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1. The walls of Jericho: Joshua 6

2. The healed leper (Jesus healed 10 but only one gave praise to God): Luke 6
3. King Jehoshaphat led the Israelite army into the battlefield with praise and worship and won
without any weapons: 2 Chronicles 20
4. David’s harp cast out the spirit tormenting King Saul: 1Samuel 16:14-23


1. Moses had a speech problem yet God called him to address Pharaoh: Exodus 4:10-13
2. Joseph helped interpret Pharaoh’s dream: Genesis 41:1-36
3. The story of Samson being unruly yet God used him: Judges 16
4. Jeremiah was too young to be a Prophet: Jeremiah 1
5. Solomon was unqualified for kingship but God gave him wisdom: 1kings 3
6. God called fishermen to be disciples: Matthew 4:18-22
7. King David, although a shepherd boy, was destined to be king: 1 Samuel 16
8. Ruth was a widow but God used her to be the grandmother of Jesus: The book of Ruth
9. Leah was unloved but she bore 10 out of 12 sons of Israel and Jesus came through her
lineage: Genesis 29:31
10. Jesus was a carpenter’s son but He became the Messiah: Matthew 13:55

1. The Lord’s Prayer: Matthew 6:9-13
2. Elijah’s prayer to God on Mt. Camel against Baal: 1 Kings 18
3. Hannah’s prayer: 1 Samuel 2:1-10
4. Daniel’s prayer: Daniel 9:4-6, 9-10, 18-19
5. The tax collector and pharisee prayer: Luke 18:9-13
6. Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane (when times get tough): Matthew 26:38-41
7. God heard Hagar’s cry: Genesis 21:15-19
8. Ester’s fasting and prayer: Ester 4:15-16

1. Job’s obedience to God: Job 1
2. Noah’s obedience to God in a time of evil: Genesis 5:32-10:1
3. Lot’s obedience to God: Genesis 13
4. Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac: Genesis 22
5. Joseph’s obedience to Potiphar: Genesis 39
6. Zechariah and Elizabeth’s righteousness to God led to them being blessed with John the
Baptist: Luke 1:5-7
7. Samson’s disobedience to God: Judges 16:1-21
8. Saul’s disobedience led to David being king: 1 Samuel 15
9. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego obey when it is hard: Daniel 3:8-18
10. Adam and Eve disobey God: Genesis 13
11. Cain disobeys God by killing his brother Abel: Genesis 4
12. Jonah learns the hard way to obey God: Jonah 1
1. Caleb and Joshua have immense faith in God when they give a good report as spies:
Numbers 13
2. The faith of Moses in parting the Red Sea: Exodus 14:21-29
3. The faith of the Centurion for the healing of his servant: Matthew 8:5-13
4. Peter stepping out in faith: Mark 14:24-33
5. The woman who touched Jesus’ cloak
6. Story of David and Goliath: 1 Samuel 17:1-58
7. Jacob wrestles with God (“I will not let you go until you bless me”): Genesis 32
8. Talitha, Jairus’ Daughter: Mark 5:21-24, 35-43
9. Lazarus raised from the dead: John 11:1-44
10. The Blind Man at Bethsaida: Mark 8:22-26
11. Rahab is a faithful spy: Joshua 2
12. Ruth is faithful to Naomi: The book of Ruth

1. The song of Moses and Miriam: Exodus 15
2. Paul gives thanks to God in the middle of a storm: Acts 27
3. Mary, the mother of Jesus: Luke 1:46-55
4. The healed leper: Luke 6
5. Abraham gave a tenth of all he had to Melchizedek: Genesis 14:20
6. The lady with the Alabaster Jar: Matthew 26:6-13

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