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Week One – Routed Into Fruitfulness

Opening Scene
- Interview of 3-5 professionals.
- Preferably those who have been working for not more than two years.
- Question(s):
Coming out of uni(versity), where did you think you'd be a year after and where
did you actually end up?


Welcome Scene
- Welcome by two hosts.
- Preferably one male & a female.
- Preferably they should have been working for not more than two to three
years each.
- The suggested set design should be contemporary and relaxed.

Host 1: Hello and welcome to Routed. I'm ………………… , and I'm …………. (Host
2). Over the next four sessions we’ll explore a whole range of topics about life
after University as we enter the world of work.

Now we've both been through this change recently ourselves. So, we know
some of the challenges and the opportunities that graduates face a year after

Where did you think you'd be a year after and where did you actually end up?

Host 2:
Yeah, I graduated Uni in 2021. After 5 years of studying a course I love,
Building Technology, the whole plan was to graduate, move to Abuja, do my
service year in a big construction firm and later get retained (because they
just can’t get enough of me). But then I found myself in Calabar and I’m
currently an admin staff in a school.
What about you?

Host 1: I graduated about three years ago now (2019) and during my
undergrad I worked as a cluster development representative for a multi-
national company. Upon graduating, I discovered a 9-5 job wasn’t for me. I
now own a fast casual restaurant and volunteer as a gender rights activist

Host 2: Wow! So you went from Uni and work to owning a business?

Host 1: Yeah, pretty much.

Host 2: That's amazing!

Host 1: Well, that's a little bit about us. And in this session, we'll be exploring
a bit more about why the whole of life matters to God wherever we find
ourselves as Christians. Whether at uni or at work or at home church, down
the pub with our friends. And to do this, I thought where better to start than in
the bible itself.

So I asked ……………………... from the team at …………………., to share his

thoughts on why every aspect of life is important to God.


Teaching Scene
- Here the teaching guest shares what follows.
- To simulate an interview session, the teacher is captured from sideview.
I just love the description of Jesus in Colossians chapter one:

“… for in him all things were created. Things in heaven and on earth. Visible and
invisible. Whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities. All things have
been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all
things hold together.

You just can't get any bigger than that. And if all things were made through
Jesus and for Jesus, then that “all things”, thoroughly encompasses the whole
of our lives.

From supermarkets to offices and coffee shops, parks, our homes, the gym,
every aspect of our life is significant to God.

You see the cosmos isn't divided up into sacred things that God cares about,
and secular things that he doesn't really mind so much about. It's undivided
because Jesus is Lord of all of it, and the same goes for our lives too.

So, we should expect to see God at work in us and through us wherever we

are. In the ordinary places, meeting the people we normally meet, going to the
places we normally go, because in the hands of our ceaselessly creative God,
our front lines become rich in opportunity to see God's kingdom come and His
will done wherever we are.


Outro Scene

Host 1: So now, what did you take from that?

Host 2: Well, what I found particularly interesting is what …………………… said
about our whole lives mattering to God. There aren't some things that he cares
about more than others.

Sometimes we may think that church work or missions is more spiritual than
say … working in a bakery. What he shared challenges that thinking in my
head you know. Come to think of it, if God made all things and all people,
everything we do should matter to him, not so?

There can’t be other things that are secular that he maybe brushes under the
carpet a little bit.

I found that really helpful.

Quick story, during my stay in school, I thought that since I had a concrete
plan for after school, (which is nothing like what I’m doing right now by the
way) my dreams and degree mattered more to God than my roommate’s that
didn’t have any plan at all.

But I find what …………… said a real challenge to me and the way I see other
people's timing, degrees and their jobs, that it's not that there are some God
cares about and some he doesn’t. He just really cares deeply about every
single person the same way. I just realize that actually the same love eyes he
looks at me with is the same way he sees every other person.

What about you?

Host 1: Well, that's a really interesting point there about subjects that we
study at university. But I also found it interesting this idea of front lines and
that we can make a difference as Christians wherever we are, wherever God
has placed us.
So, for example, where I study at the moment and you know, the difference I
can make as a Christian with the people I do business with on a daily basis, or
during therapy sessions or colleagues, all of that matters to God.

Host 2: So, as we move from uni and into work, our front lines changed. They
go from what you've mentioned and into meetings, and conference calls, and
commutes, and relaxing or hanging out with colleagues, or with housemates
or wherever we find ourselves.

But as God cares about all of life, he can work in and through us as Christians
wherever we are, right?

Host 1: Yeah.

And just before you guys go to discuss your front lines, we asked a few recent
graduates about theirs and here's what they had to say.


Closing Scene
- Interview of same set 3-5 professionals.
- Preferably those who have been working for not more than two years.
- Question(s):

Where do you consider to be your front lines right now??

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