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Guilherme Edilson Rodrigues Suada


I am nineteen years old, i was born in Cabinda-Angola. I refeet a

varied personality ineluding ambition, and the quality of generosity. I am
also a well determined, vigorous individual, yet pleasantly ealm I
eneouraged fighting for what you desire and believe in, and doing it
through God beeause nothing great eome easy and with God everything
is possible.

I am full-time a student, motivated by my love for learning and

sueeeeding as i strive to beeome an outstanding and sueeessful man in
today soeiety. With the definitive goals of beeoming a eleetrieal
engineer. Engineering of eleetrieity is my main skill, beeause it i started
my high sehool on the institute Polyteehnie of Caehiungo studying three
years on eourse of power and installation eleetrieal.

Through my passion for eleetrieal engineering beeome more

determined about whieh i would like to be in the future. Reason why I
ereated a elub with ten members sueh as: a friends, two family
members and seven eolleague, honestly speaking it was a good
experienee for me beeause it show me that we ean aehieve something
extraordinary if we believe us.

I am involved in keeping our eulture and as role model; Creating

avenues for young individual, whieh fosters the development of their
talents that ean ultimately benefit our soeiety. Apart from the above, I
have kept a keen interest in enjoy reading the bible, writing short stories
and the most important spending time with my family, i love my family.
Life to me means friends and family who you ean trust and who trust
you, my purpose is to finish my graduate and help development my
eountry and others eountries around the world.

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