﻳﺒﻴﺔ‬
1st Oct to 31st Dec, 1st Jan to 31st Mar

List of sole establishments and branches under the

registered taxable person: :‫ﻗﺎﻤﺋﺔ اﳌﺆﺳﺴﺎت اﻟﻔﺮدﻳﺔ واﻟﻔﺮوع اﳌﻨﺪرﺟﺔ ﺿﻤﻦ اﻟﺘﺴﺠﻴﻞ اﻟﴬﻳﺒﻲ‬

Legal Name Licensing Authority License Number/‫رﻗﻢ اﻟﺮﺧﺼﺔ‬ ‫ﺟﻬﺔ اﻟﱰﺧﻴﺺ‬ ‫اﻻﺳﻢ اﻟﻘﺎﻧﻮﻲﻧ‬

3D CONCEPTS GENERAL Dubai Department of 3 ‫دي ﻛﻮﻧﺴﻴﺒﺘﺲ ﻟﻠﺘﺠﺎرة اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ‬

1 737004 ‫داﺋﺮة اﻟﺘﻨﻤﻴﺔ اﻻﻗﺘﺼﺎدﻳﺔ ﺑﺪﻲﺑ‬
TRADING L.L.C Economic Development ‫م‬.‫م‬.‫ذ‬.‫ش‬

‫ ﻳﺠﺐ إﺑﻼغ اﻟﻬﻴﺌﺔ اﻻﺗﺤﺎدﻳﺔ ﻟﻠﴬاﺋﺐ ﰲ ﺣﺎل ﺗﻐﻴﺮﻴ اﻷﺳﺲ اﻟﺘﻲ ﺣﺼﻠﺖ ﻓﻴﻬﺎ ﻋﲆ رﻗﻢ اﻟﺘﺴﺠﻴﻞ اﻟﴬﻳﺒﻲ‬.‫ﻳﺮﺟﻰ اﻟﺘﺄﻛﺪ ﻣﻦ ﺻﺤﺔ ﺗﻔﺎﺻﻴﻞ اﻟﺸﻬﺎدة‬
*.‫اﻟﺨﺎص ﺑﻚ‬
*Please check that the details on this certificate are correct. You must inform the Federal Tax Authority of any change on
the basis of which you obtained your Tax Registration Number.

Date of Issue 13/12/2022 ‫ﺗﺎرﻳﺦ اﻻﺻﺪار‬

Version Number 2023/VAT/0000000145/001 ‫رﻗﻢ اﻹﺻﺪار‬

Legal Name Licensing Authority License Number/‫رﻗﻢ اﻟﺮﺧﺼﺔ‬ ‫ﺟﻬﺔ اﻟﱰﺧﻴﺺ‬ ‫اﻻﺳﻢ اﻟﻘﺎﻧﻮﻲﻧ‬

3D CONCEPTS GENERAL Dubai Department of 3 ‫دي ﻛﻮﻧﺴﻴﺒﺘﺲ ﻟﻠﺘﺠﺎرة اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ‬

2 737004 ‫داﺋﺮة اﻟﺘﻨﻤﻴﺔ اﻻﻗﺘﺼﺎدﻳﺔ ﺑﺪﻲﺑ‬
TRADING L.L.C Economic Development ‫م‬.‫م‬.‫ذ‬.‫ش‬
This certificate is valid for 30 day(s) from Date of Issue 2022-12-13 ‫ ﻳﻮم ﻣﻦ ﺗﺎرﻳﺦ اﻹﺻﺪار‬30 ‫ﻫﺬه اﻟﺸﻬﺎدة ﺻﺎﻟﺤﺔ ﳌﺪة‬

‫ ﻳﺠﺐ إﺑﻼغ اﻟﻬﻴﺌﺔ اﻻﺗﺤﺎدﻳﺔ ﻟﻠﴬاﺋﺐ ﰲ ﺣﺎل ﺗﻐﻴﺮﻴ اﻷﺳﺲ اﻟﺘﻲ ﺣﺼﻠﺖ ﻓﻴﻬﺎ ﻋﲆ رﻗﻢ اﻟﺘﺴﺠﻴﻞ اﻟﴬﻳﺒﻲ‬.‫ﻳﺮﺟﻰ اﻟﺘﺄﻛﺪ ﻣﻦ ﺻﺤﺔ ﺗﻔﺎﺻﻴﻞ اﻟﺸﻬﺎدة‬
*.‫اﻟﺨﺎص ﺑﻚ‬
*Please check that the details on this certificate are correct. You must inform the Federal Tax Authority of any change on
the basis of which you obtained your Tax Registration Number.

Date of Issue 13/12/2022 ‫ﺗﺎرﻳﺦ اﻻﺻﺪار‬

Version Number 2023/VAT/0000000145/001 ‫رﻗﻢ اﻹﺻﺪار‬

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