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Menopause is a natural change during which there is 

a change in the level of hormones that may cause 
many symptoms.   
Mild symptoms can be managed through lifestyle 
changes, such as changes to diet, drinking more 
water and exercising.   
Hot flushes, which is a common symptom, can be 
managed naturally by lowering the temperature of 
the room, and using fans. 
Other symptoms can be more problematic. Periods 
may become more frequent and heavier. You may 
have frequent hot flushes that are uncomfortable, or 
you may have insomnia. Joints and muscles may feel 
stiff and achy. 
Here are a few things that may help you to manage 
your menopause naturally... 
Magnesium levels 
Magnesium is the 4th most common mineral in our 
bodies. It is needed for so many things including 
hormones, sleep, and a balanced thyroid. It is also a 
mood balancer. 
A lack of enough Magnesium in your body can create 
symptoms such as insomnia, feeling low, fatigue and 
The best way to get enough Magnesium is through 
diet. Foods, such as nuts, seeds, avocados, leafy 
vegetables, whole grains and dark chocolate contain 
Besides getting Magnesium through diet, it is a good 
idea to have Epsom Salts baths or footbaths. Epsom 
Salts is Magnesium Sulphate and Magnesium can be 
absorbed through the skin through bathing. 
Probiotics for good bacteria 
Probiotics are good bacteria. There are particular 
types of good bacteria that can break down lignans 
into phytoeostrogens.   
Phytoeostrogens mimic oestrogens in the body. 
These can keep oestrogen levels raised as your 
natural oestrogens start to fall during menopause. 
Stress and antibiotics can interfere with good 
bacteria levels in the gut, so taking probiotics can 
help keep levels of good bacteria in the gut elevated.   
Good bacteria can also be obtained from fermented 
food. Fermented food includes sauerkraut, kefir, 
kimchi and miso. 
Exercise regularly 
Exercise can help relieve stress, and keep weight gain 
and loss of muscle mass at bay. 
An exercise plan should include: 
- cardio (this could include walking, dancing, cycling 
or swimming) 
- strength training (slow exercises targeting specific 
muscle groups with light weights) 
- yoga
Support your liver 
The liver is a very important organ in your body, and 
is especially so during menopause. 
The liver helps to keep blood glucose levels properly 
maintained, store fuel for times when you need more 
energy, removes toxins, stores certain vitamins, and 
helps synthesize hormones. 
There are a lot of things that can be done to support 
the liver. These include having a good balanced diet, 
and drinking a lot of water.   
Things that are bad for your liver include coffee, 
sugary foods and processed foods. So try to avoid 
Homeopathic remedies such as Carduus marianus, 
and Chelidonium majus can help the liver perform its 
functions better.
Alternative medicine that is 
tailored to you. 
I am a qualified homeopath, who 
has helped women manage their 
menopausal symptoms naturally, 
and without the need for HRT.   
Contact me to find out more at 
© 2020 Natural Health Surrey

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