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GOAL PROGRAM SOURCE Responsible Neede Timetable Comments

Evangelization and Vocation Promotion Online
To experience Christ and OMG! Word of God Daily? I like the idea of focusing on
witness the power of prayer Online Missionary of focused on Psalms, it’s something
through daily reading of, Goodness Psalms unusual and catchy
praying to and reflecting on the Tanaga ng Daily Gospel Daily? There are already many daily
Word of God and celebrate His Pananampalataya Gospel Commentaries… How
Goodness. to make it different, “our”?
If it’s daily, it is a big
Monthly GIG (God is With Monthly Like… a person choosing a
Good) personal song and giving her/his
30-Minute Faith Testimony testimony?
Cyber-Catechism for Marian Devotion and Spirituality of Stewardship
To know and understand Livestream – Mass and Monthly Monthly Hmm maybe we could do not
Christianity, the faith, the Rosary (Family, program so much mass but like Liturgy
importance of prayer and Scriptural, Marian promoting of the Word where even one of
devotion, and appreciate Songs) devotion the sisters could share about
sharing God’s message in the the Gospel
Holy Scripture as stewards of Music Video – Promoting How about prayer workshop
His creation. animation songs, creative ways in parts? Like “school of
praise and worship of praying prayer”?
Youtube – short films Inspiring Kind of reels? Maybe we
stories could focus it on human
relationships or personal
Palau and Carmelite Mission Introduction
To inspire by sharing the life, SKL (Share Ko Lang) Life of
works and mission of Francisco Palau, his
Palau through proactive quotations
participation in the life of the and prayers
community shared in social DIY (You can also be a Saint of the In what form?
media. saint) Day Saint of Carmel or any Saint
of the Day?
TIKTALK (Teens in Teens
Karmel Talk) visiting
and asking
about our life

Other personal comments:

- The CMT “brand” I think is clear, we call it “4 AXES OF MISSION”and this is how we define our BEING MISSION:
We are women and men who recognize ourselves the Church, Body of Christ; understanding Her as God and
humanity in inseparable union. This conscience calls us to be mission.
TO ANNOUNCE: the beauty of every human being so that they may discover themselves as a living image of the
Church and member of her mystical body.
TO CREATE COMMUNION wherever we may be, living a style of relationships that recreates and makes visible
the mystery of the Trinitarian communion. Our purpose is to construct universal fraternity.
TO LISTEN AND RESPOND in total availability to the most urgent needs of the Church, especially in the
TO RESTORE AND LIBERATE the wounded body of the Church, which commits us to restoring of the beauty of
every human being wherever it is veiled.

- I agree on the role of MILPA but… we need to consider that not everyone (not every sister, not every lay partner, not every member of youth) is
a “media personality”. To make it well, we need to count on professionals. Besides, in my experience, to prepare all the materials for posting in
social media takes a lot of time, skills, effort, ideas… My greatest doubt is where to find people who will be willing to commit to all that for real
and for a long period of time.
- I presented it to sister Gloria, she liked it a lot and animated us to go for it. When can we meet online with all people you think can get
committed in this project to start making it concrete? The collaboration with Pastoral of Vocation Teem is key, also involvement of the youth.

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