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TITLE: Food habit and life style should be changed before antacid and

constipation drug therapy.

It is important that all body parts are working in proper manner. Defect in any part can create
physical problem such as acidity, constipation etc. Constipation is nothing but having dry or hard
bowel movement. It is common problem, occurs in everyone’s life sometimes. In some people,
constipation is normally due to unhealthy lifestyle. Some natural food and changing lifestyle can
cure constipation. The following are the ways through which we can achieve this:

Now, let’s discuss some foods that can help to relieve constipation and food that can added bulk
and increase bowel movement

 First, if we are sufferings from constipation, pears can certainly help in this regard. This
is because pears are very rich in dietary fibre. Not only that, but pears contain a
compound known as sorbitol which can help to relieve constipation symptoms. Because
of it act as natural laxatives which allow food to pass more efficiently.
 Flaxseeds are another great choice to help relieve constipation symptoms and increase
regular bowel movements.
 Prunes are another great food choice to naturally remedy constipation.
 Apples are great source of compound known as pectin. Bacteria in the gut ferment pectin
into short-chain fatty acids, which has the benefits of increasing water in the colon,
helping food pass through the digestive tract and softening stool.
 Citrus fruits such as grapefruits and oranges are also helpful to naturally relieve
symptoms associated with constipation.
 Mint and ginger are good for good digestive system and constipation.
 Should be avoid excess carbohydrate (rice).
 Should take olive oils, nuts and avocados, which can help lubricate your intestine and
ease constipation.
 Adding exercises to our daily life promote activation of the intestine movement making it
easy for it to pass the stool quickly and prevent constipation.
Gastric acidity is usually mild and can be cured easily by the following better food habit and
regular healthy lifestyle before antacid therapy. To get rid of symptoms of gastritis, one should
follow these remedies before antacid therapy.

 Eat food in smaller quantity and switch to several small meals.

 Avoid unnecessary use of painkillers.
 Yoga and physical exercise increases movement of body and organs, helpful in the
treatment of gastritis.
 Avoid smoking.
 Wear lose clothing.
 Sleep with head and shoulders elevated.
 Avoid lying down for at least 3 hour after a meal.
 Chew food slowly.


 Fruits contains vitamins, minerals, fibres, and anti-oxidants should be part of the diet
 Rice gruel helps in the formation of watery gastric juice and reduces the acidity level
within the stomach.
 Garlic, onion, broccoli is effective against helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach


 Salty and spicy foods.

 Vinegar and vinegar based food.
 Aerated drinks, citrate juice and caffeine.
 Beef, fried fish and pork.

To avoid drug interaction and allow to perform proper drug action, food habit and life style
should be changed before antacid and constipation drug therapy.

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