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Ed Ing Adjectives

Name: Result: __/18 Date: __/__/20__

1. It is not ______________ that this should be so. (surprised/surprising)

2. All her poetic companions draw their inspirations, not from their individual
life, but their education, and as this education is the same for all, it is not
______________ that their works are uniform and monotonous.

3. I'm ______________ of reading about life and hearing about life.


4. Yet it is ______________ to note that these are the very teams that have
had no adequate forward pass defense. (interested/interesting)

5. In this happy state of things, it is not ______________ that the

management of Magua prevailed. (surprised/surprising)

6. He was ______________ to find her knowledge of the land so accurate.


7. He was ______________ to see the effect that this breaking into the world
would have upon her. (interested/interesting)

8. It is not ______________ that their own father was fond enough of them to
give them the greater part of the game he caught. (surprised/surprising)

9. Both of us presently grew ______________ of our strained position, and so

I walked off and he flew away. (tired/tiring)

10. Soft, sallow, succulent, delicately finished about the mouth and firmly
shaped about the chin, dark- ______________, full-throated, they looked as if
they had been grown in a land of olives. (eyed/eyeing)

11. As he arose he was ______________ to see that day had dawned, for it
seemed but a few minutes had passed since he fell asleep.

12. As Dick sat at his chamber-window, looking at the mountain-side, he saw

a gray- ______________ figure flit between the trees and steal along the
narrow path which led upward. (dressed/dressing)
13. He was ______________ to see Sir William free from pain, but said there
was scarcely a possibility of its continuing so. (pleased/pleasing)

14. It would be ______________ to tell such a pretty and interesting young

lady, poor girl though she was, that her father was very ill.

15. The man was panting, white- ______________. (faced/facing)

16. He was ______________ to find her in this mood. (delighted/delighting)

17. It was ______________ to see the men hauling out of their pockets a
mixture of corn, salt, caps, and cartridges, and, selecting the material needed,
loading. (amused/amusing)

18. He concurred with me at once in opinion, that something must be done,

and that we ought to risk ourselves on doing it without instructions, to save
the credit of the ______________ States. (united/uniting)

19. We found her bare shoulders very becoming, and she was very much
______________ in her own little pink toes. (interested/interesting)

20. He was canonized by Gregory IX. in the ______________ year, and his
festival is kept on the 13th of June. (followed/following)

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