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Regain Your Edge

A Revolutionary New Health

Approach For The High-
Performing Man

Logan Henry
Regain Your Edge
A Revolutionary New Health Approach For The High-Performing Man

Copyright @ 2022. Logan Henry.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any

mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a
phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system,
transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use—other
than for “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and
reviews—without prior written permission of the publisher.

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative

information regarding the subject matter covered. It is sold with the
understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal,
accounting, or other professional services. If you require legal advice
or other expert assistance, you should seek the services of a
competent professional.

Design and cover art by Jahz Rivera.

Disclaimer: The author makes no guarantees to the results you’ll

achieve by reading this book. Sudden health and wellness changes
may pose a physical risk or injury. Always consult with your primary
care physician before making any dramatic changes to diet and
physical activity. The results and client case studies presented in this
book represent results achieved by fully committing to their program,
putting in the effort, and working directly with the author. Your results
may vary when undertaking any new health or wellness improvement
To my gorgeous wife, Erica and to my first
mentor, Greg, who inspired me to make a
change and become a better man.

The Purpose of This Book 1


Chapter 7: Rewind The Years 9
Chapter 2. Who This Book Is For 22
Chapter 3: The Roadblocks To Better Health 54
And How To Avoid Them
Chapter 4: The Energy Drainers 91
Chapter 5: The #7 Problem With Regaining Your 112


Chapter 6: Commit 116
Chapter 7: The Accelerated Method Framework 123
Chapter 8: The Volley Of Despair - And How To 141
Stoy Out Of It


Chapter 9. Uncomplicote Your Food 148
Chapter 70: Four S Success Formula 157
Chapter 77: 7 Ways To Maintain Maximum 164

What To Do Next 171
About The Author 174
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but
will instruct his patients in care of the human frame,
in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

– Thomas Edison
Regain Your Edge

The Purpose of this Book

I hated the guy looking back at me in the mirror, and day after
day, I had to see him.
He looked terrible. He had bags under his eyes and his face
was puffy. There was usually a scowl on his face. The stress and
pressure he was feeling inside were outwardly noticeable,
and the extra weight he was carrying was frustrating.
How had I turned into this guy I didn’t even recognize? How
had I let it get that far? When did I become this man?
It seemed to happen so quickly, even though it hadn’t. It
happened slowly over time because I was so consumed by
life and responsibilities that I had burned myself out and
stopped paying attention to my needs and health.
I kept saying I’d fix it, but I was too tired and lacked the mo-
tivation to actually do anything until I took the first step and
made a choice to commit to a better life over a miserable one.
There are two big problems affecting high-achieving, suc-
cessful men right now that are causing a lack of energy and
motivation, difficulties in their personal and professional
lives, relationship struggles, sleep issues, distraction and
brain fogginess, and an overall feeling of heaviness.

Logan Henry

And those problems are complete physical and mental

depletion and burnout caused by strenuous lifestyles,
stress from work and life pressures, overwhelm from over-
scheduling, poor diet, lack of exercise, inadequate sleep
habits, and no downtime.

Not to mention the factors affecting their bodies internally,

such as out-of-balance hormones, inflammation, and lack
of vital vitamins and nutrients.

I’m on a mission to help men stop that downward spiral

into burnout, regain their energy, revamp their out-of-
control schedules, and realign themselves with health and
nutrition plans that fuel their bodies and minds.

The methods that I teach are firmly rooted in a philosophy

that redefines what “healthy” means by removing the mis-
conceptions that to “be healthy,” you need to spend hours
in the gym and starve yourself or eat terrible tasting food.
This new way of thinking also highlights the importance
of complete wellness by taking massive strides to care for
your mental well-being.

This is for successful men who have strained their bodies

and minds and want to regain their edge so they can
continue to reach new levels of success both in their pro-
fessional and personal lives.

If this sounds familiar, then you are in the right place.

This book was written for three reasons:

Reason #1 - My goal is to give you a nudge and a little bit

of a wake-up call about the delicate balance between your
desired level of success and your overall mental and
physical health.

Reason #2 - To give you a clear and actionable plan to get

your health back on track and quiet the outside “hustle &
grind” noise of other health “pros” that are constantly filling
up the online world.
Regain Your Edge

Reason #3 - Recapture some of your lost energy, kickstart

your health journey, and register some quick wins, so you‘ll
eventually want to work with me for more significant, long-
term results.

I am going to be very upfront and open with you in the

pages of this book. I will share my health journey with you,
and I will share some raw and honest journeys of men just
like you who transformed their lives in ways they never
imagined completely.

By purchasing this book, I assume that you are feeling incred-

ibly frustrated about what’s happening in your life right now
and how you feel about yourself. I’m also going to think that
you have reached a point where you want to “get better” and
“feel better,” but you’ve tried many different methods, and
none of them worked for long, so now you are just stuck,
exhausted, and feeling crappy. It’s not easy to know what to
do first, and you just don’t have the time to figure it out on
your own.

I want to help you.

To do that, we have to:

First, get clear on where you are in your current state. Not
just physically but also mentally. You are not just your body.
Your mind plays a vital role too. We need to shift your
mindset from “getting healthy” to focusing on “complete

The primary goal is to get your energy back, and we’ll do

that by looking at what’s happening in your life and what’s
going on with your hormones, diet, and sleep to repair
what’s draining you.

Once you start to feel more energized, you will notice that
you won’t drag through your days, and you won’t need to
“catch up” on sleep on the weekends. You will have more
motivation to get things done, and you’ll be so much
more productive at work and home.
Logan Henry

Next, we will talk about the growing crisis of what I call

“Health Debt,” where our professional “money-making”
life is taking over our health and putting our bodies into
serious physical health debt. Not to mention causing you
to lose actual “real” money by not being on top of your
game at work because you’re feeling foggy-headed, tired,
and completely depleted.

After that, I’m going to address the everyday struggles with

health and overall wellness. We will talk about why it’s SO
difficult to get your health under control and why the
health and fitness industries are mainly to blame for so
many “failed” weight loss attempts.

There is a widely felt skepticism that a simple health and

wellness plan that doesn’t take up most of your day can’t
possibly be effective. There is a concern that you can’t
achieve results if you’re not grinding away at the gym
every day or following a strict and restrictive diet.

Most assume that an exercise routine that only takes 12-24

minutes a day is a “quick fix” that cannot impact your weight.
Or that eating real food that you enjoy won’t do any good.

I’m going to share with you case study after case study of
men who have gone through The Accelerated Method and
have had excellent results without it completely consuming
their lives.

The secret to our success together is through Consistency,

Persistency, and Frequency, which are the foundations of
the work I do.

Once we cover all that, I will give you a breakdown so you

have a plan to follow for success, and I will provide you with
the methods I use and the strategies to overhaul your life and
wellness completely.

At this point, you may still be feeling skeptical that a simple,

streamlined system can help you go from wrecked to rejuv-
Regain Your Edge

enated, but I promise you that if you give it a try and follow
the methods, you will start to see some positive changes.

The methods you are about to learn in this book helped me

get out of “health debt” and completely recalibrate my life
for the better.

The men who have used these strategies have been shocked
by the impact on their lives. They wake up refreshed and
ready to tackle the day. Their energy has been restored,
and they feel more productive than they have in years.
They no longer drag through their days and find they still
feel great to have more quality family time at the end of
the day. They aren’t sleeping away their weekends trying
to get some much-needed rest and no longer feel that
sense of Sunday night blues thinking of the week ahead.

“Fat Like Daddy” - One Man’s Wake-Up Call

“When I first started, I was in bad shape. I was not taking

care of myself. I was depressed, sad, and just angry—all
the time.

It was a constant saying around my house from my wife

that “they were sacrificed for the business.”

The real kicker was one night talking with my daughter

before bed, and she was talking about someone, and she
said, “Yeah, they’re fat, just like daddy.” And I remember
walking out of the room thinking, wholly cow, this is bad.

[Author note: then he started to prioritize himself] Things

changed, and things changed quickly. I mean quicker
than I would have ever thought. I started at 240 lbs, and
I’m currently at 198 lbs.

Logan Henry

My energy changed. My mindset changed. The energy

I had at home with the kids changed. The energy I had to
give to my business changed. My work ethic changed.

Everything changed for the better.

It was like I was almost a new person. It was immeasur-

able, and that mentally happened too. I didn’t so much
originally count on that. It got me in a better mood. It got
the juices flowing, so to speak.

I was there for my family more. I was able to play with the
kids more and spend more time with them and actually
keep up with them.

As I went through [The Accelerated Method], I was given

the tools to attack and handle the things that were
causing the stress. Learning some of the skills and the
things the program has taught me has helped me realize
that I have to put myself first. Once I put myself first, and
I get myself in the right state of mind. Whether it be
mindset, business, relationships, or nutrition or health
that when I get that in place that I have a thousand times
more to give to the rest of everything else.

It’s just amazing how much more energy, time, effort,

knowledge that I can give to the rest of the other areas
of my life. I have no limits now.”

-Hunter W. [Business Owner]

Regain Your Edge

I help men reconnect with the guy they remember being

and the guy they want to be again, but only better.

I hope this book inspires you to get started on your health

journey. If you are “sick and tired of being sick and tired,” my
goal is to give you the best way to change that.

And if you are ready to fast track this process and get some
customized support, please book a call with my team.

Helping people like you transform their health and wellness

is my top priority. I’ve been through it myself, and I know
what it takes.

I’m ready to help you Regain Your Edge.

In Your Corner,

Logan Henry

Logan Henry

Part 1
Let’s Get Real About Your Health

Regain Your Edge

Chapter 1
Rewind the Years

“In the end, it's not the years in your life that
count. It's the life in your years.”

- Abraham Lincoln

What if I told you that it’s possible to wake up and feel better
now than you did in your younger years?

What could you accomplish if the wisdom and experience

you’ve earned over the years could be coupled with a reju-
venated, fully optimized body?

Trading an awareness of every ache and pain for a clear mind

and a focused start to every day.

How much different would your weekends be if you didn’t

need to “catch up” by napping, be able to get everything
done you want to do, and have the time and energy to
spend with your loved ones?

Logan Henry

What if you could turn back the years and feel as good as
you did during your peak years and regain the edge that
made you so successful?

And what if I told you that it’s possible to accomplish all of

this by completely recalibrating your health in less than
24 minutes a day without starving yourself or grinding
away at the gym for hours?

I have helped hundreds of high-performing men achieve

these results. Men just like you. Successful, driven, dedicated
men who had reached a point of complete depletion who
were still pushing themselves to stay on top of their game
but were headed straight for burnout. They knew they
needed to make changes, but they didn’t have the time or
energy to figure out what to do first.

Their experiences varied, but most of them had been

dealing with:

→ A dramatic health scare.

→ Energy levels were so low that they had zero motivation
and felt joyless.
→ A fear of falling behind at work and worrying about
their performance.
→ The tug of “age.”
→ Spouses or partners that gave them the “get your
stuff” together talk.
→ Extra weight that was making them uncomfortable.
→ Inability to shut off at night leading to binging on TV
and late-night comfort food snacking.
→ Poor diets that mainly consisted of takeout and food
on the go.

And almost all of them were: “sick and tired of being sick
and tired.”

Regain Your Edge

These guys had their reasons and motivations to change,

and once they committed to The Accelerated Method,
each of them came out reenergized, stronger, and healthier
than they had been in their younger years. They could easily
say, “I’m back!” and once again, recognize the man in the
mirror—the high-performing powerhouse who was ready
to take on the world.

The men I help desperately want to feel like themselves

again, get out of zombie mode and back into “on fire”

And they had tried everything to “get better,” but:

→ The gym memberships went unused.

→ The expensive home gym equipment became the
clothing rack.
→ The miserable fad diets and “watching” what they ate
only made them hangry and didn’t offer results.
→ Taking expensive energy-boosting supplements didn’t
boost anything.

None of it worked, at least not long-term, because, at the

heart of it all, there needs to be a focus on the whole person
and not just the number on the scale. They were skipping
over the most vital thing to “fix” first - their energy levels.

If your energy level is zero, anything you try to do feels more

challenging and won’t be sustainable. Later in the book,
I’m going to tell you exactly what to do to refuel your
empty tank and bring your energy levels way up.

Most men assume that they need to put their bodies

through an enormous amount of intense weight training
and restrictive diets to feel better.

But the men I help don’t have the time, energy, or desire to
go “beast-mode” in the gym.

Logan Henry

I’ll tell you this. It’s not about beast-mode… It’s about “least-

The Accelerated Method does just that. It’s structured to

have the most significant impact on your energy levels,
health, and life in the least amount of time possible.

“But Logan, this sounds like a quick fix. What gives?”

Great question.

A quick fix focuses on a short-term goal, usually dropping

weight fast by using high-intensity fitness regimens that
leave you limping around and severely limiting your food
intake, leaving you feeling hungry.

And no one can sustain that type of “healthy.” It’s miserable,

and you’ll end up giving up.

There Are Two Secrets to Success in Complete Wellness:

Secret #1: The key to long-term health and wellness is

not to hate the process.

If you resent your favorite foods being taken away or suffer-

ing through painful exercise, you’re not going to stick with
it. The goal is to find a method that works for you, fits nicely
into your lifestyle, and is a repeatable one.

Secret #2: Almost all “health” methods ignore having no

energy and not feeling up to doing anything.

If you don’t have any energy right now and are feeling tapped
out, nothing you sign up for is going to work UNLESS the
first area of focus is on getting you back to ground zero.
Pushing through something when you are in the negatives
will not work, and you won’t see any progress. You’ll feel
worse because you’ll be draining yourself even further.
Repair your energy levels first, and the rest will fall into place!

Regain Your Edge

The Accelerated Method works because you will:

→ Learn how to show up for yourself every single day and

prioritize your health and mental focus.

→ Put a primary focus on revitalizing your energy levels

and ways to sustain your energy no matter what’s
going on in your life or how busy you get.

→ Eat nutritious and satisfying meals that will fuel and

nourish your body and mind.

→ Sleep better than you have in years, which will fully

recharge you. No more hitting the snooze six times.

→ Feel more present and calm and be better prepared to

navigate life’s stressors.

→ Reframe your idea of “working out” being tedious and

think of it instead as movement, which is more fun.

→ Understand what your body and mind need to perform

at their best and have a structured plan to follow.

→ No longer feel like you are losing your grip on life and
putting yourself back in balance and feel like it’s all
under control.

What I’m going to share with you in the following chapters

is not a system that can fail you if you put in the effort.

This framework is repeatable and sustainable, and you

will be living the life you are meant to. For you, for your
career, and for those you love.

I created The Accelerated Method to redefine “healthy” for

high-achieving men who are ready to regain their edge
by recalibrating their systems and becoming the best
version of themselves. The following success stories are

Logan Henry

from men who made the commitment to themselves and

prioritized their well-being.

Success Story #1: Rashid, the Physician With

Unstoppable Productivity

Rashid first signed up because of his:

● Lack of energy to get through the day
● Overall unhealthy lifestyle
● Limited drive to get a new business going

Rashid had numerous opportunities showing up in his life,

but he didn’t have the initial energy to pursue them. He
was already drained and feeling a total lack of productivity.

Simultaneously, he was noticing that he was losing some

financial opportunities presented to him.

How could he navigate building new business opportun-

ities, managing his already busy schedule, and showing
up for his family?

Rashid started the 12-week Accelerated Method and very

quickly noticed that it was making an impact on him.

“I feel healthier, definitely more energetic in the morning,

and then when I’m done with my day, and I’m at home,
I’m not dead. I don’t have the three o’clock lull.

I have things that I want to accomplish, and not only are

they done, now I give quality time to other things that I
enjoy, especially my family.

I’ve been more productive than I literally have ever been

in my life. I was blessed that some business opportunities

Regain Your Edge

came to the foreground when I started this, not that they

hadn’t before, but when I tried to pursue them, they de-
cided to go a different direction.

Now I can only attribute it to my energy and my atti-

tude adjustment.

So I was able to expand the business, and it’s just from

the way I present myself and the energy that I’m exuding,
which I knew was always in me because I used to have
it. This has brought it back to the forefront and given
me the ability to keep it going.”

Rashid was able to recapture his energy, get refocused

on creating successful business opportunities, and spend
time with his family.

If you are struggling with managing it all and trying to

create something new in your professional life, then make
sure to read the chapters on Morning Routine (Chapter
7) and The 3 Energy Drainers (Chapter 4). These two areas
of improvement can significantly impact your day and
productivity levels.

Success Story #2: Chris, the Business Owner

Who Doesn’t Need to Crash on The Couch

Chris’s story is like so many other men who come to me

looking to revamp their life and wellness.

He is a non-stop, on-the-go, busy business owner, and

his days were spent pushing himself to keep going and
navigating challenging situations with temper flare-ups.

He was edgy, exhausted, and rapidly burning himself

Logan Henry

By the end of most days, Chris was wrecked. He didn’t

have the energy or mental clarity left to spend quality
time with his wife.

The snowball effect was quickly impacting him.

Then he went through The Accelerated Method, and in

12 weeks he was able to say this:

“I’m accomplishing more, and I have more energy.

I have a happier outlook on life. I’m not reacting and

flying off the handle multiple times a day. I’m able to
take a breath and look at situations and form a mature,
positive response, in most cases.

I mean, literally, before, it took me a lot just to get through

a day without snoozing off or something. I don’t seem
to crave a nap now.

I feel engaged for the day. I feel excited for the day. I feel
like I have all the energy for what I need to get done,
working with my clients, managing our business.

I feel like I’ve got all the focus and energy that I need to
be successful at that. I’m not procrastinating on big key
responsibilities anymore. And you know, when it comes
to 4, 5, 6, 7:00 PM, I don’t feel like I just need to crash on
the couch.

When it’s time to spend time with my wife, I have the

energy, and the focus, and the positive outlook to
engage with her in conversation about our business, or
her day, or what our plans are.

It’s just a night and day change from where I was. I

don’t feel like when I get done with work that I just have
to physically shut down. I don’t have that anymore.”

Regain Your Edge

In 12 weeks, Chris was able to completely change the

negative effects his unhealthy habits and lifestyle were
doing to him.

It’s such a common challenge for most successful men,

reaching for higher levels in their lives. The “hustle”
culture can destroy our bodies and minds, and we
usually don’t even see that it’s happening.

Success Story #3: Andy Became the Dad He

Wanted to Be

Andy had a huge driving force behind his decision to

get his health back in order. His two sons.

He dreamed of being a very active and engaged father to

his boys, but as most men experience, certain situations
in life can get in the way of those dreams and goals.

He was focused on his job and spent his spare time trying
to “catch up” to put more of his energy into his career.
The professional pressure co-mingled with his family
responsibilities wore him out.

He felt guilty for being so run down and always torn

between work and family.

He knew something had to change to regain this pre-

cious time with his children.

After Andy went through the program and stayed com-

mitted to the structure of the methods, here’s what he

“I wanted to share something with the group. Prior to

starting this journey just over six months ago, I wasn’t
nearly as engaged in the lives of my family as I am today.

Logan Henry

Tough to admit it, but it’s the truth.

Years ago, I envisioned myself being a very active dad/

family man but ultimately lacked the energy to truly be
present for them.

There have been numerous benefits to getting my health

in order, but none bigger to me than having the energy
I have now… which has helped me be the father that I
knew I could be.

Today, my two boys had a flag football game and I coach

their team. Something I would have passed up before.

Six months ago, I would have likely been napping on the

couch, missing these precious moments in life, thinking
I needed to catch up on rest so I could plow everything
I had into my job.

Nowadays, not a chance... I wouldn’t miss this for the world!

Very thankful to have placed a bet on Logan Henry many

months ago.

I feel like I have been reborn into the life I always intended
to lead.”

Andy was ready to change and commit to making his

health a priority. Yes, he chose to put himself first, but
the dramatic change has impacted his entire family for
the better.

*The last names of clients have been redacted to protect their privacy.
For serious prospects wanting to work directly with me who would
like more in-depth information and verification of results, please reach
out to my team.

Regain Your Edge

As you’ve read so far, the men in these success stories were

guys just like you. Men focused on being successful in both
their personal lives and in their professions and, somewhere
along the way, let the candle burn on both ends too long
to the point of almost burning out.

Beyond their physical and emotional struggles, their work-

life balance had become entirely out of whack.

These guys had been spending too much time at work and
not enough “quality” time with their loved ones and had
allocated zero time for themselves.

These are the symptoms of what I call “Health Debt” which

can occur when you keep pushing yourself so hard that you
are in the negatives of your health. You are borrowing against
your body and mind, and it’s a matter of time before you’re
in such a deep “Health Debt” that your body has nothing left
to give.

This idea of “Health Debt” also dramatically impacts your

financial outcomes. If you are currently in a place of “holding
on” and trying to get through the day, you are working way
below what you are capable of, and if you are dragging
through your day at work, there is a good chance you are
losing actual money from being so unproductive.

In a later chapter, I’ll be sharing the story of one of my clients,

a sought-after lawyer who (when we first met) was utterly
depleted but was still driving hard to succeed. He shared
with me that he bills out at $1,000/hour. Imagine his shock
when we calculated his “Health Debt”... [Spoiler: his “Health
Debt” was in the tens of thousands]

Another story I’m going to share is a client’s heartbreaking

conversation with his young daughter, who offered to “give
him a paycheck” if he could spend some time playing with

Logan Henry

“Health Debt” doesn’t just affect you. It impacts the loved

ones in your life as well. The Accelerated Method aims to
get you out of that debt and recoup everything negatively
impacted from being so run down.

My mission is to help you recalibrate your mind and body

entirely to perform seamlessly together and to work as one.

Once that happens…You will never have to lose out on

anything again.

My “competitors” in the fitness industry want you to believe

that the only way to live a healthy and happy life is to get
ripped and push yourself to your limits.

They want you to get quick gains and lose weight rapidly.
They'll push you hard and your body will want to push back.

I’m here to tell you that’s a bunch of crap.

As a top performer, you have your sights set on so much

more than your muscles. You want to revitalize your life to
reach higher levels of success than you know you can (if
you could just stop feeling so rundown and crappy).

I've spent years fine-tuning The Accelerated Method so

that men can achieve those goals.

If you are still slightly skeptical that this is just “another”

fitness and health program, I guarantee you that if you
open your mind, put in some effort towards the steps
outlined in this book, and commit to yourself, you will see
a considerable impact on your overall health and life.

If you are ready to revitalize your life completely...

Then Let’s Go!

Regain Your Edge

Key Chapter Takeaways

→ It is possible to turn back the years and feel as good

as you did during your peak years and regain the edge
that made you so successful without intense fitness
regimens, starvation diets, or pushing yourself to


→ There Are Two Secrets to Success in Complete


● Secret #1: The key to long-term health and

wellness is not to hate the process.

● Secret #2: Almost all “health” methods ignore

having no energy and not feeling up to doing

→ Getting into Health Debt is something that can seriously

affect your health and your bank account. You may not
even be aware that it’s happening right now.

→ My “competitors” in the fitness industry want you to

believe that the only way to live a healthy and happy
life is to get ripped and push yourself to your limits.

I call B.S.

Logan Henry

Chapter 2
Who This Book Is For

“It is health that is the real wealth and

not pieces of gold and silver.”

- Mahatma Gandhi

“No way that’s me…”

The exact words I said after I saw a picture of myself.

I was out of shape, exhausted, lost, and sick of feeling like

crap all of the time. My stress levels were rising. My physical
confidence was lacking, and my energy levels were shot.
I was constantly trying to stay ahead of how I was feeling
and covering up my internal messages with drinking and
mindless eating.

Anything to suppress how I was feeling...

Which was miserable.

Regain Your Edge

I’d had ENOUGH. I felt weak and powerless. Pissed off when
clothes weren't fitting like they used to. I was left feeling
inadequate as a man and didn't feel as desirable to my wife,
regardless of how many times she said...

“I love you just the way you are.”

It wasn't until I finally took ownership of how I had let myself

get this far that radical change could (and needed) to occur...
but the question was how? My life and work schedule were
busy, so how could I find time to exercise and figure out
what to eat and how to prep it?

I'm a high performer by nature, which means I'm constantly

pushing myself to the next level, always driving hard to
succeed. I hated the idea of slowing down long enough
to spend time figuring out HOW to get healthy or waste
hours at a gym getting poor results.

And here is the first big lesson for [us] High Performers:

Because of our drive, we move at speeds that others don’t.

Our goals are bigger than most. We push ourselves beyond
our limits.

What we don't see is that in the blur of our accomplish-

ments and wins, we are draining ourselves to the point of

It’s not in our nature to recognize when our bodies and

minds are screaming at us to slow down and figure out
why we’re starting to feel lousy.

We naturally think we can just “push through it.” Or “man

up” and pull it together. Or worse, we just believe… “Psh…
it's nothing. I'm fine. I just need to catch up this weekend.”

And you and I both know “catching up” won't happen. You
may be crashing on the couch for a power nap in between
family responsibilities, but there is no catch up.
Logan Henry

I know this because that’s where I was – always chasing

better health and holding on for dear life. I kept promising
myself over and over that I’d find a way that worked. I was
fortunate to find The Accelerated Method, end the cycles
of starting and stopping, and find a framework that works.

Several specific improvements happen when you apply

The Accelerated Method framework to your life:

1. Almost immediately, you will notice an increase in your

energy levels. Your body and mind will begin to adjust to
the “new” way of doing things, and you will have a renewed
clarity and focus. Your level of motivation will significantly

2. You will lose weight without starving yourself or eating

rabbit foods. An entire meal plan is outlined for you with
foods that will fill you up and keep you satisfied.

3. Sleep will improve, which will have a dramatic effect on

your day. Dragging yourself out of bed the morning will be
a thing of the past and forget about that afternoon 3 p.m.

4. Your mood will significantly improve. Irritability and “edg-

iness” are common issues when someone is overworked
and depleted. Allowing yourself the time and space you
need to focus on yourself will change how you react to the
world around you.

5. Your productivity will skyrocket! It’s vitally important

to have a plan and a system in place for success. Stress and
burnout are common symptoms of chasing your day vs.
controlling the outcome of your day.

If the above five outcomes are what you are looking for in
your own life, then you are in the right place.

Regain Your Edge

“To keep the body in good health is a duty…

otherwise we shall not be able to keep the
mind strong and clear.”

- Buddha

You may be thinking, “This all sounds great, Logan, but how can
I really [REALLY] achieve these results when I am so rundown?”

I get it. You are already time-starved, exhausted, and barely

holding on, sometimes completely done by lunchtime. You
have work and family responsibilities, and there doesn’t feel
like enough time in the day.

I know you’ve tried so many other things to feel better and

how frustrating it can be when something doesn’t live up
to its promise. I’d like to go over some of the most common
concerns I hear.

Common Concern #1: “I wish I knew what’s

wrong with me, so I knew how to fix it.”
When we are in a state of go, go, go, it’s very likely that we
aren’t listening to the warning signs our body is giving us. Or
we may just think, “Meh, I’ll be fine,” but chances are, things
aren’t fine.

Here’s Elliott’s story:

“I knew something was wrong, but I didn’t

know how wrong it was.”

“Looking back on it, I was miserable, and I didn’t know it.

Logan Henry

I weighed 247 lbs. when I started, and today I weigh 210


When you’re in survival mode and you’re trying to help

everybody but you don’t take care of yourself and I kept
having very convenient excuses. I don’t have time is an
excuse that always creeps in.

When you’ve got all these other things and responsi-

bilities going on, you almost feel selfish not attending to
those first. If you try to put yourself first, sometimes you
feel selfish.

I’ll never forget the tagline “The Program for the Busy Man.”
And I went, “That’s me, but (I mean) that can’t be right.” But
there was something about Logan. The way he carried
himself, the way he talked, I could tell he believed in what
he was talking about. It was that moment, that light going
off, thinking I don’t have an excuse anymore. If what
Logan is putting in front of me is real, then I don’t have an

He pushes us to the edge of what he knows we can do.

But I’ve never left feeling hurt. It’s about feeling good.
Feeling right. Being able to believe in the things I didn’t
think I could necessarily do. Being able to do things that I
never thought I could do before has bred that confidence
in all aspects of my life.

When you feel bad for a long time, you don’t realize it until
you feel good. And once you feel good, you appreciate
the things around you.

A lot of people in my life and in my family die at a pretty

early age. I used to accept that as a fact. I don’t accept it

- Elliott S. [High-Level Executive]

Regain Your Edge

There is nothing more frustrating than feeling awful and

wanting to figure out what’s “wrong” but having no definitive

If you’ve been to a checkup recently, your doctor probably

asked you how you are feeling, and I’ll guess you said some-
thing like, “Meh, I’m ok. Just a little rundown.” So, your doctor
will run some basic tests and have a CBC done. The results
will probably show that cholesterol is a little high, and a
few other markers will come back elevated, but overall,
everything will appear fairly normal.

Your doctor will probably tell you to get some more rest.
Exercise more to lose that extra weight. Eat better to lower
your cholesterol. Take some blood pressure medicine—the
usual suggestions.

So why do you feel so lousy, when on paper, it all seems

primarily fine?

There are a few factors at play here:

1. Are you being honest with your doctor (and yourself)

about how you are feeling?

Most men have a hard time saying there is something

wrong and that they need some help. We tend to cover up
ailments not to appear “weak” or “off our game.” Many men
have been raised to be strong alpha-male types who “never
quit” or “never give in” and need to just push through it.

I get it. Admitting that you feel like crap (out loud) is difficult.

You may think:

→ If I tell people I’m not feeling well, my partner will worry and
nag me about eating X or drinking Y.

→ I’ll have to go for many tests, and I just don’t have the
time to do all of that.
Logan Henry

→ If work finds out, they’ll think I’m not as good as I once

was, and that young guy is after my job anyway. Gotta
stay on top.

→ What if there IS something wrong? (Internally afraid to face it)

→ Meh! It’s not THAT bad. I just need a break.

Men are usually notorious for not taking care of themselves

or making an appointment with a doctor if they aren’t feeling

The Cleveland Clinic¹ did a survey on men’s health. Here

are some alarming stats:

Only three in five men (60%) go to the doctor for a routine

yearly checkup.

The same number of men (61%) only go to their doctor when

a symptom or problem becomes unbearable.

Two-in-five (42%) only go to the doctor when they fear they

have a serious medical condition.

This tells us that men wait until they can’t wait anymore to
see a doctor to get some help.

The first step is to take an honest look at what’s going on for

you. No more of this “eh, I’ll get over it” crap. If you want to live
a better life, reach new levels of success and be around for
your family, then you’d better start being real about how you
feel so you CAN start to make some changes.

Make notes about what’s going on. Do certain foods bother

you? How much sleep are you getting (use a tracker app if
you need to)? What is stressing you out the most right now?

Regain Your Edge

What happens in your body when you are really stressed

(where do you feel it)? Is your hair thinner? Do your joints

You get the idea. Write it down so that you’re not trying to
go by memory or rushing through the appointment when
you go to the doctor.

2. Your schedule plays a huge role in this

You are probably so over-scheduled that you don’t have a

moment to breathe, and chances are you are constantly
racing from one thing to the next.

Your jam-packed calendar is one of the reasons you feel

awful because it all feels like it never stops. Morning, noon,
and night you are needed. Everything is fighting for your
attention, and your to-do list is endless.

It’s hard to be at peace or even have a moment to celebrate

all that IS right in your life.

Later in this book, I will give you ways to structure your

morning routine and your evening routine so that you can
maximize your days.

But for now (meaning - start to do this today), block off time
on your calendar for… Ready… NOTHING. Actually book an
appointment with yourself to do nothing. Make it a standing
appointment, and don’t let yourself off the hook. Start
with 30 minutes a day and then increase the time when you
get over the shock. This time is yours.

Read a fiction book. Listen to music. Stare out the window

and dream big goals or simply clear your head. Create the
habit of making time for yourself to recharge your batteries
and teach yourself how to just pause and regroup. Those
30 minutes of unstructured time can make a huge pos-
itive impact on your clarity, focus, and productivity.

Logan Henry

3. Your sleep habits suck

I will dive deep into sleep in the chapters ahead and set you
up to win at the sleep game. I know sleep can be elusive,
and right now, it’s one of your biggest challenges. I’ve got
you. I have a guaranteed system for sleep success that has
completely changed lives.

Keep in mind, this isn’t just about your sleep. I will also give
you my framework for a bedtime routine that leads you to
quality sleep. No more rushing until bedtime and then
falling asleep the moment you hit the pillow. We will move
your mind and body into rest mode first and then get you
an amazing night’s sleep.

Here are two quick ways to ease into sleep:

1. Try to stay away from your phone or other tech devices at

least an hour before bedtime. The blue light your phone emits
is trashing your sleep.

Harvard did a study and found:

While light of any kind can suppress the secretion of

melatonin, blue light at night does so more powerfully.
Harvard researchers and their colleagues conducted an
experiment comparing the effects of 6.5 hours of exposure
to blue light to exposure to green light of comparable
brightness. The blue light suppressed melatonin for about
twice as long as the green light and shifted circadian
rhythms by twice as much (3 hours vs. 1.5 hours)².

This means that the blue light from your devices is mess-
ing up your body's ability to produce melatonin to help
you sleep.

If you can’t stay away from your tech because you read on
your device at night, you can change the settings on that
device (or install an app) that will change the lighting to
be softer and remove as much blue light as possible.
Regain Your Edge

You can also buy blue light blocker glasses. Wear them
anytime you are at the computer to help alleviate eye
strain and headaches - you can find them on Amazon.

2. Try to avoid TV an hour before bedtime

This one doesn’t need much explanation, other than to say,

if you are watching shows that get you fired up or full of
violence, it’s not a good way to ease and quiet your mind for
rest. The flashing lights, dramatic scenes, and loud, intense
music excite your brain. The goal is to quiet your already busy

The other problem is the self-control it takes to turn off the

TV in the eight seconds before the next episode starts. I’m
sure you spend those few seconds thinking, “One more
episode. I have to know what happens… NO turn it off and
go to bed, you have a big day tomorrow… oh but what’s
one more. I’m already up late, might as well watch this last
one. I wonder what snacks we have…”

The quick tip is turn off the TV.

4. Your eating is sporadic

You may be eating when you are hungry or when you have
time. The truth is you don’t have a food schedule or system.
IF you eat breakfast, it’s probably something quick like a
granola bar or quick meal replacement shake, or something
heavier and carb-loaded like a bagel or muffin.

Lunch is when you have time to stop and take a break to

eat and if you are working late hours, dinner is when you
get home (whenever that is) and I’m guessing there’s
snacking before bed.

²https: // rom-electronic-devices-


Logan Henry

An unstructured food plan can throw your system off and

starting with a carb-dense bagel is going to give you after-
noon sugar crashes.

Sticking to a food schedule and the right types of foods at the

right time of day will keep you feeling more alert, less bloated,
and bogged down, and you won’t rely on the caffeine pick-

In The Accelerated Method, we follow an intermittent fasting

schedule. Don’t worry, you DO eat throughout the day.
What’s important is WHEN you eat and WHAT you eat.

Here’s What a Perfect Food Schedule Should Look

Like To Optimize Your Body and Mind:

Regain Your Edge

And Here’s What a Perfect Food Plan

Looks Like:

I’ll go over this in more detail in Part 2, [And Spoiler Alert:

I’m going to share my Cheeseburger Casserole recipe
that’s a great meal, and the guys I work with LOVE it]
but for now, I’d like you to start to think about removing
sugars or high carbs from your diet. Start small. Eliminate
those foods one at a time, and replace them with protein,
healthy fat, and veggies.

If you are currently in a position where you know something

is not right and are frustrated by feeling so lousy, give the
above suggestions a try. In the next section, I’ll share more
strategies for success and how the first area we focus on is
getting your energy back! Once that energy returns, you
Logan Henry

will have more motivation to make more considerable phys-

ical and mental habit changes.

Unless you first address why you feel so depleted, nothing

else is going to work. You’ll just continue to drain your body
and mind even more. This means your health won’t get
better. It will only get worse.

Here’s what my client Josh had to say about his energy levels.
Josh is a high-performing attorney who juggles a constant and
grueling schedule.

“The first thing that I noticed within a couple of days

was the energy level picked up.

If I looked back on myself 3 months ago, I would close my

door at work, lay on a couch for two or three hours, and
do emails.

I was productive, but I was just exhausted. So in my mind,

I was like, 'I'm working, I'm working, this is okay.'

And on paper, it was okay, but I was just depleted, ex-

hausted, no energy.

In the first week, I had energy all day long, sustainable

energy that I hadn’t had for years, and still to this day,
I maintain that.

It’s the energy, the mindset, the optimism, and how I look
forward to the day instead of waking up exhausted. That
does not happen anymore.

The mental, emotional, and energy that I have now com-

pared to what I was before is quite dramatic and worth
the price alone.

Regain Your Edge

I have the energy to lead my team at work. Before, I don't

think they were looking at me with much confidence at
the time and I didn’t even realize it.

Now, I feel like I have the energy. I have more mental

clarity. I tackle projects faster, which has allowed me to
accomplish a lot more in a day, in a week, in a month
than I used to, even 3 months ago. That's been really
really big.”

- Josh H.

The Accelerated Method is different because I see you as

someone who needs to rework their entire system and not
just lose weight, even though that is one of the program's

Andy knew it was time for a change. He was feeling the

effects of running himself ragged. Once he came to the
realization that his personal life was being dramatically
affected, he knew what he had to do. Here is his story:

“Before, I was burning the candle at both ends in terms of

my professional life that left very little time for my personal
life and spending time with family—spending time with
my kids.

Not having the energy to get through the day.

Two and a half months ago, I was burned out by 2:15 in

the afternoon, ready to take a nap, and felt terrible.

By the time I would get home in the evenings, I would

lay down on the couch and find myself falling asleep
on the couch at 8:15 in the evening.

I would get home and my kids would want to play. They’d

Logan Henry

want to shoot hoops in the driveway, kick a soccer ball

on the grass, throw a football and I just flat out didn’t
have the energy for it.
I came to realize I was shortchanging not only my kid’s
lives but also my own.

I realized what I was sacrificing on the personal side,

specifically relative to the choices that I was making
that were not the right choices, was taking more of a
toll than I was willing to pay any longer.

Now, I feel better overall, I have a ton more energy. I’m

able to spend as much time with my kids as they want
me to spend.

A full ten weeks into the program, I am down 28 pounds.

I’m down inches everywhere. From my neck, shoulders,
chest, waist, and hips, multiple inches. Clothes fit better.
I keep punching holes in a belt that I have worn for 11 or
12 years, and one of these days I’m going to run out of
room. I sleep better. I wake up supercharged.

I get my day started, and I know what to expect. It’s

been fantastic for me.”

- Andy M. [High-Level Executive]

If reading Josh and Andy’s journey’s had you nodding along,

you are hopefully starting to see what’s possible.

The men I help are ready to change their lives because they
have reached a point where they know that if they don’t,
there is too much to lose.

This is for you if you need to get back on track. To renew your
inner strength and recoup that depleted energy. This is for
you if you don’t recognize the person in the mirror and you
are done with feeling wrecked!
Regain Your Edge

Common Concern #2: “I’m tired of wasting

money trying to feel better and get healthy”

Let’s talk about the effect of Health Debt...

“Daddy, if I give you a paycheck, will you play with me?”

One of my private clients shared an emotional conversation

he had with his young daughter. This was the moment he
knew something had to change.

It tugs on the heart a little, doesn't it?

Spending money on our health can sometimes feel like a

waste, but what are you losing in the long run?

What is your poor health costing you in actual dollars and

time? As you’re about to see, your physical health can play
a major role in your financial health.

One of my clients is a lawyer who has an intense lifestyle.

Brutal workdays, scheduled to the minute while also
trying to spend time with his family, whom he adores.

He was close to burnout and exhausted. He was being

pulled in a million directions every day, and even though he
was aware that his health was declining, he couldn't find
the time to figure out what to do about it.

Sounds familiar, right?

When we first spoke, I asked him how much he thought he

was losing in actual dollars by not taking control of his
health and life.

*Pause* on the other end of the phone.

He hadn’t thought about it that way.

Logan Henry

So, we calculated his Health Debt:

Background: He’s a lawyer charging $1,000 an hour. (Yes, a

$1,000/hr). Averaging a 60-70-hour workweek.

I started by asking him what his energy level was during the
week. On a scale of 1-10. 1 being nothing, 10 being at peak

He said, on average his energy levels were 4-5.

Then I asked him how many hours he thought he was

losing a week because of that lack of energy.

Taking into account that he was hitting snooze on the

alarm clock several times, taking extra trips to grab a
coffee, taking catch-up naps in the early evening and on
weekends, and experiencing unproductive foggy brain
time when he just couldn't concentrate. Also, he was
working extra hours because it would take him longer to
accomplish tasks and get everything done.

He guessed it was about 10 hours a week in lost time.

Let’s do that math: $1,000 x 10 hours = $10,000/week!!

I’m sure you’re calculating his annual lost cost in your head.

There are three major issues here:

1. His stress levels were through the roof, and he was con-
stantly chasing time.

2. He was “working” 60-70 hours a week but losing money

because he was not actually working. There was a good
amount of time sitting and trying to get his head in the

3. He was missing out on precious family time because of

Regain Your Edge

work, but he wasn’t really getting work done.

He was stuck in limbo.

That’s the relentless cycle most high-achieving, top per-

formers find themselves in just before they decide to make
a radical change.

Here’s what Wayne had to say:

“I was at a point in my life where I was out of shape, no

energy, hardly any sleep.

I was trying. I had to take naps throughout the day to try

and get a little energy in.

My attitude was constantly kind of snappy and honestly,

people weren’t really thrilled to be around me some-
times because I wasn’t as pleasurable as I was wanting to

Mornings were rough. Drinking 6, 7 cups of coffee just

to wake up. I was borderline diabetic. My whole body, I
felt tired all the time, I didn’t feel good.

Even trying to get myself to work or do anything was

hard. If we drove anywhere, I’d fall asleep in a heartbeat.

Overall I felt bad, and I was out of breath a lot, and I

knew I needed to make a change”

- Wayne [Business Owner]

Take a moment to think about your hourly rate. If you don't

charge by the hour, just get a rough guesstimate. Annual
salary, divided by 52 weeks, then divided by the number of
hours you work a week.

Now, guesstimate how many “lost” hours you have a week.

Logan Henry

You probably don’t realize how much time is wasted in the

in-between of productive vs. foggy and exhausted.

In The Accelerated Method, I help you recoup that lost time


1. Creating new habits that cut out unnecessary tasks and

time wasters.

2. Structuring your day to succeed, but allowing time for your

needs, wants, and goals. No more letting others manage your

3. Removing anything that isn’t meant for you and that you
aren’t meant to do.

4. Giving you a plan for mealtimes so that there is no guess-

work in “what to eat,” and you will know the right foods that
will fuel your body and mind to perform at peak performance.

In Chapter 7, I will break down how to accomplish all of this

with a system that works.

Common Concern #3: “My partner/spouse said

they read I should be (fill in latest health craze)”

Yes, there is an endless amount of the latest and greatest

health crazes—all promising to be the right one for you.

Our partners want the best for us, especially if they recog-
nize what's really going on when we don't see it ourselves.
Partners and spouses are on the outside looking in. They
usually know us better than we know ourselves.

And unfortunately, the people closest to us are the ones

that have to navigate the negative impacts your health is
taking on your mental and physical well-being.

Chances are if your partner is suggesting a “new” fitness

or nutrition plan, what they are trying to do is help.
Regain Your Edge

Help you get better and help you find the “thing” that will
bring you to a better place.

Here’s what Dusty had to say:

“By the time I met Logan, I was searching for some kind
of way forward.

He’s definitely changed my life. And ya know, at 43 years

old, I’ve met a lot of people and came across lots of differ-
ent programs.

Anywhere along there were opportunities where if the

right circumstances were there it could have been life-
changing, but looking back into all my adult years he’s
the one guy that was able to show me the difference
and show me the results.

That’s what I was looking for. Before starting I was 242 lbs
and today I’m 195 lbs.

There were gains that I ended up seeing that I never

counted on.

I didn’t realize what it would do for my mind. I kind of

figured it would help my relationships with my wife and
kids improve but that’s even gone above and beyond
what I expected.”

There are plenty of opportunities out there for you to get

healthy. Countless fitness and nutrition experts are really
good at what they do. So, it’s essential to ask yourself, “What’s
stopping me?”

Your family is counting on you and wants you to feel good.

Your partner or spouse is probably searching up ways to
“help,” but really it has to start with you.

Logan Henry

If you are getting texts or tagged on social media by a part-

ner for a post about health, that’s your cue that it’s time to
make some different choices.

Interestingly, in certain circumstances, some guilt can spring

up for high-achieving men to get healthy, and they may
worry that a partner or spouse will be resentful if more
time is taken away from the family to work out. From their
perspective, if you are constantly working and are already
time-strapped, they may worry that you’ll be at the gym
every night and getting home even later.

Or, truthfully, if a partner is already dealing with cooking

for picky kids and feeling like a short-order cook, adding in
new meal plans may feel daunting.

The Accelerated Method is designed to ensure that the

fitness plans are quick and can be done at home, and the
meal plans are “normal” meals that the whole family could
enjoy. Except maybe those picky eaters… They can sustain
on chicken nuggets a little longer… just make sure you are
not eating off their plates.

What you (and your partner or spouse) will discover is that

you will again be the person they fell in love with, and you
will be the father you dream of being. The quality of your
life will dramatically improve for you and for them. And any
worry or guilt that may have come up will quickly fade away.

In Chapter 7 we’ll cover meal plans and what this means

for your day-to-day routine.

Common Concern #4: “What if I can’t do it?”

I get it. Right now, you are probably feeling the lowest you’ve
ever felt in your life.

I was right where you are 12 years ago. I could barely get off
the couch. Nothing in my body felt good, and my mind
Regain Your Edge

was just muddy and unfocused.

The world is sitting on your shoulders, and it seems as

though everyone is pulling on you and needing you. You
don’t have a moment to catch your breath, let alone
“transform” your health and well-being. I know it can feel
entirely out of reach and be very easy to put off doing until
you have more time.

I need you to take a candid look at where you are right now.

What’s the first thing you’d like to change?

Are you ready to start to feel like a human being again

and not some robot zombie on autopilot?

If you and I were sitting around a campfire drinking some

beers, and you were telling me what’s going on in your life…
here’s what I’d tell you.

You're in a pressure cooker. Yes, you can keep pushing your-

self every day, but I can guarantee that crap is going to
unravel at some point. It's no longer a matter of IF it does.
It's a matter of WHEN it will.

You can’t sustain at your current pace. No one can.

If we could maintain crazy paces, the health and pharma-

ceutical industry wouldn’t be raking in billions of dollars.
They are making money hand over fist because people are
desperately trying to keep their current lifestyle AND get
healthy at the same time.

To dramatically change your path, you have to change the

point you are at now.

Here’s what Ben had to say:

Logan Henry

“Before I started I was pre-diabetic, my blood levels were

up there and I just felt like, I need to get control of my
life. I need to make some changes.

I was tipping the scales around 254. My energy levels

were terrible. Around 2 o’clock, 3 o’clock, I would just
have this crash where I would tell my wife there’s got to
be something wrong with me. ‘I am exhausted.’

It’s hard to describe the feeling.

It felt like, literally I was just going to fall asleep. I was just
that tired. Like I can’t do anything else. And that was
almost a daily thing. And that was something I think was
a significant hindrance because it was like everyday, 2 or
3 o’clock and I felt like I was going to have to lay down
and sleep.

I had actually even seen a doctor for that. I had been

experiencing this for about a year and a half. Just really,
super low energy. I almost resigned myself to the fact
that maybe it’s just because I’m over 40 and that’s the
way it’s going to be for the rest of my life.

I needed to change. I wasn’t feeling good. All my clothes

are tight. I’m either going to have to have all my suits
tailored or I got to figure something out.

So, I felt pretty desperate. Before we started, my suits

were super tight. My shirts were tight. It was one of
these things where your buttons are tight, and you’re
basically bursting through your shirt, and so it was
frustrating from that standpoint.

But also just frustrating from the lack of confidence

while I’m looking at myself in the mirror every morning
Regain Your Edge

just hating the person that I’m seeing because of that.

Just ashamed, upset, angry, and worthless.

I’ve talked to you a lot about creating Ben 2.0, just shatter-
ing the mold of the prior old Ben and creating a new mold.
I’m getting up in the morning; I’m ready to put the day
in a headlock that started immediately.

I would say that my number one, very most important,

most significant, and most valuable transformation is
the mental part of it. Recognizing that I can do this and
that it’s a choice that makes me happy. It’s a choice that
brings positivity in my life. It’s a choice that brings energy
in my life.

As far as the physical changes, I’m down from 254 lbs to

222 lbs. So I’m down 32 pounds in 90 days. My waist size
has gone down from a 40 to at least a 38, and I really
believe I’m ready to wear a 36. Belt loops, I would say I’ve
gone down 3 belt loops. I started off in a XXL. I’ve been
in a XXL for the last 20 years. Now, I’m into an XL, and I
really think that I could pull off a Large.

My confidence levels are hugely different. My energy is

much, much more leveled out. It’s been tremendous. I’m
able to go home, play with my kids.

Also, in work, I feel like I’m able to put in a consistent full

day's effort, and I’ve seen the productivity gains from that.
My productivity has been as high as it’s ever been. I’m
much more patient, more understanding, and not being
stressed out so much. I think that just being more present
as helped all of my relationships. I’m grateful that it’s
changed my life.”

- Ben C. [High-Performing Attorney]

Logan Henry

The Accelerated Method was designed for you. It’s meant

to meet you where you are and give you the tools and strate-
gies to follow step-by-step.

Right now, you have a choice:

You can continue on the path you are on and hope for the


Make some simple changes that have the biggest impact

and take back control of your life.

This book is for you. To help you recalibrate your entire life,
health, and overall wellness in ways that fit into your rhythm
and lifestyle. This plan is for high performers ready to uplevel
themselves and get back precious time with those they
love. This plan will give you the balance you are looking for.

Let’s Get Started!

Regain Your Edge

Key Chapter Takeaways

→ As high performers, we move at speeds that others
don’t. Our goals are bigger than most. We push our-
selves beyond our limits.

What we don't see is that in the blur of our accomp-

lishments and wins, we are draining ourselves to the
point of burn out.

It’s time to incorporate that same high-performing

determination to your health and wellness.

→ There are five specific improvements that happen when

you apply The Accelerated Method framework to your
life: Increased energy, weight loss without starvation,
quality sleep, better mood, and increased productivity.

→ There are four Common Concerns most men have

with regards to their health and wellness:

#1: I wish I knew what’s wrong with me, so I knew

how to fix it.

It’s really difficult to want to “get better”, but it is also very

overwhelming to figure out what to do first. If there is no
guided plan for success, you will continue to procrast-
inate and wait for the “right time” to decide what to do.

#2: “I’m tired of wasting money trying to feel better

and get healthy.”

Your poor health is actually costing you real dollars in lost

productivity, extra hours at work trying to “catch up”, and
foggy thinking throughout the day.

Use the Health Debt formula to find out what it’s costing

Logan Henry

Your Hourly x Hours a Week of Unfocused/ = Health

Rate Unproductive/Lost Time Debt

#3: My partner/spouse said they read I should be (fill

in latest health craze)

Yes, our partners and spouses love us and worry about

us, but there are so many trends and fads out there that
it can confuse which one is the right one. [HINT: the
right one is the one you WILL STICK WITH AND GIVES

#4: What if I can’t do it?

It can be challenging to motivate yourself when you

are feeling so low and exhausted, but The Accelerated
Method was designed for you. It’s meant to meet you
where you are and give you the tools and strategies to
follow step-by-step.

Regain Your Edge

Success Check-in Exercise


Before we proceed with the rest of the book, let’s first

check in with where you’re at right now in your overall

Below, rate yourself on a scale from 1-5 on how accurate

the statements are. 1 means “not accurate at all,” and 5
means “most accurate.”

Once you’ve rated yourself for each statement, total up

your scores and then use the Answer Key to determine
your next steps.

Success Check-In Statement Self Rating

I tend to push myself beyond my

mental and physical limits.

I often say, “When I get through

(situation/event), then I’ll take a day

I fall asleep on the couch when I get

home from work, and I need to take
naps on the weekends to “catch up”
on rest.

I ignore signs that my body is giving

me when I am feeling run down or
Logan Henry

If I knew what to do to “get better,” I’d

do it. I just don’t know where to start.

Taking time off or giving myself a

break because I’m rundown makes
me feel guilty.

I will go to the doctor if I don’t feel


My schedule is non-stop and

relentless, but I don’t know how to
change that.

I’m eating on the go and it’s not the

best food.

I am constantly feeling the pull

between work and family. I need to be
in two places at once.

I have often thought, “I’m sick and

tired of being sick and tired”.

I know I could accomplish so much

more in life if I only had more time
and energy.


Regain Your Edge

What Your Score Really Means

Score: 0 - 19

You are managing life and business well right now, but some
warning lights are showing up, and chances are you are
ignoring them because you still have everything “under control.”

You may be thinking something like, “Phew, last week was

a beast, but I’ll get some rest this weekend and be fresh
by Monday morning.”

Or you may be noticing a few more aches and pains through-

out your body, but play it off as “getting older.”

Your work and life schedule feel intense, but you tell yourself
that you can handle it all and push yourself more than

Maybe you are starting to notice that you are staying up

later to “decompress” after a busy day and find yourself
snacking late at night because you didn’t eat that much
during the day.

Here’s the truth. While everything feels intense but manage-

able, you will probably continue to push yourself more and
more and keep easing yourself towards burn out.

This is the moment (and the easiest moment) to start to

create better habits for yourself so that you don’t end up
completely depleting yourself.

Read this book with an open mind. Find ways to incorporate

some of the strategies and fitness and nutrition suggestions
in The Accelerated Method framework. Starting sooner than
later will be a much smoother transition.

Logan Henry

Score: 20 - 39

If your score is in this zone, you know that everything in your

life is starting to overwhelm you. You can still do what you
need to do every day in your professional and personal life,
but you are feeling the effects of the constant juggle of it all.

You are likely finding yourself pushing through your days,

looking forward to getting home, and collapsing on the
couch so everything can slow down for a little bit.

Physically, you are not feeling like yourself at all. You are
noticing the number on the scale creeping up and seeing
deeper bags under your eyes. You may also notice that
certain foods are bothering you now more than ever, and
often you struggle with indigestion and stomach discomfort.

You may also be noticing that your mood is a little less

positive than before. You used to be able to “rally” and shift
your mindset into a better state. Now, it may seem like you
are putting on a “happy” face at work and home.

If you are in this zone, it’s time to look at your schedule and
sleep habits. These two areas are the simplest to fix that
have a big impact on your energy levels.

You may be able to recapture some more time for yourself

if you can clear off your calendar and take some pressure
and responsibilities off of your shoulders. By allowing yourself
some more downtime and “you” time, you can hit the
“reset button” on your day.

At this point, your sleep habits are probably being affected.

The stress and the late nights are getting to you, and even
though you are exhausted, you are having trouble winding
down or shutting off. Chapter 7 on sleep routine would
greatly benefit you at this point.

Regain Your Edge

Score: 40 - 60

If you are in this zone, you know that you have reached a
point of depletion and frustration. You may be wondering
how you got to this point and want to find ways to “feel

Mentally and physically, everything is off, and you have no

idea what to deal with first, and you just don’t have the
time or motivation to figure it all out.

I know how you feel. This is the point I had reached as well.
It’s not a good place to land.

Here’s what I can tell you. The methods in this book can
help you get started. Doing any (and hopefully all) of the
recommendations in this book will make an impact on
your life.

The very first place to start is getting your energy back.

Chapter 4 will be beneficial to you to recognize and diag-
nose some common reasons your energy levels are so low.

If you are at this point, just take the first step. Don’t try to
change everything at once. Your mind and body will push
back. Start small. Stay consistent, and you will see a positive

Logan Henry

Chapter 3
The Roadblocks To Better Health
(And How To Avoid Them)

“So long as your desire to explore is greater

than your desire to not screw up, you’re on the
right track.”

- Ed Helms

I want to share the five biggest roadblocks I’ve discovered

in working with men that may prevent you from getting

ROADBLOCK #1: Your Day Already

Feels Jam Packed

Some days it seems as if all we are doing is racing against

the clock from the moment we wake up.

As a high performer, the chances are that your to-do lists are
long, and the expectations you set for yourself are intense
Regain Your Edge

because you are a "mover and a shaker" who juggles

multiple tasks at once.

The alarm clock goes off, and as soon as your feet hit the
floor, the day starts. You live and breathe by your phone
and calendar app, and with constant notifications pop-
ping up every moment, you feel the insistent tug by
others to manage it all. Emails, texts, meetings, Zooms,
conference calls, clients, customers, coworkers, family,
events, errands, appointments, and more… It can seem as
if every second of every day is spoken for.

Then in order to decompress at the end of the day, you

stay up too late zoning out watching TV, trying to find any
space for peace and quiet to allow your brain to rest, but
there never seems to be enough time for it all. So how
does one get healthy when life is non-stop?

There are many fitness programs out there all promising

you results, but most require a huge time commitment of
a complete upheaval of your life and your family’s lives.
Yes, you’ll see changes, but it’s easy to delay making that
decision because you’ll think, "It all sounds great, and I'll
do it when I have some extra time." Or “I’ll start working
out when this project wraps up/my kids go to camp/
holidays are over/family stuff settles down/little league
coaching is over/etc…”

The "right" time is not going to show up. It will never just
appear. That's the trap of time. I can guarantee that you've
been very aware of how quickly time is passing at some
point recently.

→ Maybe one of your children just graduated from high


→ Or you have just celebrated a milestone birthday.

→ Or the high school reunion notification just arrived, and

you can't believe how many decades it's been.
Logan Henry

→ And you went to the reunion, and everyone seemed to

be "old."

→ Or you're noticing your siblings/parents' age and health.

Time seems to be speeding up. So how do we harness it

and add complete health recalibration to the mix? As we’ll
talk about in a later chapter, the goal isn’t to make your
day harder.

The goal is to rework your day so you get back time!

Your day can be made up of productive time or lost time.

Productive time is:

● Feeling focused and clear and capable of checking

things off the list at a reasonable pace.

● A schedule that is manageable and that you control.

● Finding space in your day to prioritize yourself and

your family without feeling guilty.

● Creating space for exercise and planning your


● Being able to say, “I’ve got this” and mean it.

Lost time is:

● Rewriting an email or proposal because it doesn't

flow right or you can't get your thoughts together.

● Having to go back to the supermarket because you

forgot something on the list.

● Needing to grab more coffee to clear your head.

● Allowing others to dominate your calendar and

Regain Your Edge

● Trying to catch up on sleep by napping after work or

on weekends.

● Not having enough energy to get things done

around the house which inflates the "weekend
chores list."

Lost time is the sense of never getting ahead because

nothing ever seems to get done, making you feel even
more tired and constantly scrambling for more time.
Chasing time is a fast track to burnout.

There are so many lessons and takeaways from being aware

of the time trap, but this is the biggest one:

A Structured Morning Routine Will Set You Up For Success

In Chapter 7, we’ll go over how I focus heavily on developing

a morning routine that will completely change how you
approach your day. Before anyone else has access to you,
you need to give yourself 30 (ish) minutes to take back
control of your day.

You need to understand that you determine what your day

will look and feel like.

You will never get out of the time chase loop if you constantly
allow others to guide your life and schedule. You've heard the
analogy, "Put your oxygen mask on first…" Even though it's
often used to remind people to prioritize health and well-
being, many ignore it because it usually has to do with an
internal message around feeling guilty or selfish.

Let's be honest with each other because most of the men I

work with eventually came to this realization, and once they
did, everything changed.

The feeling of guilt and selfishness can stem from worrying

that a partner will feel resentful if you invest time into yourself.
Or coworkers are going to question why you aren't answering
Logan Henry

emails right away. Or, clients push back when they aren't the
center of your world.

Here’s the truth:

Investing the time in yourself will make you better all

around, not only for you and your health but for those
around you.

You will be “back in the game.” You’ll be more present with

your family while your clients and customers will get the
best from you. Everyone will notice the “change” in you. At
first, those in your world may push back. It’s natural. When
you’ve been giving yourself away so much, there is bound
to be a little rockiness. The key is to stay the course. You are
creating a new pattern and new habits. You can guide those
around you to come along for the journey.

The next piece of the formula is to know exactly how to

structure your day for success and focus the right amount of
energy on what’s most important.

In The Accelerated Method, we create a plan for success

that starts from the moment you wake up. You will have a
roadmap in front of you to follow—no more guessing.

Try These Steps When You First Wake Up:

Step 1: Get up. When that alarm clock goes off, don’t hit
snooze. I recommend a cold shower first thing to increase
circulation and jumpstart your body and mind. You can
also start with a warm shower, and then just before you
are done, turn the water to cold for a few minutes or if
that’s too much you can start by changing the temper-
ature of the water the last 10-15 seconds of your shower.

Step 2: Do your physical activity before anyone needs you.

Movement is best first thing in the morning and will en-
sure that you get that physical fitness in before the workday
Regain Your Edge

Step 3: NO checking emails, texts, or messages before

you've dedicated time to yourself and writing out your daily
goals. You get to create what is a top priority for you.

Step 4: Hydrate your body with 32 oz. of water with some


If you take nothing else from this book, I urge you to look at
your day and create a new morning routine that makes
space for you and allows you a structure to succeed. It's vital
to your health and well-being. Chapter 7 will go over these
methods and strategies for success to ensure you can stop
chasing time.

For now, let's check in and see where you are with your

Success Check-in Exercise


Before we proceed with the rest of the book, let’s first check
in with where you’re at right now with the intensity of your
day-to-day schedule.

Below, rate yourself on a scale from 1-5 on how accurate the

statements are. 1 means “not accurate at all,” and 5 means
“most accurate.”

Once you’ve rated yourself for each statement, total up

your scores and then use the Answer Key to determine your
next steps.

Logan Henry

Success Check-In Statement Self Rating

I’m often sleeping through my alarm
clock and starting my day in a rush.
I pick up my phone the moment I
get out of bed to see what’s in my
inbox or messages and check my
daily calendar.
Time seems to move very quickly
during the day, and I’m constantly
trying to chase time.
The only quiet time I have is in the
car or the bathroom.
I always feel like I need to be in two
places at once.
I feel guilty saying no to work or
personal requests.
I often find that my mental clarity
gets foggier throughout the day. By 3
p.m., I can’t think straight.

I barely have time to eat lunch.

I am working later because I can’t

get everything done during the day.

I wish I had a “pause” button for life

so I could just take a freakin’ break!

Regain Your Edge

What Your Score Really Means

Score: 0 - 15
Busy But Manageable

Your days are busy, but you know what needs to get done,
and you do it.

There are times when you are handling a lot, but you
know that giving your all for a short period of time will
keep everything on track.

If all you take away from this book are the strategies on
creating a better morning routine (Chapter 7) and learning
to say “no” to more obligations (Chapter 3), then you are
good to keep rockin’ through your days.

Just be mindful of how quickly you can go from “I’ve got

this” to “How am I going to get all of this done?”

Score: 16 - 35
Racing Through Your Day

If you are in this zone, then you are reaching a breaking point.
Your days are intense, and you are juggling way too many

You are managing it all right now, but things may start to slip
at work and home very soon. You may be noticing that your
family is being affected by your busy schedule as well. You are
working late nights and feeling way more run down than you
ever have been.

There is constant pressure to keep going and maintain your

edge, but you are feeling the effects of stress on your mental
and physical state.

You need to re-read the section on Health Debt (Chapter 2)

and what that means for your professional and personal life.

Logan Henry

Score: 36+
You’ve Exceeded Max Capacity

If you are in this section, it’s time to take a hard look at

what’s going on in work and life. You need to find ways to
create some space on your calendar, in your workday, and
more time for you and your family.

As hard as it may feel at first, it’s time to start delegating

tasks to reliable coworkers. Create some positive change
in the work environment so you don’t feel like it’s all on

What things can you stop doing and/or say no to? You
don’t have to handle everything on your own.

If you continue this way, you will completely burn out.

Go through the strategies in this book. Pay close attention

to the chapters on bedtime routine and the morning
routines. That’s the first place to start.


ROADBLOCK #2: You Are Depleted and Have

Zero Motivation To Do Anything New

How many times have you needed to “push through” on a

project or family responsibilities within the past few months?
How often have you said to yourself, “I just have to get
through the next {insert time}, and then I'll take some time
off,” using coffee to keep yourself going and running on pure

You’ve probably seen motivational quotes that convince you

to push yourself to the limits, like this…

"Don't stop when you are tired. Stop when you are done."

Regain Your Edge

I can’t emphasize enough how dangerous quotes like this

can be. These come from the “hustle and grind” community.
There is nothing wrong with pushing yourself, and there is
nothing wrong with reaching for more. I’m all about hard
work. Remember, I’m a fellow high achiever here. What I
won’t accept is pushing yourself so hard that you burn out
and collapse.

Overall, men are dealing with high blood pressure, digestive

issues, ED, insomnia, stress, fatigue, diabetes, and so much
more. The constant pressures are endless. This means if
you are pushing yourself without healthy boundaries, the
crash and burn are inevitable.

Maybe you are already feeling it. That sense of total empti-
ness. That your tank has entirely run dry, with nothing to
refuel you. Perhaps you feel that exhaustion in your bones.
But, how does one undo the level of intensity you've been
managing without it all falling apart?

That's the trick. You are the guy spinning all of the plates,
so now what?

The first goal is to rearrange everything completely. To get

rid of all of the things that you don't need to be doing.
Step back from any obligations that don't move you closer
to the ideal you.

This goes back to your time and managing your calendar

from Roadblock #1. Make a list of everything that requires
your attention regularly. It can be something big, like a
seat on a board or panel that you no longer enjoy being
on, to something small, like mowing the lawn. Once you
get clear on everything tugging at your attention, start to
decide what you want to continue doing and what to let
go of.

If being on the board of some organization is utterly draining

and you are not getting anything out of it, then step down
or if mowing the lawn is a complete pain in your butt, hire
Logan Henry

-someone to do it. Let’s peel the extras off and start to recoup
some of that mental and physical space you so desperately

Here's the truth:

I can help you become the best version of yourself, but if

you are starting from a place of depletion without putting
aside some things that are draining you, it won't work no
matter what I offer to you.

Nothing will.

Depletion is a significant area that can be remedied relatively

quickly. Just start to say “no” more often and set better
boundaries around what you need and want to accomplish.
In Chapter 4, I will show you ways to get honest about your
level of depletion and what to do about it.

Let’s get you back to being you.

Regain Your Edge

Success Check-in Exercise


Before we proceed with the rest of the book, let’s first check
in with where you’re at right now in terms of your energy
and motivation levels.

Below, rate yourself on a scale from 1-5 on how accurate the

statements are. 1 means “not accurate at all,” and 5 means
“most accurate.”

Once you’ve rated yourself for each statement, total up

your scores and then use the Answer Key to determine your
next steps.

Success Check-In Statement Self Rating

I need to drink coffee throughout the

day to keep myself going.
I feel tired to my core.
Even if I get a good night’s sleep, I
still wake up feeling tired.
I don’t have the same enthusiasm for
work and life as I did before.
Everything feels like it’s on my
I laugh often.
I often think, “If I don’t do it, no one

Logan Henry

Sometimes I think about taking a

midday nap in my car.
I feel guilty because my kids want to
play when I get home, but I don’t
have the energy to do it.
I used to have the drive to get big
projects started at work, but now it
feels like a huge undertaking.

What Your Score Really Means

Score: 0 - 15

If you are in this section, you may have days where you feel
more run down than others, but overall, your energy levels
are fairly consistent.

Some days you may feel like there are too many to-dos or tasks
to get done, but if you stay later at work here and there,
you can get it under control.

You may find some benefit to reading through Chapter 11

on ways to stay motivated even on more challenging and
busy days.

Score: 16 - 35

Your days are consistently busy and full. Your calendar has
very little give to it, and you are also navigating family

Regain Your Edge

There is a pull between work and family, but somehow you

are making it work. You may be missing a meeting or an
event now and then, but you can find ways to make that up.

You feel wiped out by the end of the day, but you still feel as
though you were mostly productive and on point.

If you are in this section, you are managing work and family
well, but there is zero time left over for yourself or other fun
activities. Those get pushed off.

You will benefit from re-reading Chapter 3 on ways to re-

work your morning routine to set yourself up for a successful
and productive day while allowing some time for you.

Score: 36+

You are in desperate need of a schedule/life/calendar make-

over. Right now, there are too many things pulling at you and
demanding your attention.

This is a dangerous situation to be in because you are danc-

ing around the edges of burnout.

It’s time for a major overhaul in how much you say “yes” to
during the day and all of these things you are involved in that
you don’t need to be.

One of the main reasons your energy levels are so low is be-
cause you are running on empty, without stopping to
refuel. Yes, I’m going to throw out a car analogy. What
happens when your car runs out of gas? You're stuck, and
you’re not moving. Same with you.

You cannot keep up at this pace. Re-read Chapter 3. It will

help you.


Logan Henry

ROADBLOCK #3: You Hate “Diet” Food and Get

Hangry When You Don’t Eat.

Food can either fuel you or drain you. It’s important to

nourish and replenish your body.

Before we get into this roadblock, I’d like you to consider

these questions - What is your relationship with food? Do
you get hangry if you skip a meal? Does food bring you
comfort after a challenging day? Do you relate food to
family and community?

Is it just a chore to eat, and you wish there were a magic pill
that could fuel you? Do you love to cook or hate it?

It's essential to understand how you feel about food to help

you move through a fitness and nutrition plan more efficiently.

Let’s say you skip a meal. Because of that you are hungry
which makes you aggravated and agitated with your tasks
and with those around you. Maybe you are short-tempered,
a little foggy-headed, and feel even more tired.

Right away, that will tell you that any fitness or nutrition
program that asks you to cut out meals or eat much less
than your body needs means you are set up to fail before
you have begun.

You will feel nothing but frustration, and even if you man-
age to stick with it and lose weight, you’ll be a miserable
grump that no one wants to be around.

Additionally, “starving” ourselves by not eating will trigger

similar responses to our bodies and minds. Elimination
diets aren’t for everyone. Yes, some sing the praises of
fasting and liquid-only nutrition plans. The key is to do it
correctly and in a way that doesn’t completely deplete the
body of what it needs to thrive.

In a later chapter, we’ll go over the right way and the wrong
way to “fast.”
Regain Your Edge

Success Check-in Exercise


Below, rate yourself on a scale from 1-5 on how accurate

the statements are. 1 means “not accurate at all,” and 5
means “most accurate.”

Once you’ve rated yourself for each statement, total up

your scores and then use the Answer Key to determine
your next steps.

Success Check-In Statement Self Rating

I start my day with a quick on-the-go
pastry, bagel, or toast.
I don’t drink much water during the
By lunchtime, I’ve had several cups of
Lunch is fast food or a deli sandwich.

If I don’t eat, I get grumpy.

Around late afternoon I feel tired and

may get a headache.

I eat mostly salads.

I’m so hungry by lunchtime that I
overeat, and then I’m uncomfortable
and bloated.

Logan Henry

I’m starving by the time I get home

from work and eat whatever my
family is having.
I never know what to eat when we
take out or go out with colleagues or

What Your Score Really Means

Score: 0 - 15: Nourishing Your Body

Congrats! You seem to have really good food habits. You are
mindful of what you are eating, and you are drinking water.

You probably have “cheat days,” but overall, you have a good
system with what you eat.

You could consider trying the 16/8 intermittent fasting

protocol in Chapter 7. It might uplevel your nutrition plan
even more. It’s a great way to maintain a good balance to
keep your body functioning properly and to keep your
energy high!

Score: 16 - 35:
Needs Some More Whole Foods

If you are in this section, you are struggling with the “what
to eat” situation. You are probably mindful of what you are
eating, but out of habit and lack of time, you usually grab
whatever is quick, or you are craving.

You definitely can’t do any hardcore elimination diets be-

cause you get too hungry, and it’s harder to get through a
day on an empty, growling stomach.

You are probably telling yourself, “Tomorrow, I’ll eat some

better food.” The food choices at home are probably a good
Regain Your Edge

mix of healthy and snacks/junk food. Your family eats mostly

well, but there is still a lot of comfort foods around.

You probably cave to treats without resisting them too much.

Chapter 7 is a good place to start working through ways to
restock your home and set yourself up for success.

Score: 36+:
Revamp the Food Habits

If you are in this section, your biggest hurdle to overcome is

having a system that works for you regarding food.

Food has become such a struggle that you probably aren’t

even thinking about eating “healthy” because you’re unsure
where to start.

You’ve tried nutrition plans in the past, and the food has
been terrible, and you’ve been starving. You probably also
noticed that you are even more interested in food when
you are doing an elimination-type diet, making it that much

Chapter 7 will help you. I walk through a sample one-week

food plan, so you know what to eat and when. I also include
my favorite recipe, Cheeseburger Casserole. Yep, in The
Accelerated Method, you get to eat.


ROADBLOCK #4: It’s really hard to let go of

those foods you love.

Does food comfort you after a hard day? This one is a

challenging situation. We all have foods that make us “feel
better.” Maybe it's something salty or sweet or a carb over-
load of pasta or pizza.

Logan Henry

Whatever it is, you may have convinced yourself that to

“feel better,” you need (and deserve) that food. Then it is
challenging not to have those foods when you need some

Bad day? Bag of Doritos or pint of Ben & Jerry’s? It’s easy
to slip, but there is science behind this behavior.

The short version is: Comfort Foods Make Us Feel Better.

3 hormones step in with regards to food and comfort

eating: cortisol, dopamine, and serotonin.

When our bodies are under stress, cortisol is released.

Cortisol is our primary stress hormone. It’s our fight or
flight instinct.

Several things happen when we move into fight or flight.

1. Blood is moved to large muscles and away from

areas of the body that don’t “need” it during a
“fight” or “flight” situation.

2. Heart rate and blood pressure rise.

3. Pupils dilate.

4. You move into awareness and “watch” mode (your

senses are heightened), looking for the threat,
making you edgy.

Interestingly, cortisol regulates how our bodies use carbo-


Have you ever craved carbs when you’re feeling stressed?

Regain Your Edge

“Several studies have shown dietary sugar or

carbohydrate to reduce stress-induced elevation
(rodents) and cortisol (human), a phenomenon
thought to physiologically explain and strengthen
comfort eating or the stress eating relationship.”³

Sugar and carbs make us “feel” better at the moment, but

we’ll experience a sugar crash later in the day.

Let’s look at Dopamine vs. Serotonin:

Dopamine is the "reward" neurotransmitter. This controls

the brain processes that have to do with motivation, desire,
and cravings.

Serotonin, the “happy hormone,” is a neurotransmitter as well.

While it also controls moods and emotions, it also regulates
digestion, appetite, sleep cycles, and concentration.

Here's something extra interesting about serotonin: at least

90% of serotonin (5-HT) "in the human body is produced by
enterochromaffin (EC) cells of the gut.”⁴

This means the happy hormones can be triggered by the gut

or what goes in it. It also means that if we need comfort
and a sense of ease and happiness, one of the ways we can
get those feelings is to eat “comfort foods.”

Keep in mind… this is a very simplified version of how the

body and brain work together. Our subconscious need for
comfort food has been widely studied and analyzed.

What I’d like you to take away from this is that our relation-
ship with food, especially food that makes us “feel good,”
and more energized, is complicated and not one to be
taken lightly. Even more so if you are under enormous


Logan Henry

amounts of stress because the hormones we have been

talking about relate to mood and our body’s responses to

From now on, I’d like you to remember this... when you decide
to make dietary changes, you will need to give yourself some
forgiveness if it feels tough to let go of your comfort foods.

It's not that you are failing or not “strong” enough to over-
come those cravings. Your brain and chemical processes
are screaming at you to “comfort” them until you can find
alternative “feel good” ways to regulate your systems.

Also, remember that there will be days that you may think,
“screw it. I'll just eat [X] today and start again tomorrow.”
That's ok, once in a while. The point is to start again the
next day wholeheartedly.

Breaking patterns with food is one of the most challenging

areas in getting healthy. Sometimes, it's not even a chemical
need for food. It could be something triggered by a memory
or an emotion, such as cake on a birthday or ice cream sundaes
and BBQs in the summer. Or, maybe it's pie, because it reminds
you of your grandmother.

Whatever it may be, there might be an emotional tie to it. Be

aware of those foods and take an internal look at them. Ask
yourself if there is another way to connect to that memory
without triggering it with food.

Or… enjoy that comfort food every now and then.

There is no reason to spend your entire life in starvation

and avoidance. That's no way to live, and it certainly will
make you resentful of getting healthy and staying healthy.

The key to long-term health is to do things that will help

you continue to see the benefits.
Regain Your Edge

Success Check-in Exercise


Before we proceed with the rest of the book, let’s first

check in with where you’re at right now in terms of your
relationship with food.

Below, rate yourself on a scale from 1-5 on how accurate

the statements are. 1 means “not accurate at all,” and 5
means “most accurate.”

Once you’ve rated yourself for each statement, total up

your scores and then use the Answer Key to determine
your next steps.

Success Check-In Statement Self Rating

I need something sweet or salty at

the end of the day.

I crave pasta or bread when I’m

feeling stressed.

I tell myself I’m only going to have a

little bit of ice cream but end up
eating most of the pint before bed.

I have no willpower if there are

snacks or sweets in our house.

After a long, stressful day, I just want

to crash in front of the TV with food.

I grew up with the “clean your plate”


Logan Henry

When I’m feeling run down or my mood

is low, I don’t want something “healthy.”

It’s hard for me to do portion control.

I would consider myself a foodie.

I don’t have the energy to cook or

figure out what to eat, so I get fast food.


What Your Score Really Means

Score: 0 - 15

If you are in this section, you have a good relationship with

food and snacks. You may treat yourself now and then,
and you also know that there is a balance with food.

You probably follow the 80/20 rule of eating. 80% of the week,
you are mindful of healthy eating, and 20% is the splurge.

If you are in your forties + or are approaching your forties,

you may want to read Chapter 4, where I cover hormones.
Our hormones start to change around our forties. Even
those with very healthy habits can notice a dip in energy
levels, experience disrupted sleep and other mental and
physical changes.

Regain Your Edge

Score: 16 - 35

Food can be a challenge for you with regards to wanting to

“feel better.” You may reach for those snacks or ice cream
during the day or in the evening in front of the TV.

Snacking is an issue because you are so busy that sometimes

you don’t have enough time to make or get something to eat
so you rely on quick-fix meals.

Those quick fixes can be loaded with bad fats, high sodium,
and a ton of sugar. You are probably snacking your way to
poor health.

Chapter 7 breaks down how to best incorporate macro-

nutrients into your nutrition plan and healthy “snack” ideas
to help you get through your day.

Score: 36+

If you are in this section, you need a plan for better nutri-
tion. You may not realize how much your food intake is
affecting your overall mental and physical well-being.

Junk food and processed foods impact your energy levels,

waistline, mental clarity, sleep, and physiology.

One of the first places to start on your journey to better health

is to remove as much “comfort” and junk food as possible.

Chapter 9 will show you how to restock your kitchen with

the right foods that even your kids will enjoy.


Logan Henry

ROADBLOCK #5: You’re Worried About

Getting Injured Because of Strenuous
Exercise. You Don’t Have Time to Be Limping
Around After Leg Day.

A common challenge most men face is trying a new

fitness routine and getting hurt. Some had tried to jump
right back into lifting a certain weight at the gym that
they used to be able to lift or run a certain distance on the
treadmill that they had once easily done. Or maybe it was
just the strain of going from no exercise to too much and
hurting a knee or throwing out their back.

Whatever the specific injury was, the concern is still the

same “I don't have time to get hurt again. Last time, I was
in pain/laid up/out of commission for days/weeks/months,
and I can't risk that again.”

Most of my high-performing clients approach their fitness

the same way they approach their work and life. All in. I
appreciate that “let's do this” mentality, but to go from
little physical activity to intense workouts, the body will

Our bodies are not the same as they were when we were
younger. Age, hormones, flexibility, muscle strength all play
a part in our ability to work out AND recover.

Usually, the most significant factor in injuries and pain from

exercise is inflammation. In Chapter 4, I will talk more about
the effects of inflammation on your body and ways to
combat it.

You don't have to push your body beyond its limits to achieve
your health goals. I like to think of exercise as movement.
Instead of thinking, “Ugh, I have to squeeze in a workout,”
replace that thought with “How can I move my body today?”
The daily movement will greatly improve your mental and
Regain Your Edge

physical well-being, and if you do it consistently, you will

notice a difference.

Wayne came to me with some very physical limitations. He

wanted to do The Accelerated Method, but he wasn’t able to
do the specific exercises. So, I designed a new plan for him.

Here’s his story:

Wayne “The Step King”

One of the men in The Accelerated Method earned himself

the nickname “The Step King” because prior to joining the
program, he had an existing hernia that he ultimately
wanted to get surgery on but the doctor told him he’d have
to get to a certain weight before the surgery could happen.

Given this, when he first entered the program, he wasn’t

able to do any of the specified movements laid out so we
worked together to figure out what kind of movement
he was confident in doing and, most importantly, what
he could be consistent with.

He was open to the idea of walking. So along with walking

and piecing all the other pieces of the program together,
he was able to make serious progress.

Dropping 31 pounds, his A1C dropped down ½ a point, he

lost 2 pant sizes, he’s sleeping better, waking up feeling
better, his energy has improved, and he doesn't take
naps anymore. He can go all day now.

His attitude has improved, and his family, friends and

workers have all noticed the change in him. This is just
another strong example of what happens when you’re
willing to look at an obstacle and instead of saying “I can’t,”
asking yourself, “What can I do to make this happen?”

Logan Henry

Success Check-in Exercise


Before we proceed with the rest of the book, let’s first check
in with where you’re at right now in ways you supplement
your nutrition.

Below, rate yourself on a scale from 1-5 on how accurate the

statements are. 1 means “not accurate at all,” and 5 means
“most accurate.”

Once you’ve rated yourself for each statement, total up your

scores and then use the Answer Key to determine your next

Success Check-In Statement Self Rating

Exercise is a regular part of my day.

I used to be very physically active,

but now I don’t have the time.

My joints ache when I do too much

physical activity.

I have a gym membership that I

don’t use.

I have home exercise equipment that

I don’t use.

Regain Your Edge

The last time I started working out

again, I was in pain for days.

I don’t feel like I am as strong as I

used to be.

Working out at home is hard and so

easy to put off doing.

If there were an easy way to work out,

I would do it.

I don’t even know what physical

activity would help me lose weight.


What Your Score Really Means

Score: 0 - 15

If you are in this section, you are physically active and have no
major concerns about injury or soreness from exercising.

If you are looking for other ways to add in some new routines,
you can access some of my favorite fitness routines here:

Score: 16 - 35

If you are in this section, you probably do some type of phys-

ical activity during the week. It may even be working in the
yard, or walking on your way to work, but you are out and
about moving your body.

You could use some additional fitness routines to accel-

erate your weight loss and overall physique.
Logan Henry

Working out is top of mind for you, but you may just be too
busy to find the time to do it. I have some 24 minute (or
less) exercises you can access here:


If you are in this section, working out is a challenge for you.

You may be concerned about injury or pain by starting a
new exercise regime. You probably think that to make any
progress at all with your weight or strength, you need to
spend hours at the gym working with a trainer.

You don’t have the time or the energy to figure it out, and
your motivation is so low right now that it’s just not a priority
to “get in shape.”

Before you consider any change to your diet or exercise

plans, I’d like you to focus on Chapter 8, which is about
mindset and understanding why change is so hard for us
humans. If you have been struggling with yo-yo dieting or
the up-and-down weight loss before, this chapter is the
best place to start.


ROADBLOCK #6: To Try And “Stay” Healthy

You’ve Spent a Fortune on Supplements
That Sit on Your Counter
What’s the most recent ad you’ve seen promoting supple-
ments for men? Daily multi? Protein Shakes? Muscle builders?
Energy boosters? And then there are the constant prescription

Regain Your Edge

The supplement industry is a billion-dollar industry…

And so is the pharmaceutical industry.

“The global pharmaceuticals market is expected

to grow from $1228.45 billion in 2020 to $1250.24
billion in 2021 at a compound annual growth rate
(CAGR) of 1.8%.”⁵

This means marketers from both industries know how to

sell you something that [they say] “works.” Those companies
hire some of the world’s best direct-response copywriters
who can whip up a compelling sales argument to ensure
you buy.

Does this mean I am anti-supplements?

No. I incorporate supplements into my AM and PM plan in

The Accelerated Method.


Logan Henry

The difference is that the supplements I recommend are

just that…to supplement. The key components are the right
foods, physical activity to keep your body functioning cor-
rectly, and restful sleep. The supplements help round out the
edges. None of the supplements I suggest will “fix” your health
problems, but they can fully benefit the right plan.

The supplements I recommend help with:

- Stress Relief
- Decreasing inflammation
- Muscle recovery
- Mood and emotional balance
- Gut repair
- Sleep support
- Mental clarity and focus

We’ll talk about the best supplements to support you in a

later chapter.

Regain Your Edge

Key Chapter Takeaways

→ There are 6 Roadblocks you may encounter on your
path to better health and wellness.

- ROADBLOCK #1: Your Day Already Feels Jam Packed

As a high performer, the chances are that your to-do lists

are long, and the expectations you set for yourself are
intense because you are a "mover and a shaker" who
juggles multiple tasks at once.

A Structured Morning Routine Will Set You Up For


By developing a morning routine, you can completely

change how you approach your day. Before anyone else
has access to you, you need to give yourself 30 (ish)
minutes to take back control of your day.

- ROADBLOCK #2: You Are Depleted and Have Zero

Motivation To Do Anything New

Right now, you are probably trying to "push through" on

a project or family responsibilities, promising yourself
that you’ll start to focus more on yourself if you can "just
get through the next {insert time}, and then I'll take some
time off.” You are probably using coffee to keep yourself
going and running on pure adrenaline.

The first goal is to rearrange everything completely. Get

rid of all of the things that you don't need to be doing.
Step back from any obligations that don't move you closer
to the ideal you.

Logan Henry

- ROADBLOCK #3: You Hate “Diet” Food and Get

Hangry When You Don’t Eat.

Before you change your diet it’s important to under-

stand your relationship with food. I’d like you to consider
these questions - What is your relationship with food?
Do you get hangry if you skip a meal? Does food bring
you comfort after a challenging day? Do you relate food
to family and community?

It's essential to understand how you feel about food to

help you move through a fitness and nutrition plan more
efficiently. If you don’t, it means you are set up to fail
before you have begun.

- ROADBLOCK #4: It’s Really Hard to Let Go of Those

Foods You Love.

We all have foods that make us “feel better.” Maybe it's

something salty or sweet or a carb overload of pasta or

Whatever it is, you may have convinced yourself that to

“feel better,” you need (and deserve) that food which
can make it challenging not to have those foods when
you need some comfort.

Three hormones step in with regards to food and

comfort eating: cortisol, dopamine, and serotonin.

By balancing out those hormones and “feeding” your

body and hormones the right way, you can ease out of
that need for a cookie and replace it with something that
will nourish and fuel you instead.

But the most important part is to allow yourself some for-

giveness when you change your habits and diet.

Regain Your Edge

Breaking patterns with food is one of the most challenging

areas in getting healthy. You can do it, but with the proper
support, it will be even more accessible.

- ROADBLOCK #5: You’re Worried About Getting

Injured Because of Strenuous Exercise. You Don’t
Have Time To Be Limping Around After Leg Day.

A common challenge most men face is trying a new

fitness routine and then getting hurt. Most of my high-
performing clients approach their fitness the same way
they approach their work and life. All in. I appreciate that
“let's do this” mentality, but to go from little physical
activity to intense workouts, the body will react. Our
bodies are not the same as they were when we were
younger. Age, hormones, flexibility, muscle strength all
play a part in our ability to work out AND recover.

- ROADBLOCK #6: To Try And “Stay” Healthy You’ve Spent

a Fortune on Supplements That Sit on Your Counter

Supplements are meant to supplement. The key com-

ponents to good health are the right foods, physical
activity to keep your body functioning correctly, and
restful sleep. The supplements help round out the edges.
None of the supplements I suggest will “fix” your health
problems, but they can fully benefit the right plan.

Logan Henry

Success Check-in Exercise


Before we proceed with the rest of the book, let’s first

check in ways you supplement your nutrition with where
you’re at right now.

Below, rate yourself on a scale from 1-5 on how accurate

the statements are. 1 means “not accurate at all,” and 5
means “most accurate.”

Once you’ve rated yourself for each statement, total up

your scores and then use the Answer Key to determine
your next steps.

Success Check-In Statement Self Rating

My counter is full of supplements

that go unused.
I have bought all of the latest and
trendiest “get healthy” supplements,
and none of them do anything.

I take a multivitamin to support my

I have no idea if supplements work or
not and feel like they are a waste of
Some vitamins and supplements
bother my stomach, so I stopped
taking them.

Regain Your Edge

I hate taking pills.

I take supplements as a way to make

up for my poor diet.

I never notice a difference when I

take supplements.

I don’t know what I should take.


What Your Score Really Means *

Score: 0 - 15

If you are in this section, you probably have a good balance

of healthy eating and using supplements to enhance your

You see the benefits of supplements, but you also know

that they are not a means to an end.

If this is you, I have some other recommendations that you

might find helpful. In Chapter 7, I cover some supplements
to help with sleep and to help lower stress levels, among
other things.

Score: 16 - 35

You may be relying on supplements to make up for a poor

diet or weakened immune system.

If you are in this category, you may have a ton of unopened

supplement bottles in your medicine cabinet.

Logan Henry

You may not notice any change if you DO try something new,
or it may upset your stomach.

If you are currently feeling stressed and struggling with

sleep, or gut problems, or low energy, take a look at
Chapter 7 for some suggestions on what to do first.

Score: 36+

If you are in this section, the right supplements can help

you with stress reduction and better sleep, but you may
want to focus first on reworking your diet and getting more
whole foods into your system.

Yes, supplements will benefit the change in diet, but it’s

best to get all of your vitamins and nutrients from food.

Read through the section on intermittent fasting and start

to plan how to incorporate macronutrients into your diet.

(*Always check with your doctor before adding anything

new into your daily routine)

Regain Your Edge

Chapter 4
The 3 Energy Drainers

“There is virtue in work and there is virtue in

rest. Use both and overlook neither.”

- Alan Cohen

For the past ten years, I’ve been figuring out ways to make
getting healthy effective but not time-consuming, especially
for high-achieving busy family men. I’ve dedicated myself
to working with men and helping them navigate work,
life, and health and focusing my efforts on solving the
challenge of “I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired,
but I don’t have the time or the energy to figure it out.”

Here’s what I’ve discovered: There are three major energy

drains that need to be addressed to get your health back
on track. Until you get these under control first, your energy
will continue to be low, it will be very difficult to lose
weight, and sleep and overall wellness will feel elusive.

The solutions to all of this lie in the foundation of Effortless

Energy which we will talk about in Part 2 of this book.
Logan Henry

But before we jump into The Accelerated Method frame-

work, let’s take a look at the three factors that are weighing
down your energy levels.

Energy Vampire #1: Hormones

Men and women share similar hormones. It’s just the ratio
and balance that makes the difference. Men have higher pro-
gesterone and testosterone levels and lower estrogen levels.
Women have the reverse. Over time as we age, those levels
change. Our dominant hormones will start to decrease and
the adverse hormones will start to increase.

There are five key hormones that can impact how you feel,
especially as you cross into your forties.

- - - Progesterone/Testosterone/Estrogen - - -

These three hormones are grouped because men need

progesterone to produce testosterone, and progesterone
balances out estrogen production in men.

Progesterone: A vital hormone that affects several proc-

esses in the body, such as (but not limited to) regulating
blood sugar, brain activity, metabolism, bone-enhancing,
mood, sleep, and libido.

Testosterone: the sex hormone that has similar effects on

the body as progesterone. It regulates the sex drive, fat
distribution, and muscle and bone mass.

A Few Symptoms of Low Progesterone/Testosterone Can


● Fatigue
● Lack of energy
● Low sex drive
● Erectile dysfunction
● Mental fogginess
● Weight gain
Regain Your Edge

● Bone mass loss

● Thinning hair

Estrogen (in men): While testosterone is the primary hor-

mone that controls sexual development and function,
men also need estrogen to balance out the testosterone
production to have a healthy sex drive, erection and prod-
uce sperm.

A Few Symptoms of Increased Estrogen Can Include:

● Loss of muscle mass

● An increase of breast tissue may develop (can cause
“man boobs”)
● Erectile dysfunction
● Exhaustion
● Trouble focusing or concentrating

As men age, progesterone and testosterone levels will natur-

ally decrease, which causes an increase in estrogen levels.
If progesterone and testosterone levels are too low, it can
dramatically affect a man’s overall health and well-being.

- - - Ghrelin - - -
The “Hunger” Hormone

Ghrelin’s job is to signal your brain to eat. Ghrelin is also

responsible for making “dieting” really hard. When you diet,
ghrelin levels increase, triggering the “I’m hungry” message,
making it harder to lose weight.

“This hormone is produced in your stomach and

secreted when your stomach is empty. It enters
the bloodstream and affects a part of the brain
known as the hypothalamus, which governs your
hormones and appetite.”⁶


Logan Henry

Not only does ghrelin tell your brain when to eat but it can
also affect your sleep/wake cycle.

In order to keep this hormone under control, you need to

have a more regulated food intake. The start-stop, diet-
non-diet is making it worse.

- - - Cortisol - - -

Earlier in the book I mentioned how cortisol impacts our

need for comfort foods, but it also controls our motivations,
moods, and fears. The adrenal glands are responsible for
producing cortisol.

When we stay in a constant state of stress, cortisol levels

remain high, which can lead to a long list of problems:

● Weight gain
● Difficulty sleeping
● Memory and concentration issues
● Low energy levels
● Headaches
● Digestive issues
● Increased anxiety
● Depression

Because our body and mind work as one unit, all of the horm-
ones above affect one another. If one is out of balance,
chances are the others will be out of balance.

Here Are Some Ways to Balance Out Your Hormones


The above hormones are an interconnected system, so the

following suggestions will help keep this hormonal process
functioning at optimum levels, which will help you start to
feel better and get your energy levels back. In Part 2, I will
give you specific steps to take in order to balance out your

Regain Your Edge

1. Exercise and Daily Movement

Physical activity is one of the best ways to maintain healthy

hormones naturally. Adding in 15-30 minutes of daily move-
ment will support healthy hormone production. In the next
few chapters, we’ll go over this and ways to add some simple
yet effective ways to incorporate it in daily movement.

2. Eat Protein, Fat, and Carbs

Studies have found that constant dieting can disrupt hor-

mones, as can overeating. The key to long-term health
and balanced hormones is to increase the amount of
whole foods you are eating (unprocessed, natural foods)
and have a daily intake of proteins, carbs, and healthy fats.
In Part 2, I’ll give you some suggestions on how to best
structure your food plans, so it doesn’t feel like guesswork.

3. Manage Your Stress

Stress is one of the biggest culprits in your overall mental

and physical well-being. Excessive amounts of stress are
wreaking havoc on your hormones and your entire system.
There are countless ways to mitigate stress, but in the next
section, we’ll go over ways to restructure your mornings and
evenings to set yourself up for success, relieve some pressure
on your day-to-day activities, and eliminate stressors. I also
give you some ways to quiet the noise in your head and
realign your mental health.

4. Get a Restful Night’s Sleep

You’ve probably heard this a million times. “Get more sleep.”

While it’s true, it’s not that easy these days. Busy minds that
won’t turn off, binging TV shows at night, restless body, and
disruptive schedules, can all aggravate your sleep cycle, so
to simply say “get more rest” feels impossible. However, quality
sleep is vital in balancing your hormones. I will give you my
tried and proper bedtime routine to help you get the most
rest possible.
Logan Henry

5. Get Outside

Being outside has numerous benefits, and coupled with #1

(get more exercise), you’ll be ahead. The fresh air and the
Vitamin D from the sunshine may help boost your test-
osterone levels. It’s also a great way to lower your stress
levels. If you are in a demanding job that requires a lot of
decision-making or creative pursuits, studies have shown
that getting away from your desk and going for a walk can
clear out your brain, find those answers, or get those cre-
ative juices flowing.

6. Supplements That Support Hormones

There are several supplements that can help balance

your hormones, but one of my top recommendations is
Ashwagandha⁷. A scientific study⁸ found it to be bene-
ficial for muscle mass, strength, muscle recovery, and
increasing testosterone levels. In the next section I’ll give
you some of the supplements I recommend to aid in
overall well-being.

(Note: as with any supplemental recommendation, please

always check with a doctor before starting any new protocols.)

7. Joy, Laughter, Happiness

This may seem like a simple solution, but there are count-
less studies that doing activities you enjoy, having fun,
laughing with loved ones, and having a sense of gratitude
can enormously impact how you feel both mentally and
physically. So make sure to add fun back into your life!

Energy Vampire #2: Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural process in which your body protects

itself from infections caused by bacteria or viruses.

Regain Your Edge

However, in certain circumstances of a weakened or com-

promised immune system, the body can trigger an in-
flammatory response when there is nothing to protect
against. White blood cells may begin attacking healthy
tissue and organs, causing even more inflammation that
can affect processes throughout the body.

Some common causes of inflammation include:

● Chronic stress. Stress leads to elevated levels of cortisol,

which is also linked to increased abdominal fat.
● Smoking.
● Nutritional deficiencies. Any nutrient deficiency can
lead to cellular damage either directly or indirectly, but
some are primarily known to cause inflammation,
including low levels of Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, and
Vitamin B12.
● Excess weight can also increase inflammation, as it can
place stress on the body that leads to additional cellular

Chronic Inflammation can cause the following:

● Body pain
● Constant fatigue and insomnia
● Depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders
● Gastrointestinal issues, like constipation, diarrhea, or
acid reflux
● Weight gain
● Frequent infections and sickness

Inflammation Leading to Low Energy and Constant


Studies have shown that chronic inflammation can increase

the amount of energy our immune cells need. In turn, this
causes them to use less efficient pathways for generating
energy within the body. These pathways rob the rest of

Logan Henry

your body of the nutrients required to produce adequate

energy to function.

Inflammation Leading to Excess Weight Gain:

Inflammation can also affect body weight in numerous

ways. When the immune system detects a threat, the body
releases substances called cytokines, which activate the
body’s immune response. Cytokines are pro-inflammatory,
and they also interfere with the body’s insulin response.

When the body becomes resistant to insulin, the pancreas

must release more of it, which triggers the body to store
fat. Individuals with insulin resistance tend to store more
fat in the abdominal region.

This abdominal fat is particularly dangerous. It increases

the production of cytokines, which in turn increases the
risk of heart disease. Belly fat is also linked to an increased
risk of cancer.

Inflammation can also interfere with the body’s response to

leptin, a hormone that tells the brain when you’ve had
enough to eat. If your brain doesn’t receive this signal, it can
cause you to eat more than necessary. Leptin resistance is
now thought to be a major driver of weight gain in humans.

What to do:

Reducing inflammation in the body

Given the wide range of factors that contribute to inflam-

mation, it’s clear that reducing inflammation in the body
should be a multi-faceted approach.

Following a healthy nutrition protocol full of anti-inflam-

matory foods is an important step in combating chronic
inflammation. Reduce your intake of inflammatory and
acidic foods such as processed foods, fried foods, and
Regain Your Edge

refined carbohydrates, including sugar. In Part 2 of The

Accelerated Method framework, I will cover the foods that
will help you reduce your inflammation.

Supplements Shown to Help Combat Inflammation:


● It’s no secret that most people don’t eat enough

vegetables. Greens powders are dietary
supplements designed to help you reach your
daily recommended vegetable intake.
● Help Immune Function and Inflammation in the
body- less inflammation = Better Results (and less
● Helps with Digestions & Liver Function.
● Detoxifies and Naturally Improves Energy Levels.


● Fights Inflammation
● Helps Relieve Joint Pain
● Boosts Skin Health
● May Outperform Common Arthritis Drug
● May Slow or Prevent Blood Clots.

Energy Vampire #3 : Stress

The Effects of Stress on Your Body and Nervous System

There’s no secret that excessive stress will rapidly deplete

your mental and physical resources. You already know that
you need to work on stress management. I’ve talked about
how stress is a major factor in how you are feeling and how
it makes it so much harder to make positive changes.



Logan Henry

Stress is the reason you are irritable and short-tempered.

It’s why your shoulders are tense, and you may be getting
headaches. It’s what keeps you up at night and distracts
you during family time.

You know all of the common signs of stress, and people have
been telling you to reduce your stress levels for a long time.

And you think, “Sure… I’d love to be less stressed out if you
can tell me how to navigate everything I have going on in
my life and profession without feeling so overwhelmed!”

A suggestion to be less stressed (even if it’s well-intentioned)

without a valid solution can be downright frustrating. But I
also know that it’s a little easier to make changes when we
can see the bigger picture of what’s happening.

Earlier in this chapter, I talked about the hormone cortisol

and its role in stress, and as you’ve seen throughout the book,
cortisol can be a huge component in your body's natural
rhythms and patterns.

If there is anything you take away from this book, it’s this:
If you want to start to feel better quickly, focus on stress
management and lowering your cortisol levels.

Here’s What Happens to Your Body When You Are

Stressed And Ways to Fix It:

1. Effects On The Musculoskeletal System

When you are in a state of stress, your body is in “fight or

flight” mode. It’s preparing you to defend yourself or run
like hell.

In response to the stress, your muscles will tense up to

protect you from injury or pain, and once the “danger”
passes, the muscles will relax. But if you are in a constant
state of stress, those muscles will remain tense, causing
headaches, neck and shoulder pain, back pain, etc.

Regain Your Edge

What to Do:

If you notice your muscles are feeling tense and a tension

headache is expanding across your forehead, start by get-
ting up and moving your body around. Sitting for long
periods hunched over your laptop will aggravate your
shoulders and upper back. If possible, get outside and get
some fresh air. Breathing deeply outside will help to calm
your nervous system.


Here are a few simple stretches you can do at work (if you
are in an office and can close your door) or at home.

1. Lie flat on your back. Arms stretched out at your

side. Gently roll your head from side to side - as
if you are slowly saying “no”.

2. Stretch your arms above your head and point

your toes. Imagine you are gently being pulled
in either direction.

3. If possible, bend one knee and bring it towards

your chest (it doesn’t have to touch your chest).
Then switch and do the other.

4. Gentle Twist: Bend your knees, keeping both

feet on the floor. Stretch your arms out to the side.
Slowly drop your knees to the left (they don’t have
to go too far) and gently look to the right. You
should feel a gentle stretch in your lower back
and hip area and your upper back/neck area.
Bring your knees and head slowly back to center,
then drop knees to the right and look to the left.

2. Effects On The Respiratory System

When you are under stress, your breathing patterns change.

It becomes rapid and shallow while not allowing the normal
Logan Henry

flow of bringing oxygen to your cells and getting rid of

carbon dioxide.

What to do:

Box Breathing:

Guided breath technique to lower your stress levels and

stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system, your “rest
and digest” process. Your blood pressure lowers, your heart
rate slows, and you feel calmer.

1. Sit comfortably, in an upright position, and feet flat

on the floor. Rest your hands in your lap and close your

2. For (approximately) a minute, breathe normally (you

overachievers will want to time it… just go with it). Allow
yourself to settle into the chair. Drop your shoulders
away from your ears and see if you can relax any tense

3. Exhale deeply.

4. Inhale slowly to the count of four.

5. Hold your breath to the count of four.

6. Exhale to the count of four.

7. Hold that to the count of four.

8. Repeat four complete rounds.

You may feel lightheaded when you start using box breath-
ing, open your eyes and return to normal breathing. Don’t
get up from the chair right away. Once you practice more,
your body will adjust.

“Why do I hold my breath after the inhale and the exhale?”

Regain Your Edge

“The slow holding of breath allows CO2 to build up in the

blood. An increased blood CO2 enhances the cardioinhibitory
response of the vagus nerve when you exhale and stimulates
your parasympathetic system. This produces a calm and
relaxed feeling in the mind and body.”¹⁰

3. Effects on The Gut

It’s been widely studied that an out-of-balance gut system

can have very negative effects on your overall well-being.

70% of your immune system is housed in the gut.¹¹

Stress wreaks havoc on your gut, which means your immune

system is taking a beating (in many ways, but especially
because of gut health).

When we are stressed out, we fall back on what makes us

feel good. We already covered stress eating in an earlier
chapter, but it’s important to loop it together with gut

All of these play a role in gut health:

→ Stress eating
→ Processed foods
→ Alcohol
→ Sugar
→ Overeating

Symptoms of poor gut health include:

→ Bloating/gas/irregular bowels
→ Bad moods
→ Disrupted sleep
→ Inability to concentrate

Logan Henry

→ Low energy
→ Skin issues
→ Increased sugar cravings

What to do:

1. You need to eliminate (or at least cut way back)

processed foods and sugars, and alcohol.

2. Add in more whole, plant-based foods.

3. If you are craving something, try to find an

alternative to satiate the need for comfort. Some-
times drinking a big glass of water will curb
that initial craving and fill you up or get up
and move around.

4. Change your habits. If you are used to eating

chips while watching TV at night, go out for a
walk with your spouse instead. Play a game with
the kids. Trick your brain out of its routine.

5. To support a healthy gut environment, add

in a daily probiotic. We’ll cover supplements in
a later chapter and which ones are the best to
support you.

Hopefully, by now, you realize how delicately balanced your

mind and body are. If one process is off, it will affect another
process. That’s why the goal is for you to completely revitalize
your entire well-being.

As you’ve read so far, it’s time to focus on yourself.

It’s now time to share the inner workings of The Accelerated

Method and give you the framework for success.

Ready to change your life?

Yeah, you are.

Regain Your Edge

“Everything we put into our bodies — from

foods and toxins to thoughts and feelings —
can shift immune function at a base level.”

- Jeffery Rediger

“When you feel bad for a long time, you

don’t realize it until you feel good. And once
you feel good, you appreciate the things
around you.”
- Elliott S.

I’ve got you.

The quickest way to success is to partner up with someone
who gets you and knows what you are going through.

You don’t have to do this on your own.

The methods described in this book will help you achieve

your health and wellness goals, but if you are ready to
skip ahead and take immediate action, then let’s talk.

You’ll get support, guidance and be a part of a community

of guys, just like you, who are all up-leveling their lives in
extraordinary ways.

Together we go further.

To book a call with a member of our team, go to this link:

Logan Henry

Key Chapter Takeaways

There Are Three Energy Vampires That Are Draining

The Little Energy You Have Left

Energy Vampire #1: Hormones: There are five key hor-

mones that can impact how you feel, especially as you
cross into your forties.

→ Progesterone, Testosterone, Estrogen, Ghrelin, and


These five hormones are very interwoven in your body’s

functions and responses to stress, little sleep, and poor

If these are out of balance, you will feel a significant

drop in your energy levels and overall wellness. There
are ways to naturally balance these and doing so will
bring a relatively quick turnaround in how you feel.

Energy Vampire #2: Inflammation: a natural process in

which your body protects you from infections caused
by bacteria or viruses.

However, in certain circumstances of a weakened or com-

promised immune system, the body can trigger an inflam-
matory response when there is nothing to protect against.

Following a healthy nutrition protocol full of anti-inflam-

matory foods is an important step in combating chronic
inflammation. Reduce your intake of inflammatory and
acidic foods such as processed foods, fried foods, and
refined carbohydrates, including sugar. I cover all of this
in Part 2 of The Accelerated Method framework.

Regain Your Edge

Energy Vampire #3: The Effects of Stress:

Stress can wreak havoc on your mental and physical state.

There are several ways to reduce stress. Any/all changes
to your lifestyle, diet, sleep, workload, boundaries, and
down-time can have a huge (and immediate) impact.

Success Check-in Exercise


Before we proceed with the rest of the book, let’s first

check in with where you’re at right now with your energy

Below, rate yourself on a scale from 1-5 on how accurate

the statements are. 1 means “not accurate at all,” and 5
means “most accurate.”

Once you’ve rated yourself for each statement, total up

your scores and then use the Answer Key to determine
your next steps.

Success Check-In Statement Self Rating

It’s really difficult to get up in the

morning and get myself going.

I don’t start to “wake up” until I’ve

had at least two cups of coffee.

Logan Henry

My mornings are productive, but by

lunchtime, I start to fade and get

I drag in the afternoons into the


By the time I get home from work, I

have nothing left and look forward to
doing nothing.

If there are evening family activities

(i.e., driving to sports practice, events,
gatherings), I have to force myself to
get up and go.

I can easily doze off when I’m at

home and nap often on weekends.

I used to look forward to doing fun

activities and going on adventures,
but now I just want to do nothing.

I worry that I’m missing out on so

much in my life, but I can’t find the
motivation to change anything.

I miss that boundless energy I used

to have when I was younger.


Regain Your Edge

What Your Score Really Means

Score: 0 - 15

Even though you have a lot going on in your life, you still
have enough energy to get stuff done. You are working and
spending time with your family. You may even be finding
time for personal interests and trying new things.

You may be struggling a bit with that afternoon slump, so

reading the chapter on getting a great night’s sleep
(Chapter 7) will be beneficial to you.

Score: 16 - 35

If you are in this section, your energy is really low most

days. Depending on what your day is like, you may find
that you’ll have long bursts of energy and productivity, but
it may be short-lived.

You’re starting to realize at what points of the day you will

be at your best and when you’re at your worst.

You notice that you want more downtime and rest and
that your stamina isn’t like it used to be.

Maybe you’re not as interested in outside activities and

look forward to puttering around the house on the weekends.

Make sure to re-read this chapter and think about ways to

boost your hormones naturally, or try to reduce stress
where possible and limit inflammation-enhancing foods.

Score: 36+

If you are in this section, you are ready for a complete life-
style change. You are now really “sick of feeling lousy.” Your
outlook may feel bleak, and you may be frustrated and

Logan Henry

You know this isn’t you. You don’t even recognize yourself.
It’s as if you are living in someone else’s body.

In order to begin to feel better:

1. You need to get some really good sleep.

2. Schedule a day (or two) off and block that time out. No
phone. No laptop. No “checking-in.” No family activities. Just
spend the day and regroup.

3. Rearrange your calendar and get rid of anything you

don’t want to do or don’t need to do. If you dread doing
something, step away from it.

4. Allow yourself “you” time. Mornings are best.

5. Nourish your body with good foods.

6. Have fun!

7. In Chapter 10, I talk about the Four S Success Formula:

Systems, Structure, Scheduling, and Support. Go through
that chapter and prioritize yourself!

Regain Your Edge

Chapter 5
The #1 Problem Regaining Your

“The human body is the best picture

of the human soul.”

- Tony Robbins

Getting healthy can feel hard, which means most people

are motivated by quick-fix programs that give you weight
loss results fast so you can be beach body ready or get rid
of the dreaded “dad bod.”

And one thing is true; everyone responds to diet and exercise

differently. What works for one person may not work for an-
other. Some like the hustle, grind, and sweating puddles.

Some like the eat air methodology.

*By the way... That is a thing. People who think they can survive
on air are called Breatharians. Don’t get me started…*

The point is, to each their own.

Logan Henry

How does one choose? It’s hard enough to motivate your-

self enough to decide to get “healthy,” but now you have
to spend time and money figuring out which one is the
right one for you.


Don’t Choose A Fitness Program That’s Selling You On A

Quick Fix.

There is no reason to suffer, struggle, and fight your way to

better health.

Honestly, the more you have to push yourself and resent the
methods, the more likely you will stop doing it once the
program is over, and no surprise… The weight will come back.

Quick fixes now and then are fine.

Do a short juice cleanse for a day or two.

Challenge yourself to walk an extra ½ mile a day for a week.

Skip fast food for a month.

All good.

But to recalibrate your wellness, you need a long-term

plan that doesn’t suck.

Short-term gains get you ready to take your t-shirt off on


Long-term gains give you your life back. But creating a

plan that focuses on long-term gains doesn't mean it has
to be a slow process. The Accelerated Method gives you
results quickly, but it's not a quick fix. These results last
because we are creating new habits that become part of
your everyday rhythm, which is why those quick fixes don't
work. It takes some time to develop new patterns.
Regain Your Edge

You can keep feeling like crap, dragging through your days,
riding the rollercoaster of weight loss, or you can put a plan
in place that will continue to support you every day and up-
level your life in ways you can't imagine.

You can get healthy without overcomplicating or hating

the process, and it doesn't have to consume your schedule.

If you are ready to recapture the you of your younger years,

let's get started with the framework in the next section.

You in??

Key Chapter Takeaways

→ Getting healthy can feel hard, which means most people

are motivated by quick-fix programs that give you weight
loss results fast so you can be beach body ready or get rid
of the dreaded “dad bod.”

→ Everyone’s body responds differently to fitness and

nutrition plans. Finding one that you enjoy, and can
stick with is vital in overall success and wellness goals
you set for yourself.

→ Whatever you do though, don’t sign up for any

“quick fixes.” The failure rate is incredibly high. You will
be asked to push your body hard and your body will
push back equally as hard. There’s nothing worse than
looking forward to when a fitness or wellness program
will end. That’s not how you are going to create a long-
term plan for the best you ever.

Logan Henry

Part 2
The Accelerated Method

Regain Your Edge

Chapter 6

“It was character that got us out of bed,

commitment that moved us into action, and
discipline that enabled us to follow through.”

- Zig Ziglar

What does commitment mean to you?

I know the word commitment has been overused on

motivational posters by the ‘hustle & grind’ crowd, but I’d like
you to think about what it means to you.

Because it means something different to everyone. One

person’s level of commitment looks very different than
another person’s.

Some people take it to the extreme and push themselves

to the point of breaking in the name of “commitment.”

Others view it as more of an obligation, “Well, I have to do

Logan Henry

it because I committed to it,” which means there is guilt

hanging around it.

noun: commitment
1. the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause,

I know where you are in your life right now. I may not know
your exact situation, but I can certainly empathize with
what’s going on in your mind and what your body feels

Brandon Had a Complete Life Transformation

“I was working around the clock. 60, 70, 80 hours a week.

Traveling just continually and not feeling great.

I went from my college years of being in the best shape

of my life to progressing in my professional career and
devoting all of my time to my professional career and
anything else I had left towards my family.

In general, not spending time on me. Not focusing on

me and my health.

Career wise things were going well, but health wise, not
too great. Digressing and putting on weight. Not eating
healthy, not exercising because I always felt like I never
had enough time. Not sleeping enough, being tired all
the time.

Professionally, I’ve always been a fairly confident indiv-

idual, and appearances when you don’t like what you
see in the mirror that takes its toll on your confidence.
So there’s no doubt it was impacting my performance
in the office as well, not to mention my personal life.

Regain Your Edge

For me, over the last couple of months since I got into the
program, I’ve learned how to manage stress. And even
though professionally, things are crazier than they’ve ever
been, but I don’t feel like I’m as stressed as I was under
less stressful circumstances professionally.

Life has been great. I feel better. I have more energy. I have
energy until night, until after the kids go to bed. I feel like I
never run out of energy, and I’m just getting started, and I
know that’s going to get even better. It truly has been life-
changing and a transformation.

My family and loved ones comment all the time as well

that I’m more positive that they see kind of that pep in my
step, so to speak. And professionally, I feel like my mental
clarity is at an all-time high.

I feel great in the way that I’m managing our business and
the way that I’m leading my time here at work, so it’s been
an amazing change for me.

Physically, I’ve lost about 34 lbs. I’ve lost crazy inches in my

chest, my gut, my waist, my neck. I’m fitting into clothes
that I haven’t been able to wear for years.

And then sleep, that was a game-changer. That’s made

such a big difference which has led to some of the great
results that I’ve made putting in the work for the last 60

I’ve had so much more energy, so during the weekday

and weekend, I’m spending more quality time playing
with the kids inside and outside, doing activities together.

As a result, I’ve become a much better family man. The best

part about this program is it teaches you how to do it and
not be a drastic time suck.

- Brandon H. [High-Level Executive]

Logan Henry

Facing the lowest point in my health and mental state was

a dark time in my life. I struggled to keep going, and at times
I was just too tired to deal with it all. I ate mindlessly and
laid around feeling sorry for myself, but it’s easier to do
nothing than it is to make a change. Change is hard. Breaking
bad habits is also hard.

As we discussed earlier in this book, you often have to

fight against your own unhealthy patterns and hormonal
imbalances just to “get better.” It seems unfair. You want
to change, but you have an Everest to climb to do it.

Enter commitment.

To stop the awful loop you’re stuck in and undo all that the
stress, overworking, lack of sleep and poor diet has done
to you, I’m asking you to commit to yourself and to those
you love.

In the next chapter, I’m going to suggest that you “name

it and claim it” on this new journey you are about to embark
on. That means you are going to step up and say out loud
to “I’m going to do this, and here’s what I need help with.”
By stating your intentions, you are already one step closer
to your goals.

That’s how I’d like you to view this framework. With every
action you take, no matter how small it may seem, you are
one step closer to what you want. Remember, Wayne, The
Step King I mentioned earlier? He didn’t think he could do
this. He had everything going against him. His success
came from his steps. Every day he went a little bit further,
and every day he became stronger. Think of Wayne when
things get difficult. Just take that next step.

You don’t need to get consumed by this. It’s not a quick fix,
so there’s no need to rush and push yourself. You’ve pushed
yourself enough. Now is the time to be good to yourself and
take care of you.

Regain Your Edge

The very foundation of The Accelerated Method is built on

showing up for yourself and working smarter, not harder, to
lead a better life of complete wellness. We will rewire your
thinking in terms of what “healthy” means, and we will un-
ravel the untruths you have about yourself and what you
are capable of.

Everything in The Accelerated Method is possible if you re-

member these three words: Consistent, Persistent, and

If you remain Consistent, Persistent, and Frequent, there

is nothing you can’t do.

I will show you how to remain focused and on target to hit

your goals. From now on, start to think of your new daily
habits as mini-wins each day.

Consistency: Have a regular structured plan for each day,

so you know exactly what you are going to get done.

Persistency: Make a promise that you will set aside this

time for yourself and prioritize your wellness.

Frequency: Stick to the plan every day knowing that some

days you may do more and some days you may do less, but
you are still going to do something every...single…day...

Our goal is to give you a new formula to follow.

The Accelerated Method is structured to be repeatable

and to be incorporated into your long-term health goals.

Logan Henry

If you already know that you can use some extra

support and guidance with this, then I can help you.

I speak to men just like you all of the time who have said,
“I just need help, and I don’t want to figure it out on my
own.” They would prefer to fast track their health and

If that’s you, please visit:

- apply and book a call with my team.

We can customize The Accelerated Method to fit your

exact situation and help you reach your goals quickly!

The framework I’m about to share with you will seem

different in some ways. Our first mission is to get your
energy back! Once we do that for you, then everything
else will fall into place more naturally.

Let’s Get Started!

Regain Your Edge

Key Chapter Takeaways

→ In order to make any change in your life, you need a

firm level of commitment to yourself and to those you

→ Winning the mental battle over change plays a big

part in the outcome. You can shift your mindset, and
you can change your habits, as long as you tell yourself
every single day, “I can do this” (and mean it).

→ Everything I teach in The Accelerated Method is pos-

sible for you if you remember these three words:
Consistent, Persistent, and Frequent.

If you remain Consistent, Persistent, and Frequent,

there is nothing you can’t do.

Logan Henry

Chapter 7
The Framework

“If we are creating ourselves all the time, then it

is never too late to begin creating the bodies we
want instead of the ones we mistakenly assume
we are stuck with.”

- Deepak Chopra

The success in The Accelerated Method lies in four critical

components: Setting Yourself Up for Success, Understanding
That Good Foods Fuel You, Daily Movements and Exercises,
and High-Quality Sleep.

If you are new to complete wellness, then a few of these

strategies may feel foreign to you. That’s ok. By the end of
this book, the goal is to get you set up for success and on
your way to recalibrating your health so you can live the
most successful life possible.

Everything in this framework can be easily incorporated

into your busy lifestyle and will support you in revamping
your days to allow for more time to prioritize you.

Regain Your Edge

Step #1: The Sleep System

If you want to feel better and have more energy, then get
more good sleep. There’s no more straightforward way to
say it than that, but it still doesn’t make it easy.

When I speak to men struggling with their health and deplet-

ed energy levels, I’ll ask them how much sleep they are
getting a night, and usually, they are embarrassed to tell me.

It’s recommended to get 7-9 hours of (quality) sleep a night.

However, most men I work with are getting 5 or 6 hours,
and it’s disrupted sleep.

The key to a good night’s sleep needs to start much, much

earlier than bedtime. If you are racing all day and then
collapsing into bed without any transition period at all,
then, of course, you are going to get lousy sleep.

One of the keys to high-quality sleep is to structure your

day so that you are ready to rest by the time you get to
bedtime! This pre-bedtime routine is called the 1-3-2-1-
Protocol, which I developed to help promote a healthy
night’s sleep so that you can wake up feeling rested and
ready to hit the ground running.

Here’s How It Works:

- 1 p.m., aim to cut off all caffeine/stimulant


- 3 Hours Before Bed, have your last BIG meal of the

day, typically dinner.

- 2 Hours Before Bed, shut off ALL work and do a

brain dump to get everything out of your
head on paper to prepare for the next day.
- 1 Hour Before Bed, you’ll aim to turn off all screens
and take the AMP Sleep Stack*.

Logan Henry

*Optional Sleep Stack: As with all recommended supple-

ments, please check with your doctor.

Sleep Stack to Promote Healthy Sleep:

● Ashwagandha¹²
● Magnesium¹³
● L-Theanine¹⁴
● Kava Stress Relief Tea (Optional)¹⁵

Following the midday/pre-bedtime, 1-3-2-1 Protocol is only

a piece of the entire process; now, it’s time to prep for bed!

Here Are My Tried-and-True Suggestions For a Great

Night Sleep:

1. Decide on a bedtime in advance.

Many bedtime struggles happen because you aren’t

giving yourself adequate wind-down time. You can’t
rush around all day long and then collapse into bed
with your mind still racing. You need at least an hour to
get your brain and body ready for a good night’s sleep.

In order to do this, we need to think backward.

(here’s an example)

8:30 a.m. - leave for work

8:00 a.m. - shower/get ready/help family
7:30 a.m. - Movement/Exercise
7:00 a.m. - AM routine - water/supplements
6:30 a.m. - Wake-up

So if you have to get up at 6:30 a.m. and the goal is to get 7-9
hours of quality sleep - then your bedtime should be between
9:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.

Regain Your Edge

If you decide that your bedtime is 11 p.m. every night, and I

mean lights out going to sleep - not launching Netflix and
starting a show in bed, then you should be starting your
wind-down bedtime routine around 9:30 p.m./10 p.m.

2. Limit your caffeine to the morning.

Try to limit all caffeine products to before 1 p.m. every day.

Caffeine can stay in your system for 8-10 hours, so anything
after 1 p.m. could mess up your sleep. Caffeine includes
coffee, black/green tea, soda, energy drinks, and chocolate.

3. Turn off all electronic screens, TV, computer an

hour before bed.

Earlier in the book, I talked about how blue light can mess
with your brain and keep you awake, but any type of light
can alter your sleep. You also want to get your bedroom as
dark as possible.

It’s not just the light from your electronics that is keeping
you awake. The mental stimulation alone from watching
TV or using the computer will keep you awake as well.
Think about it this way, let’s say you are winding down
from a busy day, and you casually check “just one more
thing” in your inbox, and there is a frustrating email from
someone. Your brain will immediately go into activation
mode. Your wind-down time will be shot. You don’t have
to be “on” 24/7, and truthfully, you are going to wear
yourself down faster if you try.

4. Two hours before bed, take out a piece of paper

and do a brain dump.

A busy and/or worried brain is going to keep you awake.

You may be just about ready to doze off, and you suddenly
remember an email you forgot to send OR you had an
idea for a project or something is just pissing you off… what-
ever it may be, you need to get it out of your head. This is
different than journaling (which is also good to do).
Logan Henry

Think of this as spilling your thoughts out on paper. Keep

a notebook next to your bed for easy access. The “how”
you do it doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t have to
make sense. There is no structure to it. Make a list. Ramble
and rant. It doesn’t matter; just get it all out of your mind
so you can get some rest.

5. Have some decaf tea, listen to soft music, read

something light.

A non-stimulant hot drink and a good (light) fiction book

are great ways to wind down. If you have kids, you know
how nice it can be to get comfy before bed and get lost in
a good story. It’s a great transition before bedtime.

6. Turn off all phones and gadgets and put them in

another room.

The idea is to remove the impulse to be “on.” If your phone

is close by, it will be too tempting to grab it and check any
time a notification comes through. Even if you have it
silenced, you’ll still hear the buzz. Disconnect from the
world and give yourself that space.

7. Keep your bedroom a little bit cooler.

No one likes sweaty, uncomfortable sleep. Cooler temps

are best for sleeping. If you can, set your thermostat to 68
or 70 degrees.

8. Take an Epsom salt bath.

Epsom salts contain magnesium which calms the body

and helps with sleep. It can also help alleviate aches and
pains. You can buy big bags of it at the supermarket or
pharmacy, and there are many different scents (and un-
scented) to choose from. Pour 1-2 cups into your bath. I
recommend cooler water, but do what works for you and
just soak away the stress and sore muscles.

Regain Your Edge

9. Try some white noise.

Sometimes, some simple white noise can make a big differ-

ence in your sleep. A fan or a humidifier can provide just
enough sound to muffle out distracting noises.

10. Darken your bedroom with blackout curtains.

Darkness tells our body it’s time to sleep. Get some blackout
shades for outside light, and dim the lights around the
house and in your bedroom about an hour before bedtime.

11. Wear a sleep mask.

Not everyone feels comfortable wearing a sleep mask, but

it made a big difference in my sleep. I also invested in a
sleep mask with bluetooth speakers to play something
soothing like rain sounds or something meditative. Give a
sleep mask a try to see if it can help.

Step #2: Set Your Day Up to Win

To set yourself up for success and ensure that your energy
levels are high, it’s a great idea to have a morning routine to
support that. I developed The Accelerated Morning Method
to get you fully optimized for your day.

1. Weigh Yourself Every Day.

Motivation and momentum come from seeing results in

your actions. As you recalibrate your entire system and
change up your routines, you’ll notice that you will also
begin to lose those extra pounds, so it’s important to track
it and measure your progress.

Before consuming anything (and after you use the bath-

room), weigh yourself and write it down.

Logan Henry

2. Drink 1 Liter (32 oz) of Lemon Water.

During the night, your body becomes dehydrated. Dehydra-

tion can cause headaches, low energy, fogginess, and an
overall sense of feeling blah.

Here’s my go-to morning rehydration drink I have before

anything else.

Squeeze ½ lemon into 32 oz. Water. This fills cells up,

rehydrates you instantly, and the lemon helps to maintain
healthy weight, and is full of Vitamin C. The lemon also
helps with digestion.

3. Do movement or work out. (Later in this chapter, I’ll

give you some workouts to do at home).

Get your body moving and sweating in the morning. There

are several benefits to exercising in the morning, but one
of the biggest benefits is that testosterone and hormone
levels are at their highest, “Testosterone levels change
throughout the day in men, peaking at around 4-8 a.m.
and falling to their lowest at about 12 hours later.”¹⁶ So by
taking advantage of that and being in a fasted state can
help accelerate fat loss.

Fasted State: a state in which you have completely digest-

ed your last meal/snack and your insulin levels are low.

“When the body is in a fasting state, several backup mech-

anisms ensure your muscles and brain get the necessary
sugar for fuel. During exercise, after your body's sugar
stores are exhausted, the body then taps into stored fat
and turns that into sugar or turns protein from muscle
into sugar. This has led to the hypothesis that exercising
when the body is already "sugar starved" will lead to more
rapid fat burning.”¹⁷


Regain Your Edge

So not only is exercising in the morning the right time of day

to get the benefits of best hormone levels and the body’s
fasted state, but you also get it checked off your to do list. By
prioritizing yourself in the morning, you know that you have
given yourself the best start to the day possible!

4. Create space by box breathing or going for a brisk walk

In Chapter 4, I taught you how to do box breathing to help

at any time of the day to calm you down, but it’s also really
beneficial to do first thing in the morning after you’ve done
your movement.

Once you’ve done your exercise you can enhance that with
some box breathing or a brisk walk to clear out your mind
and lower your cortisol levels even more. A clear and focused
mind will help you make better, more powerful decisions
throughout your day.

Here is the box breathing technique again for quick


1. Sit comfortably, in an upright position, and feet flat

on the floor. Rest your hands in your lap and close
your eyes.

2. For (approximately) a minute, breathe normally

(you overachievers will want to time it… just go with
it). Allow yourself to settle into the chair. Drop your
shoulders away from your ears and see if you can
relax any tense muscles.

3. Exhale deeply.

4. Inhale slowly to the count of four.

5. Hold your breath to the count of four.



Logan Henry

6. Exhale to the count of four.

7. Hold that to the count of four.

8. Repeat four complete rounds.

5. Take a contrast shower

Most cringe when I suggest this, but studies have shown a

contrast shower of hot and cold water has huge benefits
such as:

- Increased endorphins
- Improved metabolism
- Improved circulation

A contrast shower is switching between hot and cold water

throughout your shower. If that’s too much, take your
normal temperature shower and then turn it to cold for
the last 10 - 15 seconds and then work your way up to

6. AMP stack

As I’ve mentioned earlier in this book, supplements are

not the only answer to excellent health and unending
energy. Supplements are meant to do just that: supple-
ment a complete health and wellness plan.

I suggest an AM stack and a PM stack of supplements for the

men I work with to support them.

These are my recommendations* for a strong start to the


- Greens Mix
- High-quality Krill Oil¹⁸
- High-potency probiotic¹⁹
- Turmeric Curcumin²⁰

Regain Your Edge

The benefits of these four combined offer a boost of nutri-

ents and vitamins, inflammation fighting, digestive support,
good dose of healthy fats from Omega 3s, support with joint
pain, and heart health.

Step #3: Foods To Fuel You

The Accelerated Method aims to keep your energy levels
high and your body optimized for peak performance. The
goal is to remove any energy suckers and “bad” fats, simple
sugars, and overly processed foods from your diet which is
why we focus on fueling our bodies with macronutrients:
Proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates.

What are macronutrients?

Nutrients that your body needs the most of in order to

function properly. Macronutrients provide your body with
energy measured in the form of calories.

Proteins: Benefit many processes in the body

● Reduces hunger, makes you feel fuller longer

● It helps gain muscles mass and strength
● Good for your bones
● May reduce cravings and snacking
● Boosts metabolism and helps burn fat throughout
the day

Carbohydrates: Provide energy for your muscles and

the central nervous system

It’s important to point out that there are two types of

carbohydrates: Simple and Complex. In The Accelerated
Method, we focus on Complex Carbohydrates and avoid
Simple Carbs.

*Please always ask your doctor before starting anything new.


Logan Henry

Simple Carbs are sugars found in foods: i.e., white sugar,

honey, fruits, fruit juices, dairy.

Complex Carbs are starches broken down into simple sugars:

i.e., Rice, sweet potatoes, yams, butternut squash, starchy

Fats: Many benefits including energy, hormone

production, nutrient absorption, cell growth

There are two types of “fats”:

Trans-Fats (bad fats): Is made industrially by “hydrogen-

ating” vegetable oil. These are the ones to avoid and are
usually found in things such as cakes, pies, frosting, fried
foods, and cookies and biscuits made with shortening or
margarine. If you see “partially hydrogenated” oil on an
ingredients list, it’s not good for you.

Unsaturated Fats (healthy fats): Are naturally produced,

heart-healthy fats. There are three types of unsaturated

- Monounsaturated Fats: found in olive and canola oils and

avocados, and tree nuts including almonds, walnuts, pecans,
hazelnuts and cashews.

- Polyunsaturated Fats: found in vegetable and seed oils and

Omega 3s.

- Natural Trans-Unsaturated Fat: found in grass-fed high-

fat dairy, grass-fed beef, and grass-fed lamb.

In The Accelerated Method, I use a 16/8 intermittent fasting

protocol to keep you functioning at high levels.

Regain Your Edge

Benefits of 16/8 Fasting:

- Sustainable Energy Levels: When you eat frequently

throughout the day your body has to use up lots of energy
just to focus on digestion alone, so during your hours of
fasting you are freeing up that energy to boost both
physical and mental energy. At the same time, a hormone
known as norepinephrine is released within the body and
has been shown to promote a higher sense of mental
focus and clarity.

- Strengthened Immune System: Fasting does an incred-

ible job at protecting the immune system from damage,
but it’s also been shown to improve the rejuvenation of
stem cells within the body.

- Appetite Control: Once your body and hormones begin to

adjust to a new style of eating (typically after 7-10 days of
consistent practice) you’ll find that you don’t get hungry
as often. This can be one of the most profound benefits
because you’re not constantly thinking about food. Plus,
the less time your body has to spend in digestion mode,
the better equipped it is to naturally detox your system,
help repair damaged cells and lower overall inflammation
within the body.

Many people see the word “fasting” and immediately panic,

thinking they will be starving using this method. Yes, there
are “liquid fasts” that ask you to skip eating for a couple of
days, but this isn’t one of them. 16/8 means choosing an 8-
hour window to eat your meals and fast the remaining 16

Logan Henry

Principles of the Accelerated Fasting Protocol:

1. Your Goal is to Fast Up to 16 to 18 hours from Your Last


For Example, if your last meal was 8 p.m., your goal would
be to break your fast the following day at noon (to hit the
16 hour mark) or 2 p.m. (to hit the 18 hour mark).

2. You’ll Stick to eating 2.5 meals each day.

a. Main Meal #1 (break your fast around lunch)

b. Middle Meal (small high-protein snack)

c. Main Meal #2 (dinner)

3. Consume only water, tea, or coffee (no milk or sugar) during

your fast.

Here’s a Sample Day:

Regain Your Edge

But Logan, do I have to eat cardboard and terrible tasting

foods to be successful?”

Great question, and the answer is no.

I’ve mentioned throughout this book that if you are in a

position where you are really restrictive with your favorite
foods, and pushing yourself to succeed in weight loss,
then you are going to resent that method and not achieve
your results. Hating a process is not very motivational.

I want you to succeed and get your energy back, lose that
extra weight, sleep better, and become the best version of
yourself. And I want you to do it all consistently so you can
stay with this long-term.

“What am I going to eat?” is a common question I get.

Logan Henry

Just to put you at ease, here is a recipe that the men in The
Accelerated Method LOVE and their families love it too!

The Cheeseburger Casserole

Calories: 330

*Protein: 31 grams

*Fat: 13 grams

*Carbs: 7 grams

Servings: 4


- 1 lb. of ground beef

- 2 cups of cauliflower florets
- 2 eggs
- 1 cup of shredded cheese
- For added flavoring, add a teaspoon of garlic salt and a
teaspoon of pepper to beef.


1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

2. Turn stove top to medium heat.

3. Add the 1 lb. of ground beef to the skillet and cook on

medium heat until the meat is thoroughly cooked.

4. Add a teaspoon of garlic salt and pepper to the ground

beef for added flavor.

5. Once meat is thoroughly cooked make sure to drain all

fat from the skillet.
6. Steam the 2 cups of cauliflower florets on stove top,
microwave or rice cooker until tender.

Regain Your Edge

7. Once cauliflower florets are done, grab a large mixing

bowl. Mix together the cooked cauliflower florets and meat
with the 2 eggs and ½ cup of cheese.

8. Pour into a medium sized casserole dish and add the

other ½ cup of cheese to top it off.

9. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes until the cheese fully melts.


Don’t worry. I love food too.

Step #4: Daily Movement

As I mentioned earlier in this book, my philosophy on “work-
ing out” is to NOT go ‘beast-mode’ but to focus on ‘least-
mode’. The goal is to move your body every day without
having to “crush it” at the gym for hours. For the men
inside The Accelerated Method, I have a structured frame-
work for movements that they can utilize and complete in
under 24 minutes a day.

My gift to you is a short series of some of

my favorite morning movement exercises.
You can access those videos for free by going
These will help you get started on your
journey to recalibrating your system.

Grab those freebie workouts above OR simply get out and

do a brisk walk or ride a bike for 20 minutes. If the weather
is bad and you have a treadmill at home, use that.

The point is to break a sweat every day and move. You will
notice a difference by starting small. Something is better
than nothing.
Logan Henry

If you are doing structured exercise routines, make sure to

allow a day to rest your body. Taking a 10 to 20-minute walk
is still a good thing to do, but if you are doing more than
that, make sure to take a day off.

An added bonus and an extra special way to treat yourself

- Get a sports massage done at least once a month to
support your muscle recovery and help your body’s overall

Key Chapter Takeaways

Your Steps To Success Are As Follows:

Step #1: The Sleep System

If you want to feel better and have more energy, then get
more good sleep. There’s no more straightforward way
to say it than that.

Step #2: Set Your Day Up to Win

To set yourself up for success and ensure that your energy

levels are high, it’s a great idea to have a morning routine
to support that. I developed The Accelerated Morning
Method to get you fully optimized for your day.

Step #3: Foods To Fuel You

The goal is to keep your energy levels high and your body
optimized for peak performance. In order to do that, you
need to remove any energy suckers and “bad” fats, simple
sugars, and overly processed foods from your diet which
is why we focus on fueling our bodies with macronutrients:
Proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates.

Regain Your Edge

Step #4: Daily Movement

My philosophy on “working out” is to NOT go ‘beast-

mode’ but to focus on ‘least-mode’. The goal is to move
your body every day without having to “crush it” at the
gym for hours.

I have a structured framework for movements you can

utilize and complete in under 24 minutes a day.

Logan Henry

Chapter 8
How to Stay Out of the Valley of

"Happiness is when what you think, what you

say, and what you do are in harmony."

- Mahatma Gandhi

Any type of change can be difficult. Anything new can feel

risky. Our minds (and egos) want to play it safe. But as high
achievers, we don’t play small. We play to win.

Except when it comes to our own health. Our health ends

up at the bottom of the priority list time and time again.
How many times have you started and stopped a fitness
program? How many so-so doctor’s appointments have
you had (if you’ve gone at all)? How many times have you
thought, “Next week! I’ll start to get healthy next week!” only to
see that week flash by.

Yes, finding the time to exercise is hard, and eliminating all

of the foods you love is tough, but the worst part is going to
battle with your brain and your mindset. Your head will psych
you out before anything else will. So, what gives?
Regain Your Edge

If you can go after those huge projects and clients at work,

or build a business from the ground up, or hit high sales
goals over and over, why can’t you achieve the same level
of success with your health?

It takes an understanding of the psychology behind change

and how we can get derailed.

The Emotional Cycle of Change

Psychologists Don Kelley and Daryl Connor introduced their

Emotional Cycle of Change concept in "1979 Annual Handbook
for Group Facilitators". This five-stage model is based on the
Kubler-Ross grief cycle.

Stage 1: Uninformed Optimism: This is the beginning where

the decision you’ve made to change is exciting. You are
thinking about all of the positive possibilities and have not

Logan Henry

yet considered the challenges ahead. In this stage, you are

feeling very optimistic about the future outcome.

Stage 2: Informed Pessimism: At this stage, reality starts

to sink in. You are aware of what it’s going to take to make
changes. It may start to feel more difficult to reach your
desired outcome. At this point, you may be wondering if
it’s all “worth it,” and you may start to find reasons to stop.

Stage 3: Valley of Despair: This is the lowest point in the pro-

cess to change. It all feels difficult. You aren’t able to see the
benefits, or the benefits feel out of reach. At this point,
you are considering quitting because that will feel like the
easiest way to end the discomfort you are feeling. At this
point, you will start to think, “Meh, it wasn’t THAT bad the way
it was before!”

The other challenge with this stage is that if you DO quit,

you will have to start all over again at Stage 1.

The way through this lowest point is to have a really good

reason why you need to keep going and a crystal-clear
vision of your desired outcome.

Stage 4: Informed Optimism: You are back on track in this

stage! You have pushed through the most difficult phase
and found your way back to feeling optimistic about the
benefits. You are starting to notice that your hard work is
paying off and feeling good about what’s to come.

Stage 5: Success & Fulfillment: You’ve made it! You reached

your level of success. Everything you’ve been doing up to
this point has paid off, and you realize it’s all been worth it.
If you have been working on new habits or patterns, they
have become routine.

The Mindset Needed to Win

I hope that knowing the WHY behind the struggles with

change will help you to say, “Oh, I get it. This is supposed
to happen, and if I push through, I’ll be ok”.
Regain Your Edge

If you think about these five stages concerning any big

changes you’ve set out to achieve, it may make more
sense now if you found it difficult to reach your goal.

How to Get Past the “I Quit” Point

When you decide to change your life in some way, the first
step is realizing that about halfway through, it’s going to
get really hard. Just acknowledge that in advance. I find
that if you can see the roadblock coming, you will find
ways to get around it.

The second step is to commit to what you are going to do.

I talked about commitment in Chapter 6, and I told you
that you have to commit fully to completely revamping
your life. Not the motivational poster kind of commitment,
but real inner strength commitment.

Your commitment will push you through that Valley of

Despair part and help you stay on track even if it feels like
you aren’t making any progress at that point. Trust the
method and stay focused on what you want to do.

This is from one of my mentors:

“Our outer world reflects our inner commitments, if we

want to know what we're really committed to, all we
have to do is look at our lives, we are whether we are
aware of it or not, are always creating exactly what
we're most committed to. The choices we make, whether
we realize it or not, are always in alignment with our
deepest commitments. By examining what we have
and what we don't have, we are able to uncover and see
what we are truly committed to.”

Aside from being ruthlessly committed, how else do we

get through the valley of despair?

You must be persistent. Recognize you're in the Valley of

Logan Henry

Despair and keep your sights focused on what you want,

and realize that it’s just on the other side of the valley of
despair and not back where you came from. Once you
reach this point, remember that backward is not an option.
Forward momentum is the way.

The next aspect to focus on is your growth mindset.

Someone with a growth mindset doesn’t see perceived

failures as failures but as an opportunity to learn and try a
new way. A growth mindset also helps you push through
adversity, continue to accept constructive feedback, and
learn from other’s journeys.

A sticking point I have noticed with some of the men I have

worked with is that they can attach their mindset to the “old”
version of themselves. The person who had given up on
“getting healthy” in the past and had (in their minds) “failed.”

It’s really important to drop those thoughts. Decide now that

that's not you. That's the old you; it’s okay to change aspects
of yourself right now.

This is the equation for success:

Commitment + Persistence + Growth Mindset +

Grit + The Cycle of Change
= An Unstoppable You

Here are some action items for you:

1. Aim to proceed through this journey with total commit-

ment, perseverance, a growth mindset, and grit to push
through the valley of despair when it hits.

2. Make the decision now that this is who you are and this
is who you want to be. Get rid of that “old” version of you.
Commit to yourself and do it! You can do this!

Regain Your Edge

Key Chapter Takeaways

Any type of change can be difficult. Anything new can

feel risky. Our minds (and egos) want to play it safe. But
as high achievers, we don’t play small. We play to win,
but to change and have it stick (long-term,) it’s important
to understand what happens emotionally when we de-
cide to make big changes.

The Emotional Cycle of Change

Stage 1: Uninformed Optimism: This is the beginning

where the decision you’ve made to change is exciting.

Stage 2: Informed Pessimism: At this stage, reality

starts to sink in.

Stage 3: Valley of Despair: This is the lowest point in

the process to change. It all feels difficult.

Stage 4: Informed Optimism: You are back on track in

this stage! You have pushed through the most difficult
phase and found your way back to feeling optimistic
about the benefits.

Stage 5: Success & Fulfillment: You’ve made it! You

reached your level of success. Everything you’ve been
doing up to this point has paid off, and you realize it’s
all been worth it.

Understanding what’s ahead will help you know what

to expect and better prepare for the low points.

Logan Henry

Part 3
The Quickstart Steps

Regain Your Edge

Chapter 9
Uncomplicate Your Food/Restock

One of- the biggest challenges in complete wellness is food.

Food can make us or break us. We can be emotionally

attached to it (as I talked about earlier in the book), we can
be picky about what we like and don’t like, and we can
hate it when what we are used to (or love) is “taken away.”

Beyond those struggles is the ever-constant question of

“What CAN I eat?!”

No one wants to think about what to eat, if it’s healthy, or

has too much salt, or too much fat, etc. What about if you
are on the road or out to dinner with friends, family, or

Back in Chapter 7, I shared with you one of my favorite

recipes for a Cheeseburger Casserole. I love my food too,
and I was sold on “Cheeseburger.” My guys and their families
love this one!!

So what does a “healthy” meal plan look like that keeps you
satisfied and feeling good?

Logan Henry

Here’s a sample week:

The Accelerated Method utilizes an intermittent fasting

schedule. I want to preface this by saying everything I
teach is based on a proven framework, and I believe in
these frameworks because they allow you to make small
adjustments that fit your lifestyle. I don't believe in rigid
meal plans because, from experience, they do not work. I
focus on a simple, day-by-day food schedule.

Here’s The Accelerated Method Formula:

Five days a week, you'll go high protein, moderate fat, and

little to no carbs.

One day a week, you'll go high protein, moderate fats for the
first two meals a day and a moderate smart carb meal for
the last meal of the day.

One day a week, you’ll get a treat day a week: high protein,
moderate fat for the first meal of the day, and a carb of
your choice for the last two meals of the day, lunch and

Regain Your Edge

As you can see from the list above, your meals will be primar-
ily made up of proteins, fats, and veggies and skipping sugars,
fruits, or high carbs.

One common question is if I recommend tracking macros

(macronutrients), which are proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

I don’t suggest tracking a specific number of macronutrients

or counting calories through a nutrition calculator. Instead,
we track through a highly effective strategy called the
handful approach, which uses your hands as a reference to
measure, keeping mealtime simple and easy.

Logan Henry

Here's how the handful approach works.

- Your palm determines your protein portions.

- Your fist determines your veggie portions.
- Your cupped hand determines your smart carb
- Your thumb determines your healthy fat portions.

The main thing to remember is that protein and veggies make

up the biggest portion of your meal and are supplemented
by smart carbs and healthy fats.

If you would like my tried-and-true simple food plan cheat

sheet, you can download a copy of it here:

Some other questions I’m often asked are “How do I eat

when I’m on the go or traveling?” and “What do I eat
if I am going out to dinner?”

First, let me preface this by saying each time you’re eating

out or on the go, whether you are at a restaurant, a gas
station, or an airport, look first to see what kind of protein
options are available. Unless it’s a pastry shop, I guarantee
you that you’ll be able to find some kind of protein source.

Regain Your Edge

That being said:

Here are my top suggestions for what to do when you

need to eat on the go or going out to eat:


Whether it’s a diner or a place that serves brunch, staying

on track at breakfast restaurants can be simple. Pick items
from the menu that are high in protein but lower on the
carb front.

For example, eggs, bacon, and even sausage can be a simple

dish to opt for. Or even a nice-sized omelet can be a smart
choice to go with. Skip the hash browns and stacked pancakes
drenched in syrup.


Most fast food chicken restaurants offer grilled options on

the menu. Go for a grilled chicken sandwich but ditch the
bun. Or you can get a big grilled chicken salad but hold off
on adding the extra dressing. Some places offer grilled
tenders and nuggets as well.

Also, other options to consider at certain fried chicken

restaurants are other healthier chicken dishes like rotisserie
chicken and a vegetable side. Consider opting out on all
the other heavy carb sides, like potatoes and biscuits.


Getting a low-carb burger is simple these days. In fact, the

majority of places offer to wrap the patty inside a lettuce shell.

Other options at burger places could be opting for a grilled

chicken salad or some grilled chicken tenders.

I would highly consider holding off on the fries, shakes, and

any extra “pure junky greatness” for now.
Logan Henry


Things like fajitas are great and are high in protein. You can
also aim to have a steak, chicken, or shrimp salad, but aim not
to eat the fried shell. There’s plenty of other high-protein
dishes you can get, adding in chicken, steak, or shrimp with
salsa and veggies. Hold off on the rice, beans, and extra round
of chips.

*Note: if it’s a fast-food style Mexican restaurant - you can

usually get a protein style bowl that’s loaded with lots of
protein. Just aim to keep the bowl clean and load it up with
protein, fajita-style veggies, and greens if possible.


The majority of pizza places will have salad options. Consider

going for that with the dressing on the side.

If all else fails, see if they have wings on the menu (just don’t
get too wild with the dipping sauce).

Consider limiting your pizza consumption to maybe a small

slice, thin-crust if possible.

Pizza is loaded with bread and cheese, and when you com-
bine those two together it doesn’t end up being kind to the

*Note: Pass on the mozzarella cheese sticks.


If you’re ordering out any style of Chinese food, aim to order

a steamed chicken, steak, or shrimp dish with veggies. Any
kind of steamed fish dish will be fine as well, and you can
add on a vegetable soup to go with it.

Be aware that most Chinese dishes with lots of sauces are

high carb and high fat. And when you mix high carb and
Regain Your Edge

high fat together (most fast food options), that’s a surefire

way to add on the extra weight around the waistline as
well as increase cholesterol.


These are some of the easiest places to stay on track.



Most options are super high in protein.

You can opt for any style of steak/meat. Just go for a simple
veggie or two as your side dish. Pass on the bread, fully
loaded baked potato, and dessert for now.


Any fresh fish dish, lean-cut steak, grilled calamari or mus-

sels, salads, veal, or any chicken dish that doesn’t have loads
of extra sauce added on will be perfect.


Hawaiian cuisine like poke bowls are a great choice as they

can be loaded with protein like grilled chicken, salmon, tuna,
pork, and/or beef. Just be mindful of all the extra toppings.


There are plenty of grilled options to go for at a Greek style

restaurant. Things like grilled chicken, steak, or lamb are
great options to choose from.

You can also opt for fresh fish, scallops, vegetables, and

Again, save that bread and oil dipping sauce for another day.

Logan Henry


In between flights or on the road and starting to get hungry?

The majority of the time, I share with clients that it’s best to
eat whole meals when you can and not consume snacks all
the time, but considering the majority of my clients are on
the go quite often, I’ve come up with some simple options
to consider while on the move.

Opt for things like low-carb (low sugar) protein bars (or
drinks). Next, see if you can get a bag of nuts like almonds
or cashews. Most bags of mixed nuts will work just fine. A
small serving of fruit can be another option to grab as well.

Overall keep it light until you’re able to grab some real food
at a different point in the day.

Skip the candy bars, potato chips, sugary sodas and energy

Those are my top simple suggestions to help you stay on

track even when you’re on the go.

Regain Your Edge

Key Chapter Takeaways

→ One of the biggest challenges in complete wellness is

the struggle with food. Knowing you CAN eat, letting
go of what you’re not supposed to eat (but love), and
dealing with being hangry are all very common
→ A balanced and simple way to maintain a healthy
food routine is to follow a 16/8 intermittent fasting
protocol. 16/8 means choosing an 8-hour window to
eat your meals and fast the remaining 16 hours.

→ An easy way to track your portions is to use the

handful approach.

- Your palm determines your protein portions.

- Your fist determines your veggie portions.
- Your cupped hand determines your smart carb
- Your thumb determines your healthy fat

→ Here’s a quick tip on how to answer the “How do I eat

when I’m on the go or traveling?” and “What do I eat
if I am going out to dinner?” questions.

If you’re eating out or on the go, whether you are at a

restaurant, a gas station, or an airport, look first to see
what kind of protein options are available.

Logan Henry

Chapter 10
Four S Success Formula

To navigate through a major lifestyle change, it will help

enormously to set yourself up to win first!

Leaping in full tilt without the proper plan is asking for


Do you know the saying “build the parachute on the way


Let’s not do that…

In all of my years helping men recalibrate their lives and

reach new levels of success, I’ve discovered that there are
three big industry lies to living a healthy lifestyle.

And those three insidious lies have to do with living a

healthy lifestyle, getting the results, keeping the results,
and instilling good habits in general.

Lie #1: You Have To Be Inspired To Create Good Habits

Lie #2: You Should Always Be Motivated To Do Them

Lie #3: “High Performers” Are Always Motivated To Do

Regain Your Edge

There is no such thing as permanent motivation. I'm here

to tell you that right now. It's called being human. You will
not always be motivated or inspired.

Think about the last time you were at a business event,

and you were so pumped while you were there. You were
furiously taking notes during the sessions and putting
*asterisks* next to all of your action items the moment you
got back to the office.

And then you landed back in reality. Your schedule is still

busy. Some days are simply chaotic, and all of those action
items you were so excited about fall by the wayside for
when the time is right.

You will not always feel in the flow. Motivation comes and
goes, and you’ll have high days and low days.

This is why I'd like you to focus on taking action first rather
than waiting endlessly for motivation to come around.

Why is this important?

Often we assume that motivation and inspiration (our

mental state) come before action. And sometimes that's
true, but most of the time it's not. Action usually comes
before motivation.

Let's say you decide to get in a quick workout, but you're

feeling unmotivated. Your brain feels foggy or you’re just
feeling kind of crappy.

But you know some quick exercise, or movement as we

like to call it, will make you feel much better once you get
it in.

At first, you're dragging a bit. Your mind begins to wonder

about all the other things you have to get done for the day,
and the quick movement session begins to feel like a
complete waste of time. You think to yourself, "What's even
Logan Henry

the point? Do I really want to do this?" but you keep

pushing forward.

After five to ten minutes, you begin to feel the endorphins

flow in your body and a new state of mental clarity emerges.
You're standing a bit taller with your shoulders back and
you already feel a sense of accomplishment before the
day even begins.

Just the act of you moving is giving you new found energy.
After 15 to 20 minutes, you finish that quick workout (or
movement session), and you feel an ultimate high. Your
brain fog is gone, replaced by increased mental clarity, your
body is awake, you feel re-engaged with life, and you're
ready to take on the day.

You’ve found that motivated mental state.

What changed exactly? In this example, you acted first. You

didn't sit there and say, “I don't feel like doing this,” which I
understand. I don’t wake up every single day fired up. I’m not
technically a morning person, but I can put myself into action
before that draggy feeling kicks in because I stick to my
morning routine. It's all about that action first.

So, if we can’t always depend on motivation and inspir-

ation to keep us going, and sometimes we just have to kick
our butts into action, what can we rely on?

Here is the Four S Success Formula:

Systems - Structure - Scheduling - Support

Systems are the processes and practices we use to make

things happen. It’s what takes you from point A to point B
and gets you results quickly and efficiently.

Regain Your Edge

Here are some examples of solid systems in place:

If it’s a little harder for you to get out of bed in the morning,
then lay out your exercise clothes the night before. Put
them in a place that’s very accessible. That way, you will
have fewer barriers to getting ready. It’s less time your
mind will try and talk you out of it.

If you have a busy day and know that sticking to your meal
plan will be difficult, prep your food the night before. Have
it all packed up and ready to grab and go. Or think about
which restaurant can deliver the healthiest options to you
during the day. If you are ordering from a restaurant, try to
order way in advance of lunch. Ordering hungry may mean
you’ll order too much or order something that feels more
like comfort food.

Plan out your workday to prioritize your most important

tasks and goals. Stay out of your inbox and avoid checking
messages until you’ve had some solid time hitting your

Create a system that works within your lifestyle and is

guaranteed to remove all barriers to reaching your goals.
Once you have your system in place, nothing can stop you!

Structure and the things in our environment that surround

us. It’s really important to set your environment up for
success, and if you don’t, you will face an uphill battle.

The key is to ask yourself, “What needs to be around me to

help me achieve my goals?” then build those structures.

Step #1: Clean out your kitchen of anything that will get in
the way of your nutritional goals.

Get rid of the junk food, the comfort foods, the overly sweet
or salty snacks. Trash the sodas and sports drinks.

Logan Henry

And even better, instead of throwing it out, box it all up and

drop it off at a food bank or local church.

Yes, this may be challenging if you have kids and they don’t
get why you are tossing out their favorite cookies, but make
sure to include them in this process. Tell them that you
would love to have their help and support. Kids love being
given responsibilities like this. Maybe they can help you
come up with a list of things you can eat when the cravings
hit. Ask the kids to draw you pictures that will keep you
motivated and hang them on the fridge.

Step #2: Replenish that empty kitchen with veggies, fruits,

lean proteins, nuts/seeds, safe starches and healthy fats &

Step #3: Set up your movement/exercise area. You will be

moving your body daily. I recommend getting outside every
day to get fresh air, but weather may not always play nicely
depending on where you are.

Get rid of all of those foods and snacks that will distract
you and keep you off track. If they aren’t in the house, you
won’t need to rely solely on willpower. Create an environment
that will support you.

Scheduling is really important to your success.

Right now, you are feeling the crunch of everything you are
juggling: work, family and other outside responsibilities. Your
day doesn’t feel like your own, which is one of the main
reasons you feel so drained and depleted.

It’s time to recapture your time and take back control of

your schedule.

I can tell you 100% that doing your movement in the morn-
ing is the best time. As I’ve mentioned earlier in the book,
your body is physiologically at its best in the morning, and
your to-do list hasn’t gotten a hold of you yet.
Regain Your Edge

Support If the people in your environment go directly against

your desire to change, it will be almost impossible to succeed.

Before you make the decision to change, I strongly suggest

sitting down with the people in your world that are most
important to you. Share with them the change you’ve de-
cided to make and why you’re wanting to make it. Then,
explain to them how having their full support can really
help you stay on point during your journey of change.

Consider it’s a whole lot easier to stay on track when you

have people in your corner who truly want to see you WIN.

“Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is


- Vince Lombardi

If you want to win consistently, you've got to be willing to

make sure you put those winning habits in place and do
them the best way you can, and the Four S Success
Formula will help you do that.

Logan Henry

Key Chapter Takeaways

→ To navigate through a major lifestyle change, it will

help enormously to set yourself up to win first!

Leaping in full tilt without the proper plan is asking for


→ You will not always feel in the flow. Motivation comes

and goes, and you’ll have high days and low days.

This is why I'd like you to focus on taking action first

rather than waiting endlessly for motivation to come

→ If you want to win consistently, you've got to be

willing to make sure you put those winning habits
in place and do them the best way you can, and the
Four S Success Formula will help you do that.

1. Systems are the processes and practices we use to

make things happen, it’s what takes you from point A to
point B, and gets you results quickly and efficiently.

2. Structures and the things in our environment that

surround us. It’s really important to set your environment
up for success, and if you don’t, you will face an uphill

3. Scheduling: Really important to your success.

4. Support: If the people in your environment go directly

against your desire to change, it will be almost impossible
to succeed. Consider it’s a whole lot easier to stay on
track when you have people in your corner who truly
want to see you WIN.

Regain Your Edge

Chapter 11
7 Ways to Maintain Maximum
Momentum (and STAY Super

“With the new day comes new strength

and new thoughts”

- Eleanor Roosevelt

At some point, no matter what you commit to doing for

your health, you will start to feel unmotivated. It’s natural.
Maybe you don’t see results as fast as you’d hoped. Or the
holidays are getting close, and you’re worried about staying
on track. Or unexpected things happen in your life. Or you
just start to wear down, constantly trying to “be good,” and
those old habits and patterns can start to look easier, even
if they are terrible for you and your long-term success.

I’d like to offer you Seven Ways to Maintain Maximum

Momentum (and STAY super motivated) even when you
don't feel like it.

Logan Henry

#1 - Ambition
Noun: ambition

1. a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requir-

ing determination and hard work.
I know that you're a man who has drive and ambition; other-
wise, there's no way you would have achieved the levels of
success you have in your personal and professional life.
You’re no stranger to having ambition.

To stay on point and focused, you must continue to be

driven by your ambition to achieve your desired outcome.

#2 - Expectation or Belief
To completely transform your future for the better, you
must do it with a 100% belief in yourself that you can do
it. This has to be unwavering. Yes, you will probably have
family and friends ready to cheer you on to keep you
going, but at the core of this, you have to know that you
can (and will) reach your goals.

There ARE going to be mornings where you won’t leap out

of bed ready to tackle the day ahead. There will be dips and
low points in this new journey for you. Back in Chapter 8 I
talked about the valley of despair. Keep that in mind going
forward. Some spots will be challenging, but those dips will
be easier to get yourself out of if you fully believe that you
can do it.

When you feel low, remember this, momentum will always

override lack of motivation. If you start to lose the belief that
you can make these changes or if you're not feeling it, just
take action in some way. Even if that action is simply going
for a 10-minute walk, get up and do something positive that
leads in the direction of your goals. From that action, you get
inspired, and from that inspiration, you get motivation.
Regain Your Edge

Action is what creates momentum.

#3 - Avoid Distractions
Busy lives are notorious for causing distracted minds, scat-
tered focus, and for throwing you way off track from your

“The successful warrior is the average man, with

laser-like focus.”
- Bruce Lee

It will help to follow The Accelerated Method morning rout-

ine, ensure that your day is set up for success, and focus on
the big picture important tasks that only you can do.

But another primary component to being distraction-free

is you must be willing to give attention to what's going
well because what you focus on grows. This means that
whether you are focusing on the positives or the negatives,
the one you give the most attention to will grow.

If you repeatedly think, “I’m not hitting my goals” or “The

weight isn’t coming off fast enough,” it’s all going to feel
that much harder.

A positive mindset will help you achieve what you want.

Just stay focused and keep your eye on the prize.

#4 - Effort
You will get out what you put in. That applies to anything in
life. Your level of effort determines your level of achievement.

Maximum Effort = Radical Results

Logan Henry

#5 - Stop Comparing

”Comparison is the thief of joy.”

- Theodore Roosevelt

You must be willing to protect your energy from outside

sources. That can be f rom social media. It can be f rom
“well-meaning” friends or family. It can be from TV or the
magazine racks.

Other people’s narratives and messages constantly surround

you. If you want to hold on to your energy and maintain
momentum, you must be willing to block out all of the
noise out there and make sure that you are not comparing
your journey to anyone else's.

If you see some guy on the cover of a magazine with ripped

muscles and six-pack abs, it can be easy to wonder why you
have been putting in so much effort and don’t have a body
like that, but you have no idea what’s really going on for
him. Maybe he has the time to be at the gym for hours a
day. Perhaps he’s not interested in prioritizing family time
like you are. And truthfully, even though he looks good on
the outside, there’s a very good chance that his insides are
a mess. Guys that look like that usually punish their bodies
and do a lot of damage.

It’s also really important to surround yourself with people

who are in a similar situation to you and who truly get you.
Disassociate yourself from people who drag you down.
Focus on being with people who lift you up. If you need that
group of people, please reach out to me and let’s talk. I’ve
got a community of incredible guys who would give you a
virtual “high five” and warmly welcome you in.

#6 - Get out of the Shadows

Much like #5, it’s easy to shy away from people and places
that can make you feel uncomfortable. It’s really important
Regain Your Edge

to step up and step into your new lifestyle and the changes
that come with it.

Sometimes a motivation killer can be as simple as having

lunch with friends. If they are used to you getting a bunch
of heavy apps, a greasy burger, and a couple of beers, then
it might catch them off guard if you opt instead for a salad
and water.

Of course, there will be some ball-busting over the lunch

table. It’s what guys do, right? The point is, it’s essential to
be aware of it because it means you will need to use all of
the new and positive mental and mindset tools to just
order a healthy lunch instead of caving and getting that
burger and those beers.

You have to remind yourself why you are doing this AND be
able to look your buddies in the eyes and straight-up say,
“Yeah, I get it, but I’d much rather feel good than crappy if
I eat that burger.”

#7 - Summon Motivation at Will

Never forget you are always in charge of how you feel.

Whatever your reasons are for making these big changes
in your life, hold onto them. Put sticky notes on your bathroom
mirror with your reason(s) why if you have to. Carry a picture
around of your family for a quick reminder. Or a “before”
picture of yourself.

Do whatever you need to do to help you summon that

motivation at will. And always remember that all you have
to do is take that first step to put yourself into action.

Logan Henry

Key Chapter Takeaways

→ There are Seven Ways to Maintain Maximum

Momentum (and STAY super motivated)

#1 Ambition: To stay on point and focused, you must con-

tinue to be driven by your ambition to achieve your
desired outcome.

#2 Expectation or Belief: To recalibrate yourself and com-

pletely transform your future for the better, you must do
it with a 100% belief in yourself that you can do it. This
has to be unwavering.

#3 Avoid Distractions: You must be willing to give atten-

tion to what's going well because what you focus on
grows. This means that whether you are focusing on
the positives or the negatives, the one you give the
most attention to will grow.

#4 Effort: You will get out what you put in. That applies to
anything in life. Your level of effort determines your level
of achievement. Period.

#5 Stop Comparing: You must be willing to protect your

energy from outside sources. That can be from social
media. It can be from “well-meaning” friends or family. It
can be from TV or the magazine racks.

#6 Get out of the Shadows: It’s really important to step

up and step into your new lifestyle and the changes that
come with it.

#7 Summon Motivation at Will: Never forget you are

always in charge of how you feel. Whatever your reason
is for making these big changes in your life, hold onto

Regain Your Edge

Part 4

Logan Henry

What To Do Next

We’ve reached the finish line of this book, but if you’ve

made it to this point, you have only just begun your
journey to regaining your edge.

This moment right now is the moment where you get to

decide what happens next in your life.

Hopefully, what you have read in this book has inspired

you to take a deep look inside yourself, make notes of how
you have been feeling both mentally and physically, and
declare out loud, “I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired,
AND I now know exactly what I need to do to change

Let’s recap everything in this book so you can use this as

inspiration and as a reference guide to refer back to:

1. In Chapters 1-3, we cleared away all of the clutter and

noise around “getting healthy.” We also redefined what
“healthy” actually means for high-achieving men like you
and squashed the “hustle & grind” narrative that most fit
pros try to sell you.
We talked about some of the most common objections to
fitness in general and ways to remove those roadblocks
to success.
Regain Your Edge

2. Chapter 4 talked about the major hidden components

that are draining your energy and what you can do about it.

3. Chapter 5 brought to light the “quick-fix” diet and fitness

plans and why those are so detrimental to your long-term

4. In Part 2, I dive deep into The Accelerated Method and

what you can do to completely regain your energy, sleep
better, nourish and fuel your body, and start to look and feel

5. Part 3 I offered you some action items and what to do to

get you started on this new way of life fast!

Now, it’s up to you.

I know that you have tried many different ways to “get better,”
and I also know that all of those other ways have done very
little and have only added to your utter frustration with it all.

Here’s what else I know. What you want is within reach.

The best version of you is achievable, and you can get there
without completely disrupting your already busy life.

The goal here is to help you get your life back, not to make
it harder.

This journey won’t be easy. Change never is. But, if you set
yourself up to succeed, fully commit to yourself and your
family, and surround yourself with the right people who are
ready to support you and cheer you on, you can do this.

The first step is the hardest.

If you are ready and want someone to help you get going
and keep going, let’s talk:

Logan Henry

About the Author

Logan Henry was born in Tennessee, but he spent most of

his younger years in the Midwest until settling in Charleston,
South Carolina - calling it home for nearly 23 years.

Naturally an old soul, coaching busy, successful business-

men and high performers has become his focus. Logan
has had his own wellness journey, and he too can relate to
a time where the repetition of poor health choices took a

Deciding to put an end to low energy, being out of shape

and lacking confidence, Logan’s journey changed the tra-
jectory of his life.
Regain Your Edge

Starting wasn’t easy and it left him feeling lost, not knowing
where to begin. That’s when he found his coach and later
mentor Greg. In 2012, inspired by the strategies to create
the change he wished to see, Logan set off to build an
unbeatable program.

And, when Greg passed suddenly in a tragic accident in

2015, it sparked a fire in Logan to accomplish something
extraordinary in helping others find their strength.

Now, as the creator of the Accelerated Method, Logan has

coached and mentored hundreds of successful high-
performing men, empowering them to become a better
version of themselves.

He has traveled the world, spending countless hours receiv-

ing training and mentorship from the best in health and
self-improvement, creating the perfect blue-print for sustain-
able results in physical and mental performance, as well
as body transformation.


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