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1. SMALL GROUP: A small group refers to a relatively small number of individuals who
interact with each other, share a common purpose, and have a sense of belonging.
Sentence: A small group of friends gathered around the campfire to share stories and enjoy each
other's company.

2. INTERDEPENDENCE: Interdependence describes the mutual reliance and influence

that individuals or elements within a group have on each other to achieve a common goal.
Sentence: The success of the project relied on the interdependence of each team member's
expertise and contribution.
3. TASK-ORIENTED GROUP: A task-oriented group is a team assembled to accomplish
a specific objective or complete a particular task efficiently and effectively.
Sentence: The company formed a task-oriented group to streamline the production process and
improve efficiency.
4. SECONDARY GROUP: A secondary group is a larger and more impersonal social
group where members come together for a specific purpose or shared interest, but the
relationships tend to be temporary and goal-oriented.
Sentence: The attendees at the conference formed a secondary group to discuss specific topics of
interest during the breakout sessions.
5. PRIMARY GROUP: A primary group is a small social group characterized by close,
personal, and long-lasting relationships based on emotional connections and genuine
concern for one another.
Sentence: The close-knit family was a primary group that provided unwavering emotional
support to each member during difficult times.
6. SYNERGY: Synergy refers to the phenomenon where a group's collaborative efforts
produce results that are more effective or efficient than individual efforts alone.
Sentence: The collaboration between the talented artists resulted in a beautiful mural that
showcased the power of synergy.
7. TEAMS: Teams are organized groups of individuals working together cooperatively and
collaboratively towards a common goal, often with complementary skills and roles.
Sentence: The basketball teams practiced diligently to improve their skills and enhance their
chances of winning the championship.
8. ADVANTAGES OF GROUPS: Groups offer several benefits, such as increased
creativity, diverse perspectives, improved decision-making, enhanced problem-solving,
and social support.
Sentence: One of the advantages of groups is that they can harness the collective creativity of
their members to generate innovative solutions.
9. SOCIAL LOAFING: Social loafing is the tendency for some individuals to exert less
effort when working in a group compared to when working individually, often due to a
reduced sense of individual accountability.
Sentence: Some students exhibited social loafing during the group project, contributing less
effort than when they worked individually.
10. GROUPTHINK: Groupthink occurs when a group strives for consensus and harmony,
leading to the suppression of dissenting opinions, which can result in poor decision-
making and critical thinking.
Sentence: The lack of diverse opinions in the boardroom led to groupthink, and critical
alternatives were not considered.
11. GROUP CONFLICT: Group conflict refers to disagreements, tensions, or opposing
interests that arise within a group due to differences in perspectives, goals, or ideologies.
Sentence: The group conflict arose due to differing opinions on how to allocate the budget for
the upcoming event.
12. SYMBOLIC CONVERGENCE: Symbolic convergence is the process where group
members develop a shared sense of identity and consciousness through storytelling,
shared experiences, and common fantasies.
Sentence: Through storytelling and shared experiences, the members of the hiking club
experienced symbolic convergence, feeling a stronger sense of unity.
13. TASK COHESION: Task cohesion pertains to the degree of unity and commitment
among group members towards achieving a specific objective or completing a particular
Sentence: The high level of task cohesion among the research team resulted in their ability to
meet tight deadlines effectively.
14. PERFORMING: In the context of group development, performing is the stage where the
group operates at its highest potential, accomplishing tasks effectively and efficiently.
Sentence: After weeks of preparation and practice, the theater troupe finally entered the
performing stage, putting on an outstanding show.
15. ADJOURNING: The adjourning stage represents the disbanding or completion of a
group project or task, with members disengaging from their roles and moving on to other
Sentence: With the project completed and the final report submitted, the team held a farewell
party to mark the adjourning of their collaboration.
16. SMALL GROUP COMMUNICATION: Small group communication refers to the
exchange of information, ideas, and opinions among members of a small group, often
with a shared purpose or goal.
Sentence: The committee relied on effective small group communication to reach a consensus
on the best course of action.
17. CIRCLE GROUP STRUCTURE: A circle group structure is a network of
communication where each member interacts directly with two other members, forming a
circular pattern.
Sentence: The circle group structure allowed each member to interact directly with two others,
promoting open communication.
18. WHEEL GROUP STRUCTURE: A wheel group structure is centered around a single
individual who acts as a hub, and all other group members communicate through this
central person.
Sentence: In the wheel group structure, all information and decisions passed through the central
figure, the team leader.
19. IDENTITY NEEDS: Identity needs refer to the psychological requirements for
individuals to establish and maintain a sense of personal and social identity within a
group context.
Sentence: The support and recognition from his peers in the photography club fulfilled his
identity needs as a photographer.
20. INSTRUMENTAL NEEDS: Instrumental needs are the practical and functional
requirements that individuals seek to fulfill when participating in a group, such as
achieving goals, gaining knowledge, or obtaining resources.
Sentence: Joining the study group satisfied her instrumental needs for better understanding
complex subjects and preparing for exams.

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