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- Jim Rohn

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is the most common endocrine disorder

Among women between the age 18-44. If affects approximately 2% to 20% of this
age group. It is one the leading endocrine disease and which affects one in 15 wom-
en in worldwide. The incidence of PCOS among adolescents is estimate to be betw-
een 11 and 26% (3) and about 50% are overweight.
The term Polycystic Ovarian Disease was first described by Irving stein
and Micheal Leventhal as a Triad of ‘Amenorrhoea’, ‘Obesity’, and ‘Hirsutism’ in
1935 when they observed the relation between obesity and reproductive disorders.
It is hence also known as the ‘Stein- Leventhal Syndrome’ or ‘Hyper androgenic
Anovulation’ and is the most common endocrine ovarian disorder affecting approximately
2-8% women of reproductive age. Now a day’s, it is also referred to as the ‘Syndrome O’
i.e. over nourishment, overproduction of insulin, ovarian confusion and ovulatory
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a set of symptoms due to elevated androgens
In women. Signs and Symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome include irregular or
Period, heavy period, excess body and facial hair, acne pelvic pain, difficulty getting
Pregnant, and patches of thick darker, velvety skin. Associated condition include type 2
Diabetes, obesity, obstructive sleep apnea , heart disease, mood disorders, endometrial
Cancer, hypertension dyslipidemia , hyperinsulinaemia , and infertility . Polycystic ovary
syndrome cannot be prevent , But early diagnosis and treatment helps prevent long-term
complication, such as infertility, metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
The main risk factor for polycystic ovary syndrome is family history of diabetes
may increase the risk for PCOS because of the strong relationship between diabetes may
increase the risk for PCOS. Girls with low birth weight as well as family history of diabetes
mellitus, premature birth, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, hormonal imbalance,
genetic problems, endocrine disease, weekend immune system, environmental factors, toxin
effects are at risk for developing polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Adolescence is a transitional stage of physical and psychological development
that generally occurs during the period from puberty to legal adulthood. Adolescence is a
period having the sense of identity and the sense of intimacy. It is the transition from
childhood to adulthood. Also many serious disease in adulthood have their roots in
adolescence. For example, tobacco use, sexually transmitted infections.
The word adolescent comes from the latin word 'adolescere' which means to
grow.Adolescents represent a period of intensive growth and changes in nearly all aspects of
child's physical, mental, social, and emotional life. During adolescence, young women are
primarily concerned with finding their identity and expressing who they are in the world.
Puberty causes many physical changes to take place, and adolescents must adapt to their
changing bodies. All of these changes can make adolescence a confusing and stressful period.
Children as young as 16 years are diagnosed with polycystic disease which
occurs due to the imbalances or abnormalities in the hormones. Hormonal. abnormalities can
make the ovaries produce more eggs. These eggs turn into cysts and the ovaries become large
and studded with numerous cysts. It begins as early as in teenagers and mostly effects adult
ovarian girls of childbearing age.
The establishment of a regular menstrual cycle is an important process for an
adolescent girl. The challenge is to distinguish normal individual variation from real
endocrine or organic problems. Avoiding too early unnecessary intervention without missing
relevant abnormalities requires a firm grasp of process of physiological sexual development
as well as of the symptoms and aetiology of relevant abnormalities..

Health of Adolescents plays vita l role in a country’s

health condition. There are 35% of adolescents suffering from PCOD in
India. This is due to the changes in there life style. There are two
main reasons for the increase of PCOS diagnosis in Indian women.
Firstly, the acceptance of unhealthy eating habits and an inactive
lifestyle. Whereas older generations of Indian women eat traditional,
lower calorie foods with less sugar. Today numerous young Indian
girls eat a steady – going diet of junk food. Within the past two
decades, Indian began relaying on Westernized diet and lifestyle. It is
expected that they may see up to a six – fold increase in obesity
prevalence in the next ten years especially in Indian who already has
the highest rates of diabetes in the world [WHO 2009]. There should
be proper awareness that helps them in prevention and early
identification of PCOD, By which disease like diabetes, hypertension
and cardiovascular disease can be reduced.

The diverse and complex female endocrine disorder

polycystic ovary syndrome [PCOS], Which affects 1 in 15 women
worldwide, is a major economic health burden that is likely to expand
together with obesity. The high prevalence of overweight and obesity
[BMI 30kg/m2 ] is significantly contributing to the overall burden of
PCOS worldwide. In adolescent girls, the PCOS is reported to be a
growing problem. Adolescents may experience the full range of
symptoms including irregular or complete missing of menstruation.
polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) accounts for 90% of women with
oligomenorrhea, 30% of women amenorrhea and Over 70% of women
with anovulation. Research has evidenced that PCOS predisposes the
women including adolescents girls to additional health problems [10-11].

“A Qausi experimental study to assess the effectiveness of

structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding
PCOD( Polycystic ovarian disease ) among the female students of
selected undergraduate college. “



1. To assess the pre-test knowledge regarding PCOD among female

students of selected undergraduate colleges.

2. To assess the post-test knowledge regarding PCOD among female

students of selected undergraduate colleges.

3. To evaluate the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on

knowledge regarding PCOD among female. students of selected
undergraduate colleges.

4. To associate the post-tes knowledge score regarding PCOD among female

students of selected undergraduate colleges with selected demographic
PCOD is a common health problem in under graduate students in
India. The number of cases of PCOD are increasing day by day. The plan
teaching programme regarding PCOD will help to reduce and prevent
PCOD. So this study will be helpful and will be an asset for future
preventive measures of PCOD.


• H1- There will be significant difference in pretest and post-test

knowledge regarding PCOD
(polycystic ovarian disease) among female students of selected colleges.

• H01- There will be no significant difference in pretest and post-

test knowledge regarding PCOD
(polycystic ovarian disease) among female students of selected colleges.

• H2 - There will be significant association between pretest

knowledge regarding PCOD
(polycystic ovarian disease) with selected demographical variable.

• H02- There will be no significant association between pretest

knowledge regarding PCOD
(polycystic ovarian disease) with selected demographical variable.


Polycystic ovary disease is a condition in which a women level of the sex hormones
estrogen and progesterone are out of balance.

These leads to the growth of ovarian cyst [PCOS] can cause problem with a women
menstrual cycle, fertility, cardiac function and appearance.

In this study POCD means a condition in which sex hormone are out of balance and
characterized by menstrual regulation, weight gain, excessive facial hair etc.

According to oxford dictionary it means important or quality of someone or something.
In this study assess means checking the knowledge regarding PCOD among under
graduate students in selected college in Nagpur.

According to oxford dictionary effective means the degree to which something is
successful in producing a desired result success.
In this study, it means improvement in knowledge regarding in PCOD

4) STRUCTURE : According to oxford dictionary structure means to arrange or organize

something into a system or pattern .

5)Teaching : According to oxford dictionary teaching helps somebody lear

something by giving information about it.
6)Programme: According to oxford dictionary programme a plan things that will be
done or included in the development of something

7) Knowledge:
According to oxford dictionary it means information and skill gain through experience
or education.
In this study. it refers to gain the information about PCOD .

According to oxford dictionary it means a university or college student who is studying
for their first degree.

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