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1. The Life Of Guava

– basic info about this plant (it’s history, size, etc.)
– its chemical properties
– its benefits, crucially in using for mosquito repellent

2. Shea Butter’s Moisturizing Power

– what is shea butter?
– chemical properties
– it’s benefits, crucially in using for mosquito repellent

3. Aroma: Sandalwood
– what is Sandalwood
– chemical properties
– it’s benefits, crucially in using for mosquito repellent

4. Debunking Humidity and Concentration of a substance

1st para
– What is humidity?
– discuss how humidity takes place in the life of mosquitoes
2nd para
– what is concentration?
– provide an example how concentration works.

5. Mosquitos and It’s Opponent

– dig deeper onto the severity of a mosquito bite in human life
– discuss the concept of mosquito repellent


1. The Life Of Guava in The Philippines

– insert a short filipino perspective of guavas, then, discuss its status in our country
– what are the ways of Filipinos in taking advantage of this plant (paano ginagsmit ng mga

2. Filipinos’ take towards Shea Butter

– Filipinos’ utilization of Shea butter
– what are the local products that possess this ingredient
– What are the takes of Filipinos towards shea butter

3. History of Sandalwood in The Philippines

– discuss the history. use the reference na I’ll provide. nasa 1 to 5th paragraph ‘yong nung
– discuss sandalwood oil
– discuss the most common product, which is sandalwood incense

4. The Philippines is Hot

– what is the humidity status in the Philippines?
– Why is the Philippines is so humid?

5. The Varying Catered Mosquito Repellents in The Philippine Market

– what is mosquito repellent?
– What are the local mosquito repellent
– What is/are the most purchased product?

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