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: Enrichment (Idioms, Phrasal Verbs and Proverbs) 10%

Fill in each blank with the best answer.

once in a stole the heart was in his
loud and clear go with the flow make noises
lifetime limelight mouth
watch out for back up cheered on cried out signing up chicken out

1. The swimmer stole the limelight when he won the champion in the competition.
2. His heart was in his mouth when waiting for the result of the competition.
3. You needn't repeat it—I hear you loud and clear
4. Kevin didn’t want to be part of the protest, but all his friends wanted to stand for something, so he chose to
signing out.
5. If things start going badly again, our members are sure to make noises.
6. On Sports Day, the students cheered on the runners at the start and finish line
7. You should bring a friend or two when you go bungee jumping. It is because it is less likely you are to chicken out
if you have people there watching you.
8. Linda cried out when she saw a giant cockroach flying towards her.
9. The AI market will grow, making it the top new technology trend you must go with the flow
10. If you’re looking to pick up basic kitchen skills, signing up for a cooking class is a smart idea.
Part I: Formation of Words 10%
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. Thoughtful and meticulous, she __________ (care) shaped her comments before speaking.
2. You can __________ (difference) between the houses by the shape of their chimneys.
3. Global __________ (equal) also increases the political, economic, and environmental vulnerability of especially
small states and less developed countries, due to their lack of financial capacity.
4. The ash-pit is lined with iron plates to facilitate the recovery of metal __________ (accident) spilt.
5. Since she did not have much credit, the first-time buyer faced a __________ (hard) when trying to purchase a

Part J: Poem: What Has Happened to Lulu 10%

Answer the questions below with short answer.

1. In Stanza 1, what item can be seen on Lulu’s bed?

2. In Stanza 2, what did Lulu take with her?
3. In Stanza 2, what does the line ‘the curtain flapping free’ indicate?
4. The number of teenagers running away from home is on the rise. What could be the reason? List down ONE
5. In the poem, state the relationship between the persona and Lulu in ONE word.
6. Why do you think Lulu left a note for her mother?

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