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Heal the Heart Chakra – Sept 14, 2022, Wed, 5pm – Mr.

1. Sit and watch the breath with palms on the knees and then in namaskar. Mentally repeat “I
am healthy, I have a healthy heart” with eyes closed.
2. Stand and breath by moving the arms to open the chest
3. To exercise the calf muscles – Lift the arms up and stand on the toes and bring the arms to
the chest and stand on the foot.
4. Swing the leg to the sides and back and forth with hands on the hips.
5. Tree-pose.
6. Sit with legs stretched and relax by messaging
7. Torso twist – Bend right leg and place the right hand at the back. Raise the left hand up,
twist the torso to the right and place the elbow on the outside of the right knee.
8. Cow-pose – Fold left knee folded over the right knee, right-hand up and left-hand down
inlock behind the back.
9. Cobra-pose
10. Crocodile pose – relax
11. Laying down – Raise the legs 90 degrees up and down one by one.
12. Savasana – Relax
13. Pranayama – Anuloma villoma w/o holding the breath (5 counts – inhale through right, 5
counts exhale through the right nostril) – Nadi sudhi

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