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DAAD “Ukraine digital”

“Ukraine digital”/DAAD
Online-project betweenTaras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and University of
Konstanz - Sholarship confirmation for partcipating in the online seminar of Dr. Alexander
“Economic and Social History of Germany“
September 2022- Dezember 2022
600 Euro

 I herewith accept the grant provided to me by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds
from the Federal Foreign Office (AA) and I agree not to claim or accept any additional funding, earnings or
reimbursements during my study/research period abroad without first consulting the International Office of
the University of Konstanz.
 I am aware that providing false or misleading information or deliberately withholding information in regards to
funding-related matters can lead to the grant being cancelled and/or me repaying the money. Using the grant
for reasons contrary to the intended purpose of the funding (including cancelling the funding without an
acceptable reason) will also make me responsible for paying back the entire sum of the grant including any
interest to the International Office of the University of Konstanz.
 I am informed that the International Office will save and use my data in order to pay out my grant. I also agree
that the International Office will forward the following data to the DAAD: name, surname, gender, Email,
degree level, field of studies, home university, country of nationality, information about the funding (period,
duration, amount).
 My bank-details:
Name of the scholarship-holder:




Address of the bank:

Private address of the scholarship holder:

Place, date Signature of scholarship holder

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