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The effects of obesity on the
menstrual cycle
Khalida Itriyeva, MD*

A B S T R A C T ovary syndrome (PCOS), which can result in infrequent or

absent menstrual periods, and heavy menstrual bleeding.
The prevalence of childhood and adolescent obesity has signifi- Hyperandrogenism, higher testosterone and fasting insulin lev-
cantly increased in the United States and worldwide since the els, and lower levels of sex hormone-binding globulin, similar
1970s, a trend that has been accelerated by the COVID-19 to the laboratory findings seen in patients with PCOS, are also
pandemic. The complications of obesity range from negative seen in individuals with obesity, and help to explain the overlap
effects on the cardiovascular, endocrine, hepatobiliary, and in phenotype between patients with obesity and those with
musculoskeletal systems to higher rates of mental health condi- PCOS. Finally, obesity has been associated with higher rates of
tions such as depression and eating disorders among affected premenstrual disorders, including premenstrual syndrome and
individuals. Among adolescent girls, childhood obesity has premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and dysmenorrhea, although
been associated with the earlier onset of puberty and menar- the data on dysmenorrhea appears to be mixed. Discussing
che, which can result in negative psychosocial consequences, healthy lifestyle changes and identifying and managing men-
as well as adverse effects on physical health in adulthood. The strual abnormalities in adolescents with obesity are key to
hormones leptin, kisspeptin and insulin, and their actions on reducing the obstetric and gynecologic complications of obe-
the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, have been implicated sity in adulthood, including infertility, pregnancy complications,
in the relationship between childhood obesity and the earlier and endometrial cancer.
onset of puberty. Obesity in adolescence is also associated
with greater menstrual cycle irregularity and the polycystic Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care 2022; 52:101241

Introduction dysmenorrhea and premenstrual disorders. This chap-

besity in childhood and adolescence has been ter will provide an overview of the effects of obesity
O linked to a myriad of adverse health conse-
quences, including insulin resistance and type
on adolescent menstrual cycles, with a review of the
literature, pathophysiology, and implications for gyne-
2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cologic and mental health.
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), obstructive
sleep apnea (OSA), gallbladder disease, pseudotumor Background
cerebri, slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) and
Blount disease, depression, and disordered eating. In the United States, childhood and adolescent obe-
Among adolescent females, the neuroendocrine sity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) at or above
effects of obesity manifest as earlier onset of puberty the 95th percentile on Centers for Disease Control and
and menarche, hyperandrogenism leading to irregular Prevention (CDC) growth charts, while severe obesity
or absent menses, abnormal uterine bleeding, polycys- is defined as a BMI at or above 120 percent of the 95th
tic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and higher rates of percentile1. Similarly, the World Health Organization
(WHO) defines obesity as a BMI-for-age greater than 2
standard deviations above the WHO Growth Reference
From the Division of Adolescent Medicine, Cohen Children’s Medical
Center, Northwell Health, New Hyde Park, New York, Donald and Bar- median for children ages 5 to 19 years2. Data from the
bara Zucker, School of Medicine at Hofstra / Northwell, Hempstead, New United States National Health and Nutrition Examina-
York. tion Surveys (NHANES) has demonstrated increases in
*Corresponding author at: Division of Adolescent Medicine, 410 Lakeville
Road, Suite 108, New Hyde Park, New York 11042. the prevalence of obesity among children and adoles-
E-mail: cents ages 2 to 19 years in recent decades, from 5.2 per-
The authors do not have any conflicts to declare. cent in the 1971-1974 survey period to 19.3 percent, or
Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care 2022;52:101241 almost one in five children, in the 2017-2018 survey
1538-5442/$ - see front matter
Ó 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. period1. Similarly, the prevalence of severe obesity in this age group increased from 1.0 percent in the 1971-

Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care, August 2022 1

1974 survey period to 6.1 percent in the 2017-2018 sur- infertility, pregnancy complications, breast and endo-
vey period1. Importantly, the presence of racial and eth- metrial cancers, obesity can have a multitude of dele-
nic disparities in the prevalence of obesity in American terious effects on women’s health 6-8. This chapter
youth results in African American and Hispanic youth will focus on the effects of obesity on the timing of
being disproportionately affected compared to Cauca- puberty and menarche, menstrual cycle regularity and
sian and Asian youth3. Data from the 2013-2016 the relationship with PCOS, and associations with
NHANES demonstrated significantly higher obesity dysmenorrhea, premenstrual disorders, and heavy
prevalence in non-Hispanic black youth (20.4 percent) menstrual bleeding.
and Hispanic youth (23.6 percent) compared to non-
Hispanic white youth (14.7 percent) and non-Hispanic
Asian youth (9.8 percent)4. The COVID-19 pandemic
Impact of obesity on the timing of puberty and
has further exacerbated these healthcare disparities5. In
one study, almost 25 percent of Hispanic, non-Hispanic
Black, publicly insured, or lowest income quartile The onset of puberty and menarche in girls is deter-
patients seen during the pan- mined by a combination of genetic and environmental
demic were obese, compared to factors. Since the 19th century,
11.3 percent of non-Hispanic Beginning with the earlier onset improvements in health and
white patients, 12 percent of
patients with commercial insur-
of puberty and menarche, which nutritional status, among other
socio-economic and geographic
ance, and 9.1 percent of highest can result in adverse mental factors, have resulted in secular
income quartile patients .5
health and psychosocial conse- trends towards earlier onset of
Similar trends towards quences for girls, to higher rates puberty and earlier age at men-
increasing obesity prevalence of irregular menses, amenor- arche in girls9,10. However,
have been seen across the since the 1970s, the increasing
world, with the WHO estimat- rhea, abnormal uterine bleed- prevalence of obesity has corre-
ing that worldwide obesity has ing, PCOS, dysmenorrhea, and lated with an even earlier onset
almost tripled since 1975, with premenstrual disorders in ado- of puberty and menarche in
over 340 million children and lescence and adulthood, and girls across the world, and it
adolescents ages 5 to 19 years has been hypothesized that obe-
meeting criteria for overweight
greater risks of infertility, preg- sity and increased adiposity
or obesity in 20162. nancy complications, breast and have directly contributed to this
endometrial cancers, obesity phenomeon11-15. A recent sys-
can have a multitude of deleteri- tematic review and meta-analy-
Gynecologic consequences ous effects on women’s health sis found that age at thelarche,
the first clinical sign of puberty
of obesity
in females, has decreased by a
The gynecologic complica- mean of almost 3 months per
tions of obesity can be seen decade from 1977 to 201316.
across a woman’s reproductive Studies examining the relation- The study additionally found
lifespan. Beginning with the ship between higher BMI and that the median age of thelarche
earlier onset of puberty and varied by geographic location,
menarche, which can result in adiposity in childhood and the with girls in the United States
adverse mental health and psy- earlier onset of puberty and experiencing thelarche at the
chosocial consequences for menarche in girls have found a youngest ages (8.8 to 10.3
girls, to higher rates of irregular positive association between years) and girls in Africa
menses, amenorrhea, abnormal experiencing thelarche at the
uterine bleeding, PCOS, dys-
higher weight status in child- oldest ages (10.1 to 13.2
menorrhea, and premenstrual hood and earlier timing of years)16. Similarly, recent data
disorders in adolescence and puberty. from the 2013-2017 National
adulthood, and greater risks of Survey of Family Growth

2 Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care, August 2022

(NSFG) found that the median age at menarche in the The earlier onset of puberty and menarche can
United States had decreased to 11.9 years, with more have multiple physical and psychosocial implica-
girls experiencing menarche at younger ages, com- tions for adolescent girls. Early puberty and youn-
pared to previous decades17. ger age at menarche have been associated with a
Studies examining the relationship between higher higher risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and
BMI and adiposity in childhood and the earlier onset cardiovascular disease in adulthood, as well as
of puberty and menarche in girls have found a positive shorter adult height, increased postmenopausal
association between higher weight status in childhood breast cancer risk, and higher all-cause mortality25-
and earlier timing of puberty. One study of 354 girls . Additionally, girls who experience early puberty
in the United States found that higher BMI z score at and menarche are more likely to have behavioral
3 years of age and a higher rate of change of BMI issues during adolescence, have earlier sexual expe-
between 3 years of age and grade 1 were associated riences, and abuse substances, and they are more
with earlier onset of puberty18. Similarly, a study likely to report depressive symptoms, self-harm
following 183 girls from ages 5 to 9 years found behaviors, and disordered eating32-38.
that girls with a higher percent body fat at age
5 years, and girls with higher percent body fat,
higher BMI percentile, or larger waist circumfer-
ence at age 7 years, were more likely to have The onset of puberty is marked by the pulsatile
pubertal development by age 9 years19. The release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
researchers also found that from neurons in the hypothala-
larger increases in percent mus, the result of a complex
body fat between ages 5 to Studies examining the relation- neuroendocrine network with
9 years, and larger increases ship between nutritional status/ numerous internal and external
in waist circumference obesity and age at menarche signals39. GnRH stimulates the
between ages 7 to 9 years, have similarly demonstrated an secretion of luteinizing hor-
were associated with pubertal mone (LH) and follicle-stimu-
development at age 9 years19. inverse relationship between lating hormone (FSH) from the
Finally, an analysis of BMI and age at menarche anterior pituitary, which act on
NHANES survey data evalu- ovarian theca and granulosa
ating the attainment of cells, respectively, resulting in
puberty and menarche in girls with normal and ovarian production of androgens and estradiol. Feed-
excessive BMI (defined as >84th percentile) found back loops in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian
that girls with excessive BMI were more likely to (HPO) axis result in the onset and maintenance of
experience thelarche by age 8 to 9.6 years, menstrual cycles.
pubarche by age 8 to 10.2 years, and menarche by The mechanism behind the initiation of the pulsatile
age 10.6 to 12.9 years compared to normal weight release of GnRH has yet to be elucidated, although it
girls20. has been hypothesized that kisspeptin neurons within
Studies examining the relationship between nutri- the arcuate nucleus use the neuropeptides neurokinin
tional status/obesity and age at menarche have simi- B and dynorphin to signal to GnRH neurons, resulting
larly demonstrated an inverse relationship between in the pulsatile secretion of gonadotropins39. Thus, the
BMI and age at menarche . One longitudinal role of kisspeptins, peptides encoded by the Kiss1
study of almost 1000 girls in the United States gene, appears to be vital to the onset and normal pro-
found that girls with an overweight or obese BMI at gression of puberty40.
baseline achieved menarche 0.3 years earlier com- Nutritional status remains an important indicator for
pared to normal weight girls, while girls who were the onset of puberty and menarche. It has been
underweight at baseline achieved menarche 0.5 years hypothesized that a “critical body weight” is necessary
later than normal weight girls21. Additional studies to trigger the onset of puberty41. The effects of leptin,
have demonstrated an association between higher a hormone secreted by adipocytes, on both puberty
BMI and earlier age at menarche (< 12 years old) and reproduction have been widely studied. Leptin
in girls . provides information on an organism’s nutritional

Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care, August 2022 3

status to the GnRH neuronal system, acting indirectly
Adult Health Study (CDAH) and 1247 adult partici-
on GnRH neurons via stimulation of Kiss1 neurons, pants from the United States Bogalusa Heart Study
and appearing to act as a permissive factor in the initi-
(BBS) found that childhood obesity was associated
ation and progression of puberty rather than the pri-
with an increased risk of menstrual irregularities in
mary signal for the onset of puberty25,40,42,43. Levels
adulthood47. Additionally, an association between
of leptin in children with obesity have been found to
childhood obesity and PCOS in adulthood was dem-
be elevated, correlating with adiposity and BMI, sug-
onstrated in the CDAH study, while in the BBS study,
gesting a possible neuroendocrine mechanism for thethe association between childhood obesity and PCOS
earlier onset of puberty and menarche seen in thesein adulthood was demonstrated for white, but not
children44. A study of 343 girls evaluating body com-
black, participants47. Similarly, obesity in adulthood
is associated with irregular menstrual cycles48,49. One
position, serum leptin levels, and timing of menarche
study of 726 Australian women aged 26-36 years
confirmed an inverse relationship between leptin lev-
els and age at menarche45. The researchers addition-
found that women with higher BMIs (25 kg/m2),
ally found a strong association between leptin levels
higher waist circumferences (greater than 80 cm), and
and body fat and BMI45. Similarly, a cross-sectional
higher waist-to-hip ratios (indicative of central adipos-
study of 22 prepubertal obese girls found significantly
ity) were more likely to have irregular menstrual
cycles48. Specifically, women with obesity (BMI 30
higher kisspeptin and leptin serum levels in the obese
girls compared to healthy weight controls, further kg/m2) were twice as likely as normal weight women
to have an irregular menstrual cycle. Furthermore,
demonstrating the relationship between adiposity, lep-
tin, and kisspeptin46. women with higher waist circumferences and waist-
Additional endocrine mechanisms for the earlier to-hip ratios were more likely to have long cycles
onset of puberty and menarche seen in obese girls (greater than 35 days). Importantly, the study found
include increased aromatization of androgens to estro-
that BMI, waist circumference, and waist-to-hip ratio
gen in adipose tissue, resulting in earlier thelarche,
were positively associated with fasting insulin and tes-
and the effects of hyperinsulinemia on sex steroid bio-
tosterone levels and the free androgen index, and neg-
availability6. Specifically, insulin resistance in obesity
atively associated with SHBG levels. Higher levels of
leads to compensatory hyperinsulinemia, which testosterone, and the free androgen index, and lower
increases the bioavailability of sex steroids by stimu-
levels of SHBG, were, in turn, associated with higher
lating the production of androgens by the ovaries and
likelihood of long and irregular menstrual cycles.
adrenal glands, reducing hepatic synthesis of sex hor-
Obesity in childhood and adolescence also results in
mone-binding globulin (SHBG), and increasing aro- greater menstrual cycle irregularity for adolescent girls.
matase activity in adipocytes25. The association While anovulatory cycles are initially common in ado-
between obesity and hyperandrogenism in adolescent lescents following menarche, the majority of adolescent
girls will be further discussed in the next section.
menstrual cycles will be 21 to 45 days in length, even
in the first gynecologic year50. One study of 835 ado-
lescent girls found that those with higher BMI and per-
centage body fat were more likely to experience
Impact of obesity on menstrual cycles and risk
irregular menstrual cycles and
have higher ovarian volumes
In addition to the earlier In addition to the earlier onset of compared to girls with lower
onset of puberty and menarche,
puberty and menarche, obesity BMI and lower percentage body
obesity is also associated with fat, suggesting a possible link to
irregular and infrequent men- is also associated with irregular the development of PCOS51.
strual cycles, amenorrhea, and infrequent menstrual cycles, Similarly, a study of 25 adoles-
anovulation, PCOS, and heavy amenorrhea, anovulation, cent girls with obesity undergo-
menstrual bleeding in both ado- PCOS, and heavy menstrual ing bariatric surgery found a
lescence and adulthood 6,8,47. A high prevalence of menstrual
large study of 1516 adult partic- bleeding in both adolescence disorders in that cohort52. Spe-
ipants from the Australian and adulthood cifically, the researchers found
Childhood Determinants of that 36 percent of the girls had

4 Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care, August 2022

PCOS, 32 percent had oligomenorrhea, and 28 percent recommended for the diagnosis of PCOS in adoles-
had menorrhagia, all higher rates than those in the gen- cents53.
eral population. The presence of insulin resistance and the metabolic
syndrome in individuals with obesity and excess adi-
posity helps to explain the overlap in phenotype
between obese girls with irregular menses and women
The metabolic and neuroendocrine mechanisms with PCOS56,57. The metabolic syndrome, character-
behind the menstrual irregularities observed in obese ized by hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, central adipos-
adolescent girls and adult women share several com- ity, and hypertension, is seen in both patients with
mon features with PCOS. obesity and PCOS, with the
PCOS, the most common endo- common finding of insulin
crinopathy in young adult The metabolic and neuroendo- resistance leading to compensa-
women and the most common crine mechanisms behind the tory hyperinsulinemia56. Multi-
cause of anovulatory infertility, menstrual irregularities ple studies have demonstrated
is a heterogeneous syndrome
observed in obese adolescent that obesity and central adipos-
characterized by hyperandro- ity are associated with similar
genism and ovulatory dysfunc- girls and adult women share hormonal abnormalities as
tion53-55. Symptoms of PCOS several common features with those seen in PCOS, namely
often begin in adolescence, PCOS. elevated insulin and testoster-
with ovulatory dysfunction one levels, and low SHBG lev-
manifesting as amenorrhea, oli- els58-60. A study evaluating sex
gomenorrhea, or abnormal uterine bleeding. Forty to steroid concentrations in 74 peripubertal girls with
80 percent of patients with PCOS are overweight or obesity (BMI 95th percentile) compared to 30 nor-
obese, and up to 80 percent of patients have clinical mal weight girls found significant hyperandrogenism
(acne, hirsutism) or biochemical (elevated free and throughout puberty in the obese girls, particularly dur-
total testosterone and androstenedione levels) evi- ing Tanner stages 1, 2, and 361. In prepubertal (Tanner
dence of androgen excess . PCOS is characterized by 1) obese girls, the mean total testosterone was 4.5-fold
aberrations in the HPO axis and hyperinsulinemia, higher compared to normal weight girls, and in Tanner
resulting in elevated circulating levels of androgens in 2 and 3 girls, it was 1.6- and 3.3-fold higher, respec-
affected patients55. Specifically, rapid GnRH pulse tively. Furthermore, mean SHBG levels were 59 to 69
frequency favors LH secretion from the anterior pitui- percent lower in obese Tanner 1, 2, and 3 girls, result-
tary while limiting FSH secretion, resulting in relative ing in higher levels of mean free testosterone in those
FSH deficiency. Increased LH pulse frequency and study participants. Additionally, the researchers found
amplitude results in excess production of LH, which elevated mean fasting insulin levels in obese girls
stimulates the production of androgens by ovarian across puberty, but particularly during Tanner stages
theca cells. Hyperinsulinemia in PCOS, exacerbated 1, 2, and 3, during which the obese girls’ mean insulin
by obesity, further stimulates ovarian androgen pro- levels were 2.8- to 7-fold higher compared to normal
duction, increases adrenal androgen production, and weight girls. Additional studies have demonstrated
inhibits the hepatic synthesis of SHBG, thereby con- that girls with higher total body fat have higher levels
tributing to hyperandrogenemia55. Relative FSH defi- of serum androgens, including free and total testoster-
ciency leads to follicular growth arrest, manifesting as one and androstenedione, compared to girls with
the presence of multiple small follicles, but no domi- lower total body fat62. Similarly, a study of 91 Korean
nant follicle, and anovulation. Laboratory findings in girls aged 6 to 17 years found significantly higher lev-
patients with PCOS typically demonstrate elevated els of free testosterone and DHEAS in the obese
free and total testosterone levels, an elevated andro- pubertal girls compared to normal weight girls, with
stenedione level, a low SHBG level, mildly elevated free testosterone levels approximately twice as high in
dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), and occa- obese girls compared to normal weight girls63.
sionally an elevated LH to FSH ratio . Ovarian ultra- Further evidence for the overlap in pathophysiology
sound, which may reveal an increased ovarian volume between obesity and PCOS comes from studies evalu-
with multiple small follicles in adult women, is not ating LH in obese adolescent girls64,65. One study

Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care, August 2022 5

comparing the LH pulse frequency of nine post- Effects of obesity on dysmenorrhea,
menarchal obese girls with oligomenorrhea, but with- premenstrual disorders, and heavy menstrual
out clinical or biochemical hyperandrogenism, to girls bleeding
with PCOS and controls with regular menstrual cycles
found striking similarities Obesity has additionally been
associated with higher rates of
between the obese girls without Obesity has additionally been dysmenorrhea, premenstrual
PCOS and the girls with
PCOS64. Specifically, the mean
associated with higher rates of disorders, and heavy menstrual
number of LH pulses per dysmenorrhea, premenstrual bleeding . As with irregular
24 hours and the patterns of LH disorders, and heavy menstrual menstrual cycles, the relation-
ship between BMI and dysme-
secretion were comparable bleeding norrhea appears to be a U-
between the two groups, with
greater LH pulse frequency shaped curve, with women at
seen in the obese girls with oligomenorrhea and the both the lower and higher ends of the BMI spectrum
girls with PCOS compared to the control group. Simi- experiencing higher rates of dysmenorrhea compared
larly, a study examining the relationship between to normal weight girls, although the data with respect
insulin, LH, and free testosterone concentrations in 92 to obesity is conflicting68. In one study of 25 adoles-
obese adolescent girls found that both morning LH cent girls with obesity undergoing bariatric surgery,
levels and fasting insulin levels were independent pre- dysmenorrhea was the most commonly reported men-
dictors of free testosterone levels in the study partici- strual concern, affecting 40 percent of participants52.
pants65. Similarly, a prospective cohort study of 9671 Austra-
Finally, the pathophysiological link between obesity lian young women followed for 13 years found that
and PCOS is further strengthened by data demonstrat- obesity was more common among women with persis-
ing that weight loss results in improved ovulatory tent dysmenorrhea69, and a cross-sectional study of
function and PCOS phenotype in affected individuals. 217 Iranian women demonstrated a significant associ-
In one study of 24 obese women with PCOS, weight ation between BMI, waist circumference, waist-to-hip
loss of at least 5 percent through caloric restriction ratio, and skinfold thickness and dysmenorrhea70. On
resulted in a reduction of fasting insulin levels, an the other hand, a cross-sectional study of 370 young
increase in SHBG concentrations, and a reduction in adult women found a higher prevalence of moderate
free testosterone levels . Additionally, nine women and severe dysmenorrhea in underweight compared to
in the weight loss group demonstrated an improve- obese participants71. A second cross-sectional study
ment in reproductive function, as evidenced by con- of 857 young women also found that the risk of dys-
ception or a more regular menstrual pattern. Similarly, menorrhea was 1.5-times higher in underweight
a randomized controlled trial of 60 adolescent girls women compared to overweight or obese women72,
and young adult women with PCOS and a BMI greater and a third cross-sectional study of 2282 Japanese col-
than 30 kg/m found that participants assigned to a lege women found that women with an underweight
dietary weight loss group had improvements in hirsut- BMI were more likely to experience dysmenorrhea
ism scores and menstrual function, as demonstrated than the overweight group when compared to normal
by greater number of menstrual episodes, compared to weight controls73. Finally, a cross-sectional study of
the control (no weight loss) group67. 1383 female adolescents in Africa found no associa-
Importantly, both obesity and PCOS can result in tion between BMI or waist circumference and dysme-
negative psychological, physical, and reproductive norrhea74.
consequences for affected individuals, including an Higher BMI has also been associated with increased
increased risk of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer risk for premenstrual disorders (PMDs). A prospective
due to prolonged endometrial exposure to unopposed cohort study of 6524 adult females found that higher
estrogen in the setting of chronic anovulation and childhood BMI was associated with a higher risk of
inadequate progesterone exposure, reduced fertility, development of PMDs, including premenstrual dys-
dyslipidemia, impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 phoric disorder (PMDD), and a higher burden of pre-
diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiovascular dis- menstrual symptoms in young adulthood75. Similarly,
ease, anxiety, depression, and poor self-esteem53-55. a cross-sectional study of 874 adult women found that

6 Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care, August 2022

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