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Name: Aiman Sahar

Writing Clearly; Words, Sentences and

 What does Writing Clearly mean?
Writing Clearly means choosing your words
deliberately, constructing your sentences carefully, and using grammar properly. By writing
clearly and concisely, you will get straight to your point in a way your audience can easily
comprehend. Clear Writing is a way of presenting information so that it is easy for spectators to
read and understand. Clear Writing considers how the material looks, as well as what it says.
Clear Writing prevents misunderstanding between you and your reader by avoiding jargon and
technical terms.

 Importance of Clear Writing?

Clear, persuasive writing helps you provide real value by
turning information into knowledge to help people understand often complex ideas and make
educated decisions. That level of expertise, insight, and understanding builds trust and
confidence. Clarity is important because it ensures that your reader understands exactly what
you're communicating, whether that's a request, an observation, a question, a statement, or a
response to a question they asked you. Using clear language also makes your writing more

 Purpose of Clear Writng:

Clear Writing saves time because it avoids
misunderstanding and errors. It gets the job done the first time. Clear Writing makes material
easier to understand for:
1) People who do not read well.
2) People whose first language is not English.
3) People who do not see well.
4) People who do not listen well.
5) People who are too busy to read a large amount of text and gain a small amount of

 Main Styles for Clear Writing:

The 10 main types of writing styles are:
1) Narrative Writing
2) Descriptive Writing
3) Expository Writing
4) Persuasive Writing
5) Creative Writing
6) Objective Writing
7) Subjective Writing
8) Review Writing
9) Poetic Writing
10) Technical Writing.

 Features of Clear Writing:

The following is a brief description of five qualities of clear
1) Focus
2) Development
3) Unity
4) Coherence
5) Correctness
6) Diction
7) Sentence structure
8) Syntax
9) Nature of figurative language
10) Rhythm and component sounds
11) Rhetorical patterns

 Principles of Clear Writing:

1) Write in the active voice.
2) Use action verbs.
3) Use “must” instead of “shall”.
4) Be direct.
5) Use the present tense.
6) Write positively.
7) Avoid use of exceptions.
8) Avoid splitting infinitives.
9) Use the singular noun rather than the plural noun.
10) Don’t use different words to denote the same things.
11) Be consistent.
12) Use parallel structure.
13) Prefer simple words.
14) Omit needless words.
15) Avoid redundancies.
16) Use concrete words.
17) Don’t use words that antagonize.
18) Avoid noun sandwiches.
19) Don’t use gender-specific terminology.
20) Write short sentences.
21) Make lists clear and logical in structure.
22) Use short paragraphs.

 Process for Sculpting Sentences:

1) Read your sentence slowly
2) Highlight the most meaningful words
3) Rewrite your sentence by focusing on the meaningful words.

 Clear and Exact Use of Words:

A vocabulary of precise nouns and vivid verbs helps you create
strong mental pictures and avoid wordiness. Using the fewest possible words without sacrificing
meaning makes your writing more understandable. Even in college, when an instructor asks you
to write 2,000 words, he means 2,000 good words. You must cut out wordiness and use precise
Never search for a synonym just to dress up an idea, and never
use an unfamiliar word from the thesaurus to replace a perfectly good familiar word . Unfamiliar
words may carry the wrong connotation or be simply unsuitable for your audience. Learn a
word's meaning and usage before using it. Check your writing once expressly to locate jargon
and cut out as much as you can.

 How to make Sentences Clear?

One of the easiest ways to write clear and concise
sentences is to use active voice, which means that the subject of the sentence performs the action,
rather than being acted upon. Active voice makes your sentences more direct, lively, and strong,
and reduces the number of words you need to express your idea.

If possible, substitute a vivid verb to make the sentence

more straightforward and easier to understand. Each word in a sentence should be there for a
reason. If a word is not contributing to your message, throw it overboard. Learning to recognize
wordiness, repetition, and vague or unnecessary language is an important tool to ensure your
writing. Examining word choice, concision, and sentence clarity are important aspects of the
 Build Clear Paragraphs:
The paragraph is one of the key structural elements in most
forms of writing. Like a building block, it is usually one of many which, when put together, form
the whole. Yet it is also an entity in itself, with its own internal structure. The paragraph contains
a topic sentence, supporting or elaborating sentences and a concluding or linking sentence. A
well-written paragraph will convey your ideas, the relationships between them, and your line of
reasoning clearly, while a poorly structured paragraph can obscure your meaning and confuse
your reader.

Good paragraphs begin with a topic sentence that briefly

explains what the paragraph is about. Next come a few sentences for development and support,
elaborating on the topic with more detail. Paragraphs end with a conclusion sentence that
summarizes the topic or presents one final piece of support to wrap up.

 How to Build a Paragraph?

Paragraph structure is important in ensuring that your
meaning and thought processes are clear to the reader. A clear paragraph should contain the
 The topic sentence, which introduces your point
 The supporting sentences, which develop the point by providing evidence, explanation
or examples
 The concluding sentence, which helps connect your point to your overall argument
every sentence should serve a clear purpose in relation to the topic sentence.

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