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Martina De Peira

Human Paladin level 3

Str 12 (45lbs), Dex 11 , Con 15 (+1/90%/94%) , Int 11 (2) , Wis 14 , Cha 17 (10/+6/+6)
AL: LG, HP: 26, AC: 4 (5 without shield), THAC0: 18, Deity: Lathander
Languages: Common, Giant, Orc
(Starting money : 500gp (-10% given to church)= 450gp
Medium Warhorse (AC 7, HD 2+2, HP: 13, THAC0 19, 1d6/1d6)
Medium Horse Lance (1d6+1/2d6, SF 7, double damage with charging mount), 
Lucern Hammer (2d4/1d6, SF 9, double damage when set to receive charge),
Broadsword (2d4/1d6+1, SF 5),
Dagger (1d4/1d3, SF 2)
Light Crossbow with 20 light quarrels (1d4/1d4, 60-120-18, SF 7, ROF 1)
Chain Mail Armor, Leather Armor, Great Helmet, Medium Shield, Backpack, Iron Rations (7
days), torches (×5), flint & steel, large sack, holy symbol of Lathander, rope (50'), grappling
hook, tent, bedroll, waterskin
Treasure: 60gp, 3sp. 
SS: Scribe
NWP: Swimming (Str), Riding (Wis+3), Etiquette (Cha), Animal Lore (Int)
WP: Lance, Lucern Hammer, Broadsword, Dagger, Light Crossbow (if specialization is allowed
remove dagger and add specialization to Broadsword)

Class Abilities: 
Detect evil intent (60', concentration)
+2 to saves (calculated below)
Immune to disease 
Lay On Hands (6hp, 1/day)
Cure Disease (1/week)
Aura of Protection (10'radius, -1 to attack rolls of evil creatures)
Turn Undead and Fiends: Skeleton or 1HD-10/Zombie-13/Ghoul or 2HD-16/Shadow or 3-
4HD -19/Wight or 5HD-20
Saving Throws: PPDM: 11, RSW: 13, PP: 12, BW: 14, S:14


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