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(Journal of English Teaching Studies)

Vol.1, No.2, September 2019



Syafrizal, Utami Maulina

English Educational Department, Faculty of Teaching and Education, Sultan Ageng
Tirtayasa University

Motivation plays an important role in foreign language learning. This paper discusses the
definition of motivation, types of motivation; the factors influencing motivation in learning
English, and Gardner’s socioeducational model. The purpose of this descriptive qualitative
study is to find out the the impact of integrative and instrumental motivation on learning
English. Using a purposive sampling technique, 20 respondents who met the requirements
were obtained. The subjects in this study were seventh grade students of SMPIT Putri Al-
Hanif. Questionnaire was used to gather the data and the movitation was measured using
Likert Scale.. To achieve the goal, Gardner and Lambert's model were taken into
consideration. They were distributed among students by simply evaluating 20 statements.
Results indicated that seventh grade students of SMPIT Putri Al-Hanif have stronger
integrative motivation than instrumental motivation.
Keywords : motivation, instrumental, integrative, students, learning English

INTRODUCTION (Alizadeh, 2016). By the 1990s Gardner's

Motivation is a key factor for motivation had overwhelming dominance
explaining the success or failure of any in second language motivation research
difficult activity. We know that success in (Dornyei, 2001). Gardner and Lambert
doing a task is due to the fact that (1959) focus on both integrative and
someone is motivated. It is easy in second instrumental motivations in second
language learning to state that a learner language learning. Learners with high
will be successful with the right integrative motivation tend to be interested
motivation. All learners, teachers, material in learning a foreign language in order to
developers, and researchers agree that make friends with other speakers of a
motivation is an important part of language to travel where the particular
mastering a second or foreign language language is spoken, and in general are

1 The Impact of Integrative and Instrumental Motivation on Foreign Language Learning

among Indonesian Learners
Syafrizal, Utami Maulina
keen on learning about cultures that spawn influenced the choices they made. It also
the second/foreign language. Learners involved decisions as to the amount of
with higher instrumental orientation tend effort people were prepared to expend in
to be much more educational and career attempting to achieve their goals. Gardner
oriented. They study the foreign language (2010) refers to Keller’s (1983:389)
in order to do well on tests, and for use in definition of motivation: “Motivation
job selection and professional achievement referes to choices people make as to what
(Gardner & Lambert, 1959). According to experiences or goals they will approach or
Gardner and Lambert (1972), there are avoid and the degree of effort they will
mainly two types of learning motivation: exert in this respect.”
instrumental motivation, i.e., learning the
language as an instrument to achieve Types of Motivation
practical goals, and integrative motivation, Within the field of language
i.e., learning the language out of interest in learning, the typical model is the division
or desire to identify with the target culture. made between integrative and instrumental
Therefore, it is necessary to investigate motivation (Gardner & Lambert, 1972,
EFL student motivations for learning cited in Chalak & Kassaian 2010). If a
English. This research investigated person learns a language primarily for a
whether students in seventh grade of purpose like getting a job or fulfilling an
SMPIT Putri Alhanif tend to have a academic requirement, s/he is affected by
stronger instrumental motivation or instrumental motivation. In other words,
integrative motivation. This study aimed instrumental motivation refers to the
to provide a better understanding of motivation to acquire a language as means
SMPIT Putri Al-Hanif students’ of achieving goals such as promoting a
motivation. There are two questions for career or job or reading technical texts
this study:1). How was the students’ while integrative motivation has to do with
motivation in learning English? Do wanting to be accepted by another
students have high motivation in learning community. Integrative motivation means
English?, 2)Which type of motivation integrating oneself within a culture to
affects more on student learning? become a part of that society. Gardner and
MacIntyre (1993) have referred to these
LITERATURE REVIEW two types of motivation as motivation
orientations and mentioned that depending
Motivation on learner's orientation (either
Researchers seem to agree that career/academic-related 'instrumental" or
motivation is responsible for determining socially/culturally-related "integrative")
human behaviour by energising it and different needs must be fulfilled in Foreign
giving it direction, but the great variety of Language Teaching (FLT). Some
accounts put forward in the literature of researchers believe that integrative
how this happens may surprise even the motivation is essential for successful
seasoned researcher. (Dörnyei: 1998, 117). second language learning. Graham (1984,
Veronica says that from a cognitive cited in Chalak & Kassaian 2010) made a
perspective, motivation was concerned distinction between integrative and
with such issues as why people decided to assimilative motivation. Integrative
act in certain ways and what factors motivation is defined as the desire to learn

2 The Impact of Integrative and Instrumental Motivation on Foreign Language Learning

among Indonesian Learners
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L2 to communicate with the members of Children, who already have solid
the second language society and find out literacy skills in their own language,
about its culture. It does not necessarily seem to be in the best position to
refer to the direct contact with L2 group acquire a new language efficiently.
while in assimilative motivation learners Motivated, older learners can be very
wish to lose themselves in the target successful too, but usually struggle to
language and become an indistinguishable achieve native-speaker-equivalent
member of that speech community. What pronunciation and intonation.
is important is that the two orientations are  Personality: Introverted or anxious
not mutually exclusive. Some learners learners usually make slower progress,
learn better if they are integratively particularly in the development of oral
oriented while others are more successful skills. They are less likely to take
if they are instrumentally motivated and advantage of opportunities to speak, or
some learn better if they take the to seek out such opportunities. More
advantage of both orientations. In other outgoing students will not worry about
words, one may have both kinds of the inevitability of making mistakes.
motivations: s/he may be instrumentally They will take risks, and thus will give
motivated to pass a test or meet a themselves much more practice.
requirement, but at the same time, s/he  Motivation (intrinsic): Intrinsic
may love the culture of a community and motivation has been found to correlate
want to learn and participate in its culture. strongly with educational achievement.
Clearly, students who enjoy language
Factors influencing the language learning and take pride in their progress
learning will do better than those who don't.
Some students learn a new  Experiences: Learners who have
language more quickly and easily than acquired general knowledge and
others. This simple fact is known by all experience are in a stronger position to
who have themselves learned a language. develop a new language than those who
Clearly, some language learners are haven't. The student, for example, who
successful by virtue of their sheer has already lived in 3 different
determination, hard work and persistence. countries and been exposed to various
However there are other crucial factors languages and cultures has a stronger
influencing success that are largely base for learning a further language
beyond the control of the than the student who hasn't had such
learner.According to Syafrizal (2014: 4), experiences.
there are five factors which influence  Cognition: In general, it seems that
someone when acquiring a language: students with greater cognitive abilities
personality, motivation, age, attitudes, (intelligence) will make the faster
classroom climates, and affective variable. progress. Some linguists believe that
In line with Syafrizal, Macaro (2010: 22) there is a specific, innate language
also explains internal factors which can learning ability that is stronger in some
influence the individual language learner students than in others.
in the particular learning situation.  Native language: Students who are
 Age: Second language acquisition is learning a second/foreign language
influenced by the age of the learner. which is from the same language

3 The Impact of Integrative and Instrumental Motivation on Foreign Language Learning

among Indonesian Learners
Syafrizal, Utami Maulina
family as their first language have, in educational model, motivation is an
general, a much easier task than those internal attribute of the individual that can
who aren't. So, for example, a Dutch be influenced by external forces. Most
child will learn English more quickly studies of the model have focused on
than a Japanese child. integrative motivation as its central feature
and key individual difference variable (see
Motivation Theory Gardner, 1996 and Gardner & Masgoret,
According to Keblawi, the most 2003). Gardner and Lambert identify two
influential model of language learning types of motivation - instrumental
motivation in the early sixties through the motivation, or “a desire to gain social
eighties of the previous century was that recognition or economic advantages
developed by Gardner. The model came to through knowledge of a foreign language”,
be known as the Socioeducational Model and integrative motivation, or “a desire to
(Gardner, 1985). Gardner defined be a representative member of the other
motivation as a ‘combination of effort plus language community” (1972, p. 14). They
desire to achieve the goal of learning the found that learners with integrative
language plus favourable attitudes towards motivation were more successful in
learning the language’ (ibid:10). In his learning a second/foreign language than
model, Gardner talked about two kinds of those with instrumental motivation.
motivation; the integrative and
instrumental, with much emphasis on the Related Work
former. The integrative motivation refers Mohammad Reza Ahmadi (2011)
to learners’ desire to at least communicate conducted a research “The Effect of
or at most integrate (or even assimilate) Integrative and Instrumental Motivation
with the members of the target language. on Iranian EFL Learners’Language
The instrumental motivation refers to Learning”. The research examined both
more functional reasons for learning the male and female learners using Gardner
language such as getting a better job, a and Lambert's (1959) “integrative and
higher salary or passing an exam instrumental motivation” model in order to
(Gardner, 1985). achieve the desired results. Sixteen items
were selected from Gardner and Lambert's
The Socio-Educational Model model. They were distributed among
The socio-educational model students for testing. Results indicated that
proposed by Gardner (1985b. as cited in female students have stronger integrative
Huang 2007) incorporated various motivation than instrumental motivation
individual variables such as cognitive and and male students have stronger
affective variables in order to provide a instrumental motivation than integrative
comprehensive interpretation of language motivation. Findings will provide a better
learning. This model’s main importance understanding of the theoretical and
lies in its clear separation of four distinct practical facets for teachers. Ziahosseini
aspects of the second language acquisition and Salehi (2008) expressed that extrinsic
process: antecedent factors, individual motivation does not relate with the
difference variables, language acquisition selection of language learning strategies.
contexts, and outcomes (Dörnyei, 2001). They emphasized that Iranian EFL
According to Gardner’s (1985) socio- learners are intrinsically motivated.

4 The Impact of Integrative and Instrumental Motivation on Foreign Language Learning

among Indonesian Learners
Syafrizal, Utami Maulina
Sadighi and Maghsudi (2000) examined Researcher took 20 students from three
the impact of two kinds of motivation, classes; seven students from 7 Quba, five
namely, integrative and instrumental on students from 7 Mecca, and eight students
English proficiency of the EFL learners in from 7 Medina. All participants are female
Iran. The results obtained from this study students. The age range is about 12 to 14
demonstrated a significant difference years old.
between the means of the English Instrument
proficiency scores of integratively The students were required to
motivated learners and the instrumentally complete a questionnaire showing their
motivated ones. Al Othman, Fadel H.M. motivation concerning learning English by
and Khaled M. Shuqair (2013) conducted simply evaluating 20 statements: 10 items
a research about The Impact of Motivation for integrative motivation and another 10
on English Language Learning in the Gulf items for instrumental motivation which is
States. The research was an analytic study scaled from 5 to 1: Strongly Agree (5
of the impact of motivation on English points), Agree (4 points), Neutral (3
language learning by drawing on points), Disagree (2 points), and Strongly
observations of researchers in the field. It Disagree (1 point).
aims at exploring the types of motivation Procedure
factors that affect students in learning The questionnaire consisted of 20
English as a second language. It also different items to 20 students, each with a
focuses on the possible reasons why the five-point scale ranging from Strongly
Arab Gulf countries are still reluctant to Agree (1) to Strongly Disagree (5). 10
cultivate learners’ motivation to learn items measured integrative motivation and
English as a second language. This is a other 10 items measured instrumental
secondary source study; in other words, motivation. The instructions for
information is collected from primary completing the questionnaire were
sources such as action/empirical research, explained by the researchers.
case studies, observations and so on. The Data Analysis
paper could involve one or more of these Descriptive quantitative analyses
processes such as generalizations, were used to describe the data in order to
analysis, interpretations and evaluation of get the results on the motivation
the original information from the primary orientation of SMPIT Putri Al-Hanif in
sources. It is, therefore, an inductive type learning English. After the writer gathered
of research. Based on the discussion and data, the data was calculated and analyzed
the primary research findings, it becomes using SPSS v.22 and descriptive to
quite apparent that motivation plays a describe results such as table, percentage
significant role in enhancing and and chart. The calculation indicated that
expediting students’ English language 20-item questionnaire was valid because
learning in the GCC (Gulf Cooperative rcount (0.50, 0.56) is bigger than rtable (0.44). The
Council) schools and universities. questionnaire was also reliable because
rcount (0.81, 0.84) is bigger than rtable (0.44).
The participants were 20 students. The research examined the
They are seventh grade students. motivation derived from the cultural and

5 The Impact of Integrative and Instrumental Motivation on Foreign Language Learning

among Indonesian Learners
Syafrizal, Utami Maulina
social orientation, and career-related and English is an important language in global
academic orientation. From these two world. On the other hand, there are some
components, on one hand, it is found that differences if we see from the statistics
students of seventh grade students have an viewpoints. The following table shows the
integrative orientation as well as differences between instrumental and
instrumental orientation that students learn integrative motivation after calculated by
English to get a better academic result and using SPSS (N=20).
also want to master English because
Variables Subjects Mean Validity Reliability
20 4.47 0.62 0.50 0.81
20 4.33 0.70 0.56 0.84
Table 1 Comparison between instrumental and integrative motivation

It is quite clear that those 20 items motivation to learn English. It can be seen
in the questionnaire were valid because from the mean. The mean of the
rcount (0.50, 0.56) is bigger than rtable (0.44). The integrative motivation is 4.47, while
questionnaire was also reliable because instrumental motivation is 4.33. Besides,
rcount (0.81, 0.84) is bigger than rtable (0.44). Based from the research that has been done about
on the table above, the study showed that the motivation of learning English is
seventh-grade students of SMPIT Putri Al- obtained:
Hanif have a stronger instrumental

Item 1 - 10
Strongly Agree
7% Agree
39% 54% Disagree

Figure 1 Result from integrative questionnaire

The total percentage of student follows; respondents who voted ‘strongly

choices when faced with 10 statements agree’ were 54%, ‘agree’ voters were
whose orientations are integrative are as 39%, ‘neutral’ voters were 7%, ‘disagree’

6 The Impact of Integrative and Instrumental Motivation on Foreign Language Learning

among Indonesian Learners
Syafrizal, Utami Maulina
and ‘strongly disagree’ voters were 0%. become a part of that society. It also
Once calculated, of 20 respondents who indicates an interest in learning the
fill the questionnaire, it can be said that language in order to meet and
93% respondents have integrative communicate with members of the second
orientation and the rest 7% are those who language community because they want to
choose ‘neutral’. get to know the people who speak that
Thus, these 93% students have desire to language.
integrate themselves within a culture to

Item 11 - 20

Strongly Agree
6 Agree
% Neutral
49% Strongly Disagree

Figure 2 Result from integrative questionnaire

The total percentage of student students between not having this
choices when confronted with 10 orientation or cannot be determined
instrumental orientation statements is as because of ‘neutral’. As a result, these
follows; respondents who voted ‘strongly 84% students learn a language primarily
agree’ were 48%, ‘agree’ voters were for a purpose like getting a job or fulfilling
36%, ‘neutral’ voters were 16%, an academic requirement such as such as
‘disagree’ and ‘strongly disagree’ voters passing an examination, studying, etc. In
were 0%. Once calculated, of 20 students other words, they acquire a language in
who filled the questionnaire, it can be said order to achieve goals such as promoting a
that 84% students have an instrumental career or job.
orientation and the remaining 16%

Integrative Instrumental
Motivation Motivation
Total Score 894 866
Table 2 Total score for both motivations

As indicated in the above table, the motivation is 894, while instrumental

students have both integrative and motivation is 866. In other words,
instrumental motivation in learning integrative motivation has higher total
English, but the total score of integrative score than instrumental motivation. Thus,

7 The Impact of Integrative and Instrumental Motivation on Foreign Language Learning

among Indonesian Learners
Syafrizal, Utami Maulina
the finding suggests that integrative Whether the motivation comes from
motivation plays greater role in learning within or from an outside source, whether
English for seventh grade students at it is instrumental or integrative, these
SMPIT Putri Al-Hanif. Finally, according students have set themselves long-term
to the explanations above, we can goals and they are determined to achieve
conclude that integrative motivation has them in any way possible. The teacher’s
stronger effect than instrumental task is to help them sustain and even
motivation toward learning English at enhance the motivation they already have.
seventh-grade students in SMPIT Putri Al This can be done by creating a positive
Hanif. It is based on the result that the atmosphere and using varied and
mean of the integrative motivation is 4.47, interesting activities in the classroom.
while instrumental motivation is 4.33. In
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