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Passport No. FG3705731

Email Address.

Subject: Appeal letter against student {D 2-2} Visa Denied

Visa application (Serial number). 23-567

Date of visa application submission 16 -02-2023
Date of visa denial: 01-03-2023

Review visa Application

Dear Sir/Madam

With this letter I would hereby like to appeal against the denial decision made regarding my D-2
visa application for republic of Korea. I have submitted my application the Republic of Korean
embassy on 16-02-2023, enclosing all required documents, as per copies of application
documents in enclosure of this appeal.

My study (D 2-2) visa denied according to Korean embassy law 4 and 7:

4. you have not included the documents proving your purpose of entry.

7. your purpose of entry has not been explained in detail.

If any document are missing, I am ready to fulfill the document requirements in a couple of days.
Kindly requested that accept my visa D 2-2 application. I hope that my application would be accepted
because it is matter of my bright future that why I am able to achieve my goal. I request that my
application be accepted otherwise my future will be destroyed I hope you will help me to build my bright

Kindly review my visa application and I am also ready to fulfill all requirements of embassy Grateful for
the act of kindness.

Thanks you!

Name. Bilal Muhammad

Applicant signature __________________

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