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Lesson No. 7 | The Covenant to Abraham

Read : Genesis 17:1-27 Memory Verse: Genesis 17:1

Review Questions from Previous Lesson

1. What was Sarai’s solution and suggestion to Abram? __________________________________
2. How did Abram respond to Sarai’s idea? _____________________________________________
3. What was the result of Abram’s and Sarai’s actions? __________________________________

Scripture Survey
1. How old was Abram when the Lord appeared to him? (v.1a) ____________________________
2. What did the Lord said to Abram after telling him that He is the Almighty God? (v.1b-2):
a. (v.1b) _________________________________________________.
b. (v.2a) _________________________________________________.
c. (v.2b) _________________________________________________.
3. How did Abram respond to what the Lord told him? (v.3a) ____________________________.
4. What did the Lord further told him? (v.3b-8):
a. (v.4) _________________________________________________.
b. (v.5) _________________________________________________.
c. (v.6) _________________________________________________.
d. (v.7) _________________________________________________.
e. (v.8) _________________________________________________.
5. How shall Abraham keep the Lord’s covenant? (v.9-14) _______________________________
6. What did the Lord said unto Abraham about Sarai his wife? (v.15-16):
a. (v.15) _________________________________________________.
b. (v.16) _______________________________________________________.
7. How did Abraham respond? (v.17-18) ______________________________________________.
8. What did the Lord said to Abraham? (v.19-22):
a. (v.19) ____________________________________________________.
b. (v.20) ____________________________________________________.
c. (v.21-22) _________________________________________________.
9. How did Abraham to the Lord’s covenant? (v.23-27):
a. (v.23-27) ________________________________________________________________.

Personal Reflection
1. What was the meaning of Abram’s gesture in verse 3? _________________________________
2. Compared to verse 17 what was the difference? ______________________________________
3. What was the significance of Abraham’s action on verse 23? ___________________________
4. What was the significance of mentioning Abraham and Ishmael’s age? ___________________

Personal Application
What is your take away from this chapter study?

Copyright © 2023 By Andrei John Cantilleps | Victory Fundamental Baptist Church

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