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S: hola compañeros como estan

K: hola bien y ustedes?

L: bien compañeros, les cuento una anecdota, ayer fui a ver un partido de futbol.

S: que interesante, que equipos jugaban?

K: creo que jugaba melgar contra universitario

L: exacto! Estuvo muy interesante, me emocione

S: y donde jugaron?

K: yo quiero saber cuando jugaron

L: jugaron en Arequipa y jugaron el domingo pasado

S: excelente, yo fui a ver un partido de voley

K: que equipos jugaron?

S: alianza lima con ayacucho

L: y que paso en el partido?

S: hubo muchas peleas, mucha rivalidad

K: interesante, yo fui a ver una competencia de natacion y no es tan agresiva la competencia

L: quienes fueron los participantes

K: participo joaquin, pedro y matias

S: y de cuantos metros era la competencia

K: la competencia fue de 100 metros libre

L: genial! Uien gano?

K: matias !

S: que suerte, Bueno compañeros me despido

K: un gusto, hasta luego

L: adios
S: hi guys how are you

K: hello good and you?

L: well comrades, I will tell you an anecdote, yesterday I went to see a soccer game.

S: how interesting, what teams were playing?

K: I think he played melgar against university

L: exactly! It was very interesting, I was moved

S: and where did they play?

K: I want to know when they played

L: they played in Arequipa and they played last Sunday

S: excellent, I went to see a volleyball match

K: which teams played?

S: Lima alliance with Ayacucho

L: and what happened in the game?

S: there were many fights, a lot of rivalry

K: interesting, I went to see a swimming competition and the competition is not so aggressive

L: who were the participants

K: Joaquin, Pedro and Matias participated

S: and how many meters was the competition

K: the competition was 100 meter freestyle

L: great! Who won?

K: matías!

S: what luck, well colleagues I say goodbye

K: a pleasure, see you later

L: bye

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