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Anxiety Disorder:

Nervousness, fear, and panic for the day long can be really hard to manage. ‘I am feeling anxious’, is
a phrase taken too casually. For the one’s who are going through it, it is difficult to manage even day
to day stuff after a point of time. Nausea, panic, shortness of breath and sleeping issues are some of
the common symptoms of anxiety disorder.

RRT, Hypnotherapy and cognitive behaviour therapy are some of the therapies to heal anxiety
disorder. Often it is thought to book a session only when the problem has escalated to beyond
control level. Let’s break this myth and deal with the problem at the very onset of it.

Anxiety can be characterised into different sub-categories:

1. General anxiety disorder: Excessive worry on almost every second thing without or with a
little reason. One can’t control the trailing the thoughts of unrealistic worry. It can be about
anything at any time.

Rhythmic Relaxation Therapy and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy goes hand in hand in the

2. Social Anxiety Disorder: Commonly called as social phobia. One is overly conscious or
worried about the daily social situations. Even going out to buy vegetables can trigger a
range of thoughts in their mind.

Again, cognitive behaviour therapy goes handy in this situation. Even REBT can works
wonder in these cases.

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