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TAHUN 2021

Nama : Fifi Yulianti

: Asiyah kelderak
Kelas : C6

Midwife Fifi : Hi...Asiyah,Can I help you?

Asiyah kelderak : Hi, I want to check my pregnancy
Midwife Fifi : Okay, okay please lie in bed, I will check your pregnancy
When did you have your last period?
Asiyah kelderak : My last period was March 8, 2021
Midwife Fifi : How many days of menstruation
Asiyah kelderak : About 6 days
Midwife Fifi : Is there a lot of menstrual blood that comes out?
Asiyah kelderak : A lot of
Midwife Fifi : how many times do you change your sanitary napkin every day
Asiyah kelderak : I usually change at night 2 times during the day 3 times
Midwife Fifi ` : Is one full bandage
Asiyah kelderak : yup..
Midwife Fifi : Is this the first pregnancy
Asiyah kelderak : I was pregnant before but miscarried at the age of 3 months of pregnancy
the doctor did curettage on my womb. I was hospitalized 3 days at the
Hermina hospital, the one who did currettage was doctor Rudi

Midwife Fifi : Doctor Rudi ? He is a nice guy,I know him. what is your complaint at this
time,are you okay?

Asiyah kelderak : I feel nauseous every morning, headaches every day, about a week ago I
did not eat anything, just drink mineral water, eat whatever I eat I will throw
it out again,I lose a lot of weight.
Midwife Fifi : It’s actually normal to have morning sickness throughout your first and
second trimester. Any other symptoms you complain of?

Asiyah kelderak : Heartburn. It hurts so much.

Midwife Fifi : What you’ve been eating?
Asiyah kelderak : I eat a lot of spicy food. I eat spicy fried chicken, it tastes so good that I
don't want to stop eating it.

Midwife Fifi : Aaa... You have to eat less spicy food because it will make your stomach
hurt especially if you have magh disease, you have to stop eating spicy food.

Asiyah kelderak : okay..

Midwife Fifi : Do you like sports, morning walks or gymnastics?
Asiyah kelderak : Yes, the doctor advised me to do light exercise every day, so now I do 20
minutes of walking in the morning. Given that the first trimester of pregnancy
is a very important period for fetal development, it is recommended that you
know many ways to maintain the health of the body and the fetus in the

Midwife Fifi : good..

Asiyah kelderak : Then what else should I do so that the fetus is healthy.

Midwife Fifi : Okay let me explain,because it is in the first trimester of pregnancy that the
fetus's body skeleton begins to form and its organs begin to work even though
not completely. For Mama, the first trimester of pregnancy also causes
several changes, both physically and psychologically. As a result, mom will
often feel uncomfortable, ranging from nausea and vomiting, dizziness, or
easily tired when doing activities. So, to minimize the various complaints that
you usually experience during the first trimester of pregnancy, do the
following good and healthy habits:

1. Get enough rest, Early in the first trimester, you must have days feels
more tiring than usual. Easily tired due to the increased progesterone
hormone. The effects of increased progesterone can make you feel dizzy,
nauseous and vomiting, stomach pain, constipation, vaginal discharge,
blurred eyes or shortness of breath. This happened naturally. The solution
is that you can do sports, reduce activities that are too tiring. Also take a
nap and don't think too much.
2. eat nutritious food, choose beneficial foods that contain lots of protein,
iron, folic acid, vitamin C, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Make
selecting foods, a good habit for healthy pregnant women. It's not
difficult to eat, but you need to be more careful and understand that every
food we choose is indeed in accordance with nutritional needs during the
first trimester of pregnancy. In addition, do not force yourself to diet. In
fact, mom is advised to eat more, especially when doing activities that are
quite tiring. It can provide extra energy. Don't skip meals on purpose for
fear of gaining weight.
3. so as not to have nausea and vomiting, it has become commonplace
during the first trimester of pregnancy. The cause is an increase in the
hormone estrogen. This condition then causes stomach acid levels to
increase, causing nausea and wanting to vomit. Usually, this complaint
occurs most severely in the morning when the stomach is empty, so this
condition is also often referred to as morning sickness. Although it is
possible that it could happen at other times. The solution, if you
experience nausea and vomiting, eat smaller portions but more often.
Prepare snacks such as biscuits on the table near the bed. Choose biscuits
or snacks that whet your appetite, it's okay to eat a little which is
important can relieve nausea, not nausea and vomiting,

Asiyah Kelderak : pregnant women can fast..?

Midwife Fifi : Actually, pregnant women in the early trimester are still allowed to fast. It's
just that, there are several things that must be considered, especially those
related to the health condition of the mother and the fetus. Before deciding to
fast, the mother must check the condition of the womb first. in the early
trimester the fetus still needs a lot of nutrients. However, all of this depends
on the results of the examination and consultation with the obstetrician.
Because, the condition of the body from one pregnant woman to another
pregnant woman can vary. Things that need to be underlined, there are
various things that pregnant women should pay attention to when going to
fasting. Pregnant women are advised to always ensure that the intake of fluids
in the body is fulfilled. This is to prevent dehydration. Because, dehydration
during pregnancy can cause contractions, and other pregnancy complaints. In
addition to fulfilling fluid intake, mothers must also pay attention to the
adequacy of nutrients that enter the body. At dawn or breaking the fast, be
sure to eat the type of food that can meet the needs of the body and the fetus.
For example, foods rich in fiber, iron, or folic acid which are needed during
pregnancy. In order not to mistakenly question food intake, try asking your
doctor about the menu that you should consume.

Asiyah Kelderak : Sorry madam, I have one question, but I'm ashamed to say it.

Midwife Fifi : Don't be shy just say it, I'll listen and answer if I can.

Asiyah Kelderak : My husband always asks to make love but I refuse because I fear it will be
bad for my pregnancy, can a pregnant woman like me make love to my

Midwife Fifi : When the mother is pregnant, it does not mean that the mother and partner
must stop sexual intercourse. But keep in mind, there are many things that
must be considered before the mother has an intimate relationship with a
partner. Starting from the mood to the health condition of the mother and
fetus. Many pregnant women feel that changes in sexual desire occur in the
first trimester. This is caused by several factors, one of which may be
hormonal changes that cause pregnant women to feel nauseous and tire
quickly. However, if the health of the mother and the womb is fine, actually
intercourse is safe enough for pregnant women to do in the first trimester as
long as it is done properly. Early pregnancy is a period of adaptation for
mothers to recognize changes that occur in physical and health. We
recommend that you talk to your partner about this intimate relationship, such
as comfort issues. There are several conditions that prevent first trimester
pregnant women from having intercourse: If the membranes break, Having
uterine problems, Have had a miscarriage in a previous pregnancy, The
placenta partially covers the cervix, Bleeding or spotting from the vagina,
Have placenta pravia. To avoid dangerous risks, you should make sure that
the mother is diligent and routinely checks the womb at the obstetrician so
that the mother can find out earlier whether there is a disturbance in
pregnancy or not so that intercourse can run smoothly and comfortably. Tips
for Intimate Relationships for First Trimester Pregnant Women . There are
many things that mothers should know when having intercourse in the first
trimester of pregnancy:

1. Pay attention to positions that do not endanger the fetus,

When going to have intercourse while pregnancy is still in the first
trimester, the mother should choose a position that is not harmful to the
fetus. Usually in the first trimester, because there have not been many
changes in the physical condition of the mother, the mother can still do a
standing or sitting position. However, if the mother feels tired, you
should do the missionary position and the spooning position to make her
2. Make sure the mother's partner does not ejaculate in the vagina
At the age of the first trimester of pregnancy, the couple should not
ejaculate in the vagina, so that sperm will not enter the uterus. This is
because the prostaglandin hormone found in sperm can cause
contractions in the mother's uterus, so that it can harm the fetus in the
3. Should Avoid Oral Sex During Pregnancy
Oral sex activities should be avoided during pregnancy. Because, during
pregnancy, the hormone estrogen causes the mother's blood vessels to
open wide, making it very susceptible to bacteria and infection if exposed
to saliva

Asiyah Kelderak : Thank you for the explanation, sometimes I feel guilty towards my husband.

Midwife Fifi : that’s okay..

Asiyah Kelderak : Eid al-Fitr soon and I want to go back to my hometown by airplane, may I
take an airplane while I am pregnant

Midwife Fifi : for travel by plane. Broadly speaking, the safest gestational age to travel is
in the second trimester, as long as you don't experience any
complications.any questions?

Asiyah Kelderak : I think that's enough, thanks for the explanation.

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