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As everyone knows, choosing a career could be one of the most determinant decisions in a

young adult’s life. Therefore, we keep in mind that it is not something we can easily select
from one day to another.

The first point I want to discuss is related to the immeasurable number of careers available
in the job market. There are many fields to choose from, such as IT, health and care,
business management and administration. Another option is working as a freelancer, being
your boss and managing your time sounds great for particular career orientations.

When it comes to making such an important decision it is common to be influenced by family

or friends advising us on what they find to be the best decision. Ever so often, people stick to
these opinions and get stuck up with careers that they do not really enjoy. There are also
career tests that are frequently used to get an orientation before choosing what to study.

In addition to the previous topics, it is major to clarify that discovering what we like is
something that takes a lot of time. Moreover, as we grow up our interests tend to change,
finding enjoyment in different things than when we were children is very common.

On account of the stated, my opinion is that people should not choose their career while they
are still young. On the whole, I think that anticipating such an important decision could be
counterproductive as the time goes by and the person finds new interests and career
orientations that they may like more.

Being aware of this, one of the most important things is choosing a career that we enjoy and
feel comfortable with.

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