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First Semester, S.Y. 2021-2022



Concepts, Principles and Theories in the B. Planning for Health Promotion, Health
Care of Older Adults Maintenance and Home Health
A. Perspectives on Aging 1. Planning for Successful Aging
 Aging is a Developmental Process 1. Home Care and Hospice
2. Community-based services
B. Demography of Aging and Implications 3. Special Care Units
on Health and Nursing Care 4. Geriatric Units
 1. Global Aging
 2. Aging in the Philippines C. Implementation
1. Physical care of older adults
C. Impact of Aging Members in the Family  Aging Skin and Mucous
D. Theories of Aging and its Nursing 2. Elimination
Implications 3. Activity and Exercise
 Biologic Theories 4. Sleep and Rest
 Psychosocial Theories
Communicate effectively in speaking, writing
E. Physiologic Changes in Aging Affecting and presenting using culturally appropriate
Various Systems language in the care of older adults.
 Integumentary  Information Sharing (Framing the
 Musculo-skeletal Message)
 Respiratory  Formal or Therapeutic Communication
 Cardiovascular through NPI
 Hematopoietic & Lymphatic  Informal or Social Communication
 Gastrointestinal  Nonverbal Communication
 Urinary  Acceptance, Dignity, and Respect in
 Nervous  Communication
 Special Senses  Barriers to Communication
 Endocrine  Skills and Techniques
 Reproductive

Nursing Care of the Older Adult in Wellness

A. Assessment
1. Subjective Data
 Nursing History
 Functional Health
 Patterns
2. Objective Data
 Psychological
 Assessment
 Physical Assessment

Maintaining Fluid Balance and Meeting J. Coping and Stress
Nutritional Needs  Normal Stress and Coping
 Nutrition and Aging
 Malnutrition and the Older Adult K. Values and Beliefs
 Common Values and Beliefs of Older
D. Nursing Assessment and Medication Adults
 Medication and the Nursing Care Plan
 Nursing Interventions Related to L. End-of-Life Care
Medication Administration  1. Attitudes Toward Death and End-of-
 Patient Rights and Medication Life Planning
 Self-Medication and Older Adults  Caregiver Attitudes Toward End-of-Life
 Teaching Older Adults About Care
Medications  Values Clarification Related to Death
 Safety and Non-adherence and
(Noncompliance) Issues  End-of-Life Care
 What Is a “Good” Death?
E. Health Assessment of Older Adults  Palliative Care
 Health Screening
 Health Assessments M. Sexuality and Aging
 Interviewing Older Adults  Factors That Affect Sexuality of Older
 Obtaining the Health History Adults
 Physical Assessment of Older Adults  Marriage and Older Adults
 Measuring Vital Signs in Older Adults
 Sensory Assessment of Older Adults
 Psychosocial Assessment of Older
 Assessment of Condition Change in

F. Meeting Safety Needs of Older Adults

 Internal Risk Factors
 External Risk Factors

G. Cognition and Perception

 Normal Cognitive-Perceptual

H. Self-Perception and Self-Concept

 Normal Self-Perception and Self-
 Self-Perception/Self-Concept and Aging

I. Roles and Relationships

 Normal Roles and Relationships
 Roles, Relationships, and Aging
 Nursing Process for Complicated


Physical Nursing Care of Older Adults

A. Care of Aging Skin and Mucous Membranes

 Age-Related Changes in Skin, Hair, and Nails
 Age-Related Changes in Oral Mucous Membranes

B. Elimination
 Normal Elimination Patterns
 Elimination and Aging

C. Activity and Exercise

 1. Normal Activity Patterns
 2. Activity and Aging
 3. Effects of Disease Processes on Activity

D. Sleep and Rest

 Sleep-Rest Health Pattern

Care Elements of Evidence-based Gerontological Nursing Practice

Ethico-Legal Considerations in the care of older adults

 Laws affecting Senior Citizens/ Older Persons (RA 7432; RA 9257; RA 9994)
 Medications of Older Adults
 Ethical Principles
 Long-Term Care
 Palliative Care
 Advance Directives/DNR
 End of Life Care
 Spirituality among Older Persons
 Ethical Dilemmas

Trends/ Issues and Challenges on the Care of Older Persons

 Home care
 Hospice Facilities
 Drop-in/ Day Care Centers
 Retirement living/ Home/ Village


Patricia Williams. Basic Geriatric Nursing, 6th Edition. Elsevier, 2016.

Charlotte Eliopoulos. Gerontological Nursing, 7th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2010.

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