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My fellow citizens,

Today, I stand before you to speak about a topic that is of utmost importance in our
current world. It is a topic that has been debated and discussed for centuries, and yet it
remains relevant today more than ever before. It is the struggle against power, and how
it is intertwined with memory and forgetting.

We live in a world where power is concentrated in the hands of a few, and those few use
it to control our lives and shape our future. They use their power to manipulate the
present and the past, to rewrite history and shape our memory. They use their power to
make us forget, to erase the struggles of our ancestors and the sacrifices of those who
fought for our freedom.

But the struggle against power is not just a struggle against those who hold it. It is also
a struggle against memory and forgetting. We must remember our past, remember the
struggles of those who came before us, and honor their memory by continuing their
fight for justice and equality.

We cannot forget the sacrifices of those who fought for our freedom, for the right to
vote, for the right to speak our minds, and for the right to be treated as equals. We
cannot forget the atrocities committed by those in power, the genocide, the slavery, and
the oppression that still exists today in many forms.

The struggle against power is a struggle against forgetting, against the erasure of our
history and the manipulation of our memory. We must resist the temptation to forget,
to move on, to ignore the past and focus only on the present. We must remember, we
must honor, and we must fight.

We must fight against the power that seeks to control us, that seeks to shape our
memory, and that seeks to erase our history. We must fight for justice, for equality, for
freedom, and for the right to remember and honor our past.

So let us remember, my fellow citizens. Let us remember the struggles of our ancestors
and the sacrifices of those who fought for our freedom. Let us remember the atrocities
committed by those in power, and let us never forget the lessons of our past.

For the struggle against power is a struggle against memory and forgetting. And it is a
struggle that we must win.
Remembering our past is essential for shaping our future. We cannot afford to forget
the lessons of history. We must hold those in power accountable for their actions, and
we must never stop fighting for what is right.

Let us stand together and fight against the forces that seek to control us, and let us do
so with the memory of our past guiding us. Because, my fellow citizens, the struggle
against power is a struggle against memory and forgetting. And it is a struggle that we
must win. Thank you.

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