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E: Hi, Valeria, how are you?

R: Hey Rolinston, I'm good.

V: Did you watch the Pan American Games? They were awesome.

R: It was amazing. A nice sporting experience. I'm so excited for the Olympics.

V: Tell me, what happened in this year's Pan Americans?

R: Lots of countries from America joined in different sports like running, archery, judo,
weightlifting, tennis, surfing, gymnastics, and more. It was the first time I saw so many sports
in a short time.

V: The internet really helps.

V: Remind me when it happened?

R: It was in the second half of this year, from October 20th to November 5th.

V: I loved the gymnastics. It's been a while.

R: By the way, where were the Pan American Games?

V: They were in Santiago, Chile. Peru got 10 gold medals. I watched comfortably from my

R: Nice to see them winning in different sports.

R: How did it end?

V: The United States finished on top with the most medals. I enjoyed it a lot.

V: Why was it the best experience?

R: It was great because we learned about new sports and what it takes to win a gold medal.

R: How did you feel?

V: Very excited about all the different sports.

R: Me too.

V: Awesome.

R: See you later Valeria

V: See you later Rolinston

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