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Lesson No. 5 | The Covenant to Abram

Read : Genesis 15:1-21;

Review Questions from Previous Lesson

1. What did Abram do when he was informed of Lot capture? _____________________________
2. How did Abram respond to the offer of King of Sodom? ________________________________
3. What was the importance of Abram’s gesture to Melchizedek? __________________________

Scripture Survey
1. What did the Lord say to Abram in a vision? (v.1) _____________________________________
2. What did Abram asked the Lord? (v.2) ______________________________________________
3. What did Abram assume he will have? (v.3) _________________________________________
4. What did the Lord say to him? (v.4-5) ______________________________________________
5. What was Abram’s response? (v.6a) ________________________________________________
6. How did the Lord consider it? (v.6b) _______________________________________________
7. What did the Lord reminded Abram? (v.7) ___________________________________________
8. What did Abram asked the Lord? (v.8) ______________________________________________
9. What did the Lord instructed Him to do? (v.9-11) _____________________________________
10. Read verses 12-17, what do you think is the relevance of these prophecies to God’s promises
to Abram? (this is subjective to the reader, discuss and explore but no definitive)

Personal Reflection
1. Why was God’s first word to Abram is fear not? _______________________________________
2. How did God assure Abram to fear not? _____________________________________________
3. What are the things you are being called by God? ____________________________________

Personal Application
What is your take away from this chapter study?

Copyright © 2023 By Andrei John Cantilleps | Victory Fundamental Baptist Church

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