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1. Which of the following best describes the concept of Anthropology?

A. It governs how people live and interact with each other in a given society
B. It pertains to the study of people in general and particular human groups and culture.
C. It focuses on acts related to influencing a government's decisions and policies, as well as gaining and maintaining
political power.
D. It is an examination of how individuals interact in groups, organizations, and societies, as well as their
organizational structures.
2. Which of the perspectives below exemplifies the use of power, influence, and diplomacy as an important
mechanism in creating a well-ordered society?
A. Anthropology B. Humanities C. Political Science D.Sociology
3. Which of the following best illustrates the sociological perspective?
A. Studying political ideas and systems.
B. Investigating relationships and social interactions.
C. Understanding biological aspects of human behavior
D. Examining individual psychological processes and behavior
4. What distinguishes the anthropological perspective from other social sciences?
A. It looks into how political systems and ideologies interact.
B. It is largely concerned with economic systems and operations.
C. It looks at the diversity of cultures and human societies throughout history.
D. It places a strong emphasis on researching distinct psychological processes.
5. Which of the following best exemplifies the material aspect of culture?
A. Beliefs B. Language C. Technology D. Values
6. What essential element drives societal change?
A. cultural relativism B. religious traditions C. Biological determinism D. Technological advancements
7. Which of the following is most likely to be stressed in a culture that values collectivism?
A. autonomy B. competition C. individualism D. Interdependence
8. Which of the following best exemplifies cultural adaptation?
A. fostering a culture of gender equality
B. the creation of novel communication tools
C. a person who changes their religious beliefs
D. transitioning from an agricultural to an industrial economy
9. According to cultural relativists, moral frameworks that govern relationships within various civilizations and
cultures are essentially different from one another. Which of the following claims most accurately sums up
cultural relativism?
A. Cultural practices and human behavior is not relevant in understanding society
B. The economic impact of cultural traditions should be considered while evaluating them.
C. All cultural customs are legitimate in equal measure and need to be embraced without prejudice.
D. There should be a global ban on some cultural behaviors that are considered Immoral or unethical.
10. Which of the following statements best describes the significance of cultural relativism in achieving cross-
cultural understanding?
A. It enables the censure and evaluation of cultural practices.
B. It promotes imposing one's cultural ideals on those of other civilizations.
C. It encourages ethnocentrism and the idea that one's own culture is superior.
D. It helps people understand cultural behaviors in the context of their own culture.
11. Consider yourself a member of a community development team entrusted with getting to know and assisting a
distant indigenous tribe. Based on your own cultural background, you come across a cultural practice that looks
strange and maybe alarming How might employing cultural relativism influence your strategy in this case?
A. It would prompt me to denounce and discourage the cultural practice right now.
B. In order to address the behavior, I would be forced to impose my own cultural values on the community.
C. It would enable me to set aside prejudice and try to comprehend the practice In the context of its culture.
D. It would lead me to ignore the cultural custom and put all of my attention on economic growth
12. Why is achieving cultural understanding crucial for cultural relativism?
A. It encourages the use of universal cultural standards.
B. It endorses the idea that one culture is better than another
C. It teaches people to recognize and value cultural diversity.
D. It promotes imposing one's cultural ideals on those of other civilizations.
13. Of the following, which is an example of a cultural symbol?
A. a government's taxation strategy
B. a handshake in greeting someone
C. the catchphrase of a political party
D. the stock market's fluctuating stock values
14. How are social behaviors and symbols influenced by cultural, social, political, and economic factors?
A. Only social, political, and economic elements have an impact on society: cultural symbols and practices have no
such influence.
B. While political and economic symbols and practices have an impact on social structures, social symbols, and
practices determine individual behavior
C. Political symbols and practices influence social behaviors, but economic symbols and practices shape cultural
D. Cultural, economic, political, and social norms and symbols interact with one another and have an impact on
how society is shaped in many ways.
15. You're a student who wants to study how your community is affected by globalization. Which method of
inquiry among the following best exemplifies knowledge of cultural, social, political, and economic symbols and
A. Ignore political practices and symbols and how they affect local dynamics.
B. Strictly concentrate on economic concerns and how they affect local populations.
C. Interview local residents in your community to learn about their cultural viewpoints and customs.
D. Examine social media trends without taking the larger political and cultural context into account.
16. Why are social symbols important for understanding social interactions and the human condition?
A. They represent cultural norms and values.
B. They stand in for financial and economic systems.
C. They serve as a reflection of political beliefs and hierarchies.
D. They convey meaning and enable communication among members of society.
17. Which of the following is an agent of socialization?
A. peer group B. a person's personality C. genetic characteristics D. a person's physical attributes
18. Which of the following best describes the process of socialization?
A. An individual's biological growth from birth through adulthood
B. Human conduct and relationships are governed by our natural inclinations
C. Learning cultural customs, beliefs, and behaviors through social interaction
D. The development of hereditary features and attributes passed down from parents
19. How can the process of socialization impact individuals and society?
A. It has no significant effects on people or society.
B. It develops tolerance among people and the promotion of cultural variety.
C. It takes away decision-making autonomy and personal agency.
D. It upholds preexisting power systems and promotes social disparities.
20. You are researching the enculturation process in your barangay. You see that children in the neighborhood
imitate their parents' and elders' attitudes, values, and habits. From this observation, which of the following
implications may be drawn?
A. Enculturation is essential for passing down cultural information.
B. There is little cultural variety and little enculturation in the community.
C. Formal educational institutions are the main channels for enculturation.
D. Because of enculturation, the community is resistant to innovation and change.
21. A social group is made up of two or more individuals who interact often based on shared expectations. Which
type of group is characterized by intimate interaction and cooperation of Individuals over a long period of time?
A. Aggregate group
B. primary group
C. secondary group
D. tertiary group
22. Which of the following best describes the concept of social organization?
A. The organizational hierarchy inside a firm or enterprise.
B. The activity of planning social events and get-togethers.
C. The administration and organization of nonprofit organizations.
D. The patterns and structures that influence social interactions and relationships.
23. Which of the following best describes the form and function of this social organization when a group of locals
in a small town band together to establish a neighborhood curfew program to improve community safety?
A. A formal social group that aims to offer its members leisure opportunities.
B. It is an illustration of a structured social group working to improve neighborhood safety.
C. It is an illustration of an unofficial social group that emphasizes the promotion of cultural and artistic activities.
D. It serves as an illustration of a loosely organized social group that promotes political deliberation and decision-
24. Why is it vital for society to have social organizations?
A. They support artistic expression and a variety of cultures.
B. They provide people with entertainment and leisure opportunities.
C. They allow Interpersonal communication and civic participation.
D. They create financial resources and set up economic structures.
25. There are various kinds of institutions in society. Some are state-owned while some are not. Which of the
following can be an example of a non-state institution?
A. Civil organizations B. Department of Education
C. Local Government Unit D. Philippine Executive Government
26. Which of the following best describes the difference between state and non-state institutions?
A. Governmental organizations make up state institutions, whereas non-state institutions are privately held
B. While non-state institutions are more concerned with social and cultural activities, state institutions are more
concerned with economic activities.
C. While non-state organizations concentrate on delivering social services, state institutions are in charge of
upholding law and order.
D. State institutions are subject to governmental oversight, whereas non-state organizations are free from
governmental supervision.
27. In a country with a high poverty rate and limited access to healthcare, which of the following would be an
effective approach for state and non-state institutions?
A. Private businesses start programs to raise literacy and education levels in disadvantaged communities.
B. To promote tourism and economic growth, state agencies concentrate on promoting cultural events and festivals.
C. In order to meet the population's healthcare demands, the government creates public healthcare facilities and
implements healthcare policies.
D. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) work together with commercial companies to offer community members
free leisure activities
28. In a country with a weak and corrupt government, a local community organizes itself to provide essential
services such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure development. This community-led initiative gains
widespread support and effectively meets the needs of the population. What does this situation highlight about
the functions of state and non-state institutions?
A. Non-state institutions can fill the gaps left by weak or corrupt state institutions.
B. Non-state institutions are more officient and accountable than state institutions
C. State institutions are unnecessary and ineffective in providing essential Servicos
D. State institutions should focus on strengthening their capacity and addressing corruption.
29. Which of the following social structures in the Philippines has no significant impact on education?
A. family B. business C. religion D. government
30. What are the primary functions of schools in society?
A. Transmitting cultural values, knowledge, and personal development.
B. Generating economic wealth and job opportunities for individuals.
31. In a society grappling with high unemployment rates and social inequality, which of the following approaches
would be an effective application of the relevance of education?
A. Restricting access to education to maintain existing social hierarchies.
B. Eliminating funding for public schools and relying solely on private educational institutions.
C. Prioritizing rote memorization and standardized testing to assess academic performance.
D. Implementing comprehensive vocational training programs to equip individuals with job-specific skills.
32. Which of the following statements best reflects the societal impact of education?
A. Education primarily serves as a means to acquire theoretical knowledge and academic credentials.
B. The importance of education lies in maintaining social order and conformity among individuals.
C. Education plays a pivotal role in promoting critical thinking, civic engagement, and societal progress.
D. The primary function of education is to transmit cultural values and norms to future generations.
33. Which are the potential consequences of educational system dysfunctions?
A. Enhanced social cohesion and reduced inequalities.
B. Limited opportunities for individual growth and economic mobility.
C. Strengthened workforce readiness and economic competitiveness
D. Improved student outcomes and increased academic achievement.
34. What is social stratification?
A. The process of cultural assimilation within a diverse society.
B. The division of society is based on various social characteristics.
C. The process of socializing individuals into a particular social class.
D. The practice of separating individuals based on their race or ethnicity.
35. Which of the following factors contribute to social stratification?
A. Physical appearance and attractiveness.
B. Personal preferences and individual choices.
C. Genetic inheritance and biological differences.
D. Educational attainment and occupational prestige.
36. In a society where social status is primarily determined by one's family background and hereditary factors,
which stratification system is most likely at play?
A. Caste system B. Meritocracy C. Class system D.Egalitarian system
37. In a community where individuals' positions in the social hierarchy are primarily based on their wealth,
income, and occupation, which form of stratification system is most likely at play?
A. Caste system B. Meritocracy C. Class system D.Egalitarian system
39. Which Philippine govemment program aims to provide cash grants to the poorest households to alleviate
poverty and promote social equity?
A. Conditional Cash Transfer Program (CCT)
B. National Health Insurance Program (PhilHealth)
C. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP)
D. Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act (Free Tuition Law)
40. Under the Indigenous Peoples' Rights Act of 1997 (IPRA), self-delineation shall be the guiding principle in
identifying and delineating ancestral domains. As such. indigenous cultural communities (ICC) and indigenous
people (IP) shall have a decisive role in all activities pertinent thereto. Which of the following Inequalities does it
A. Gender Inequality B. Global Stratification
C. Ethnic Inequality D. Social deviance
41. Agrarian reform in the Philippines seeks to solve the centuries-old problem of landlessness in rural areas
Through the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) initiated in 1987, the government addressed key
national goals Which of the following is one of the program's goal?
A. address the inequality in labor and gender sensitivity
B promotion of cultural based work and ethnic identity
C. address the needs of the loss privilego like those of challenge persons
D. promotion of equity and social justice, food security and poverty alleviation
42. Which of the following distinguishes the purpose of the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) in
the Philippines?
A. To advocate for equal representation of Indigenous Peoples in political positions
B. To provide financial assistance to Indigenous Peoples for education and healthcare
C. To ensure the rights and welfare of Indigenous Peoples and protect their ancestral domains
D. To promote economic development and entrepreneurship among Indigenous Peoples
43. You observed in your community that income disparity is prevalent, which of the following strategies would
you suggest in addressing this disparity?
A. Providing universal basic income to all citizens.
B. Implementing progressive taxation policies to redistribute wealth.
C. Promoting individual responsibility and self-reliance to overcome poverty.
D. Encouraging voluntary charitable donations to support disadvantaged communities.

44. In a society where gender inequality is a significant issue, which of the following approaches would be most
effective in addressing this social inequality?
A. Promoting separate educational and career paths for men and women.
B. Encouraging women to conform to traditional gender roles for social stability.
C. Ignoring gender differences and focusing solely on merit-based opportunities.
D. Implementing quotas to ensure women's representation in political and corporate leadership.
45. In your community where access to healthcare is limited for marginalized groups, which of the following
measures would you suggest as an effective approach to addressing this limitation?
A. Privatizing healthcare services to increase competition and improve quality
B. Implementing a universal healthcare system that ensures equal access for all.
C. Relying on charitable donations to provide healthcare services to the underserved.
D. Encouraging individuals to take personal responsibility for their healthcare needs.
46. In response to the increasing threat of climate change, which of the following human responses would be most
effective in mitigating its impact?
A. Implementing strict regulations and policies on carbon emissions.
B. Developing innovative technologies for renewable energy sources.
C. Ignoring the issue and relying on natural processes to restore balance.
D. Encouraging individual actions such as reducing personal carbon footprint.
47. How can we categorize Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs)?
A. Internal migrants B. Irregular migrants C. Refugees D. Temporary migrants
48. When faced with the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence and automation which human response
would be most effective in ensuring a balanced and equitable society?
A. Implementing regulations to protect workers' rights and ensure job security
B. Relying on traditional methods and resisting the integration of Al technologies.
C. Leaving the decision-making to Al systems to avoid human biases and errors.
D. Embracing automation fully and reducing human involvement in the workforce.
49. D
50. D

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