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After the test you will be monitored in the Please remember to take your heart/blood
endoscopy area until most of the effects of the pressure/respiratory medication with a small sip of
medication have worn off. Your throat may be a
little sore for a while, and you may feel bloated
water four (4) hours before your procedure,
otherwise nothing to eat or drink, after midnight the
right after the procedure because of the air night before the examination.
introduced into your stomach during the test. You NO diabetic medications until you have eaten. If
will be able to resume your diet after you leave the you are having a colonoscopy at the time of your
procedure area unless you are instructed otherwise. upper endoscopy please refer to the prep instruction
In most circumstances, your physician can inform pamphlet for dietary and fasting instructions.
you of your test results on the day of the procedure;
however, the results of any biopsy samples taken
will take several days.


Endoscopy is safe. Complications can occur but are
rare when the test is performed by a physician with
specialized training and experience in this Carolina Mountain
procedure. Bleeding may occur from the biopsy site Gastroenterology
or where a polyp has been removed.
Localized irritation of the vein where the Endoscopy Center
medication was injected may cause a tender lump or
bruising, which may last for several weeks, but this
will go away eventually. Applying heat packs or
hot, moist towels may help relieve discomfort.
Other potential risks include a reaction to the TO THE PATIENT:
sedative used and complications from heart or lung Because education is an important part of
diseases. Major complications, such as a perforation comprehensive medical care, you have been
(a tear that might require surgery for repair) are very provided with this information to prepare you for For questions between 8:00am – 5:00pm call:
uncommon. this procedure. If you have any questions about your CMG Endoscopy Center - 696-3099
Although complications after upper endoscopy are need for an upper endoscopy, alternative approaches
uncommon, it is important for you to recognize to your problem, the cost of the procedure, methods If you are calling after 5:00pm:
early signs of any possible complications. If you of billing, or insurance coverage do not hesitate to Pardee Hospital - 696-1000
have any symptoms that can be concerning such as contact our office. Our endoscopists are highly AdventHealth Hospital 684-8501
fever, chills, vomiting, abdominal pain, trouble trained specialists and welcome your questions Transylvania Regional Hospital 884-9111
swallowing, or throat pain please notify our office regarding their credentials and training. If you have
promptly. If after hours with the above concerning questions that have not been answered, please
symptoms, report to nearest Emergency department discuss them with the endoscopy nurse or your
or call 911. physician before the examination begins. Jan 2020
Upper endoscopy (also known as upper GI Light dinner (soup, salad, sandwich, etc.) completed Three (3) days before procedure:
endoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, EGD) is before 7pm. Stop Iron, Fish Oil and Vitamin E.
a procedure that enables your physician to examine Procedures scheduled before 1:00pm, clear liquids Stop NSAIDS (Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil,
the lining of the upper part of your gastrointestinal until midnight. Naproxen, Aleve, Naprosyn), Celebrex and
tract, i.e. the esophagus (swallowing tube), stomach Procedures scheduled after 1:00pm, clear liquids Mobic. You may take Tylenol during this
and duodenum (first portion of the small intestine) until 9am, unless otherwise instructed by provider Time.
using a thin flexible tube with its own lens and light
source. BLOOD THINNERS / DIET MEDICATION: Day of procedure:
Before holding any medications, a clearance will be Hold Aspirin
obtained from prescribing physician prior to Take morning meds with small sip of water
WHY IS AN UPPER ENDOSCOPY DONE? procedure. DO NOT stop these medications until four (4) hours prior to scheduled procedure,
Upper endoscopy is usually performed to evaluate directed by our office or prescribing physician. especially blood pressure, heart rate, and
symptoms of persistent upper abdominal pain, breathing medications.
nausea, vomiting or difficulty with swallowing. It is Seven (7) days before procedure With exception of medication, NOTHING BY
also the best test for finding the cause of bleeding Hold Pla i , Brilinta and Effient, Ticlid-(10 days) MOUTH AFTER MIDNIGHT. This includes
from the upper gastrointestinal tract. Hold Phentermine, Adipex, Qsymia food, liquids, hard candy/mints, gum or
tobacco. This is to reduce the risk of
Upper endoscopy is more accurate than x-rays for Three (3) days before procedure complications with your breathing during the
detecting inflammation, ulcers, or tumors of Hold Warfarin (Coumadin/Janto en) procedure.
esophagus, stomach and duodenum. This is Hold Bontril EGDs scheduled after 1:00pm may have clear
particularly true when there has been a major liquids until 9:00am.
Two (2) days before procedure
operation on the upper gastrointestinal tract. Upper
endoscopy can detect early cancer and can
Hold Sa a sa (Edo aban) Your physician will review with you why the upper
distinguish between benign and malignant (cancer)
conditions by performing biopsies (taking small endoscopy is being performed, whether any
One (1) day before procedure alternative tests are available, and possible
tissue samples) of suspicious areas. Biopsies are • Hold Xarelto/Arixtra and Pradaxa (may be 2 days
taken for many reasons and do not necessarily mean complications from the procedure. You will be
depending on prescribing physician). given medications through a vein to help you relax
that cancer is suspected.
during the test. While you are in a comfortable
Ask your prescribing physician about taking a low position on your side, the endoscope is passed
Upper endoscopy is also used to treat conditions dose Aspirin while holding these medications.
present in the upper gastrointestinal tract. A variety through the mouth and then in turn through the
of instruments can be passed through the endoscope esophagus, stomach and duodenum. The endoscope
DIABETIC MEDICATION: does not interfere with your breathing during the
that allow many abnormalities to be treated directly Please check with your prescribing physician on
with little or no discomfort; for example, stretching test. You will be asleep during the procedure.
how to adjust your insulin. Please check your blood
narrow areas, removing polyps (usually benign sugar regularly.
growths) or swallowed objects, or treating upper TRANSPORTATION AFTER PROCEDURE:
gastrointestinal bleeding. Safe and effective Three (3) days before procedure You are required to have a driver with you. The
endoscopic control of bleeding has reduced the need Hold Victo a or B etta driver must stay on site from check-in to the time
for transfusions and surgery to many patients. you are discharged. No driver, no procedure. A
One (1) day before your procedure taxi cab is only permitted if you are accompanied by
Hold oral diabetic medication the night before and a responsible adult that will be going home with
day of your procedure. you.

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