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Topic Brief:

Oddvertising: Tickling Imaginations through Unusual Storytelling

The goal of this topic is to provide an understanding of the value of creative

marketing storytelling in inducing viral marketing campaigns. It aims to provide insights
as to how a captivating story and a great execution of it can successfully capture
consumer attention, and affect consumer perception and purchase intentions on the
advertised brands.

a. Provide a quick overview of how viral advertising contents affect consumers’ perception,
buying behavior, and purchase intentions.

b. Discuss how the ideas behind Gigil’s ads came to be.

c. Discuss the psychology of creative marketing storytelling and share how Gigil have
leveraged on storytelling to successfully tap into consumers' minds

d. Describe and relate the reasons why Gigil's marketing campaigns went viral, and how
advertised brands can leverage on consumers’ responses.

e. Discuss how Gigil’s unusual storytelling from being on the trending list to contributing to
brand equity.

f. Discuss the measurements in assessing an advertising campaign’s effectiveness.

g. Share perspectives on the next steps that marketers should take after successful and
viral advertising campaigns.

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