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1 The common name of Aconite is
2 Aconite belongs to the family
3 Predicts the day he will die
4 Indicated in congestive stage of inflammation before localization has taken place
5 Common name of Aethusa is
6 Family of Aethusa is
7 For children who cannot bear milk in any form,it is vomited in large curds
8 Epileptic spasms with clenched thumbs eyes turned dowmwords
9 Expression of great anxiety and pain on face with marked linea nasalis
10 Allium cepa belongs to the family
11 Cough compells the patient to grasp larynx
12 Colic from Cucumbers
13 Profuse watery acrid nasal discharge with bland lachrymation
14 Aloe belongs to the family
15 Diarrhoea with want of security at anal sphincter with jelly like lump of mucus
16 Haemorrhoids blue like bunch of grapes
17 Headache alternates with lumbago
18 Irresistable desire to talk in rhymes or repeat verses
19 Gastric complaints from overeating,a thick milky white coating on the tongue
20 Large horny corns on soles of feet,very sensitive on walking esp on stone pavements
21 Longing for acids and pickles
22 Large collection of mucus in the bronchi,nothing comes out
23 Extraordinary craving for apples
24 Great sleepiness or irresistable desire to sleep with all complaints
25 For bad effects of vaccination when Thuja fails and Siicea is not indicated
26 Asphyxia neonatoum ,Relieves Death Rattle
27 Remedy for widows,children and girls who become awkward and dropthings from hands
28 Bag like puffy swelling under the eyes
29 Dropsy with Thirstlessness
30 Urine scanty high coloured,loaded with casts,Last drop burns
31 Diarrhoea involuntary from every motion,as though anus has remained wide open
32 Indicated in emaciated withered dried up old looking patients,Emaciation in lower limbs
33 Diarrhoea green like chopped spinach from eating candy or sugar
34 Opthalmia Neonatorum
35 Apprehension when getting ready for church or opera ,diarrhoea sets in
36 Nervous anxious hurried impulsive,Time passes too slowly
37 Chronic laryngitis in singers, high notes cause cough
38 Arnica belongs to the family
39 Common name of Arnica is
40 bad effects of mechanical injuries from blunt instruments,Contusions,Concussions
41 Everything he lies on seems to be very hard
42 Constipation with ribbon like stools from enlarged prostate or retroverted uterus
43 Says there is nothing the matter with him
44 Unconsciousness,When spoken answers correctly
45 Bryonia Alba belongs to family
46 All complaints >complete rest,lying on affected side and <least motion
47 Excessive dryness of mucus membranes with thirst for large quantities of water at large intervals
48 Delirium, constantly talks of business,desires to get out of bed and go home
49 Headache fron ironing,sun and constipation

Rockstar Pandya

Monkshood Leopard's Bane Indian Turnip Marigold A

Papaveraceae Compositae Ranunculaceae Coniferae C
Aconite Baptitia Lycopodium Nux Vomica A
Silicea Cina Calendula Aconite D
Fool's Parsley Leopard's Bane Monkshood Indian turnip A
Umbelliferae Compositae Ranunculaceae Coniferae A
Aethusa Chamomilla Cina Ipecac A
Aethusa Nux Vomica Cina Chamomilla A
Aethusa Calcarea Carb Gelsemium Nux Vomica A
Liliaceae Compositae Papaveraceae Ranunculaceae A
Allium Cepa Bryonia Hepar Sulph Spongia A
Nux Vomica Colocynth Allium Cepa Dulcamara C
Euphrasia Allium Cepa Arsenicum album Dulcamara B
Liliaceae Compositae Ranunculaceae Solanaceae A
Aloes Nux Vomica Dulcamara Arsenicum Alb A
Nux Vomica Lycopodium Sulphur Aloes D
Bryonia Nux Vomica Aloes Thuja C
Pulsatilla Antim crud Antim Tart Natrum Mur B
Bryonia Nux Vomica Antim Tart Antim Crud D
Antim Crud Sulphur Silicea Calc Carb A
Nux Vomica Pulsatilla Antim Crud Calc Carb C
Antim Tart Lycopodium Arsenicum album Ipecac A
Lycopodium Antim Tart Pulsatilla Argentum Nitricum B
Argentum Nitricum Pulsatilla Antim Tart Nux Vomica C
Antim Tart Sulphur Nux Vomica Calc Carb A
Ipecac Arsenic Alb Antim Tart Antim Crud C
Pusatilla Apis Mel Natrum Mur Silicea B
Apis Mel Bryonia Calendula Pulsatilla A
Apis Mel Bryonia Antim Tart Pulsatilla A
Apis Mel Lycopodium Hepar Sulph Bryonia A
Aloes Apis Mel Nux Vomica Pulsatilla B
Argentum Nitricum Lycopodium Calcarea Carb Silicea A
Argentum Nitricum Lycopodium Nux Vomica Calc Carb A
Antim Tart Argentum Nitricum Hepar Sulph Silicea B
Nux Vomica Lycopodium Argentum Nitricum Gelsemium C
Nux Vomica Sulphur Argentum Nitricum Silicea C
Argentum Nitricum Arum triphylum Hepar Sulph Bryonia A
Compositae Ranunculaceae Solanaceae Papaveraceae A
Leopard's Bane Bitter sweet Marigold Poison Nut A
Arnica Montana Bellis Per Calendula Hypericum A
Arnica Montana Rhus Tox Bryonia Symphytum A
Arnica Montana Nux Vomica Lycopodium Silicea A
Arnica Montana Nux Vomica Argentum Nitricum Arsenicum Alb A
Arnica Montana Baptitia Nux Vomica Sulphur A
Cucurbitaceae Compositae Ranunculaceae Solanaceae A
Bryonia Rhus Tox Arsenicum album Arnica A
Bryonia Arsenic Alb Lycopodium Apis Mel A
Nux Vomica Lycopodium Arsenicum album Bryonia D
Nux Vomica Bryonia Natrum Mur Gelsemium D

Rockstar Pandya
50 Mammae heavy,of stony hardness,must support the breast
51 Diarrhoea during hot spell of weather,<morning,on moving even a hand or foot
52 Cough dry with stIitches in chest,hold the chest while coughing
53 Feels complaints more when thinking about them
54 Fistula in ano alternating with chest complaints
55 Chamomilla belongs to family
56 Peevish irritable children during dentition,quiet only when carried
57 Pains unendurable,drives to despair
58 Piteous moaning of child because he can not have what he wants
59 Diarrhoea with stools greenlike chopped eggs and spinach,during dentition
60 Worm seed is common name of
61 Cross irritable child wants to be carried but carrying does not give any releif
62 Canine hunger craving for sweet and different things,refuses milk
63 Urine turbid when passed,tunrs milky and semisolid after standing
64 Children suffering from worms,With one cheek red and other pale
65 Cinchona belongs to family
66 Intermittent fever,paroxysm anticipated from two or three hours every attack
67 Excessive flatulence of stomach and bowels,Belching gives no relief
68 A/f loss of vital fluids esp Haemorrhages,Malaria
69 Meadow Saffron is common name of
70 A/F grief or misdeed of others
71 Smell painfully acute,nausea and fainting from odour of cooking food esp fish eggs and fat meat
72 Autumnal dysentry,Discharges from bowels contain shreddy particles,scrapings of intestines
73 Urine dark suppressed Inky black
74 Squrting Cucumber is common name of
75 Agonising pain in abdomen causing patient to bend double
76 Affections from anger with indignation-Colic,vomting,diarrhoea,suppression of menses
77 Dulcamara belongs to the family
78 Catarrhal ischuria in grown up children with milky urine from wading with bare feet in cold water
79 Warts fleshy large,on faceor back of hands and fingers
80 Indicated in affections of people living or working indamp cold basement,milk dairy,ice factory
81 Eye bright is common name of
82 Menses painful regular but lasting only one hour
83 Profuse acrid lachrymation with profuse bland coryza
84 Ipecac belongs to the family
85 In all diseases with constant nausea not better by vomiting,clean tongue and thirstlessness
86 Haemorrhges bright red from all orifices active or passive
87 Whooping cough,child looses breath,with gagging and vomiting of mucus and bleeding from mouth
88 Marsh Tea is common name of
89 Haemorrhage in anterior chamber of eye after iridectomy
90 Pains only >when holding feet in ice water
91 Rheumatism or gout begins in lower limbs and ascends
92 Affects left shoulder and right hip joint
93 Long remaining discolouration after injuries,black and blue places become green,Punctured wounds with
sharp pointed insruments
94 Pains colicky or neuralgic, sharp shooting Lightening esp on right side>HeatHard pressure
95 Humid asthma in children with greenish sputum and dyspnoea <5AM
96 Depressed lively music makes her sad,must use great self control to prevent shooting herself
97 Mental effects from injuries to head,chronic brain effects of blows falls
98 Tongue mapped,with red insular patches,sensation of hair on tongue
99 Headache;anaemic of school girls,from sunrise to sunset,Throbbing>perspiration
100 Marked disposition to weep,but consolation from others<her complaints

Rockstar Pandya
Pulsatilla Calcarea Carb Bryonia Silicea C
Bryonia Chamomilla Nux Vomica Lycopodium A
Bryonia Drossera Spongia Silicea A
Pulsatilla Nux Vomica Natrum Mur Calcarea Phos D
Calcarea Phos Lycopodium Drossera Sulphur A
Compositae Solanaceae Cucurbitaceae Loganaceae A
Aethusa Cina Chamomilla Calcarea Phos C
Chamomilla Cina Bryonia Mag Phos A
Chamomilla Cina Nux Vomica Aethusa A
Chamomilla Cina Aethusa Silicea A
Chamomilla Cina Nux Vomica Ipecac B
Cina Chamomilla Calcarea Carb Nux Vomica A
Aethusa Calcarea Carb Chamomilla Cina D
Apis Mel Cina Sulphur Lycopodium B
Sulphur Cina Chamomilla Aethusa B
Rubiaceae Compositae Solanaceae Ranunculaceae A
Cinchona Apis Mel Natrum Mur Aconite A
Cinchona Nux Vomica Sulphur Aloes A
Cinchona Ipecac Pulsatilla Baptitia A
Colchicum Colocynth Cinchona Calendula A
Nux Vomica Lycopodium Colocynth Colchicum D
Ipecac Nux Vomica Colchicum Lycopodium C
Nux Vomica Lycopodium Colchicum Arsenicum Alb C
Apis Mel Lycopodium Colchicum Baptisia C
Colocynth Aethusa Ledum pal Dulcamara A
Lycopodium Nux Vomica Pulsatilla Colocynth D
Pulsatilla Nux Vomica Colocynth Sulphur C
Solanaceae Compositae Ranunculaceae Liliaceae A
Apis Mel Dulcamara Rhus Tox Colchicum B
Dulcamara Silicea Sulphur Antim Tart A
Dulcamara Sulphur Natrum Mur Lycopodium A
Euphrasia Allium Cepa Ipecac Ledum Pal A
Euphrasia Silicea Calcarea Carb Ferrum Phos A
Euphrasia Allium Cepa Arsenicum album Dulcamara A
Rubiaceae Solanaceae Ranunculaceae Compositaea A
Ipecac Nux Vomica Lycopodium Antim Crud A
Ipecac Arnica Calendula Cinchona A
Ipecac Bryonia Antim Tart Hepar Sulph A
Ledum Pal Colocynth Dulcamara Cinchona A
Ledum Pal Ipecac Bellis parensis Cinchona A
Ledum Pal Arsenic Alb Rhus Tox Bryonia A
Ledum Pal Ruta Rhus Tox Bryonia A
Ledum Pal Ruta Rhus Tox Bryonia A
Ledum Pal Arnica Bellis parensis Rhus tox A

Mag Phos Colchicum Aconite Pulsatilla A

Natrum Sulph Antim Tart Ipecac Hepar Sulph A
Pulsatilla Nux Vomica Natrum Sulph Argentum Nitricum C
Ruta Symphytum Bellis parensis Natrum Sulph D
Natum Mur Natrum Phos Natrum Sulph Nux Vomica A
Natrum Mur Bryonia Nux Vomica Lycopodium A
Natrum Mur Pulsatilla Silicea Argentum Nitricum A

Rockstar Pandya
101 Remedy for bad effects of anger,bread quinine,excessive use of salts,Grief,Reserved displeasure
102 Fever blisters like pearls about the lips
103 Craving of salt with great aversion to bread
104 Dreams of robbers in house,on waking will not believe to the contrary unless search is made
105 Intermittent fever with paroxysm at 10 to 11 AM,esp after suppression of quinine
106 Poison Nut is common name of
107 Adapted to thin irritable zealous persons who are disposed to be quarrelsome,spiteful,malicious
108 Oversensetive to external impressions;noise,light,music,every harmless word;Get easily excited
109 Convulsions with cosciousness
110 If I could only vomit I would be so much better,Ineffectual urge
111 Bad effects of worry,brandy,coffee,drugs,night watching,high living
112 Backache,must sit up or turnover in bed
113 Can not keep from falling asleep in evening and awakes at 3-4 AM
114 Poison Oak is common name of
115 Rhus Tox belongs to the family
116 <Cold wet rainy weather,night,Getting wet,Rest,Initial motion
117 Red triangular tip of tongue
118 Dreams of great exertion like rowing,swimming,working hard at his daily occupation
119 A/F spraining straining,overlifting,stretching,lying on damp grounds
120 Rheumatism with pains as if muscles or tendons were torn from attachments,as if bones were scraped
with knife
121 Indicated for constitutions which suffer from deficient nutrition due to imperfect assimilation
122 A/F suppressed foot sweat,bad effects of vaccination,exposure to draft of cold air

Rockstar Pandya
Natrum Mur Nux Vomica Lycopodium Calcarea Carb A
Natrum Mur Aconite Bryonia Apis Mel A
Natrum Mur Lycopodium Nux Vomica Argentum Nitricum A
Natrum Mur Argentum Nitricum Arsenicum album Silicea A
Natrum Mur Aconite Bryonia Ipecac A
Rhus Tox Colocynth Nux Vomica Dulcamara C
Nux Vomica Lycopodium Calcarea Carb Arsenicum Alb A
Silicea Antim Crud Nux Vomica Arsenicum Alb C
Cina Chamomilla Nux Vomica Aethusa C
Nux Vomica Ipecac Arsenicum album Antim Crud A
Nux Vomica Lycopodium Arsenicum album Thuja A
Rhus Tox Bellis Per Nux Vomica Pulsatilla C
Nux Vomica Pulsatilla Gelsemium Calcarea Carb A
Rhus Tox Nux Vomica Colocynth Dulcamara A
Loganiaceae Cucurbitaceae Solanaceae Anacardiaceae D
Bryonia Rhus Tox Nux Vomica Silicea B
Rhus Tox Apis Mel Natrum Mur Dulcamara A
Rhus Tox Bryonia Lycopodium Nux Vomica A
Rhus Tox Ledum Pal Arnica Bellis Perensis A
Rhus Tox Arnica Hypericum Ledum Pal A

Silicea Calcarea Carb Lycopodium Argentum Nitricum A

Lycopodium Arsenic Alb Gelsemium Silicea D

Rockstar Pandya

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