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Agora, você vai responder a questões de Língua Inglesa.

28) (1185690) Leia o texto abaixo.

( Acesso: 10/11/2013.)

A principal finalidade do autor ao escrever esse texto foi apresentar

A) sua experiência profissional.
B) sua história familiar.
C) seus interesses musicais.
D) seus livros favoritos.


29) (1177858) Leia o texto abaixo.

( Acesso: 06/12/2013. Adaptado.)

A pergunta feita pelo homem indica que ele

A) confunde a localização de um objeto.
B) espera uma reação do leitor.
C) se esquece facilmente das coisas.
D) se preocupa com o seu futuro.

30) (200757) Read the text below.

Tom: Hello, this is Tom. I’m afraid I’m not in at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep.
Ken: Hello Tom, this is Ken. It’s about noon and I’m calling to see if you would like to go to the Mets
game on Friday. Could you call me back? You can reach me at 367-8925 until five this afternoon.
I’ll talk to you later, bye.
( Acesso em: 11/07/2008.)

After hearing the message, Tom has to

A) go to Ken’s house.
B) phone Ken back.
C) send an e-mail to Ken.
D) write a letter to Ken.


31) (177504) Read the text below.

This is a cartoon about Garfield, Jon’s cat.

( Acesso: 25/08/2008.)

You can infer from the text that Garfield

A) ate Jon’s food.
B) had his own food.
C) told the food to go.
D) was late for lunch.

32) (778042) Read the text below.

( Acesso: 20/02/2013. Adaptado.)

This text is an example of

A) a letter.
B) a profile.
C) an e-mail.
D) an invitation.


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