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Present Perfect With Just Already Yet

Name: Result: __/18 Date: __/__/20__

1. We know that the preachers have woefully missed the mark, and that the
medicines of the doctors have destroyed more lives than wars and famine,
and __________ will we not learn of the Master?

2. I have __________ returned from another and my seventh daily visit to the
Great Exhibition.

3. We have __________ had occasion to allude to the adoption of grotesque

design in book illustrations, it is often seen in manuscripts, and abounds in
early printed works.

4. Personally I have spoken to a large number of boys about the ages of from
fourteen to sixteen years and I have never __________ been able to find a
boy who could tell me definitely what he would like to be.

5. I have never seen it played anywhere but in a narrow bit of country on the
Ohio River, and __________ there is no merrier game played with a ball.

6. You have pierced my soul with the deepest thrust of all and __________ I
cannot even be angry with you.

7. Madam and sweetheart, so far as I have gone in life I have never

__________ been able to discover what forgiveness means.

8. There are two kinds of evidence, as you have learned-circumstantial and

direct evidence-and __________, after all, nearly all evidence is

9. We have related the progress and best works of the Sienese school from
the beginning, to about the middle of the sixteenth century; but we have not
__________ considered a circumstance that adds greatly to the merit of the
artists and works of that period.

10. We have __________ had occasion to remark that it sometimes makes its
appearance almost simultaneously with conception.

11. I have forgiven that other who lies in a thousand pieces at the bottom of
the sea, but her reckoning is __________ to come.
12. I have __________ returned from the village and am going back again.

13. Over and over again something has told me that you were innocent; and
__________, thinking the case over again, my reason has always convinced
me for the time of your guilt, for I could see no other possible solution of the

14. A short time ago I went to Dreux; in fact, I have __________ returned
from there.

15. I lament that we have thought ourselves obliged to bring forward the
discussion of a precise barrier, and __________ I do not see how it could be

16. I have __________ returned from court, where, with the senators and
ministers, we presented our homage to his royal majesty: his royal highness
the Duke of Courland took me aside to tell me that he had never seen
anything comparable to you.

17. I have seen her picking hops; she isn't above doing anything, and
__________ she never forgets her own dignity.

18. I have __________ returned from attending Patty to the grave.

19. I have __________ returned from a visit to the signal-tower-the highest

look-out in Cadiz; from which is seen a panorama equalled by few in Europe.

20. I have __________ returned from Cuba and found my family in the Hotel
Plaza instead of at their home, where I left them.

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