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Good morning to all my fellow friends of Gayatri Public

School present here, today I Trapti Bansal of class 9

will express my views on Republic Day!!!

As we come together to celebrate our 74th Republic

Day, I am filled with emotion and pride. Pride in the
nation that we have built, pride in the struggles we have
overcome, and pride in the progress we have made.

On this day, we honour the sacrifices of those who

fought for our freedom. Men and women who gave up
everything for the cause of independence. Men and
women like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, B. R.
Ambedkar, and countless others who dared to dream of
a free and independent India.

But it was not just the leaders who fought for our
freedom. It was also the ordinary citizens who
participated in the non-violent resistance movement,
who marched with Gandhi, and who faced beatings and
imprisonment in the struggle for independence.

As we look back on our history, we see a nation that has

faced countless challenges and obstacles. From the
struggle for independence, to the challenges of building
a new nation, to the fight for social justice and
equality, we have always risen to the occasion.

But it is not only our struggles that define us. It is also

our culture, our traditions, and our values. From the
snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas to the sandy
shores of the Arabian Sea, our country is home to a
rich tapestry of cultures, languages, and religions. And
it is this diversity that makes us unique and strong.

On this day, we also celebrate the importance of our

constitution, the document that forms the foundation
of our democracy. The making of our constitution was a
monumental task, one that involved the participation of
hundreds of people from all walks of life. Under the
guidance of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, the "Father of the
Constitution," a team of dedicated individuals worked
tirelessly to create a document that would reflect the
values and aspirations of the people of India.

The result was a document that is a marvel of balance

and complexity. It guarantees fundamental rights and
freedoms for all citizens, while also laying out the
structure and function of the government. It is a
document that has stood the test of time, and one that
continues to serve as a beacon of hope and progress for
all people.
But as we celebrate this day, we must also recognize
that there is still much work to be done. There are still
issues of inequality and injustice that we must address,
and there are still those who are left behind. Whether
it is the millions of children who are denied an
education, or the countless women who are victims of
violence and discrimination.

It is up to each and every one of us to make a

difference. It is up to us to stand up for what is right,
to speak out against injustice, and to work towards a
better future for all.

So, on this Republic Day, let us come together as one

people, united in our love for this great nation and our
determination to make it even better. Let us rededicate
ourselves to building a society that is fair, just, and
inclusive. Let us pledge to leave no one behind, and to
work towards a brighter tomorrow for all.

And as we look to the future, let us remember the

words of Mahatma Gandhi: "Be the change that you
wish to see in the world."

Happy Republic Day, India!

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