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ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE MEAN all of companies beliefs,values and attitudes and how these

influence the behavior of its imployee. It shows up companies policy may dress code, office hour,work
space design,law, integrity, team work,transparency, accountablity and the like. Culture mostly set
bycompany leaders.(core values, efficient leadership, unified sense of purpose, accountability and
automomy, recogniation and appreciation, effective communications are common elements of an
organizational culture).

Leadership mobilize people towards a vision.Leadership is a set of behaviors used to help people align
their collective direction to excute strategic plans, and to continueally renew an organization.

Good leaders should be model the way, inspire a shared vision,challenge the process, enable others to
act, encourage the heart, solve problem efectivly,support others, seek d/t perspective, operat with
strong result orientation

Dialogue means transformation of idea, thought, and words b/n two or more persons. Organizational
dialogue is a route which can refine organizational environment for conducive tends to
prevent various constrantes and wastage of time money and otherefforts. This note paper focuses to
explore the need and importance of dialogue in an organization, and how encouraging a dialogue in
teams can lead to transform its culture.

Organizational envt involves forces, both internal and external that affect the opration og the
orgzion.Environmental situations for any organization the envt consists of the set of external conditions
and forces that have potential to influence the organization .envt provides resources that an orgzn
needs in order to create goods and services, envt is a source of opportunitites and threats for an

Pollution, over population, waste disposal, global warming, green house effect …etc are envtal
situations. Poltical,economic, socio-cultural,technological,regulatory, envirmntal(natural)
anddemographics considered

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