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a) If Karen ______________ (give) a party next week, her friends ____________

b) If Karen’s friends _____________ (not/go) to her party, she _______________
(get) really upset.
c) She knows her friends ________________ (have) a great time if there ____ (be)
good music and drinks.
d) If she _________________ (hire) a rock group, they
_________________________ (surely/dance) a lot.
e) If she _____________________ (not/buy) enough food, her friends _________
(be) hungry and they ________________________ (probably/not/come) to any
other party again.
f) Karen ___________________ (look) beautiful if she ______________ (wear)
her new black dress.

g) Grace has an important meeting in London at midday, but she lives in Leeds. If she
___________________ (not/leave) home early, she ________________ (not/ arrive)
in time for the meeting.
h) If she _________________ (take) a taxi, she _________________ (catch) her plane on
time. However, if she ________________ (miss) her flight, she ________________ (have) to
wait two hours for the next plane to London.
i) Her clients _________________ (be) disappointed if they __________________ (not/see)
her at the meeting.
j) If Grace and her clients __________________ (meet) today, they ____________________
(surely/do) business and her boss _______________________ (feel) proud of her.
k) If Grace’s boss _________________ (be) proud of her work, he ____________________
(give) her pay rise.

l) Walter and Shelby want to sell their mansion. Today they are meeting a possible
buyer. If they _______________ (sell) the house, they ______________ (be able to)
pay their debts.
m) If they ______________ (pay) their debts, they __________________ (move) to
an apartment in Manhattan.
n) If they _________________ (move) to an apartment, they __________________
(probably/not/have) room for their sculptures.
o) They ____________________ (probably/sell) their sculptures if they _______
(not/can) take them to Manhattan.
p) Shelby is used to living in a big house with a garden. If she ______________
(have) to live in an apartment, she __________________ (not/be) happy. She
________________ (need) more space.
q) The buyer ____________________ (only/make up) her mind if they _________
(reduce) the price of the mansion.
r) If she ________________ (get) the mansion at a good price, her husband and
children _____________________ (feel) really satisfied. They _______________
(have) plenty of room to play baseball in the garden!

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