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Annual Syllabus

Session: 2023-24
Subject: Science



FOOD Ch-2 Microorganisms :  Identify different types of 1. To observe drops of pond water
Friends And Foe : microorganisms (both unicellular and under microscope.
 Microorganisms multicellular) 2. Observe the prepared slides of
 Major groups of Microorganisms.
microorganisms and their  Classify useful and 3. Pull out a gram/bean plant from the
living place harmfulmicroorganisms. field and to study its root nodules.
 Microorganisms and us  Explore the role of micro organisms
 Harmful Microorganisms inlife. Activities suggested in Pragati
 Food Preservation  Asks questions and lead to
 Nitrogen Fixation Refer to worksheet no.1-9,23-24
investigations like how do vegetables
 Nitrogen cycle
or food items get spoiled.
 Investigate various diseases caused
bymicroorganisms (symptoms and its
prevention ).
 Apply learning of scientific
conceptsin daily life (what helps in
Aligned Chapter:- making curd? How does food go
 Class VII: - Nutrition in  Investigate the use of salt and sugar
Plants. in preserving Pickles and jams.
 Class VI: - Living
Organisms and their
MATERIAL CH-3 Coal and Petroleum  Identify and classify materials 1. To make a list of various materials
Inexhaustible and Exhaustible used by us in daily life and classify
 Properties of Inexhaustible Natural Resources on the basis of them as natural and man-
and Exhaustible Natural their properties and limits. made.(NCERT Activity 5.1)
Resources.  To know the meaning, process of 2. To study the places in the map of
 Properties and types of formation,and types,and uses of India where coal,petroleum,natural
Fossil fuels; Coal and fossil fuels. gas are found and where petroleum
Petroleum, Natural gas.  Apply learning of scientific refineries are situated.
 Constituents of petroleum concepts in day to day life using 3. To study the ways of consuming and
and their uses. appropriate coal and petroleum conserving of energy resources like
 Refining of petroleum. products for various purposes. coal, gas, electricity, petrol, kerosene
 Ways of saving  Apply learning of scientific etc.
petrol/diesel. concepts in day to day life using 4. To study the location (with reasons) of
 Some natural resources are appropriate ways for conserving major thermal power plants in India.
limited. energy resources. 5. Listing of materials into natural and
man-made which are required for our
basic needs as fuel (activity 5.1).
6. With the help of activity 5.2. Find out
how exhaustible resources are
reducing in amount.
❖ Activities suggested in Pragati-5

HOW CH-10 Sound  To know the meaning, process of 1. To make a list of musical
THINGS formation of sound by musical instruments,note down the parts of
WORK  Meaning and properties instruments. these instruments that vibrate to
of Sound.
 To identify the properties of sound produce sound.
 Process of production of
Sound by a vibrating body. like Frequency, Oscillation, 2. To make a list of famous musicians
 Process of production of Amplitude, loudness, pitch, etc. and the instruments they play.
sound by Humans.  To know thefunctions of Human 3. To identify the sources of noise
 Medium of propagation body parts in the formation and pollution in your locality and make a
of Sound. hearing of sound. Suggestive list how to control noise
 Process of hearing of  To find out the sources, impacts, of pollution.
sound by our ears.
Noise pollution and the ways to 4. To learn the sign language for
 Audible and Inaudible
sounds. control it. communicating effectively with
 Noise and music children having hearing impairment.
 Noise pollution:  Apply learning of scientific 5. To make a list of range of audible
Sources, harms, and its concepts of sound like sources, frequencies for various animals and
measures. loudness, and its harmful and the loudness in decibel for various
useful impact in day to day life.
sound producing sources.
6. To make a toy telephone to know
that how sound can travel through
strings (NCERT Activity 13.14) and
to understand the action of ear drum
by plastic can stretched with rubber
balloon and containing five grains of
dry cereal in it. (NCERT Activity
 The above mentioned syllabus is to be completed by 15thSeptember, 2023.
 Revision of syllabus for Mid Term Examination.
 The above said syllabus is for the assessment purpose and remaining topics/chapters
may be taught as Subject Learning Enrichment.



HOW CH-11 Chemical effects of 1. To test the conduction of electricity 1. Identify liquids on the basis of
THINGS Electric Current through various fruits, vegetables, conductivity as electrical conductors or
WORK  Do liquids conduct wood piece, metal piece and insulators.
electricity? display your result in tabular form 2. Conduct simple investigation to seek
 Chemical effects of electric (Good Conductor/Bad Conductor). the answer for queries like why acids,
currents. bases and salts conduct electricity? And
 Electroplating and its uses. 2. To study the phenomenon of why do we get shock when we touch
electroplating by simple circuit. electric appliance with wet hands?
 Good conductors and bad 3. Explain the process of Chemical effects
conductors of electricity. of electric current.
Aligned Chapter:- 4. Apply learning of scientific concepts in
 Class VII:-Electric Current day to day life of depositing a layer of
and its Effects. any desired metal on another material
 Class VI: - Electricity and by electroplating.
Circuits. 5. Activities suggested in Pragati-5.

CH-13 Light  To differentiate between regular 1.To verify laws of reflection of light.
and irregular reflection. 2.To study the structure of eye with the
NATURAL  What makes things visible  Conduct simple investigations to help of a chart/model.
 Laws of reflection, seek answer to queries whether 3.To make your own Kaleidoscope.
 Regular and diffused angle of incidence is equal angle of
reflection multiple reflection? Activities suggested in Pragati
reflection  Explain the process for the
 Reflected light can be formation of multiple images. Refer to worksheet no.19-25
reflected again.  Explain with the help of self drawn
 Multiple Images labeled diagram the structure of
 Sunlight-,white or colored, eye.
 What is inside Our Eyes?
 (human eye-structure
 Care of the Eyes
 Visually challenged persons
can read and write.
 What is the Braille system?
Aligned Chapter:-
 Class VII: - Light.
 Class VI: - Light Shadows
and Reflection.

The World CH-6 Reproduction In  Classify organism based on asexual 1. To study the various modes of asexual
of the Animals and sexual mode of reproduction. reproduction in Hydra and Amoeba
Living  Explain process of Reproduction in (with the help of permanent slides)
 Modes of reproduction human and animals. 2. To study the life cycle of frog/mosquito
 Sexual Reproduction  Identify between viviparous and with the help of a chart/model.
(male reproductive organs,
female reproductive organs oviparous animals on the basis of Activities suggested in Pragati
and fertilization) egg laying or baby birth.
 Development of embryo,  Explain with the help of self drawn Refer to worksheet no. 26-33
 Viviparous and oviparous labeled diagram/flow chart of
animals. human reproductive organ.
 Young to adults
 Asexual reproduction by
budding and binary fission

Aligned Chapter:-

 Class VII: Reproduction in

 Class VI: - Living
Organisms and their
FOOD CH-1 Crop Production and  Identify and classify various types 1. To study the steps of basic agricultural
management of Crops as Kharif and Rabi based practices used for growing any type of
 Crops and their types, on the season in which they grow. crops.
and the related climatic 2. To prepare an experiment for growing
conditions.  Identify various types of climatic (germination of moong or gram seeds)
 Basic Agricultural conditions for the growth of crops seedlings with manure and fertilizer.
Practices for crop based on the region in which they (NCERT Activity 1.2).
production. grow. 3. To make a list some important food and
 Manure and Fertilizers:  To understand the basic their sources from which they
as nutrient substances for obtain.(NCERT Activity 1.3).
agricultural activities involved in
crops. 4. To make a list some important types of
 Crop Rotation-for cultivation of crops.
Kharif and Rabi Crops.
different types of crops  To classify and identify and 5. To sow some seeds in the soil and
growing alternatively. differentiate the properties of arrange to water them by drip irrigation,
 Weeds, weedicides. and observe daily to note down the
various manmade and natural
 Storage of grains and
nutrients for the healthy growth of changes in the seed.
Animal Husbandry.
plants. 6. Collect different types of seeds and put
them in small bags and label each of
 To understand the importance of
crop rotation for the replenishment 7. To collect pictures/draw diagrams of
of the soil with nitrogen. various agricultural tools or machines.
Aligned Chapter:-  To understand the ways of 8. To draw pictures of various methods of
protecting the main crops from irrigation
❖ Activities suggested in Pragati-5
undesirable plants in the field.
Class VII:
 Show awareness for using
CH-16 Water:A Precious resources judiciously like making
Resource. controlled use of fertilizers and
 Apply learning of scientific
concepts in daily life, eg.
Increasing of crop production(in
kitchen garden ).

Moving CH-8 Forces And Pressure  Identify various types of forces by 1. To study various types of forces and
Things, giving examples from daily life. their impacts.
People and  Force – a push or a pull 2. To study the relation between force and
 Understand the reason how force
Ideas.  Forces are due to an motion in daily life experiences.
interaction arises due to interaction between 3. To observe the forces of attraction and
 Exploring forces. two objects. repulsion between two types of a bar
 A force can change the  Investigate the effect of force on magnet.
state-of motion speed and direction of moving 4. To study the dependence of pressure on
 Force can change the shape objects. area.
of an object , direction and 5. To study increase in pressure exerted by
 Differentiate between contact and
speed of an object the liquids at the greater depths.
 Contact forces non Contact forces.
 Non- contact forces  Identify and demonstrate the Activities suggested in Pragati
 Pressure relation between force, area and
 Pressure exerted by liquids pressure. Refer to worksheet no.34-37
and gases.  Conduct simple investigation to
 Atmospheric pressure
seek answer to queries e.g. Do
liquids exert pressure at same
 To investigate on like what
happens when we push or pull
anything? or why needles are made
pointed ?

 The above mentioned syllabus is to be completed by the 31st January, 2024.
 Revision of syllabus for Annual Examination.
 Whole syllabus will be evaluated in the Annual Examination.
 The above said syllabus is for the assessment purpose and remaining topics/chapters may be taught
as Subject Learning Enrichment.

Annual Exam 2024

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