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5/1/23, 21:02 Cómo diluir las esporas - fermentationculture.


Cómo diluir las esporas

July 26, 2018

Las esporas que puedes comprar en esta tienda se entregan sin diluir. Son esporas puras:
se necesita una cantidad realmente minúscula de esporas para inocular 5 kilogramos de
granos cocidos al vapor.

Si las esporas no se diluyen, puede ser difícil esparcirlas uniformemente sobre los granos.
Para facilitar el manejo de las esporas, recomiendo diluirlas con harina tostada.

 Cómo diluir las esporas

Necesitarás una báscula de cocina, un bol, harina (puede ser de trigo o de arroz), una
sartén y por supuesto las esporas. 1/9
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Ponga 29 g de harina en el bol. Pueden ser 30 g, ya que probablemente perderás algo de

harina en el proceso. 2/9
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Put the flour into the pan and toast it until it gets light brown. The toasting is important
to kill off any other mold spores that may be present in the flour. Be aware that the
browning can happen very quickly! I have burnt the flour more often than once. Move the
flour around a lot, to avoid burning it. 3/9
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This flour is brown enough, in fact it is browner than I wanted it to be, but it is still OK. 4/9
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Let it cool down for some time. 5/9
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Once the flour is cool, add the spores. 6/9
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Mix the flour and the spores.The mixture is now ready for usage. You can either start a
batch right away, or you can store the mixture for later use. 7/9
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In this case, I wanted to use all of the mixture right away. If you want to start, say, 1 kg of
steamed rice, simply use a fifth of your mixture. This should now amount to about 6 g.

The dilution of the spores serves two purposes: you can divide the spores more easily if
you want to make less than 5 kg of Koji, and also you can spread them more easily. If I
just poured the pure spores into my tea-strainer, they’d probably all end up in one spot.
Now that they are diluted, I can spread them very evenly. 8/9
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I find that a tea strainer works well for spreading the spores. In this case I was making soy
sauce, if you are wondering :)

I hope this article was of help to you :) Wish you happy fermenting!

How to make Soy Sauce


What Koji needs to grow and how to provide for its needs


A primer on the biochemistry of miso and soy sauce fermentation

19/04/2017 9/9

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