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Sto. Niño Academy of Bamban, Inc.

Rizal Ave., San Nicolas, Bamban, Tarlac



Unit Title: Plants and Animal Organ System and their Functions
Lesson Title: Reproductive System
Coverage Date: March 20-24, 2023

a. Content Standards:
The learners demonstrate understanding of plant and animal organ systems and their
b. Performance Standard:
The learners are able to compare and contrast the different system in our body and their
importance to maintain homeostasis.

b. Formation:
The learners will be concern on their own health and care for other’s health.


Compare and contrast the following processes in plants and animals: reproduction,
development, nutrition, gas exchange, transport/circulation, regulation of body fluids, chemical
and nervous control, immune systems, and sensory and motor mechanisms.

 Describe the anatomy of the male and female reproductive systems, including their
accessory structures
 Explain the role of hypothalamic and pituitary hormones in male and female
reproductive function
 Trace the path of a sperm cell from its initial production through fertilization of an
 Explain the events in the ovary prior to ovulation
 Identify the different stages of pregnancy

Determine factual from literary text;

IV. 2. Differentiate persuasive text
from discussion text
V. 3. Gather information presented in
a text; and
VI. 4. Judge the validity of the
evidence listened to.
VII. Determine factual from literary
VIII. 2. Differentiate persuasive text
from discussion text
IX. 3. Gather information presented
in a text; and
X. 4. Judge the validity of the
evidence listened to.
 Male and Female Reproductive Organ
 Spermatogenesis (Sperm cell production)
 Ovarian Cycle and Oogenesis (Egg Production)
 Pregnancy


 Classroom discussion
 Male and Female Reproductive Organ (Day 1)
 Spermatogenesis (Sperm cell production) (Completion Test-Formative Assessment)
 Ovarian Cycle and Oogenesis (Egg Production) (Completion Test and Ovarian Cycle
 Pregnancy (Discussion)
 Performance Task (Project based)

 Activity:
Activity No. 1: Completion Test

Instruction: Complete the sentences below to complete the Sperm cell Journey.

Sperm Vagina Fallopian Tube Cilia Nine

Acrosome Fertilization 46 Blastocytes Implantation
Uterus Cervix effaced ten 48

There are a lot of casualties (deaths) among the (1)__________ as they swim toward the egg. First,
many get lost in the maze of a woman’s uterus where they also have to contend with acidic vaginal
secretions. Only about 10,000 of the sperm overall will manage to reach
the (2)______________ where the egg is hiding.
Meanwhile, the egg is making its way down the fallopian tube to meet up with the
(3).__________. When the egg and sperm meet the sperm cells actually release an enzyme from a
cap called (4)___________that causes the breakdown of the protective layers of the egg. About 100
sperm sacrifice themselves during this process in order to forge a path for the one (5) ________that
will make his way to the egg. After that lucky sperm penetrates the egg, a chemical reaction occurs
within the egg so that no more sperm are allowed to enter.
When the egg and sperm meet through a process called (6)__ ________ they make a
(7)________ with a (8)_____ number of chromosomes that continues to undergo cell division until
it has about 100 cells formed and becomes known as a (9)_____________. During this process it is
also making its way to the (10)_____________ where it will adhere to the endometrium (lining of
the uterus) by the process called (11)_______________and begin growing in the warm, nutrient-rich
fluid of the woman’s uterus.(12) ______ months later, if all goes well, a baby is born either via the
vaginal canal or through an incision made on the lower part of the stomach, called a cesarean, or C-

Activity No. 2: Ovu View

Instruction: Review on the menstrual and ovarian cycles. Study the following scenario. Plot the 5 day menstrual
dates in the calendar. Color it red crayons. Identify the fertile days of the woman. Use the orange color to mark
this fertile day in the calendar. Mark the infertile days in the calendar using the green crayon. Estimate the
menstrual days, fertile and infertile days on the month of March.
Scenario: in a 28 day regular cycle, a woman has a menstrual period of about 5 days for the month of
March, her last menstrual day fell on the 8th day of March


March 2023
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31

April, 2023
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Based on the given scenario on the menstrual period of the woman, answer the questions below. Choose from the
following choices.
a. Fertilization may occur
b. No pregnancy will occur
c. Shedding of the uterine lining, or menstrual bleeding occur
______1. March 7, 2023 ______6. April 11, 2023
______2. March 27, 2023 ______7. March 30, 2023
______3. April 12, 2023 ______8. April 17, 2023
______4. April 1, 2023 ______9. April 29, 2023
______5. March 23, 2023 ______10. April 21, 2023

1. Why is it important to learn about natural contraception?

2. Why is it difficult to predict a woman’s ovulation period?
3. What is the important of tracking a woman’s menstrual cycle?

Activity No. 3 Each Group will create a Calendar Method necklace/beads that will tract the natural ovulation of
female. Along with the product, the group will provide an infographic of the product that tells us how this bead
works. The group will be graded using a Rubric
Sample product:
(Identification and Completion Test)
____________________1. It is a process of forceful expulsion of the semen from the urethra.
____________________2. It is the number of chromosomes of a Normal Human.
____________________3. It is a type of Cell division undergoes by the sex cells production.
____________________4. It is a male sex hormones that aid to produce sperm cell.
____________________5. It is a mixture of fluids and sperm cell.
____________________6. It is the first discharge of blood in the vagina of female.
____________________7. It refers to the Nourishing and protecting the fertilized egg during its nine
months of development.
____________________8. It is the entrance to the uterus.
____________________9. It refers to the baby in its first two months inside the mother’s womb.
____________________10. It connects the placenta to the baby.
____________________11. It is a sac that contains fluid that helps cushion and protects the baby.
____________________12. It refers to the baby in its three months to nine months inside the
mother’s womb.
____________________13. It refers to the contraction of muscles when giving birth.
____________________14. It is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Simplex Virus 2.
____________________15. It is a vaginal or urethral discharge caused by gonorrhea.
I. Table Completion: Complete the table below by identifying the organ or by giving its

Organs in the Functions

Reproductive System
1. It is a hollow muscular organ where the zygote is implanted.

Fallopian Tube 2.

Seminiferous Tubules 3.

Epididymis 4.

5. It is the primary organ in the female reproductive system that produces

egg cell.
Scrotum 6.

Erectile Tissues 7..

8. It is a male sex organ that is responsible for delivering the semen inside
the female reproductive system.
Urethra 9.

10. It is a passageway in the female reproductive system that leads from the
outside of the female’s body to the entrance of the uterus.
Prostate Gland 11.

Seminal Vesicle 12.

13. These are oval shaped organ that produces sperm cells.

14. These are hairlike structure that sweep the ovum from the ovary into
either of the fallopian tube.
15. It is a gland in male reproductive system that secretes alkaline fluid to
neutralize the traces of urine in female’s vagina.
 PowerPoint Presentation
 Reference book (Phoenix Book, General Biology 2)

Prepared by: Checked by:

_____________________________ ____________________________
Subject Teacher Noted By: Academic Coordinator
School Principal

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