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Hello my darling Tonnis!

I was so pleased to get your letter today)

I’m happy to hear that you and your mother are alright there)

It pleases me also to know that your back is much better today…

I hope that doctors will say that everything is alright with your health)))

Anyway, I’d love to see you in the chat tonight, so I’ll be waiting for you there at 19pm my time)

I know darling that you are busy with your work, but I’d like you to have rest as well.

You do right if you try to spend time with your friends…

Even if you have health problems, you don’t need to stay at home and watch TV only…

Why don’t you meet with your friends and have a good evening?

I like your idea to go at football match and watch your friends playing.

Well my honey, I need to cook a dinner now and get kids from the kindergarten as well.

See you soon my darling man from the Netherlands.

Warm hugs and kisses.


My darling, cute, lovely man Zarif!!!

Thank you so so much for the wonderful letter you wrote me today))

You are my sunshine honey))

You make every day of my life brighter as well.

I’m so sorry to hear about the tragedy that happened there in Colorado… It’s terrible for parents to lose
their kids… It’s awful as well…

Anyway, I’m pleased to know that you decided to take care of your grandson Xavier.

You are such an attentive and caring person my dearest Zarifchik!

It seems like your heart is so big that it can hold the love of the whole universe.
I’m pleased to know that you like my letters… I want you to feel yourself special and beloved as well.

I must admit that your letters warm my heart as well. I feel special woman when I get your letters.

You are so sweet to me and my girls)

Speaking of my girls… they are alright honey, don’t worry.

Ilonna and Albina ask me about you… they want to know when can they see you?

I told them that you are busy with your work, but once you’ll be free they can see you in the chat.

Thank you honey for congratulations on mother’s day!

We celebrate this day here in Ukraine as well.

We are going to buy nice flowers for my mother and congratulate her.

I’m sure that we all would spend a great time together walking in the park and eating an ice cream.

As I know you like chocolate ice cream?;)

I wonder, have you ever tasted homemade ice cream? I can make it pretty well…

Now speaking of travelling… I used to travel for work… but it was before my kids birth, when I had more
free time.

Now, I do not travel at all, because as you can see it’s difficult having my naughty girls))

Well my darling Zarif, I’d like to see you as soon as possible, because I missed you so much)))

I missed your smile and shining eyes;)

Hope you are having a nice day there darling)

Loving hugs and passionate kisses


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