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An aquifer is an underground layer of porous rocks or permeable rocks that store and
retain groundwater levels in the soil.
2. The overlying confining layer prevents water from flowing directly into the confined
aquifer from above. Instead, these aquifers are supplied by streamflow or precipitation in
places where the aquifer materials crop out at the surface.
3. There are three types of wells (dug, driven, drilled).
4. Groundwater overuse is the main reason for groundwater depletion. The amount of water
that humans withdraw from underground has already exceeded the environmental limits
among groundwater use.
5. The fossil water is an ancient reserve of underground water it's accumulated over a million
of years and eons it's a non-renewable resource.
6. The exhaustion of these threatened aquifers would impact food supply both domestically
and in waterstressed trade partners. Furthermore, these risks are shared with many other
countries via trade.
7. Aritificial recharge, injection of surface water during seasonal wet periods.

1. potable that means it's safe to drink.

2. Exhaustion, draining.
3. Arid means do not have enough rainfall, very dry
4. the ability to maintain an ecological balance in our planet's natural environment and conserve
natural resources to support the wellbeing of current and future generations.
5. excess water that flows into sewer pipes from groundwater and stormwater

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