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Friday, April 28th, 2023

Part C

I like to listen to some calm music. 1.- What do you like to do in your
free time?
2.- What would you like to do in your
I’d like to learn Japanese because I like learning languages. life?
3.- What TV show do you like?
4.- What movie would you like to
I like to watch “My Mom Cooks Better Than Yours” It is a program about cooking.
5.- What touristic place do you like to
visit in Nasca?
6.- What would you like to change
I’d like to see Galaxy Guardians. The premiere is going to be on May 5th. about Nasca?

I like to visit The Nasca Lines and be able to overfly San Jose Pampa to see such beautiful figures carved on the surface.

I’d like to change the air pollution regulations. There are too many old cars circulating and causing a
huge damage to our environment and the government seems to be helpless to tackle this problem.

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