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Weekly Report 7


Norman Leon

Shorter University


18 June 2023

Professor Ross
Hours for Week 7: 15 Hours

Total Hours Accrued: 267 Hours

Weekly Report

For this past week I worked 3 days out of the week as the Rome Braves will be playing

on the road for two straight weeks. This allows us time to give the field a break from all the

players cleats. This week we started off by taking care of all the ballpark’s exterior by edging and

weed-eating. We also received a giant shipment of sand to spread out across the grass. However

while we were taking care of the outside of the park, we hired an outside company to come in

and dethatch the grass and take out cores of the grass. This means a tractor would drive through

the field and essentially slice the entire field through with a rototill.

With the cores, they scoop holes from the grass essentially allowing the grass to breath

and grow. As they do that, they get to keep the cores as a good fertilizer dirt because it is still in

great condition, we just do not need it. After that process, we use a tractor to scoop up all the

sand we received into a spreader in order to fill the holes spread throughout the field. This allows

the grass to retain moisture better which is good for the grass. Then, after all that, we just clean

up any excess that comes off the field. Even though it is a tedious process, it went by relatively

quickly because it was machine work.

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