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Capítulo uno:

1. How old is Ben Sullivan?


2. What city does he live in?


3. Describe the house that he lives in.


4. What is the name of his girlfriend?


5. Describe his girlfriend.


6. Why doesn’t he want to drive his mom’s car?


7. Why does Ben want a car of his own?


8. Does Ben have any brothers or sisters?


9. What does the family ask for (to eat) at the restaurant?

10. What does Ben eat for dessert?


11. What birthday gift do his parents give him after dessert?

12. What is Ben going to do in El Salvador?


13. Why does he have to do this (what happened)?


14. Did Ben like the birthday gift from his parents?

15. When does he leave for El Salvador?


16. What deal do Ben’s parents make with him (about a car)?

Capítulo dos:
1. Describe the car that Ben’s girlfriend has.

2. How old was she when she got her car?


3. How long is Ben going to be in El Salvador for?


4. What does Ben’s girlfriend say she has to buy over the summer?

5. What does Ben’s girlfriend say she can’t start the new school year without?
Capítulo tres:
1. How did Ben research information about El Salvador (what did he use)?

2. Describe El Salvador (according to Ben’s research).


3. What does Ben want to do during the summer instead of going to El Salvador?

4. Who meets Ben at the airport in El Salvador (what’s his name)?


5. Who is Ben going to stay with during his time in El Salvador?


6. Why couldn’t he understand the man he met at the airport?


7. Where are the people who have no homes living?


8. How long is it going to take to re-build their homes?


9. What did the old lady sell to him on the bus?


10. What kinds of things did Ben notice about El Salvador on the bus trip? Describe stores,
food stands, markets, scenery, etc.

Capítulo cuatro:
1. How long did the trip to San Vicente take?

2. According to the town clock, what time did the storm begin?

3. Where do Mr. and Mrs. Zamora take Ben to eat?


4. What does he compare Mexican food to?


5. Describe what a pupusa is.


6. Describe what the milk is like.

7. How does Mrs. Zamora describe the storm that occurred?

8. How does Ben describe the Zamora’s house?


9. Who is Anabel?

10. Describe Anabel.

11. Describe Rosa.

Capítulo cinco:
1. What were the two surprises awaiting Ben at breakfast?

2. Who were they going to build a house for?


3. Who was Stacy, how long did she stay with the Zamora family for, and why did she leave
so soon?

4. Who did Ben want to work with? Why?


Capítulo seis:
1. What kind of work did Ben have to do?

2. How did he feel by the end of the day?


3. What did Ben say Anabel would be if she lived in the United States? Why?
4. What sport does Ben try to describe to Anabel?

5. What profession does Anabel say she wants to have?


6. Why does this surprise Ben?


7. How does Anabel describe her school?


8. When they returned home, what did Ben and the family eat for dinner?

9. Why was he happy about dinner?


Capítulo siete:
1. How is the Zamora family one of the richest in the town (what luxuries do they have)?

2. Ben does not understand how the people of this town can be so happy. Why is this?

3. “Tú crees que lo sabes todo, Ben Sullivan. Pero no es cierto.” What does Anabel mean
when she says this to Ben and why?

4. Based on the dialogue, what do you think gringo means when Anabel continues to call
Ben one?
5. What are they fighting about?

6. Why is August 6th important to the people of that region (what is celebrated)?
7. How much longer does Ben have to stay in El Salvador?

Capítulo ocho:
1. What new food is being prepared for breakfast due to the special celebration?

2. What activities occur during the festival?


3. Who starts the parade in El Salvador (what people)? How is this different than in the
United States?

4. What food and drinks are served after the parade?


5. While eating, what does Ben discover about the people of El Salvador and how they live
(compared to those in the United States)?

6. What does he observe that solidifies this idea?

7. Why does Ben apologize to Anabel?

8. What does Anabel say she sometimes wants, but doesn’t necessarily need?

Capítulo nueve:
1. Where did Mindy go for the summer? How did she describe it?

2. Why couldn’t Ben talk about his summer to Mindy?


3. Who did Mindy leave with and why?


4. What did Ben go home and do?


Capítulo diez:
1. What was Ben’s problem when his dad was asking him about cars?

2. What does Ben want to do with the money for a new car? How much is it?
3. Why does he decide this?
Mi propio auto
por: Lisa Ray Turner y Blaine Ray

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