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QUIZ 3 ballottement?

[Initiating a gentle upward tap on the

1. Parity refers to which of the following descriptions?
[Number of children a female has delivered] 12. The chief function of progesterone is the:
[Preparation of the uterus to receive a fertilized egg]
2. A 26-year old multigravida is 14 weeks’ pregnant and
is scheduled for an alpha-fetoprotein test. She asks the 13. Which symptom is considered a first-trimester
nurse, “What does the alpha-fetoprotein test indicate?” warning sign and should be reported immediately by the
The nurse bases a response on the knowledge that this pregnant woman to her health care provider? [Vaginal
test can detect: [Neural tube defects] bleeding]
3. Fetal circulation occurs through the umbilical cord 14. A woman who has completed one pregnancy with a
from the fetus to the placenta. Which answer gives the fetus (or fetuses) reaching the stage of fetal viability is
best description of what vein(s) and artery(ies) are called: [Primipara]
involved in fetal circulation? [Two umbilical arteries and
15. What is the duration for which the sperm remains
one umbilical vein]
viable in the female reproductive system? [3 to 5 days
4. The nurse is aware than an adaptation of pregnancy is after intercourse]
an increased blood supply to the pelvic region that
16. What are the 3 germ layer of the embryo?
results in a purplish discoloration of the vaginal mucosa,
[Endoderm, Mesoderm, Ectoderm]
which is known as: [Chadwick's sign]
17. When the blastocyst is implanted into the wall of the
5. A nurse is assisting in performing an assessment on a
uterus and starts developing and sends out hormones into
client who suspects that she is pregnant and is checking
the blood stream [Implantation]
the client for probable signs of pregnancy. Select all
probable signs of pregnancy. [Chadwick's sign] 18. A nursing instructor asks a nursing student who is
preparing to assist with the assessment of a pregnant
6. In which of the following areas would the nurse
client to describe the process of quickening. Which of
expect to observe chloasma? [Cheeks, forehead, and
the following statements if made by the student indicates
an understanding of this term? [It is the fetal movement
7. A nursing instructor is conducting lecture and is that is felt by the mother."]
reviewing the functions of the female reproductive
19. Gravida refers to which of the following
system. She asks Mark to describe the follicle-
descriptions? [Number of times a female has been
stimulating hormone (FSH) and the luteinizing hormone
(LH). Mark accurately responds by stating that: [FSH
and LH are released from the anterior pituitary gland.] 20. A pregnant client states that she “waddles” when she
walks. The nurse’s explanation is based on which of the
8. Why is the embryonic period the most crucial part of
following as the cause? [Relaxation of the pelvic joints.]
prenatal development? [Because during this period the
cells are more susceptible to external damage that could 21. What the female hormones? [Progesterone and
lead to the dysfunction of one or more organ systems.] Estrogen]
9. When assessing the adequacy of sperm for conception 22. A woman who is 32 weeks' pregnant is informed by
to occur, which of the following is the most useful the nurse that a danger sign of pregnancy could be:
criterion? [Sperm motility] [Alteration in the pattern of fetal movement]
10. A 21-year old client, 6 weeks’ pregnant is diagnosed 23. Which of the following answers best describes the
with hyperemesis gravidarum. This excessive vomiting stage of pregnancy in which maternal and fetal blood are
during pregnancy will often result in which of the exchanged? [Maternal and fetal blood are never
following conditions? [Electrolyte imbalance] exchanged]
11. A nurse midwife is performing an assessment of a 24. A nurse is caring for a client in Health Center and
pregnant client and is assessing the client for the prepares to auscultate the fetal heart rate by using a
presence of ballottement. Which of the following would Doppler ultrasound device. The nurse most accurately
the nurse implement to test for the presence of determines that the fetal heart sounds are heard by:
[Palpating the maternal radial pulse while listening to the 37. A nurse is reinforcing education for a client entering
fetal heart rate.] the third trimester of pregnancy. The nurse determines
that the client understands the education when stating
25. The developing cells are called a fetus from the:
she will immediately report which symptom? [Blurred
[Eighth week to the time of birth]
26. A client is at 8 weeks gestation. Which of the
38. A nurse is describing the process of fetal circulation
following findings would the nurse expect to see?
to a client during a prenatal visit. The nurse accurately
[Maternal ambivalence]
tells the client that fetal circulation consists of: [Two
27. While performing Leopold's maneuvers on a umbilical arteries and one umbilical vein]
laboring woman, the nurse palpates a flat area in the
39. An antenatal client is informing the nurse of her
fundal region, a hard round mass on the left side, a soft
prenatal signs and symptoms. Which of the following
round mass on the right side, and small parts just above
findings would the nurse determine are presumptive
the symphysis. The nurse concludes which of the
signs of pregnancy? Select all that apply. [Amennorhea]
following? [The fetal presentation is scapular]
40. If the ovum is to be fertilized, where is the most
28. Cervical softening and uterine souffle are classified
common site of fertilization? [Ampulla of the fallopian
as which of the following? [Probable signs]
29. A newly married couple plans to use the natural
41. Which of the following urinary symptoms does the
family planning method of contraception. Understanding
pregnant woman most frequently experience during the
how long an ovum can live after ovulation is important
first trimester?[Frequency]
to them. The nurse knows that his or her teaching was
effective when the couple responds that an ovum is 42. Which purposes of placental functioning should the
considered fertile for which period of time? [24 hours] nurse include in a prenatal class? Select all that apply. [It
provides an exchange of nutrients and waste products
30. The nurse is caring for a primigravida at about 2
between the mother and developing fetus.]
months and 1 week gestation. After explaining self-care
measures for common discomforts of pregnancy, the
nurse determines that the client understands the
instructions when she says: [Nausea and vomiting can be
decreased if I eat a few crackers before arising”] 1. Identify the signs and symptoms of Pregnancy:
Amenorrhea [Presumptive]
31. During which phase of fetal development is the ball
of cells moving out of the Fallopian tubes and into the 2. A client enters the prenatal clinic. She states that she
uterus? believes she is pregnant. Which of the following
hormone elevations will indicate a high probability that
32. A nursing instructor asks a nursing student who is
the client is pregnant? [Chorionic Gonadotropin]
preparing to assist with the assessment of a pregnant
client to describe the process of quickening. Which of 3. What are the Phases of Menstrual Cycle? Answer in
the following statements if made by the student indicates correct ORDER. [ Menstruation, Follicular phase,
an understanding of this term? [It is the fetal movement Ovulation, Luteal Phase]
that is felt by the mother.]
4. Identify the signs and symptoms of Pregnancy: ( + )
33. A 36-week gestation client is being seen in the HCG Test [Presumptive]
prenatal clinic. Where would the nurse expect the fundal
height to be felt? [At the xiphoid process] 5. A nursing instructor is conducting lecture and is
reviewing the functions of the female reproductive
34. A primigravid client is 39 weeks pregnant. Which of system. She asks Mark to describe the follicle-
the following symptoms would the nurse expect the stimulating hormone (FSH) and the luteinizing hormone
client to exhibit? [Urinary frequency] (LH). Mark accurately responds by stating that: [FSH
and LH are released from the anterior pituitary gland.]
35. Which of the following common emotional reactions
to pregnancy would the nurse expect to occur during the 6. What are the four ( 4 ) Body Structures that are
first trimester? [Ambivalence, fear, fantasies.] involved in Physiology of Menstruation? [Ovaries,
Uterus, Hypothalamus, Fallopian tube] (NOT SURE)
7. A pregnant client tells the clinic nurse that she wants
to k now the sex of her baby as soon as it can be
determined. The nurse understands that the client should
be able to find out at 12 weeks' gestation because by the
end of the twelfth week: [The sex of the fetus can be
determined by the appearance of the external genitalia.]
8. A 36-week gestation client is being seen in the
prenatal clinic. Where would the nurse expect the fundal
height to be felt? [At the xiphoid process]
9. A nursing instructor asks a nursing student who is
preparing to assist with the assessment of a pregnant
client to describe the process of quickening. Which of
the following statements if made by the student indicates
an understanding of this term? [."It is the fetal
movement that is felt by the mother."]
10. Identify the signs and symptoms of Pregnancy:
Ballottement [Probable]
11. Identify the signs and symptoms of Pregnancy:
Quickening [Presumptive]
12. It is a stage of Human Sexual Response wherein the
body discharges all the accumulated sexual tension.
13. It is one of the probable sign of pregnancy wherein
there is a softening of the cervix [Goodell’s sign]
14. The nurse is counseling a couple who has sought
information about conceiving. The couple asks the nurse
to explain when ovulation usually occurs. Which
statement by the nurse is correct? [Two weeks before
15. Identify the signs and symptoms of Pregnancy:
Palpation of fetal outline [Positive]
16. Where thus fertilization occurs? [Fallopian Tube]
17. It is one of the probable sign of pregnancy wherein
there is a softening of the lower uterine segment.
[Hegar’s sign]
18. Stage of Human Sexual Response wherein it is
reached before orgasm. [Plateau]
19. A stage of Human Sexual Response that occurs with
physical and psychological stimulation. [Excitement]

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