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口语题库说明 ................................................................................................................. 5

1.如何使用口语题库? ................................................................................................... 5

2.2023 年 5~8 月题库什么时候会更新完?在哪里可以获取? .................................... 6

Part1 ...............................................................................................................................7

Part1 新题 ...................................................................................................................... 8

Teachers .........................................................................................................................9
Wild animals ...................................................................................................................9
Bags ............................................................................................................................... 9
Day off ............................................................................................................................9
Rain ................................................................................................................................9
Favorite day ................................................................................................................... 9
Friends ......................................................................................................................... 10
Fixing things .................................................................................................................10
Concentration ...............................................................................................................10
lce cream ..................................................................................................................... 10
Dream .......................................................................................................................... 10
Language ..................................................................................................................... 10
Health ........................................................................................................................... 11
Riding a bike ................................................................................................................ 11
The city you live in ....................................................................................................... 11

Part1 旧题 .................................................................................................................... 12

Staying up late ............................................................................................................. 13

Music ............................................................................................................................13
Schools ........................................................................................................................ 13
Chocolate .....................................................................................................................13
Small businesses .........................................................................................................13
The space and the stars .............................................................................................. 14
Jewelry ......................................................................................................................... 14
Weekends .................................................................................................................... 14
T-shirts ......................................................................................................................... 14
Keys ............................................................................................................................. 14
Being happy ................................................................................................................. 14
Libraries ....................................................................................................................... 15
Art .................................................................................................................................15
The area you live in ..................................................................................................... 15
Work/Studies ................................................................................................................15
Hometown ....................................................................................................................16
Home/Accommodation ................................................................................................ 16
Part2&3 ........................................................................................................................ 17

Part2&3 新题 ................................................................................................................18

迷路 .............................................................................................................................. 19

喜欢穿的衣服 ............................................................................................................... 19

和小孩相处的时刻 ........................................................................................................ 20

得到错误信息的时刻 .................................................................................................... 20

最近搬家的人 ............................................................................................................... 21

童年趣事 .......................................................................................................................21

未来想去的遥远地方 .................................................................................................... 22

受欢迎的人 ................................................................................................................... 22

有用的发明 ................................................................................................................... 23

新开的商店 ................................................................................................................... 23

让你失望的电影 ............................................................................................................24

童年游戏 .......................................................................................................................24

演讲经历 .......................................................................................................................25

多次阅读的书 ............................................................................................................... 25

印象深刻的汽车旅行 .................................................................................................... 26

想尝试的冒险 ............................................................................................................... 26

乐于助人的人 ............................................................................................................... 27

有趣工作 .......................................................................................................................27

理想房子/公寓 .............................................................................................................. 28

传统节日 .......................................................................................................................28
爱看的体育运动 ............................................................................................................29

存钱买贵重礼物 ............................................................................................................29

重要决定 .......................................................................................................................30

想尝试的水上运动 ........................................................................................................ 30

人山人海之地 ............................................................................................................... 31

Part2&3 旧题 ................................................................................................................32

想了解更多的历史 ........................................................................................................ 33

不寻常的一顿饭 ............................................................................................................33

想短暂停留的城市 ........................................................................................................ 34

难用的科技产品 ............................................................................................................34

常用网站 .......................................................................................................................36

派对里交谈甚欢的人 .................................................................................................... 36

家里舒服的某处地方 .................................................................................................... 37

跟别人一起做事的经历 .................................................................................................37

开学的第一天 ............................................................................................................... 38

喜欢的演员 ................................................................................................................... 38

教朋友或亲戚的时刻 .................................................................................................... 39

年轻时的空闲活动 ........................................................................................................ 39

别人的好消息 ............................................................................................................... 40

迟到 .............................................................................................................................. 40

收到急需品的时刻(收到很想要的东西的时刻) ........................................................ 41

见过的有趣的老人 ........................................................................................................ 41
完成骄傲的事 ............................................................................................................... 42

住所附近的变化 ............................................................................................................42

去过的一个空气不好的地方 ......................................................................................... 43

去过的一个嘈杂地方 .................................................................................................... 43

想要一起工作/学习的人 ................................................................................................44

投诉并得到满意结果 .................................................................................................... 44

以后想学习的事情 ........................................................................................................ 45

一个享受的生活习惯 .................................................................................................... 45

不喜欢的广告 ............................................................................................................... 46



适用于 5-8 月雅思考生
Part1 新题


2023 年 5-8 月


1.Do you want to be a teacher in the future?

2.Do you remember one of your teachers?
3.Do you have a favorite teacher?
4.Do you think teachers are different now than the past?

Wild animals

1.Are there wild animals in your country?

2.Have you ever been to a zoo or a safari park?
3. What is the animal you would like to see in the wild?
4.Are there TV programs about wild animals in your country?


1.Do you usually carry a bag?

2.What kinds of bags do you like to carry?
3.Do you change your bags often?
4.When you were young, did you have a school bag?

Day off

1.When was the last time you had a few days off?
2.What do you usually do when you have days off?
3.Do you usually spend your days off with your parents or with your friends?
4.What would you like to do if you had a day off tomorrow?


1.Do you like rainy days?

2.Does it rain much in your city?
3.Would you like to live in a place that is dry or wet?
4.Do you enjoy going out in the rain?

Favorite day

1.Which day is your favorite day?

2.Which day is your least favorite day?
3.What's your busiest day of the week?
4.How do you usually spend your time?


1.How important are friends to you?

2.Do you often go out with your friends?
3.Where do you often meet each other?
4.What do you usually do with your friends?

Fixing things

1.Can you fix things?

2.Did anybody teach you to fix things when you were a child?
3.Do you think it is necessary for people to learn to fix things?
4.What do you do when a thing is broken and cannot be fixed?


1.Did you stay focused in class when you were a child?

2.Are you a focused people?
3.How do you stay focused?
4.Is it easy to stay focused in a noisy environment?

lce cream

1.Do you like ice cream?

2.Did you eat ice cream when you were a child?
3.Are there shops selling ice cream near the place where you live?
4.Can you make ice cream yourself?


1.What was your childhood dream?

2.Are you the kind of person who sticks to dreams?
3.Are you an ambitious person?
4.What do you often dream of?


1.What languages can you speak?

2.What languages would you like to learn in the future?
3.When do you first learn English languages at school?
4.Do you like to learn a second language?


1.How do you keep healthy?

2.Do you often do exercises?
3.What is your favorite sport?
4.Are there health classes in your school?

Riding a bike

1.Did you have a bike when you were young?

2.Did you ride a bike when you were little?
3.Did you ride a bike to school?
4.Do you ride a bike when you go out now?

The city you live in

1.What city do you live in?

2.Do you like this city? Why?
3.How long have you lived in this city?
4.Are there big changes in this city? this city your permanent residence?
6.Are there people of different ages living in thiscity?
Part1 旧题


2023 年 5-8 月

Staying up late

1.Do you sometimes go to bed very late?

2.Did you stay up late when you were a kid?
3.After a late night, how do you feel the next morning?
4.What do you like to do when you stay up late?


1.What kind of music do you enjoy?

2.Is there any kind of music that you don't enjoy very much?
3.Are there any musicians you would like to see in a live concert?
4.Have you always listened to the same kind of music as your friends?
5.What's the most popular type of music where you live?
6.Do you often listen to one type of music?


1.Where do you go to school?

2.Do you go to a good school?
3.Do you like your teachers?
4.Do you like your current learning atmosphere?
5.What are the differences between your school and other school?
6.Is there anything you want to change about your school?


1.How often do you eat chocolate?

2.Do you think it is good to use chocolate as gifts to others?
3.Did you like chocolate when you were a kid?
4.Why do you think chocolate is so popular in many parts of the world?
5.What's your favourite flavour?
6.Do you like eating chocolate? Why/why not?

Small businesses

1.Are there many small businesses where you live?

2.Do you prefer to buy things from a large company or small business?
3.Have you ever worked for a small business?
4.Would you like to start your own small business one day?
5.Do you know many small businesses?

The space and the stars

1.Have you ever learnt anything about space and the stars when you were at
2.Would you like to find out more about space and the stars?
3.Do you enjoy watching science-fiction films/movies set in space?
4.Do you want to go into outer space in the future?


1.How often do you wear jewelry?

2.What type of jewelry do you like to buy?
3.Have you ever bought jewelry for someone else?
4.Why do you think some people keep a piece of jewelry for a long time?
5.Do you usually buy jewelry?


1.Is the weekend your favourite part of the week?

2.What did you do last weekend?
3.Do you prefer to plan how to spend your weekends?
4.Do you ever work or study at the weekends?
5.What do you usually do on weekends?


1.How often do you wear T-shirts?

2.Do you like T-shirts which have pictures on them?
3.How fashionable are T-shirts for older people in your country?
4.Have you ever bought a T-shirt as a souvenir from a holiday/vacation?


1.Do you usually carry a lot of keys with you ?

2.Do you often forget to take keys with you when you go out?
3.Have you ever lost your keys?[When?]
4.Do you think it’s a good idea to leave a key to your home with a neighbor?

Being happy

1.What things made you happy when you were a child?

2.Do you feel happy when you buy something new?
3.What makes you feel happiest at work/in your studies now?
4.What do you think will bring you happiness in the future?


1.How often do you visit a library?

2.Would you ever like to work in a library?
3.Did you use a library more when you were younger?
4.How common is it for children to visit libraries in…/your country?


1.Do you prefer modern or traditonal art?

2.Did you do much art when you were a child?
3.Do you think you would like to be an artist?
4.Do you like visiting art galleries?
5.Do you like art?

The area you live in

1. Do you like the area that you live in?

2. What are some changes in the area recently?
3. Do you know any famous people in your area?
4. Where do you like to go in that area?
5. Do you know any of your neighbours?
6.Do you like the area that you live in?
7.Do you live in your area for a long time?
8.Would you like to see any changes in the area you live?


1. What subjects are you studying?

2. Do you like your subject?
3. Why did you choose to study that subject?
4. Is it very interesting?
5. Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?
6. Are you looking forward to working?
7. What technology do you use when you study?
8. What work do you do?
9. Why did you choose to do that type of work(or that job)?
10. Do you like your job?
11. Do you miss being a student?
12. What technology do you use at work?
13. Who helps you the most? And how?
14. Where do you work?
15. ls it a good place to work?
16. Would you like the place where you work to make any changes?

17. Where do you study?

18. ls it a good place to study?
19. Would you like the place where you study to make any changes?


1. Where is your hometown?

2. Is that a big city or a small place?
3. Do you like your hometown?
4. What do you like (most) about your hometown?
5. Is there anything you disliked about it?
6. How long have you been living there?
7. Do you like living there?
8. Do you think you'll continue living there for a long time?
9. Please describe your hometown a little.
10. What's your hometown famous for?
11. Did you learn about the history of your hometown at school?
12.What's (the name of) your hometown? that a big city or a small place?
14.How long have you lived there?


1. Do you live in a house or a flat?

2. Can you describe the place where you live?
3. How long have you lived there?
4. Please describe the room you live in.
5. What part of your home do you like the most?
6. Who do you live with?
7. What room does your family spend most of the time in?
8. What do you usually do in your flat?
9. What kinds of accommodation do you live in?
10. Do you plan to live there for a long time?
11. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?
12. Are the transport facilities to your home very good?
13. What kind of house or flat do you do you want to live in the future?
14. What's your favorite room in your apartment/house?
15. What makes you feel pleasant in your home?
16. What's the difference between where you are living now and where you
have lived in the past?
17. Do you think it is important to live in a comfortable environment?

适用于 5-8 月雅思考生
Part2&3 新题


2023 年 5-8 月

Part 2


Describe a time when you lost your way

You should say:
When it was
Where you went
How you got lost
And explain what happened after you lost your way

Part 3
1.How do people react when they get lost?
2.Why do some people have a good sense of direction? a paper map still necessary?
4.What can people do when they get lost?
5.Is it easy for strangers to get lost where you live?
6.Why are some people better at finding their way around a new place than
7.Are younger people more likely than older people to use technology to find
their way?

Part 2


Describe a piece of clothing you wear most often

You should say:
What it is
How often you wear it
What it is like
And explain why you enjoy wearing it

Part 3
1.Do you like buying clothes?
2.Under what circumstances will people in your country wear formal clothes?
3.What is the difference between the dress of the elderly and the young in
4.When do people in your country wear traditional clothes?
5.What things will the people in your country save money for?

Part 2


Describe an occasion when you spent time with a young child

You should say:
Who this child was
When you spent time with this child
What you did together
And how you felt about it

Part 3
1.Do you think children should have a lot of toys?
2.Where do children usually play?
3.Do you think there are too many rules for children to follow, whether at
school or at home?
4.Do you think children should follow all the rules?
5.Do you think it's necessary for parents to make decisions for their children?
6.Do you think it is good for parents to help their children choose friends?

Part 2


Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information

You should say:
When you got it
How you got it
How you found it was incorrect
And how you felt about it

Part 3
1.Why some people are good at giving information to others?
2.Why do people not trust online information?
3.What kinds of job need to give information to others?
4.How can people identify the information is correct or not?

Part 2


Describe someone who has recently moved into his/her new

You should say:
Who this person is
Why this person moved into his/her new home
What kind of home/accommodation this person moved to
And explain whether you think this move was a positive change for this person.

Part 3 it positive for young people to live by themselves?
2.Besides cooking, are there any other skills that people need to learn if they
live on their own?
3.What kinds of people tend to live by themselves?
4.What can schools do to help young people to be independent?

Part 2


Describe an enjoyable experience in your childhood

You should say:
When and where you had this experience
Who you were with
What you did
How you felt about it

1.Why do you think some people have better memory than others?
2.What kinds of things do people prefer to remember nowadays?
3.What can children do to improve their memory?
4.Is it important for people to remember the past?

Part 2


Describe a place away from your home and you want to visit in the future
You should say:
Where you would like to go
When you would like to go
Who you want to go with
And explain why you want to visit the place

Part 3
1.What are the most popular vacation spots in your country?
2.Why it can be enjoyable to spend holidays at home?
3.Would most people in your country like to have longer holidays?
4.Is it important for young people to be well prepared before traveling?

Part 2


Describe a popular person

You should say:
Who this person is
What he or she is like
Why you think this person is popular
How this person influences the public

Part 3
1.What kinds of people are more popular at school?
2.Why are some people less famous?
3.Why some celebrities are famous for a much longer time than others?
4.Do popular people usually live a happy life?

Part 2


Describe an invention which is very useful in your daily life.

You should say:
What it is
What you use it for
Is it easy to use
And explain why it is very useful in your daily life.

Part 3
1.Are there inventions that have changed the world?
2.What are the qualities of a scientist?
3.Do all inventions bring benefits to our world?
4.Do you think people who have not been educated in school can invent
5.Who should support and sponsor inventors, governments or private
6.What inventions do you think should be improved?

Part 2


Describe a new shop that recently opened in your city/town

You should say:
Where the shop is
What it sells
What kinds of people usually go to this shop
And explain how successful you think it will be in the future

Part 3
1.What kinds of shops are popular in your city?
2.Why do young people enjoy going to some boutiques?
3.Do you think location is the key factor that attracts customers?
4.What can shops do to attract customers?

Part 2


Describe a movie you watched recently that you felt disappointed about
You should say:
When it was
What it was about
Why you decided to watch it
And explain why you felt disappointed about it

Part 3
1.Do you believe movie reviews?
2.What are the different types of films in your country?
3.Are historical films popular in your country? Why?
4.Do you think films with famous actors or actresses would be more popular?
5.Are there any differences between watching movies in a cinema and at
6.What kinds of movies are popular in your country? Why?



Describe a game that you played in your childhood

You should say:
What the game was
When you played it
Who you played it with
And explain how you felt about the game

Part 3
1.What games do kids like to play now? it good for a kid to be ambitious? outdoor sports important for kids?
4.Why do people like to play different games now? winning important in games?

6.Which is better, individual games or team-based games?



Describe a speech experience that you had

You should say:
Who you gave the speech to
What the speech was about
Why you gave the speech
And explain how you felt about the speech

Part 3
1.What benefits does the internet bring to communication?
2.Which one is better, being a communicator or a listener?
3.What qualities does a person need to have to be a communicator?
4.Why do some people dislike using the internet to communicate?

Part 2


Describe a book you have read more than once

You should say:
Why you read this book
What this book was about
Whether you learnt anything from it
And explain why you have read this book more than once.

Part 3
1.What kinds of books do children like to read? Why?
2.What can kids learn from books?
3.Do people prefer to read e-books or print books in your country?
4.Do people love reading now than the past?

Part 2


Describe a car journey you made that you remember well.

You should say
When it was
Who was with you
How long the journey took
And explain why you remember this car journey so well.

Part 3
1.What benefits does public transport bring to the world? it too late for people to get the driver licence at the age of 18?
3.What qualities does a driver need to have?
4.Do you think the government should make it a rule for people to use public

Part 2


Describe an adventure you would like to take in the future

You should say:
What the adventure is
Where you would go
Who you would be with
And explain why you would like to take the adventure

Part 3
1.Who likes to read adventure books?
2.Do people prefer adventure novels or adventure movies?
3.Why do people like to read adventure books rather than take an adventure?
4.Who doesn't like to take adventures?
5.What kind of personality should people have in order to experience a lot of

6.Will experiencing adventures broaden people's horizons?



Describe someone who lives in your area and often helps other people
You should say:
Who this person is
How this person helps others
How important the help is
And explain why you think this person often help other people

Part 3
1.How can children help their parents at home?
2.Should children be taught to help others?
3.What makes children help each other at school?
4.Should students do community service? Why?
5.Do students in your country do volunteer work?
6. Why do some people do volunteer work all over the world?

Part 2


Describe a job that you think is interesting

You should say:
What it is
How you knew it
What skills it requires
And explain why you think it is interesting

Part 3
1.What are the most popular jobs for young people in your country?
2.What is the difference between high-income and low-income jobs in your
3.When is the right time for young people to start making serious plans for their
future careers?
4.Is it common for people to do a same job all their lives?

Part 2


Describe your idea of a perfect house

You should say:
Where it would be
What it would be like
How special it would be
And explain why it would be perfect for you

Part 3
1.What are the most common architectural styles in Chinese cities?
2.What's the difference between an apartment and a house?
3.What are the advantages of the facilities of an apartment and the facilities of
a house?
4.What difficulties do people have living in the city?

Part 2


Describe a traditional celebration you enjoy in your country

You should say:
What it is
Who you celebrate with
What you do in this celebration
And explain why you enjoy this traditional celebration

Part 3 it important for children to learn traditional festivals at school?
2.Do children like to learn about traditional festivals?
3.Why do people hold events to celebrate?
4.Are traditional festivals disappearing? music important in traditional festivals?

Part 2


Describe a sports program you like to watch

You should say:
What it is
When you first watch it
Who you like to watch this program with
And explain why you like to watch this program

Part 3
1.Which sport do you think most people like to do?And why?
2.Do children need exercise?
3.What are the benefits of exercise?
4.Why do some people dislike watching sports program?

Part 2


Describe an expensive gift you would like to give to someone

You should say:
What gift you would like to buy
Who you would like to give it to
How long it would take to save the money
And explain why you would like to give this expensive gift to this person

Part 3
1.What do young people like to save money for? it easy for people to save money to buy something expensive?
3.Should children have pocket money? Why?
4.Should children learn how to use money at school or from their parents?
5.How do people save money?
6.Why can't some people save money?

Part 2


Describe a time when you had to make an important decision

You should say:
What decision you had to make
How you made the decision
Why this decision was important
And explain whether you think it was a right decision.

Part 3
1.Do you think children ever have to make important decisions?
2.What important decisions do teenagers need to make after graduation?
3.Who can children turn to for help when making a decision?
4.Do you think advertisements can influence our decisions when shopping?
5.Do you think the influence of advertising is good?

Part 2


Describe a water sport you would like to try

You should say:
What the water sport is
Where you would try it
Whether it would be easy or difficult to do
And explain why you would like to try this water sport

Part 3
1.What is the most popular water sport in your country? And why?
2.What are the advantages of water transport compared to other modes of
3. Is water travel more important now than in the past?
4.What are the characteristics of goods transported by water?

Part 2


Describe a time when you went to a place where there were a lot of
You should say:
What was happening in this place
Who you went to this place with
Why there were so many people there
And explain how you felt about being in a place with so many people.

Part 3
1.Which scenic spots will have queues of people?
2.What are the advantages of living on a high floor?
3.What are the disadvantages of living on a lower floor?
4.Do people like to go to crowded places?Why?
5.How can the problems of traffic congestion be solved?
6.Why do people still like to live in big cities even though there are severe
traffic jams?
7.What public facilities does your city have?
Part2&3 旧题


2023 年 5-8 月

Part 2


Describe a period in history that you would like to learn more about.
You should say:
When this period in history was
How you first became interested in this period in history
What you already know about this period in history
And explain why you would like to learn more about this period.

Part 3
1.Should everyone know history?
2.In what ways can children learn history?
3.What are the differences between learning history from books and from
videos? it difficult to protect and preserve historic buildings?
5.Who should be responsible to protect historic buildings?
6.Who should pay for the preservation of historic buildings?



Describe an unusual meal you had

You should say:
When you had this meal
Who was with you
Where you had this meal
And explain what was unusual about this meal.

Part 3
1.What is the traditional food of your country?
2.How popular is fast food in your country?
3.Are the types of food that people eat in their homes changing?
4.What are some reasons why some people enjoy eating in restaurants?
5.Do people in your country socialize in restaurants? Why?
6.Do people in your country value food culture?
7.What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in restaurants?
8.What fast food are there in your country?

9.Do people eat fast food at home?



Describe a city you would like to visit for only a short time.
You should say:
Where the city is
Who you would visit the city with
What you would like to do there
And explain why you would like to visit this city for only a short time.

Part 3
1.Why do people sometimes go to other cities?
2.Why are historical cities popular?
3.Do you think tourists may come across bad things in other cities?
4.Is it necessary to make a plan before visiting a city
5.Do most people like planned travelling?
6.Why is the noise pollution worse in tourism cities than in other cities?
7.Why do places with historical sites develop tourism industry more actively?

Part 2


Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use.

You should say:
What you use it for
When you got it
How often you need to use it
And explain why you find this piece of technology difficult to use.

Part 3
1.What technology do people currently use?
2.Why do big companies introduce new products frequently?
3.Why are people so keen on buying iPhones even though they haven't
changed much from one to the next?
4.Why do technology companies keep upgrading their products?
5.What changes has the development of technology brought about in our

6.Does the development of technology affect the way we study? How?

Part 2


Describe a website that you use regularly.

You should say:
What the website is
How often you use it
How you found out about this website
And explain why you use this website regularly.
Part 3
1.What are the most popular and least popular apps in China?
2.What's the difference between the Internet and television?
3.Why do people like to read the news on the lnternet instead of on TV?
4.What kinds of people would still go to the library to read and study? the library still necessary? Why?
6.What are the differences between old people and young people when they
use the Internet?

Part 2


Describe a person who you enjoyed talking to at a party.

You should say:
Who the person was
When and where the party was
What you talked about
And explain why you enjoyed talking to this person at the party.

Part 3
1.On what occasions would people be willing to get to know new people?
2.Where would people get to know new people?
3.How do people start a conversation? it difficult for Chinese people to communicate with people from other
5.Why are some people unwilling to have conversation with others?
6.Is it difficult for adults to talk with children?

Part 2


Describe the part of your home where you most enjoy relaxing.
You should say:
What part of your home this is
When you usually relax there
How you relax there
And explain why you find this part of your home an good place to relax in.

Part 3
1.Why is it difficult for some people to relax?
2.What are the benefits of doing exercise?
3.Do people in your country exercise after work?
4.What is the place where people spend most of their time in their home?
5.Do you think there should be classes for training young people and children
how to relax?
6.Which is more important, mental relaxation or physical relaxation?

Part 2


Describe something you did with one or more people (e.g. an activity, a
piece of work.
You should say:
What you did
Who you did it with
How long it took
And explain how you felt about doing something with one or more people.

Part 3
1.What do young children learn from being with others in class?
2.Is it important for school children to like their classmates?
3.What makes someone a good colleague?
4.Is it the most important to have good colleagues in a job?

Part 2


Describe something you remember about your first day at a new school.
You should say:
Where the it was
What you remember well
How you felt about your first day at the school
And explain why you remember this about your first day at the new school.

Part 3
1.What can parents do to help children get ready for their first day at school?
2.How do children benefit from starting school?
3.Why is starting school difficult for some children?
4.What are the advantages and disadvantages for workers who often change
their job?
5.What are the reasons for job change?
6.Are big companies better than small companies? Why?
7.How do children socialise with each other? socialisation important for children?

Part 2


Describe an actor who you admire for playing a particular character in a

You should say:
Who the actor is
Where and when you watched this person
What kind of character this person played
And explain why you admire the actor for playing this character in a film/movie.

Part 3 it interesting to be an actor or actress?
2.What can children learn from acting?
3.Why do children like special costumes?
4.What are the differences between actors/actresses who earn much and
those who earn little?
5.What are the differences between acting in a theatre and in a film?

Part 2


Describe a time when you were teaching a friend or a relative to do

You should say:
Who you taught
What you taught him/her to do
How easy it was to teach him/her
And explain how you felt about teaching this friend/relative.

Part 3
1.What practical skills can young people teach old people?
2.What skills can young people teach old people besides technology?
3.How can young people teach old people skills?
4.How can we know what to do when we want to learn something new?
5.Do you think 'showing' is a better way than 'telling' in education?
6.Do people in your country like to watch videos to learn something?

Part 2


Describe an activity you enjoyed doing in your free time when you were
You should say:
What free-time activity you did
Where you did the activity
Who you did it with
And explain why you enjoyed doing this activity in your free time when you
were younger.

Part 3 it important to have a break during work or study?
2.What sports do young people like to do now?
3.What activities do children and adults do nowadays?
4.Do adults and children have enough time for leisure activities nowadays?
5.Are there more activities for young people now than 20 years ago?
6.Can most people balance work and life in China?

Part 2


Describe a time when you heard good news about someone you know
You should say:
Who the person is
What the good news was
When and how you heard the good news
And explain how you felt when you heard the good news about this person.

Part 3 it good to share something on social media?
2.Should the media only publish good news?
3.How does the social media help people access information?
4.What kind of good news do people often share in the community?
5.Do most people like to share good news with others?
6.Do people like to hear good news from their friends?

Part 2


Describe a time when you were late for something important

You should say:
When and where it happened
What you were late for
Why you were late
And explain how you felt about being late for this important thing.

Part 3
1.What are some common reasons why people are late for things?
2.How important it is for people to be on time in your country?
3.What problems can happen when a person is late for something?
4.What can people do to help manage their time?
1.Are you a punctual person?
2.Do you think it is important to be on time?
3.Do you always avoid being late?
5.Why do people miss important events?
6.Are people in your country often late for meetings?

Part 2


Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really
You should say:
Who this person was
What this person gave you
Why you wanted this thing
And explain how you felt when you got this thing

Part 3
1.What kinds of things do young people like to spend money on in your
2.Why do people often buy things they don't really need? it necessary to advertise in today 's economy?
4.What's the reason why owning materials possessions is important to people?

Part 2


Describe an interesting old person you have met.

You should say:
How you met him/her
Who the person is
What kind of person he/she is
And explain why you think this old person is interesting.

Part 3
1.Do you think old people and young people can share interests?
2.What can old people teach young people?
3.Are there benefits when one person is interested in another person?
4.Do you think many people today are too self-centred?

Part 2


Describe something you achieved that you are proud of.

You should say:
What you achieved
How you did it
How difficult it was to do
And explain why you are proud of this achievement.

Part 3
1.Which is more important, personal goals or work goals?
2.Does everyone set goals for themselves?
3.Do you think material rewards are more important than other rewards at
4.What makes people feel proud of themselves?
5.Have your life goals changed since your childhood?
6.What kinds of rewards are important at work?

Part 2


Describe a recent development which has improved the area where you
You should say:
What the new development is
What was there before this development
How long it took to complete
And explain how it has improved the area where you live.

Part 3 public transportation popular in China?
2.What can be improved in public transport services?
3.What leisure facilities can be used by people of all ages?
4.Do young people in your country like to go to the cinema?
5.What transportation do you use the most?
6.How is the subway system developing in your country?

Part 2


Describe a place you went to where the air was not clean.
You should say:
Where the place was
When and Why you went there
Why the air was not clean
And explain how you felt about being in a place where the air was not clean.

Part 3
1.Is there more pollution now than in the past?
2.In what ways can air pollution be reduced effectively?
3.Do you think the city is cleaner or dirtier than the countryside? Why?
4.What can factories and power plants do to reduce pollutant?
5.Do you think many companies have been forced to reduce pollutants?
6.Do you think wind has any effect on pollution? How?

Part 2


Describe a place you went to that was very noisy.

You should say:
Where this place was
What you did there
Why it was very noisy
And explain how you felt about this place being so noisy.

Part 3
1.Do you think it is good for children to make noise?
2.Should children not be allowed to make noise under any circumstances?
3.What kinds of noises are there in our life?
4.Which is exposed to more noise, the city or the countryside?
5.How would people usually respond to noises in your country?
6.How can people consider others' feelings when chatting in public?

Part 2


Describe a person who you enjoyed working or studying with.

You should say:
Who this person is
How long you worked or studied together
What work or studies you did together
And explain why you enjoyed working or studying with this person.

Part 3
1.Why should children be kind to their classmates?
2.What matters most about a colleague's personality?
3.Are good colleagues important at work?
4.Are knowledgeable people popular at work?
5.Can children choose their deskmate?
6.What kind of people are popular at work?

Part 2


Describe a time when you made a complaint about something and were
pleased with the result
You should say:
Who you complained to
What you complained about
Is it easy to complain
And explain why you were pleased with the result of the complaint

Part 3
1.What do people often make complaints about in your country?
2.Do you think it’s better to make a complaint in person or in writing?
3.Do young people complain more or less than older people?
4.Why it is important for companies to respond well to customers complaints?

Part 2


Describe something you would like to study in the future.

You should say:
What you would like to study
Where you would like to study
How easy or difficult it would be to study this
And explain why you would like to study this in the future.

Part 3
1.What subjects are popular with young adults today?
2.What's best age for young people to make decision about their future
3.Why do some people prefer to study alone rather than in a group?
4.What are the ways people can learn practical subjects, such as cooking?

Part 2


Describe a routine you have in your life that you enjoy.

You should say:
What the routine is
When and why you started following this routine
How easy it is to follow
And explain why you enjoy having this routine in your daily life.

Part 3
1.What kinds of routines do people follow at home?
2.Do having routines at home make everyday life easier?
3.What's the advantages for young children to have a daily routine at school ?
4.Is it useful for older children to decide their own study routines?

Part 2


Describe an advertisement you don't like

You should say:
Where and when you first saw it
What it was for
What you could see in the advertisement
And explain why you did not like it.

Part 3
1. What types of products are often advertised in your country
2.Is it a good idea to use famous people in advertisement
3.Which one is more effective, print advertising and online advertising?
4.Is it important to educate young people about the dangers of advertising?

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