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The autonomic motor neurons regulate

visceral activities by either increasing
(exciting) or


A. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) decreasing (inhibiting) ongoing activities of

regulates the activity of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands.
cardiac muscle, and certain glands. F. Most autonomic responses cannot be
B. Operation of the ANS to maintain consciously altered or suppressed.
homeostasis, however, depends on a G. All autonomic motor pathways consists
continual flow of sensory afferent input, of two motor neurons in series
from receptors in organs, and efferent motor 1. The axon of the first motor
output to the same effector organs. neuron of the ANS extends from the CNS
and synapses in
1. Structurally, the ANS includes autonomic a ganglion with the second neuron.
sensory neurons, integrating centers in the 2. The second neuron synapses on
CNS, and autonomic motor neurons. an effector. Preganglionic fibers release
acetylcholine and postganglionic fibers
2. Functionally, the ANS usually operates release acetylcholine or norepinephrine.
without conscious control. 3. The output (efferent) part of the
C. The ANS is regulated by centers in the ANS is divided into two principal parts: the
brain, mainly the hypothalamus and medulla sympathetic and the parasympathetic
divisions. Organs that receive impulses from
oblongata, which receive input from the both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers
limbic system and other regions of the are said to have dual innervation.
4. summarize the similarities and
COMPARISON OF SOMATIC AND AUTONOMIC differences between the somatic and
NERVOUS SYSTEMS autonomic nervous systems.

A. The somatic nervous system contains ANATOMY OF AUTONOMIC MOTOR

both sensory and motor neurons. PATHWAYS
B. The somatic sensory neurons receive
input from receptors of the special and
somatic senses.
A. Anatomical Components
1. These sensations are consciously
perceived. 1. The first of two autonomic motor neurons is called
C. Somatic motor neurons innervate skeletal a preganglionic neuron
muscle to produce conscious, voluntary
movements. a. Its cell body is in the brain or spinal cord.
1. The effect of a motor neuron is b. Its myelinated axon, called a
always excitation. preganglionic fiber, passes out of the CNS as
D. The autonomic nervous system contains part of a cranial or spinal nerve, later
both autonomic sensory and motor neurons. separating from the nerve and extending to
1. Autonomic sensory neurons are an autonomic ganglion where it synapses
associated with interceptors. with the postganglionic neuron.
a. Autonomic sensory input is not
consciously perceived. 2. The postganglionic neuron, the second neuron in
2. The ANS also receives sensory the autonomic motor pathway, lies entirely outside
input from somatic senses and special the CNS.
a. Its cell body and dendrites are located in
an autonomic ganglion, where it makes
synapses with one or more preganglionic 2. Parasympathetic preganglionic neurons synapse
fibers. with postganglionic neurons in terminal ganglia.
b. The axon of a postganglionic neuron, the
postganglionic fiber, is unmyelinated and
terminates in a visceral effector.

D. Autonomic Plexuses
B. Preganglionic Neurons
1. These are tangled networks of
1. The cell bodies of sympathetic preganglionic sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons.
neurons are in the lateral gray horns of the 12 2. Major autonomic plexuses include the
thoracic and first 2 or 3 lumbar segments. cardiac, pulmonary, celiac, and hypogastric.
a. This division is called the thoracolumbar
division. E. Structure of the Sympathetic Division
1. The axons of the sympathetic preganglionic 1. White rami communicans (plural - the
neurons are known as the thoracolumbar white rami communicants) connect the
outflow. anterior ramus of the thoracic and first 2 or 3
2. The cell bodies of parasympathetic lumbar spinal nerves with the ganglia of
preganglionic neurons are in cranial nerve the sympathetic trunk.
nuclei (III, VII, IX, and X) in the brain stem 2. The gray ramus communicans is the
and lateral gray horns of the second through structure containing the postganglionic
fourth sacral segments of the cord. fibers
3. The parasympathetic division is known as that connect the ganglion of the sympathetic
the craniosacral division. trunk to the spinal nerve.
a. The axons of the parasympathetic 3. Preganglionic fibers that pass through the
preganglionic neurons are referred to as sympathetic trunk without terminating in
the craniosacral outflow. the trunk form nerves beyond the trunk
known as splanchnic nerves.
C. Autonomic Ganglia
4. Developmentally, the adrenal medulla is a
1. Sympathetic Ganglia modified sympathetic ganglion and its
cells are similar to sympathetic
a. These ganglia include the sympathetic postganglionic neurons.
trunk or vertebral chain or paravertebral 5. Clinical Connection: In Horner’s
ganglia that lie in a vertical row on either syndrome, the sympathetic innervation to
side of the vertebral column. one side of the face is lost.
b. Other sympathetic ganglia are the
prevertebral or collateral ganglia that lie F. Structure of the Parasympathetic Division
anterior to the spinal column and close to
large abdominal arteries. They include the 1. The cranial outflow consists of
celiac, superior mesenteric, and inferior preganglionic axons that extend from the
mesenteric ganglia. brain stem in four cranial nerves. The cranial
outflow components are four pairs of ganglia
c. Sympathetic preganglionic neurons and the plexuses associated with the vagus
synapse with postganglionic neurons in nerve.
ganglia of the sympathetic trunk or 2. The sacral outflow consists of
prevertebral ganglia preganglionic axons in anterior roots of the
2. Parasympathetic Ganglia second through fourth sacral nerves.
3. Compare the Anatomical features of the
a. Parasympathetic ganglia are the terminal sympathetic and parasympathetic
or intramural ganglia that are located very
close to or actually within the wall of a
visceral organ.
1. Examples include the ciliary, pterygopalatine,
submandibular, and otic ganglia
1. An agonist is a substance that binds to and
activates a receptor, mimicking the effect of a
natural neurotransmitter or hormone; an antagonist is
a substance that binds to and blocks a receptor,

A. Cholinergic Neurons and Cholinergic

1. Cholinergic neurons release the neurotransmitter preventing a natural neurotransmitter or hormone
acetylcholine and include all sympathetic and from exerting its effect.
parasympathetic preganglionic neurons, all
parasympathetic postganglionic neurons, and 2. Different drugs can serve as agonists or
sympathetic postganglionic neurons that innervate antagonists to selectively activate or block ANS
most sweat glands. receptors.

a. Cholinergic receptors are integral PHYSIOLOGICAL OF THE ANS

membrane proteins in the postsynaptic
plasma membrane. The two types of
cholinergic receptors are nicotinic and
A. Most body structures receive dual innervation,
muscarinic receptors that is, fibers from both the sympathetic and
parasympathetic divisions. Usually, one division
b. Activation of nicotinic receptors causes causes excitation and one causes inhibition resulting
excitation of the postsynaptic cell. in autonomic tone.
c. Activation of muscarinic receptors can B. The sympathetic responses prepare the body for
cause either excitation or inhibition emergency situations (the fight-or-flight responses).
depending on the cell that bears the
receptors. 1. Sympathetic responses are stimulated by the four
E’s (Emergency, Embarrassment, Exercise,
B. Adrenergic Neurons and Adrenergic Receptors Excitement)
1. The adrenergic neurons release norepinephrine 2. The effects of sympathetic stimulation are longer-
and include most sympathetic postganglionic lasting and more widespread than those of the
neurons. parasympathetic stimulation.
2. The main types of adrenergic receptors are alpha a. Norepinephrine is degraded more slowly
and beta receptors. than Ach.
a. These receptors are further classified into b. There are more postganglionic neurons in
subtypes. this division.
1. Depending on the subtype, 3. Specific sympathetic responses include:
activation of the receptor can result
in either excitation or inhibition. a. Pupils dilate

3. Effects triggered by adrenergic neurons typically b. heart rate and blood pressure increase.
are longer lasting than those triggered by cholinergic
c. Blood flow to the kidneys and
gastrointestinal tract diminishes
4. describes the location of the subtypes of
d. Blood flow to the skeletal muscles, liver,
cholinergic and adrenergic receptors and summarize
heart and adipose tissue increases
the responses that occur when each type of receptor
is activated. e. Liver cells release glucose and adipose
cells break down fat to increase available
C. Receptor Agonists and Antagonists
f. The parasympathetic division regulates
activities that conserve and restore body
A. this section depicts relationships between the
energy (energy conservation-restorative
nervous system and other systems.
C. Parasympathetic responses are stimulated during
periods of rest and relaxation. HOMEOSTATIC DISORDERS
1. The effects of parasympathetic stimulation are
last for a shorter time and are less widespread than
those of the sympathetic stimulation. A. Raynaud’s disease is due to excessive
a. Acetylcholine is degraded more rapidly sympathetic stimulation of arterioles within the
than NE. fingers and toes resulting in diminished blood flow
to the digits.
b. There are more postganglionic neurons in
this division. B. Autonomic dysreflexia is an exaggerated response
of the sympathetic division of the ANS that occurs in
2. Parasympathetic responses include about 80% of individuals with spinal cord injury at
or above the level of T6. It occurs due to interruption
a. Salivation
of the control of the ANS by higher centers.
b. Lacrimation
c. Urination
d. Digestion
e. defecation (collectively known as
f. also decreased heart rate
g. decreased airway diameter
h. decreased pupil diameter.
D. summarize the responses of glands, cardiac
muscle, and smooth muscle to stimulation by the


A. Autonomic Reflexes
1. A visceral autonomic reflex adjusts the activity of
a visceral effector, often unconsciously.
2. A visceral autonomic reflex arc consists of a
receptor, sensory neuron, association
neuron, autonomic motor neurons, and visceral
B. Autonomic Control by Higher Centers
1. The hypothalamus controls and integrates the
autonomic nervous system. It is connected to both
the sympathetic and the parasympathetic divisions.
2. Control of the ANS by the cerebral cortex occurs
primarily during emotional stress.
A. Blood consists of 55% plasma and 45% formed
B. Blood plasma consists of 91.5% water and 8.5%
1. Principal solutes include proteins
(albumins, globulins, fibrinogen), nutrients,

BLOOD REVIEW NOTES enzymes, hormones, respiratory gases,

electrolytes, and waste products.


A. Blood inside blood vessels, interstitial fluid 2. Summarize the chemical composition of
around body cells, and lymph inside lymph vessels plasma.
constitute one’s internal environment. C. Formed Elements
B. To obtain nutrients and remove wastes, cells must 1. The formed elements in blood include
be serviced by blood and interstitial fluid. erythrocytes (red blood cells or RBCs),
1. Blood, a connective tissue, is composed of leukocytes (white blood cells or WBCs), and
plasma and formed elements. thrombocytes (platelets)

2. Interstitial fluid bathes body cells. 2. The percentage of total blood volume
occupied by red blood cells is called the
C. The branch of science concerned with the study of hematocrit. A hematocrit measures the
blood, blood-forming tissues, and the disorders percentage of red blood cells in whole blood.
associated with them is called hematology.
a. A significant drop in hematocrit
indicates anemia, due to a lower-
FUNCTION OF BLOOD than-normal number of RBCs.

A. Blood transports oxygen, carbon dioxide, b. In polycythemia the percentage of

nutrients, heat, wastes, and hormones. RBC is abnormally high with a
higher-than-normal hematocrit.
B. It helps regulate pH, body temperature, and water
content of cells.
C. It prevents blood loss through clotting and FORMATION OF BLOOD CELLS
combats toxins and microbes through certain
phagocytic white blood cells or specialized plasma A. Blood cells are formed from pluripotent
proteins. hematopoietic stem cells
FUNCTION OF BLOOD 1. Originating from the pluripotent stem
cells are the myeloid stem cells and
A. Physical characteristics of blood include a lymphoid stem cells.
viscosity greater than that of water; temperature,
38°C (100.4°); and a pH of 7.35 to 7.45. a. Myeloid stem cells give rise to
RBCs, platelets, and all WBCs
B. Blood constitutes about 8% of body weight; except for lymphocytes.
volume ranges from 4 to 6 liters.
b. Lymphoid stem cells give rise to
C. Blood samples for laboratory testing may be lymphocytes.
obtained by venipuncture, finger-stick, or arterial
stick (Clinical Connection) 2. Myeloid stem cells differentiate into
progenitor cells or precursor cells (blast
cells) which will develop into the actual a. The gaseous hormone NO binds to hemoglobin.
formed elements of blood.
b. Hemoglobin can release NO
3. Lymphoid stem cells differentiate into
c. Released NO causes vasodilation which improves
pre-B and prothymocytes which develop
blood flow and enhances oxygen delivery to the
into B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes,
D. RBC Life Cycle
B. This process of hemopoiesis (or hematopoiesis) is
stimulated by several hematopoietic growth factors. 1. Red blood cells only live about 120 days because
These hematopoietic growth factors stimulate of the wear and tear on their plasma membranes as
differentiation and proliferation of the various blood they squeeze through blood capillaries.
2. In the RBC life cycle, after phagocytosis of worn-
1. Erythropoietin increases the number of out RBCs by macrophages, hemoglobin is recycled
RBC precursors. the globin portion is split from the heme with the
amino acids being reused for protein synthesis. The
2. Thrombopoietin increases the number of
iron in the heme portion is reclaimed with the rest of
platelet precursors.
the heme molecule; the rest becomes a component of
3. Cytokins (colony-stimulating factors and bile in the digestive process.
interleukins) increase the number of WBC
3. Under normal conditions plasma contains almost
no free iron. If the amount of iron present in the
C. Bone marrow examination is a way to diagnose body builds up, iron overload results causing
blood diseases. (Clinical Connection) diseases of the liver, heart, pancreatic islets, and
gonads. Iron overload also permits iron dependent
D. Growth factors, available through recombinant
microbes to flourish (Clinical Connection).
DNA technology, hold great potential for use in
patients who cannot normally form the blood cells. E. Erythropoiesis: Production of RBCs
(Clinical Connection)
1. Erythrocyte formation, called erythropoiesis,
occurs in adult red bone marrow of certain bones
2. The main stimulus for erythropoiesis is hypoxia
A. Red blood cells or erythrocytes (RBCs) contain
3. A reticulocyte count (average 0.5 - 1.5% of all
the oxygen-carrying protein hemoglobin and number
RBCs) is a diagnostic test that indicates the rate of
about 5.4 million cells/microliter of blood.
erythropoiesis and is useful in diagnosing and
B. RBCs anatomy
1. are biconcave discs without nuclei that contain treating anemia. (Clinical Connection).
2. The cytosol of RBCs contains hemoglobin
molecules; these important molecules are
synthesized before loss of the nucleus during RBC
A. Leukocytes (white blood cells or WBCs) are
production and constitute about 33% of the cell’s
nucleated cells and do not contain hemoglobin. Two
principal types are granular (neutrophils,
C. RBC Physiology eosinophils, basophils) and agranular (lymphocytes
and monocytes
1. The function of the hemoglobin in RBCs is to
transport oxygen and some carbon dioxide. B. Granular leukocytes include eosinophils,
Hemoglobin molecules are specialized components basophils, and neutrophils based on the straining of
of the red blood cell plasma membrane that combine the granules.
with oxygen (as oxyhemoglobin) or with carbon
C. Agranular leukocytes do not have cytoplasmic
dioxide (as carbaminohemoglobin) in this transport
granules and include the lymphocytes and
monocytes, which differentiate into macrophages
2. Hemoglobin also functions in blood pressure (fixed and wandering).
D. Leukocytes have surface proteins, as do percentage of each type in the blood assists
erythrocytes. They are called major in diagnosing the condition.
histocompatibility antigens (MHC), are unique for
ii. Research the significance of elevated or
each person (except for identical siblings), and can
depressed counts of the various WBCs.
be used to identify a tissue.
E. Function of WBCs
1. White blood cells usually live for only a
few hours or a few days. Normal blood contains
5,000-10,000 leukocytes/mm3.
A. Thrombopoietin stimulates myeloid stem cells to
a. Leukocytosis refers to an increase in the produce platelets.
number of WBCs.
1. Myeloid stem cells develop into
b. Leukopenia refers to an abnormally low megakaryocyte-colony-forming cells that
number of WBCs. develop into megakaryoblasts.
2. The general function of leukocytes is to combat 2. Megakaryoblasts transform into
inflammation and infection. megakaryocytes which fragment.
a. WBCs leave the blood stream by 3. Each fragment, enclosed by a piece of cell
emigration membrane, is a platelet (thrombocyte).
b. Some WBCs, particularly neutrophils and B. Normal blood contains 250,000 to 400,000
macrophages, are active in phagocytosis. platelets/mm3. Platelets have a life span of only 5 to
9 days; aged and dead platelets are removed by fixed
c. The chemical attraction of WBCs to a
macrophages in the spleen and liver.
disease or injury site is termed chemotaxis.
C. Platelets help stop blood loss from damaged
d. Different WBCs combat inflammation
vessels by forming a platelet plug. Their granules
and infection in different ways.
also contain chemicals that promote blood clotting.
1. Neutrophils and wandering or
D. A complete blood count (CBC) is a test that
fixed macrophages (which develop
screens for anemia and various infections. It usually
from monocytes) do so through
includes counts of RBCs, WBCs, and platelets per
μL of whole blood; hematocrit and differential white
2. Eosinophils combat the effects of blood cell count. The amount of hemoglobin in
histamine in allergic reactions, grams per ml is also determined (Clinical
phagocytize antigen-antibody Connection)
complexes, and combat parasitic
E. Summarize the formed elements in blood.
3. Basophils develop into mast cells
that liberate heparin, histamine, and STEM CELL TRANSPLANTS FROM BONE
serotonin in allergic reactions that MARROW AND CORD BLOOD
intensify the inflammatory response.
4. B lymphocytes, in response to the
presence of foreign substances A. Bone marrow transplants may be used to treat
called antigens, differentiate into several types of anemia, leukemia, and numerous
tissue plasma cells that produce other blood disorders. However, residual host T cells
antibodies. can reject the transplant and transplanted T cells can
5. T lymphocytes destroy foreign invaders directly. attack the host.

i. A differential white blood cell count is a

diagnostic test in which specific white blood HEMOSTASIS
cells are enumerated. Because each type of
B. Cord blood transplants are from the host so
WBC plays a different role, determining the
transplant rejection is not an issue.
3. Patients who are at increased risk of
forming blood clots may receive an
A. Hemostasis refers to the stoppage of bleeding.
anticoagulant drug such as heparin or
When blood vessels are damaged or ruptured, the
warfarin. To prevent clots in donated blood,
hemostatic response must be quick, localized to the
a substance that removes Ca+2 such as
region of damage, and carefully controlled.
EDTA or CPD may be added to the blood
B. It involves vascular spasm, platelet plug (Clinical Connection)
formation, and blood coagulation (clotting).
4. Despite the anticoagulating and
1. In vascular spasm, the smooth muscle of a fibrinolytic mechanisms, blood clots
blood vessel wall contracts to stop bleeding. sometimes form within the cardiovascular
2. Platelet plug formation involves the
clumping of platelets around the damage to 5. Clotting in an unbroken blood vessel is
stop the bleeding called thrombosis.

3. A clot is a gel consisting of a network of 6. A thrombus (clot), bubble of air, fat from
insoluble protein fibers (fibrin) in which broken bones, or piece of debris transported
formed elements of blood are trapped by the bloodstream that moves from its site
of origin is called an embolus.
4. The chemicals involved in clotting are
known as coagulation (clotting) factors; 7. At low doses aspirin inhibits vasoconstriction and
most are in blood plasma, some are released platelet aggregation thereby reducing the chance of
by platelets, and one is released from thrombus formation. Thrombolytic agents are
damaged tissue cells injected into the body to dissolve clots that have
already formed. Streptokinase or tissue plasminogen
5. Blood clotting involves a cascade of activator (TPS) are thrombolytic agents (Clinical
reactions that may be divided into three Connection)
stages: formation of prothrombinase
(prothrombin activator), conversion of
prothrombin into thrombin, and conversion
of soluble fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin BLOOD GROUPS AND BLOOD TYPES

6. The clotting cascade can be initiated by A. The surfaces of red blood cells contain
either the extrinsic pathway or the intrinsic genetically determined blood group antigens, called
pathway. agglutinogens or isoantigens.

C. Normal coagulation requires vitamin K and also 1. Blood is categorized into different blood
involves clot retraction (tightening of the clot) and groups based on the presence or absence of
fibrinolysis (dissolution of the clot). various isoantigens.

1. The fibrinolytic system dissolves small, 2. Within a blood group there may be two or
inappropriate clots and clots at a site of more different blood types.
damage once the damage is repaired.
3. Major blood groups are the ABO and Rh
2. Plasmin (fibrinolysin) can dissolve a clot groups. Other blood groups include the
by digesting fibrin threads and inactivating Lewis, Kell, Kidd, and Duffy systems.
substances such as fibrinogen, prothrombin,
B. ABO Group
and factors V, VIII, and XII.
1. In the ABO system, agglutinogens
D. Homeostatic Control Mechanisms
(antigens) A and B determine blood types
1. Clots are generally localized due to fibrin
2. Plasma contains agglutinins (antibodies),
absorbing thrombin into the clot, clotting
designated as a and b, that react with
factors diffusing through blood, and the
agglutinogens that are foreign to the
production of prostacyclin, a powerful
inhibitor of platelet adhesion and release.
C. Rh Blood Group
2. Substances that inhibit coagulation, called
anticoagulants, are also present in blood. An 1. In the Rh system, individuals whose
example is heparin. erythrocytes have Rh agglutinogens are
classified as Rh+. Those who lack the C. Hemophilia is an inherited deficiency of clotting
antigen are Rh-. in which bleeding may occur spontaneously or after
only minor trauma.
2. Research for the incidence of ABO and
Rh blood types D. Acute leukemia is a malignant disease of blood-
forming tissues characterized by uncontrolled
D. A disorder due to Rh incompatibility between
production and accumulation of immature
mother and fetus is called hemolytic disease of the
leukocytes. In chronic leukemia, there is an
newborn; it is treatable, but also preventable
accumulation of mature leukocytes in the
(Clinical Connection).
bloodstream because they do not die at the end of
E. Transfusions their normal life span.

1. Knowledge of blood types is essential to MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY

safe transfusion of blood and may also be
used in proving or disproving paternity,
linking suspects to crimes, or as a part of List as many as you can the medical terms associated
anthropology studies to establish a with blood.
relationship among races. substance that
removes Ca+2 such as EDTA or CPD may
be added to the blood (Clinical Connection)
2. Summarize the interactions of the
blood types of the ABO system.
F. Typing and Cross-Matching Blood for
1. The Rh and ABO blood groups
may be detected by a simple medical
test, blood typing, in which a sample
of blood is mixed with serum
containing agglutinins to each of the
major agglutinogens (AB, B, and
2. Typing is the determination of
blood types, whereas cross-matching
is the mixing of donor and recipient
blood for compatibility.


A. Anemia is a condition in which the oxygen-

carrying capacity of the blood is reduced; it is a sign,
not a diagnosis and is usually characterized by a
decreased erythrocyte count or hemoglobin
deficiency. Kinds of anemia include iron-deficiency,
pernicious, hemorrhagic, hemolytic, Thalassemia,
and aplastic.
B. Sickle-cell disease is an inherited disorder due to
an abnormal kind of hemoglobin. RBCs show a
characteristic sickle shape, rupture easily, and show
a reduced oxygen carrying capacity which results in
hemolytic anemia.
C. Protective Covering of the Brain
1. The brain is protected by the cranial bones and the
cranial meninges
a. The cranial meninges are continuous with
the spinal meninges and are named dura
mater, arachnoid, and pia mater.
1. Three extensions of the dura
mater separate parts of the brain: the
falx cerebri, falx cerebelli, and the
tentorium cerebelli.
D. Blood Flow and the Blood-Brain Barrier
1. Blood flows to the brain mainly via blood
vessels that branch from the cerebral arterial
circle (circle of Willis) at the base of the
brain the veins that return blood from the
head to the heart.


2. Although the brain comprises only about
2% of the total body weight, it utilizes about


20% of the oxygen used by the entire body.

A. The brain is the center for registering sensations, The brain is one of the most metabolically
correlating them with one another and with stored active organs of the body, and the amount of
information, making decisions, and taking action. oxygen it uses varies with the degree of
mental activity.
1. It is also the center for intellect, emotions,
behavior, and memory. a. Any interruption of the oxygen
supply to the brain can result in
2. It also directs our behavior towards weakening, permanent damage, or
others. death of brain cells. Interruption of
the mother’s blood supply to a child
3. In this chapter we will consider the
during childbirth before it can
principal parts of the brain, how the brain is
breathe may result in paralysis,
protected and nourished, and how it is mental retardation, epilepsy, or
related to the spinal cord and to the 12 pairs death.
of cranial nerves.
b. Because carbohydrate storage in
BRAIN ORGANIZATION, PROTECTION AND the brain is limited, the supply of
glucose to the brain must be
continuous. Glucose deficiency may
produce mental confusion, dizziness,
convulsions, and unconsciousness.
A. The brain and spinal cord arise from
embryological tissue (ectoderm) beginning as a c. A blood-brain barrier (BBB)
hollow, neural tube. protects brain cells from harmful
substances and pathogens by serving
B. The major parts of the brain are the brain stem, as a selective barrier to prevent
diencephalon, cerebrum, and cerebellum passage of many substances from
the blood to the brain.
- Clinical Connection: An the brain, either internally or
injury to the brain due to trauma, externally, depending on where the
inflammation, or toxins causes a blockage is present. Surgically
breakdown of the BBB, permitting draining the ventricles and diverting
the passage of normally restricted the flow of CSF by an implanted
substances into brain tissue. The shunt can positively and
BBB may also prevent entry of dramatically affect the individual’s
drugs that could be used as therapy prognosis.
for brain cancer or other CNS
disorders, so research is exploring
ways to transport drugs past the A. Medulla Oblongata
1. The medulla oblongata, or just medulla, is
continuous with the upper part of the spinal cord and
contains portions of both motor and sensory tracts
2. It also contains the nuclei of origin for cranial
A. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a clear, colorless
nerves VIII (cochlear and vestibular branches)
liquid that protects the brain and spinal cord against
through XII
chemical and physical injuries and carries oxygen,
glucose, and other needed chemicals from the blood 3. Structural regions of the medulla include the
to neurons and neuroglia. pyramids and the inferior olivary nucleus
1. There are four CSF filled cavities within a. Decussation of pyramids results in
the brain called ventricles. neurons in the left cerebral cortex
controlling skeletal muscles on the right side
2. CSF contributes to hemostasis by
of the body and neurons in the right cerebral
providing mechanical protection, chemical
cortex controlling skeletal muscles on the
protection, and circulation.
left side.
3. CSF is formed by filtration from networks
b. Inferior olivary neurons relay impulses
of capillaries called choroid plexuses (found
from proprioceptors to the cerebellum.
in the ventricles) and circulates through the
subarachnoid space, ventricles, and central 4. Functional regions include nuclei that are reflex
canal. centers for regulation of heart rate, respiratory rate,
vasoconstriction, swallowing, coughing, vomiting,
4. Materials entering CSF from the choroid
sneezing, and hiccupping; the first three are
capillaries cannot leak between the
considered vital reflexes.
surrounding ependymal cells; these
constitute the blood-cerebrospinal fluid a. Clinical Connection: Injury to the medulla
barrier, which permits certain substances to can be fatal or lead to serious problems.
enter the fluid but excludes others and
protects the brain and spinal cord from B. Pons
harmful elements. 1. The pons is located superior to the medulla. It
5. Most of the fluid is absorbed by the connects the spinal cord with the brain and links
arachnoid villi of the superior sagittal blood parts of the brain with one another by way of tracts
sinus this absorption normally occurs at the 2. It relays nerve impulses related to voluntary
same rate at which CSF is produced in the skeletal movements from the cerebral cortex to the
choroid plexuses, thereby maintaining a cerebellum.
relatively constant CSF volume and
pressure. 3. The pons also contains the pneumotaxic and
apneustic areas, which help control respiration along
a. Clinical Connection: If CSF with the respiratory center in the medulla
cannot circulate or drain properly
due to some obstruction in the 4. It contains nuclei for cranial nerves V through VII
ventricles or subarachnoid space, a and the vestibular branch of VIII
condition called hydrocephalus
develops. The fluid buildup that
occurs causes increased pressure on C. Midbrain
1. The midbrain conveys motor impulses from the 3. It also registers conscious recognition of pain and
cerebrum to the cerebellum and spinal cord, sends temperature and some awareness of light touch and
sensory impulses from the spinal cord to the pressure.
thalamus, and regulates auditory and visual reflexes
4. It plays an essential role in awareness and the
2. Structures within the midbrain include the cerebral acquisition of knowledge, which is termed cognition.
peduncles, the corpora quadrigemina, the left and
right substantia nigra, the left and right red nucleus,
and the medial lemniscus. B. Hypothalamus
3. It also contains nuclei of origin for cranial nerves 1. The hypothalamus is found inferior to the
III and IV. thalamus, has four major regions (mammillary,
tuberal, supraoptic, and preoptic), controls many
D. Reticular formation.
body activities, and is one of the major regulators of
1. The reticular formation consists of small areas of homeostasis
gray matter interspersed among fibers of white
2. The hypothalamus has a great number of
matter and has both sensory and motor functions.
2. It helps regulate muscle tone, alerts the cortex to
a. It functions in regulation of emotional and
incoming sensory signals (reticular activating
behavioral patterns.
system, or RAS) and is responsible for maintaining
consciousness and awakening from sleep. b. It regulates eating and drinking through
the feeding center, satiety center, and thirst
3. The functions of the brain stem, and other brain
structures, are summarized in Table 14.2.
c. It aids in controlling body temperature.
d. It regulates circadian rhythms and states
of consciousness.
C. Epithalamus
A. The cerebellum occupies the inferior and
posterior aspects of the cranial cavity and consists of 1. The epithalamus lies superior and posterior to the
two hemispheres and a central, constricted vermis thalamus and contains the pineal gland and the
habenular nuclei
1. It is attached to the brain stem by three pairs of
cerebellar peduncles 2. The pineal gland secretes melatonin to influence
diurnal cycles in conjunction with the hypothalamus.
2. The cerebellum functions in the coordination of
skeletal muscle contractions and in the maintenance 3. The habenular nuclei are involved in olfaction,
of normal muscle tone, posture, and balance especially emotional responses to odors.
a. Clinical Connection: Injury or impairment
of the cerebrum results in ataxia.
D. Circumventricular Organs
THE DIENCEPHALON 1. Parts of the diencephalon, called
circumventricular organs (CVOs), can monitor
chemical changes in the blood because they lack a
blood-brain barrier.
A. Thalamus
2. CVOs include part of the hypothalamus, the pineal
1. The thalamus is located superior to the midbrain
gland, the pituitary gland, and a few other nearby
and contains nuclei that serve as relay stations for all
sensory impulses, except smell, to the cerebral
cortex a. They function to coordinate homeostatic
activities of the endocrine and nervous
2. There are seven major groups of thalamic nuclei
on each side
b. They are also thought to be the site of
entry into the brain of HIV.
from the cerebrum to other parts of the brain
and spinal cord.
E. summarize the functions of the parts of the
D. Basal Nuclei

THE CEREBRUM 1. The basal nuclei are paired masses of gray

matter in each cerebral hemisphere
a. They are the globus pallidus, which is
A. Cerebral cortex closer to the thalamus

1. The cerebral cortex, is 2-4 mm thick and is 2. putamen which is closer to the cerebral
composed of gray matter. The cortex contains a. The claustrus is a thin sheet of gray matter
billions of neurons situated lateral to the putamen. It is
2. The cortex contains gyri (convolutions), deep considered by some to be a subdivision of
grooves called fissures, and shallower sulci. the basal nuclei. The function of the
claustrum in humans has not been clearly
3. Beneath the cortex lies the cerebral white matter, defined, but it may be involved in visual
tracts that connect parts of the brain with itself and attention.
other parts of the nervous system.
3. The third of the basal nuclei is the caudate nucleus
4. The cerebrum is nearly separated into right and
left halves, called hemispheres, by the longitudinal
fissure. Internally communication between the E. Limbic System
hemispheres occurs via the corpus callosum, a
bundle of transverse white fibers. 1. The limbic system is found in the cerebral
hemispheres and diencephalon
2. It functions in emotional aspects of behavior and
memory, and is associated with pleasure and pain.
B. Lobes
1. Each cerebral hemisphere is further subdivided F. Clinical Connection: Brain Injuries
into four lobes by sulci or fissures.
1. Lapse in memory is one of many effects resulting
2. The cerebral lobes are named the frontal, parietal, from brain injuries; brain injuries are commonly
temporal, and occipital. associated with head injuries and result, in part, from
3. A fifth part of the cerebrum, the insula, lies deep displacement and distortion of neuronal tissue at the
to the parietal, frontal, and temporal lobes and moment of impact and in part from the release of
cannot be seen in an external view of the brain. disruptive chemicals from injured brain cells.
2. Various degrees of brain injury are described by
the term’s concussion, contusion, and laceration.
C. White Matter
1. The white matter is under the cortex and consists FUNCTIONAL ORGANIZATION OF THE
of myelinated axons running in three principal
a. Association fibers connect and transmit
nerve impulses between gyri in the same
A. Specific types of sensory, motor, and
b. Commissural fibers connect gyri in one
integrative signals are processed in certain
cerebral hemisphere to the corresponding
cerebral regions
gyri in the opposite hemisphere.
1. Sensory Areas
c. Projection fibers form ascending and
descending tracts that transmit impulses
a. The sensory areas of the cerebral cortex
are concerned with the reception and AGING AND THE NERVOUS SYSTEM
interpretation of sensory impulses. C. Brain Waves
b. Some important sensory areas include the 1. Electrical potentials generated by brain cells are
primary somatosensory area, primary visual called brain waves.
area, primary auditory area, and primary
gustatory area. 2. Brain waves generated by the cerebral cortex are
recorded as an electroencephalogram (EEG)
2. Motor Areas
a. Alpha
a. The motor areas are the regions that
govern muscular movement. b. Beta

b. Two important motor areas are the c. Theta

primary motor area and Broca’s speech area.
d. delta
3. Association Areas
3. An EEG may be used to diagnose epilepsy and
a. The association areas are concerned with other seizure disorders, infectious diseases, tumors,
complex integrative functions such as trauma, hematomas, metabolic abnormalities,
memory, emotions, reasoning, will, degenerative diseases, and periods of
judgment, personality traits, and unconsciousness and confusion; it may also provide
intelligence. useful information regarding sleep and wakefulness.

b. Association areas include the a. An EEG may also be one criterion in

somatosensory association area, visceral confirming brain death (complete absence of
association area, auditory association area, brain waves in two EEGs taken 24 hours
Wernicke’s (posterior language)
area, common integrative area, CRANIAL NERVES
premotor area, frontal eye field area, apart).
and language areas.
1. Clinical Connection: Injury to the
association or motor speech areas A. Twelve pairs of cranial nerves originate from the
results in aphasia, an inability to use brain
or comprehend words.
B. The pairs are named primarily on the basis of
distribution and numbered by order of attachment to
the brain.
B. Hemispheric Lateralization
C. Some cranial nerves (I, II, and VIII) contain only
1. The two hemispheres of the cerebrum are not sensory fibers and are called sensory
bilaterally symmetrical, either anatomically or
functionally, with the functional asymmetry called nerves. The rest are mixed nerves because they
hemispheric lateralization. contain both sensory and motor fibers.

a. The left hemisphere is more important for D. illustrate the distribution of many of the cranial
right-handed control, spoken and written nerves.
language, and numerical and scientific skills.
E. present a summary of cranial nerves, including
b. The right hemisphere is more important
for left-handed control, musical and artistic
awareness, space and pattern perception, SYSTEM
insight, imagination, and generating mental clinical applications related to their dysfunction.
images of sight, sound, touch, taste, and
F. Clinical Connection: Anesthesia during dental
procedures involves cranial nerves
c. Table 14.3 summarizes some of the
distinctive functions that are more likely to
reside in the left or right hemisphere.
A. The development of the nervous system begins C. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a disabling
with a thickening of the ectoderm called the neural neurological disorder that afflicts about 11% of the
plate population over age 65.
1. The parts of the brain develop from 1. Its causes are unknown, its effects are
primary and secondary vesicles irreversible and devastating, and it has no
cure at the present time.
2. It involves widespread intellectual
A. Age-related effects involve loss of neurons and
impairment, personality changes, sometimes
decreased capacity for sending nerve impulses to and
delirium, and culminates in dementia, the
from the brain; processing of information also
loss of reason and ability to care for oneself.
3. A person with AD usually dies of some
B. Other effects include decreased conduction
complication that affects bedridden patients,
velocity, slowing of voluntary motor movements,
such as pneumonia.
and increased reflex time.
4. Brains of AD victims show three distinct
C. Degenerative changes and disease states
structural abnormalities:
involving the sense organs can alter vision, hearing,
taste, smell, and touch a. Great loss of neurons in specific
regions (e.g., hippocampus and


cerebral cortex).
A. The most common brain disorder is a
cerebrovascular accident (CVA or stroke). b. Plaques of abnormal proteins
deposited outside neurons (amyloid
1. CVAs are classified into two principal
types: ischemic (the most common type),
due to a decreased blood supply, or c. Tangled protein filaments within
hemorrhagic, due to a blood vessel in the neurons (neurofibrillary tangles).
brain that bursts.
2. Common causes of CVAs are MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY
intracerebral hemorrhage, emboli,
and atherosclerosis.
3. CVAs are characterized by abrupt onset of List the medical terminologies associated with the
persisting neurological symptoms that arise central nervous system.
from destruction of brain tissue (infarction).
B. A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is an episode of
temporary cerebral dysfunction caused by impaired
blood flow to the brain.
1. Symptoms include dizziness, weakness,
numbness, or paralysis in a limb or in half of
the body; drooping of one side of the face;
headache; slurred speech or difficulty
understanding speech; or a partial loss of
vision or double vision.
2. Onset is sudden and a TIA usually persists
for only a few minutes, rarely lasting as long
as 24 hours.
3. Causes of the impaired blood flow include
blood clots, atherosclerosis, and certain
blood disorders; TIAs commonly are
forerunners of future CVAs.
C. The study of the normal heart and diseases
associated with it is known as cardiology.


A. Location of the heart

1. The heart is situated between the lungs in the
mediastinum with about two-thirds of its mass to the
left of the midline.
2. Because the heart lies between two rigid
structures, the vertebral column and the sternum,
external compression on the chest can be used to
force blood out of the heart and into the circulation.
(Clinical Connection)

B. Pericardium
1. The heart is enclosed and held in place by the
a. The pericardium consists of an outer
fibrous pericardium and an inner serous
b. The serous pericardium is composed of a
parietal layer and a visceral layer.
c. Between the parietal and visceral layers of
the serous pericardium is the pericardial
cavity, a potential space filled with
pericardial fluid that reduces friction
between the two membranes.
d. An inflammation of the pericardium is
known as pericarditis. Associated bleeding
into the pericardial cavity compresses the
heart (cardiac tamponade) and is potentially
lethal (Clinical Connection).


C. Layers of the Heart Wall
1. The wall of the heart has three layers: epicardium,
A. The cardiovascular system consists of the blood, myocardium, and endocardium.
heart, and blood vessels. 2. The epicardium consists of mesothelium and
B. The heart is the pump that circulates the blood connective tissue, the myocardium is composed of
through an estimated 75,000 miles of blood vessels.
cardiac muscle, and the endocardium consists of 2. Blood passes from the left ventricle through the
endothelium and connective tissue. aortic semilunar valve into the aorta.
3. Inflammations of the myocardium and 3. During fetal life the ductus arteriosus shunts blood
endocardium are myocarditis and endocarditis, from the pulmonary trunk into the aorta. At birth the
respectively (Clinical Connection) ductus arteriosus closes and becomes the
ligamentum arteriosum.

D. Chambers of the Heart

I. Myocardial Thickness and Function
1. The chambers of the heart include two upper atria
and two lower ventricles. 1. The thickness of the myocardium of the four
chambers varies according to the function of each
2. On the surface of the heart are the auricles and
2. The atria walls are thin because they deliver blood
a. The auricles are small pouches on the
to the ventricles.
anterior surface of each atrium that slightly
increase the capacity of each atrium. 3. The ventricle walls are thicker because they pump
blood greater
b. The sulci are grooves that contain blood
vessels and fat and separate the chambers. a. The right ventricle walls are thinner than
the left because they pump blood into the
lungs, which are nearby and offer very little
E. Right Atrium resistance to blood flow.

1. The right atrium receives blood from the superior b. The left ventricle walls are thicker
and inferior vena cava and the coronary sinus because they pump blood through the body
where the resistance to blood flow is greater.
2. In the septum separating the right and left atria is
an oval depression, the fossa ovalis, which is the
remnant of the foramen ovale.
J. Fibrous Skeleton of the Heart
3. Blood passes from the right atrium into the right
1. The fibrous skeleton of the heart forms the
ventricle through the tricuspid valve.
foundation for which the heart valves attach, serves
as points of insertion for cardiac muscle bundles,
prevents overstretching of the valves as blood passes
F. Right Ventricle through them, and acts as an electrical insulator that
1. The right ventricle forms most of the anterior prevents direct spread of action potentials from the
surface of the heart. atria to the ventricles.

2. Blood passes from the right ventricle to the

pulmonary trunk via the pulmonary semilunar valve.


1. The left atrium receives blood from the pulmonary
2. Blood passes from the left atrium to the left
ventricle through the bicuspid (mitral) valve. A. Valves open and close in response to pressure
changes as the heart contracts and relaxes.

H. Left Ventricle
B. Operation of the atrioventricular valves
1. The left ventricle forms the apex of the heart.
1. Atrioventricular (AV) valves prevent 4. When blockage of a coronary artery
blood flow from the ventricles back into the deprives the heart muscle of oxygen,
atria. reperfusion may damage the tissue further.
This damage is due to free radicals. Drugs
2. Back flow is prevented by the contraction
that lessen reperfusion damage after a heart
of papillary muscles tightening the chordae
attack are being developed.
tendinae which prevent the valve cusps from
everting. 5. Low levels of oxygen carried to the
myocardium may result in weakened heart
cells (or myocardial ischemia), and if the
C. Operation of the semilunar valves damage is permanent then this is called
myocardial infarction (MI) or heart attack
1. The semilunar (SL) valves allow ejection (Clinical connection)
of blood from the heart into arteries but
prevent back flow of blood into the
2. Semilunar valves open when
pressure in the ventricles exceeds the
pressure in the arteries.
A. Histology of Cardiac Muscle
3. Heart valve disorders affect blood flow
through the heart. (Clinical Connection) 1. Compared to skeletal muscle fibers, cardiac
muscle fibers are shorter in length, larger in
diameter, and squarish rather than circular in
D. Systemic and Pulmonary Circulations transverse section. They also exhibit branching.

1. The left side of the heart is the pump for 2. Cardiac muscles have the same arrangement of
the systemic circulation. It pumps actin and myosin, and the same bands, zones, and Z
oxygenated blood from the lungs out into the discs as skeletal muscles.
vessels of the body. 3. They do have less sarcoplasmic reticulum than
2. The right side of the heart is the pump for skeletal muscles and require Ca+2 from extracellular
the pulmonary circulation. It receives fluid for contraction.
deoxygenated blood from the body and 4. They form two separate functional networks in the
sends it to the lungs for oxygenation. heart: the atrial and the ventricular networks.
3. reviews the route of blood flow through a. Fibers within the networks are connected
the chambers and valves of the heart and the by intercalated discs, which consist of
pulmonary and systemic circulations. desmosomes and gap junctions.
b. The intercalated discs allow the fibers in
E. Coronary Circulation the network to work together so that each
network serves as a functional unit.
1. The flow of blood through the many
vessels that pierce the myocardium of the c. Regeneration of heart cell has much
heart is called the coronary (cardiac) potential in treating heart problems (Clinical
circulation; it delivers oxygenated blood and connection)
nutrients to and removes carbon dioxide and
wastes from the myocardium
2. The principal arteries, branching from the
ascending aorta and carrying oxygenated
blood, are the right and left coronary
B. Autorhythmic Cells: The Conduction System
1. Cardiac muscle cells are autorhythmic cells
3. Deoxygenated blood returns to the right
because they are self-excitable. They
atrium primarily via the principal vein, the
coronary sinus. repeatedly generate spontaneous action potentials
that then trigger heart contractions.
a. These cells act as a pacemaker to set the b. In a typical Lead II record, three clearly
rhythm for the entire heart. visible waves accompany each heartbeat.
b. They form the conduction system, the 2. Correlation of ECG waves with atrial and
route for propagating action potential ventricular systole
through the heart muscle.
a. A normal ECG consists of a P wave (atrial
2. Components of this system are the sinoartrial (SA) depolarization - spread of impulse from SA
node (pacemaker), atrioventricular (AV) node, node over atria), QRS complex (ventricular
atrioventricular bundle (bundle of His), right and left depolarization - spread of impulse through
bundle branches, and the conduction myofibers ventricles), and T wave (ventricular
(Purkinje fibers) repolarization).
3. Signals from the autonomic nervous system and b. The P-Q (PR) interval represents the
hormones, such as epinephrine, do modify the conduction time from the beginning of atrial
heartbeat (in terms of rate and strength of excitation to the beginning of ventricular
contraction), but they do not establish the excitation.
fundamental rhythm.
c. The S-T segment represents the time when
4. Artificial pacemakers stimulate heart muscle and ventricular contractile fibers are fully
provide a normal rhythm (Clinical Connection). depolarized, during the plateau phase of the
d. Figure 20.13 illustrates the timing and
C. Action potential and contraction of contractile
route of action potential depolarization and
repolarization through the conduction
1. An impulse in a ventricular contractile fiber is system and myocardium
characterized by rapid depolarization,
plateau, and repolarization THE CARDIAC CYCLE
2. The refractory period of a cardiac muscle fiber
(the time interval when a second contraction cannot
be triggered) is longer than the contraction itself A. A cardiac cycle consists of the systole
(contraction) and diastole (relaxation) of both atria,
rapidly followed by the systole and diastole of both
D. ATP production in cardiac muscle ventricles

1. Cardiac muscle relies on aerobic cellular B. Pressure and volume changes during the cardiac
respiration for ATP production. cycle

2. Cardiac muscle also produces some ATP from 1. During a cardiac cycle atria and ventricles
creatine phosphate alternately contract and relax forcing blood
from areas of high pressure to areas of lower
3. The presence of creatine kinase (CK) in the blood pressure.
indicates injury of cardiac muscle usually caused by
a myocardial infarction. 2. Read the relation between the ECG and
changes in atrial pressure, ventricular
pressure, aortic pressure, heart sounds.
E. Electrocardiogram ventricular volume and cycle phases during
the cardiac cycle.
1. Impulse conduction through the heart generates
electrical currents that can be detected at the surface C. The act of listening to sounds within the body is
of the body. A recording of the electrical changes called auscultation, and it is usually done
that accompany each cardiac cycle (heartbeat) is with a stethoscope. The sound of a heartbeat comes
called an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG). primarily from the turbulence in blood flow caused
a. The ECG helps to determine if the by the closure of the valves, not from the contraction
conduction pathway is abnormal, if the heart of the heart
is enlarged, and if certain regions are 1. The first heart sound (lubb) is created by blood
damaged. turbulence associated with the closing of the
atrioventricular valves soon after ventricular systole 2. The Frank-Starling law of the heart
begins. equalizes the output of the right and left
ventricles and keeps the same volume of
2. The second heart sound (dupp) represents the
blood flowing to both the systemic and
closing of the semilunar valves close to the end of
pulmonary circulations.
the ventricular systole.
b. Myocardial contractility, the strength of
3. A heart murmur is an abnormal sound that
contraction at any given preload, is affected by
consists of a flow noise that is heard before,
positive and negative inotropic agents.
between, or after the lubb-dupp or that may mask the
normal sounds entirely. Some murmurs are caused 1. Positive inotropic agents increase
by turbulent blood flow around valves due to contractility and negative inotropic agents
abnormal anatomy or increased volume of flow. Not decrease contractility.
all murmurs are abnormal or symptomatic, but most
2. Thus, for a constant preload, the stroke
indicate a valve disorder (Clinical Connection).
volume increases when positive inotropic
agents are present and decreases when
negative inotropic agents are present.

A. Since the body’s need for oxygen varies with HELP FOR FAILING HEARTS
the level of activity, the heart’s ability to
discharge oxygen-carrying blood must also be c. The pressure that must be overcome before a
variable. Body cells need specific amounts of semilunar valve can open is the afterload.
blood each minute to maintain health and life. 1. In congestive heart failure, blood begins
B. Cardiac output (CO) is the volume of blood to remain in the ventricles increasing the
ejected from the left ventricle (or the right preload and ultimately causing an
ventricle) into the aorta (or pulmonary trunk) overstretching of the heart and less forceful
each minute. contraction (Clinical Connection).

1. cardiac output equals the stroke volume,

the volume of blood ejected by the ventricle D. Regulation of Heart Rate
with each contraction, multiplied by the
heart rate, the number of beats per minute. 1. Cardiac output depends on heart rate as well as
stroke volume. Changing heart rate is the body’s
2. Cardiac reserve is the ratio between the principal mechanism of short-term control over
maximum cardiac output a person can cardiac output and blood pressure. Several factors
achieve and the cardiac output at rest. contribute to regulation of heart rate.
2. Autonomic regulation of the heart
C. Regulation of Stroke Volume a. Nervous control of the cardiovascular
1. Three factors regulate stroke volume: preload, the system stems from the cardiovascular center
degree of stretch in the heart before it contracts; in the medulla oblongata (Figure 20.16).
contractility, the forcefulness of contraction of b. Proprioceptors, baroreceptors, and
individual ventricular muscle fibers; and afterload, chemoreceptors monitor factors that
the pressure that must be exceeded if ejection of influence the heart rate.
blood from the ventricles is to occur.
c. Sympathetic impulses increase heart rate
and force of contraction; parasympathetic
impulses decrease heart rate.

a. Preload: Effect of Stretching 3. Chemical regulation of heart rate

1. According to the Frank-Starling law of the a. Heart rate affected by hormones

heart, a greater preload (stretch) on cardiac (epinephrine, norepinephrine, thyroid
muscle fibers just before they contract hormones).
increases their force of contraction during b. Ions (Na+, K+, Ca+2) also affect heart
systole. rate.
c. other factors such as age, gender, physical
fitness, and temperature also affect heart
A. The heart develops from mesoderm before the
end of the third week of
d. Figure 20.17 summarizes the factors
B. The endothelial tubes develop into the four-
influencing both stroke volume and heart
rate in the overall increase of cardiac
chambered heart and great vessels of the heart

A. Coronary artery disease (CAD), or coronary heart

disease (CHD), is a condition in which the heart
muscle receives an inadequate amount of blood due
to obstruction of its blood supply. It is the leading
A. Sustained exercise increases oxygen demand in
cause of death in the United States each year. The
principal causes of obstruction include
B. Among the benefits of aerobic exercise (any atherosclerosis, coronary artery spasm, or a clot in a
activity that work large body muscles for at least 20 coronary artery.
minutes, preferably 3-5 times per week) are
1. Risk factors for development of CAD
increased cardiac output, increased HDL and
include high blood cholesterol levels, high
decreased triglycerides, improved lung function,
blood pressure, cigarette smoking, obesity,
decreased blood pressure, and weight control.
diabetes, “type A” personality, and sedentary
2. Atherosclerosis is a process in which
smooth muscle cells proliferate and fatty
A. a heart fails, a person’s mobility decreases. Heart substances, especially cholesterol and
transplants may help such individuals. Other triglycerides (neutral fats), accumulate in the
possibilities include cardiac assist devices and walls of the medium-sized and large arteries
surgical procedures. in response to certain stimuli, such as
Please describe several devices and procedures. endothelial damage
3. Diagnosis of CAD includes such
procedures as cardiac catherization and
cardiac angiography.
4. Treatment options for CAD include drugs
and coronary artery bypass grafting.



A. The components of the brain interact to receive

sensory input, integrate and store the information,
and transmit motor responses.
B. To accomplish the primary functions of the
nervous system there are neural pathways to transmit
impulses from receptors to the circuitry of the brain,
which manipulates the circuitry to form directives
that are transmitted via neural pathways to effectors
as a response.


A. Sensation is a conscious or unconscious

awareness of external or internal stimuli.
Perception is the conscious awareness and
interpretation of sensations.

B. Sensory Modalities
1. Sensory Modality is the property by which one
sensation is distinguished from another.
2. In general, a given sensory neuron carries only
one modality.
3. The classes of sensory modalities are general
senses and special senses.
a. The general senses include both somatic
and visceral senses, which provide
information about conditions within internal
b. The special senses include the modalities
of smell, taste, vision, hearing, and

C. The Process of Sensation

1. For a sensation to arise, four events must occur,
these are stimulation, transduction, conduction, and
a. A stimulus, or change in the environment, a. Rapid adaptor
capable of initiating a nerve impulse by the
b. Slow adaptors
nervous system must be present.
3. The receptors involved are important in signaling
b. A sensory receptor or sense organ must
pick up the stimulus and transduce (convert) SOMATIC SENSATIONS (Summarize the Receptors
it to a nerve impulse by way of a generator for somatic sensation)
information regarding steady states of the body.

c. The impulse(s) must be conducted along a

neural pathway from the receptor or sense A. Tactile Sensations
organ to the brain
1. Tactile sensations are touch, pressure, and
d. A region of the brain or spinal cord must vibration plus itch and tickle.
translate the impulse into a sensation.
a. Tactile receptors include corpuscles of
D. Sensory Receptors touch (Meissner’s corpuscles), hair root
plexuses, type I (Merkel’s discs) and type II
1. Types of Sensory Receptors
cutaneous (Ruffini’s corpuscles)
2. On a microscopic level, sensory receptors are free mechanoreceptors, lamellated (Pacinian)
nerve endings, encapsulated nerve endings at the corpuscles, and free nerve endings
dendrites of first-order sensory neurons, or separate
cells that synapse with first order sensory neurons
2. Touch
3. When stimulated the dendrites of free nerve
endings, encapsulate nerve endings, and the a. Crude touch refers to the ability to
receptive part of olfactory receptors produce perceive that something has simply touched
generator potentials. the skin; fine touch provides specific
information about a touch sensation such as
a. The specialized cells that act as receptors
location, shape, size, and texture of the
for the special senses of vision, hearing,
source of stimulation.
equilibrium, and taste produce receptor
potentials in response to stimuli. b. Receptors for touch include corpuscles of
touch (Meissner’s corpuscles) and hair root
4. Generator and receptor potentials are graded, local
plexuses; these are rapidly adapting
potentials; generator potentials trigger action
potentials, whereas receptor potentials doe not.
c. Type I cutaneous mechanoreceptors
5. According to location, receptors are classified as
(tactile or Merkel discs) and type II
exteroceptors, interceptors (visceroceptors), and
cutaneous mechanoreceptors (end organs of
Ruffini) are slowly adapting receptors for
6. On the basis of type of stimulus detected, touch
receptors are classified as mechanoreceptors,
d. Pressure and Vibration
thermoreceptors, nociceptors, photoreceptors,
chemoreceptors, and osmoreceptors. 1. Pressure sensations generally
result from stimulation of tactile
7. Table 16.1 summarizes the classification of
receptors in deeper tissues and are
sensory receptors.
longer lasting and have less
variation in intensity than touch
sensations; pressure is a sustained
E. Adaptation in Sensory Receptors sensation that is felt over a larger
1. A characteristic of many sensations is adaptation, area than touch.
i.e., a change in sensitivity (usually a decrease) to a 2. Receptors for pressure are type II
long-lasting stimulus. cutaneous mechanoreceptors and
2. Receptors vary in how they adapt lamellated (Pacinian) corpuscles.
i. Like corpuscles of touch,
lamellated corpuscles adapt
D. Proprioceptive Sensations
1. Receptors located in skeletal muscles, in tendons,
in and around joints, and in the internal ear convey
nerve impulses related to muscle tone, movement of
body parts, and body position. This awareness of the
activities of muscles, tendons, and joints and of
3. Vibration sensations result from rapidly balance or equilibrium is provided by the
repetitive sensory signals from tactile proprioceptive or kinesthetic sense.
receptors; the receptors for vibration
2. Muscle spindles:
sensations are corpuscles of touch and
lamellated corpuscles, which detect low- a. proprioceptors in skeletal muscles that
frequency and high-frequency vibrations, monitor changes in the length of skeletal
respectively. muscles and participate in stretch reflexes
e. Itch and Tickle b. muscle spindle consists of several slowly
adapting sensory nerve endings that wrap
1. Itch and tickle receptors are free nerve
around 3 to 10 specialized muscle fibers,
called intrafusal muscle fibers
2. Tickle is the only sensation that you may
c. The main function of muscle spindles is to
not elicit on yourself.
measure muscle Length
f. Phantom pain is the sensations of pain in a limb
3. Tendon Organs
that has been amputated. (Clinical Connection)
a. located at the junction of a tendon and a
B. Thermal Sensations
b. protects tendons and their associated
1. Thermoreceptors are free nerve endings. muscles from damage due to excessive
2. Separate thermoreceptors respond to hot and cold
stimuli. 4. Joint Kinesthetic receptors

C. Pain Sensations a. responds to acceleration and deceleration

of joints during movement
1. Pain is a vital sensation because it provides us
with information about tissue-damaging stimuli and
with signs that may be used for diagnosis of
disease or injury.

2. Pain receptors (nociceptors) are free endings that

are located in nearly every body tissue; adaptation is
slight if it occurs at all. A. Somatic sensory pathways relay information from
somatic receptors to the primary somatosensory area
3. Localization of pain in the cerebral cortex.
a. Two kinds of pain are recognized in the 1. The pathways consist of first-order,
parietal lobe of the cortex: somatic second-order, and third-order neurons.
(superficial and deep) and visceral; visceral
pain, unlike somatic pain, is usually felt in or 2. Axon collaterals of somatic sensory
just under the skin that overlies the neurons simultaneously carry signals into
stimulated organ – the pain may also be felt the cerebellum and the reticular formation of
in a surface area far from the stimulated the brain stem.
organ in a phenomenon known as referred B. Posterior Column-Medial Lemniscus Pathway to
pain the Cortex
4. Analgesic drugs block pains sensations (Clinical 1. The nerve impulses for conscious
Connection). proprioception and most tactile sensations
ascend to the cortex along a common
pathway formed by three-neuron sets
A. Lower motor neurons extend from the brain stem
2. Impulses conducted along this pathway or spinal cord to skeletal muscles.
are concerned with discriminative touch,
B. Four distinct neurons participate in control of
stereognosis, proprioception, and vibratory
movement by providing input to lower motor
C. Local circuit neurons are located close to lower
C. Anterolateral Pathways to the Cortex motor neuron cell bodies in the brain stem and spinal
1. The anterolateral or spinothalamic
pathways carry mainly pain and temperature 1. Local circuit neurons and lower motor
impulses neurons receive input from upper motor
2. They also relay the sensations of tickle
and itch and some tactile impulses. 2. Neurons of the basal ganglia provide input
to upper motor neurons.
D. Trigeminothalamic Sensory Pathways to the
Cortex 3. Cerebellar neurons also control activity of
upper motor neurons.
1. The trigeminothalamic pathways carry
mainly tactile sensations, pain and
temperature impulses from the face
D. Organization of Upper Motor Neuron Pathways
2. They relay the sensations to the
1. The primary motor area in the precentral
somatosensory area via the same side
gyrus of the frontal lobe is a major control
region for voluntary movements
E. Mapping the Primary Somatosensory Area
2. Direct, or pyramidal, motor pathways
1. Specific areas of the cerebral cortex provide input to lower motor neurons from
receive somatic sensory input from the cortex
particular parts of the body and other areas
3. Indirect motor pathways provide input to
of the cerebral cortex provide output
lower motor neurons from motor centers in
instructions for movement of particular parts
the brain stem
of the body
E. Direct motor pathways.
2. Precise location of somatic sensations
occurs at the primary somatosensory area 1. The various tracts of the pyramidal system
convey impulses from the cerebral cortex
F. Somatic Sensory Pathways to the Cerebellum
that result in precise muscular movements.
1. The posterior spinocerebellar and the
2. The direct pathways include the
anterior spinocerebellar tracts are the major
corticospinal tracts and corticobulbar tracts
routes whereby proprioceptive impulses
reach the cerebellum. 3. The corticospinal tracts promote voluntary
movements of the limbs and trunks
2. The Cuneo cerebellar and rostral
spinocerebellar tracts convey impulses from 4. The corticobulbar tracts are tracts that
proprioceptors of the trunk and upper limbs. promote voluntary movements of the head
G. summarize the major sensory tracts in the spinal 5. Damage or disease of lower motor
cord and pathways in the brain. neurons produces flaccid paralysis of
muscles on the same side of the body. Injury
H. Tertiary syphilis causes a progressive
or disease of upper motor neurons results in
degeneration of the posterior portions of the spinal
spastic paralysis of muscles on the opposite
cord resulting in lost somatic sensations and
side of the body. (Clinical Connection)
proprioception failure. (Clinical Connection)
6. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a
disease that attacks motor areas of the
cerebral cortex, axons of upper motor
neurons and cell bodies of lower motor
A. The integrative functions include sleep
neurons. It causes progressive muscle
and wakefulness, memory, and emotional
weakness (Clinical Connection).
responses (discussed in Chapter 14 of

B. Wakefulness and Sleep

F. Indirect Pathways
1. Reticular Activating System (RAS)
1. Indirect or extrapyramidal pathways
include all somatic motor tracts other than 2. Sleep and wakefulness are integrative functions
the direct (corticospinal and corticobulbar) that are controlled by the reticular activating system
3. Arousal, or awakening from a sleep, involves
a. Indirect pathways involve the increased activity of the RAS.
motor cortex, basal ganglia,
a. Once the RAS is activated, the cerebral
thalamus, cerebellum, reticular
cortex is also activated and arousal occurs.
formation, and nuclei in the brain
stem (Table 16.4). b. The result is a state of wakefulness called
b. Major indirect tracts are the
rubrospinal, tectospinal, 4. Sleep
vestibulospinal, and reticulospinal
tracts. a. During sleep, a state of altered
consciousness or partial unconsciousness
c. Summarize the major motor from which an individual can be aroused by
tracts, their functions, and pathways different stimuli, activity in the RAS is very
in the brain. low.
G. Role of the Basal Ganglia b. Normal sleep consists of two types: non-
rapid eye movement sleep (NREM) and
1. The basal ganglia help program habitual
rapid eye movement sleep (REM).
or automatic sequences and set an
appropriate level of muscle tone. 1. Non-rapid eye movement or slow
wave sleep consists of four stages,
2. They also selectively inhibit other motor
each of which gradually merges into
neuron circuits that are intrinsically active or
the next. Each stage has been
identified by EEG recordings.
3. Impairment of the basal ganglia results in
2. Most dreaming occurs during
uncontrollable, abnormal body movements,
rapid eye movement sleep.
often accompanied by muscle rigidity and
tremors. A number of diseases, including C. Learning and Memory
Parkinson disease, Huntington disease,
Tourette Syndrome basal ganglia disorders 1. Learning is the ability to acquire new knowledge
(Clinical Connection). or skills through instruction or experience. Memory
is the process by which that knowledge is retained
H. Modulation of Movement by the Cerebellum over time.
1. The cerebellum is active in both learning 2. For an experience to become part of memory, it
and performing rapid, coordinated, highly must produce persistent functional changes that
skilled movements and in maintaining represent the experience in the brain.
proper posture and equilibrium.
3. The capability for change with learning is called
2. The four aspects of cerebellar function are plasticity.
monitoring intent for movement, monitoring
actual movement, comparing intent with 4. Memory is the ability to recall thought and is
actual performance, and sending out generally classified into two kinds based on how
corrective signals long the memory persists: short-term and long-term
5. A memory trace in the brain is called an engram (a
change in the brain that represents the experience).
a. Short-term memory lasts only seconds or


hours and is the ability to recall bits of
information; it is related to electrical and
chemical events.
b. Long-term memory lasts from days to
years and is related to anatomical and
biochemical changes at synapses. INTRODUCTION
c. Loss of memory is called amnesia
(Clinical Connection)
A. The two systems that cooperate to supply O2 and
eliminate CO2 are the cardiovascular and the
A. Parkinson’s disease is a progressive degeneration respiratory system.
of CNS neurons of the basal nuclei region due to
unknown causes that decreases dopamine 1. The respiratory system provides for gas
neurotransmitter production. exchange.

1. This condition produces motor 2. The cardiovascular system transports the

coordination problems of involuntary tremor respiratory gases.
and/or rigidity.
3. Failure of either system has the same
2. Motor performance can be described as effect on the body: disruption of homeostasis
bradykinesia (slow) and hypokinesia and rapid death of cells from oxygen
(limited). starvation and buildup of waste products.

3. Limited treatment is provided with L- B. Respiration is the exchange of gases between the
dopa, a precursor to dopamine, or through atmosphere, blood, and cells. It takes place in three
acetylcholine inhibitors. basic processes: ventilation (breathing), external
(pulmonary) respiration, and internal (tissue)

List as many as you can the medical RESPIRATORY SYSTEM ANATOMY

terminology associated with the sensory,
motor and integrative systems.

A. The respiratory system consists of the nose,

pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs
1. The upper respiratory system refers to the
nose, pharynx, and associated structures.
The lower respiratory system refers to the
larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs.
2. The conducting system consists of a series
of cavities and tubes - nose, pharynx, larynx,
trachea, bronchi, bronchiole, and terminal
bronchioles - that conduct air into the lungs.
The respiratory portion consists of the area
where gas exchange occurs - respiratory
bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs,
and alveoli.
3. The branch of medicine that deals with the
diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the
ear, nose, and throat is called 2. The anatomic regions are the
otorhinolaryngology. nasopharynx, oropharynx, and
3. The nasopharynx functions in respiration.
Both the oropharynx and laryngopharynx
function in digestion and in respiration
(serving as a passageway for both air and
4. A Tonsillectomy is the surgical removal
of the tonsils (Clinical Connection)
D. Larynx

B. Nose 1. The larynx (voice box) is a passageway

that connects the pharynx with the trachea.
1. The external portion of the nose is made
of cartilage and skin and is lined with 2. It contains the thyroid cartilage (Adam’s
mucous membrane. Openings to the exterior apple); the epiglottis, which prevents food
are the external nares. from entering the larynx; the cricoid
cartilage, which connects the larynx and
2. The external portion of the nose is made trachea; and the paired arytenoid,
of cartilage and skin and is lined with corniculate, and cuneiform cartilages
mucous membrane
E. The Structures of Voice Production
3. The bony framework of the nose is
formed by the frontal bone, nasal bones, and 1. The larynx contains vocal folds (true
maxillae vocal cords), which produce sound. Taunt
vocal folds produce high pitches, and
4. The interior structures of the nose are relaxed vocal folds produce low pitches
specialized for warming, moistening, and
filtering incoming air; receiving olfactory 2. Sound originates from the vibration of the
stimuli; and serving as large, hollow vocal folds, but other structures are
resonating chambers to modify speech necessary for converting the sound into
sounds. recognizable speech.

5. The internal portion communicates with 3. Laryngitis is an inflammation of the

the paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx larynx that is usually caused by respiratory
through the internal nares. infection or irritants. Cancer of the larynx is
almost exclusively found in smokers
6. The inside of both the external and (Clinical Connection).
internal nose is called the nasal cavity. It is
divided into right and left sides by the nasal F. Trachea
septum. The anterior portion of the cavity is 1. The trachea (windpipe) is anterior to the
called the vestibule. esophagus
7. (Please study the surface anatomy of the 2. It extends from the larynx to the primary
nose.) bronchi
8. Rhinoplasty (“nose job”) is a surgical 3. It is composed of smooth muscle and C-
procedure in which the structure of the shaped rings of cartilage and is lined with
external nose is altered for cosmetic or pseudostratified ciliated columnar
functional reasons. (Clinical Connection) epithelium.
C. Pharynx a. The cartilage rings keep the
1. The pharynx (throat) is a muscular tube airway open.
lined by a mucous membrane b. The cilia of the epithelium sweep
debris away from the lungs and back
to the throat to be swallowed.
4. Two methods of bypassing obstructions space either from the outside or
from the respiratory passageways are from the alveoli cause
tracheostomy and intubation. (Clinical pneumothorax, filling the pleural
Connection) cavity with air. (Clinical
G. Bronchi
2. The right lung has three lobes separated
1. The trachea divides into the right and left
by two fissures; the left lung has two lobes
pulmonary bronchi
separated by one fissure and a depression,
2. The bronchial tree consists of the trachea, the cardiac notch
primary bronchi, secondary bronchi, tertiary
a. The secondary bronchi give rise to
bronchi, bronchioles, and terminal
branches called tertiary (segmental)
bronchi, which supply segments of
3. Changes in histology reflect changes in lung tissue called bronchopulmonary
function is the structures of the bronchial segments.
b. Each bronchopulmonary segment
a. The mucus membrane changes consists of many small
from ciliated pseudostratified compartments called lobules, which
epithelium with many goblet cells contain lymphatics, arterioles,
(in the largest bronchi) to non- venules, terminal bronchioles,
ciliated cuboidal epithelium in the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar
smallest bronchioles. ducts, alveolar sacs, and alveoli

b. The c-rings of the trachea are 3. Alveoli

replaced by plates of cartilage (in
a. Alveolar walls consist of type I
the bronchi) and eventually cartilage
alveolar (squamous pulmonary
disappears completely in the
epithelial) cells, type II alveolar
(septal) cells, and alveolar
c. As the amount of cartilage macrophages (dust cells)
decreases the amount of smooth
b. Type II alveolar cells secrete
muscle increases.
alveolar fluid, which keeps the
H. Lungs alveolar cells moist and which
contains a component called
1. Lungs are paired organs in the thoracic surfactant. Surfactant lowers the
cavity; they are enclosed and protected by surface tension of alveolar fluid,
the pleural membrane preventing the collapse of alveoli
a. The parietal pleura is the outer with each expiration.
layer which is attached to the wall of c. Gas exchange occurs across the
the thoracic cavity. alveolar-capillary membrane
b. The visceral pleura is the inner 4. The lungs have a double blood supply.
layer, covering the lungs
themselves. a. Blood enters the lungs via the
pulmonary arteries (pulmonary
c. Between the pleurae is a small circulation) and the bronchial
potential space, the pleural cavity, arteries (systemic circulation). Most
which contains a serous lubricating of the blood leaves by the
fluid secreted by the membranes. pulmonary veins, but some drains
d. The lungs extend from the into the bronchial veins.
diaphragm to just slightly superior b. In the lungs vasoconstriction in
to the clavicles and lie against the response to hypoxia diverts
ribs anteriorly and posteriorly. pulmonary blood from poorly
e. Injuries to the chest wall that ventilated areas to well ventilated
allow air to enter the intrapleural
areas. This phenomenon is known lungs is impeded. Forced expiration employs
as ventilation – perfusion coupling. contraction of the internal intercostals and
abdominal muscles
3. Make a summary of expiration
D. Other factors that affecting pulmonary ventilation
1. In the lungs, surface tension causes the
A. Respiration occurs in three basic steps: alveoli to assume the smallest diameter
pulmonary ventilation, external respiration, and possible.
internal respiration.
a. During breathing, surface tension
B. Inhalation (inspiration) is the process of bringing must be overcome to expand the
air into the lungs. lungs during each inspiration. It is
also the major component of lung
1. The movement of air into and out of the elastic recoil, which acts to decrease
lungs depends on pressure changes governed the size of the alveoli during
in part by Boyle’s law, which states that the expiration.
volume of a gas varies inversely with
pressure, assuming that temperature is b. The presence of surfactant, a
constant phospholipid produced by the type II
alveolar (septal) cells in the alveolar
2. The first step in expanding the lungs walls, allows alteration of the
involves contraction of the main inspiratory surface tension of the alveoli and
muscle, the diaphragm prevents their collapse following
3. Inhalation occurs when alveolar expiration.
(intrapulmonic) pressure falls below 2. As a result of inadequate surfactant, the
atmospheric pressure. Contraction of the alveoli of premature babies cannot remain
diaphragm and external intercostal muscles open. This disorder, called Respiratory
increases the size of the thorax, thus Distress Syndrome, results in blue skin color
decreasing the intrapleural (intrathoracic) and labored breathing. (Clinical Connection)
pressure so that the lungs expand. Expansion
of the lungs decreases alveolar pressure so E. Compliance is the ease with which the lungs and
that air moves along the pressure gradient thoracic wall can be expanded. Any condition that
from the atmosphere into the lungs destroys lung tissue causes it to become filled with
fluid, produces a deficiency in surfactant, or in any
4. During forced inhalation, accessory way impedes lung expansion or contraction,
muscles of inspiration decreases compliance.
(sternocleidomastoids, scalenes, and
pectoralis minor) are also used. F. The walls of the respiratory passageways,
especially the bronchi and bronchioles, offer some
5. Make a summary of inhalation. resistance to the normal flow of air into the lungs.
C. Exhalation (expiration) is the movement of air out Any condition that obstructs the air passageway
of the lungs. increases resistance, and more pressure to force air
through is required.
1. Exhalation occurs when alveolar pressure
is higher than atmospheric pressure. G. Breathing Patterns and Modified Respiratory
Relaxation of the diaphragm and external Movements
intercostal muscles results in elastic recoil of 1. Breathing Patterns
the chest wall and lungs, which increases
intrapleural pressure, decreases lung volume, a. Eupnea is normal variation in
and increases alveolar pressure so that air breathing rate and depth.
moves from the lungs to the atmosphere.
b. Apnea refers to breath holding.
There is also an inward pull of surface
tension due to the film of alveolar fluid. c. Dyspnea relates to painful or
difficult breathing.
2. Exhalation becomes active during labored
breathing and when air movement out of the
d. Tachypnea involves rapid a. The partial pressure of a gas is the
breathing rate. pressure exerted by that gas in a mixture of
gases. The total pressure of a mixture is
e. Costal breathing requires
calculated by simply adding all the partial
combinations of various patterns of
pressures. It is symbolized by P.
intercostal and extracostal muscles,
usually during need for increased b. The partial pressures of the respiratory
ventilation, as with exercise. gases in the atmosphere, alveoli, blood, and
tissues cells are shown in the text.
f. Diaphragmatic breathing is the
usual mode of operation to move air c. The amounts of O2 and CO2 vary in
by contracting and relaxing the inspired (atmospheric), alveolar, and expired
diaphragm to change the lung air.
2. Henry’s law states that the quantity of a gas that
2. Modified respiratory movements are used will dissolve in a liquid is proportional to the partial
to express emotions and to clear air pressure of the gas and its solubility coefficient (its
passageways. lists some of the modified physical or chemical attraction for water), when the
respiratory movements. temperature remains constant.
a. Nitrogen narcosis and decompression
sickness (caisson disease, or bends) are
LUNG VOLUMES AND CAPACITIES conditions explained by Henry’s law.
b. A major clinical application of Henry’s
law is hyperbaric oxygenation. This
A. Air volumes exchanged during breathing and rate technique uses pressure to cause more
of ventilation are measured with a spirometer, or oxygen to dissolve in the blood and is used
respirometer, and the record is called a spirogram to treat anaerobic bacterial infections (such
as tetanus and gangrene) and a number of
B. Among the pulmonary air volumes exchanged in other disorders and injuries (Clinical
ventilation are tidal (500 ml), inspiratory reserve connection)
(3100 ml), expiratory reserve (1200 ml), residual
(1200 ml) and minimal volumes. Only about 350 ml B. External and Internal Respiration
of the tidal volume actually reaches the alveoli, the
1. In internal and external respiration, O2 and CO2
other 150 ml remains in the airways as anatomic
diffuse from areas of their higher partial pressures to
dead space.
areas of their lower partial pressures
C. Pulmonary lung capacities, the sum of two or
2. External respiration results in the conversion of
more volumes, include inspiratory (3600 ml),
deoxygenated blood (depleted of O2 but higher in
functional residual (2400 ml), vital (4800 ml), and
CO2 ) going to the lungs, to oxygenated blood
total lung (6000 ml) capacities
(saturated with O2 and lower in CO2) returning
D. The minute volume of respiration is the total from the lungs to the heart.
volume of air taken in during one minute (tidal
3. External respiration depends on partial pressure
volume x 12 respirations per minute = 6000 ml/min).
differences, a large surface area for gas exchange, a
small diffusion distance across the alveolar-capillary
(respiratory) membrane, and the solubility and
molecular weight of the gases.
4. Internal (tissue) respiration is the exchange of
gases between tissue blood capillaries and tissue
cells and results in the conversion of oxygenated
A. To understand the exchange of oxygen and blood into deoxygenated blood.
carbon dioxide between the blood and alveoli, it is
useful to know some gas laws. 5. At rest only about 25% of the available oxygen in
oxygenated blood actually enters tissue cells. During
1. According to Dalton’s law, each gas in a mixture exercise, more oxygen is released.
of gases exerts its own pressure as if all the other
gases were not present.
A. Oxygen Transport oxygen saturation in maternal blood
in the placenta.
1. In each 100 ml of oxygenated blood, 1.5% of the
O2 is dissolved in the plasma and 98.5% is carried 6. Because of the strong attraction of
with hemoglobin (Hb) inside red blood cells as carbon monoxide (CO) to
oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) hemoglobin, even small
concentrations of CO will reduce the
a. Hemoglobin consists of a protein portion
oxygen carrying capacity leading to
called globin and a pigment called heme.
hypoxia and carbon monoxide
b. The heme portion contains 4 atoms of poisoning. (Clinical Connection)
iron, each capable of combining with a
B. Carbon Dioxide Transport
molecule of oxygen.
1. CO2 is carried in blood in the form of dissolved
c. Hemoglobin and Oxygen Partial Pressure
CO2 (7%), carbaminohemoglobin (23%), and
d. The most important factor that determines bicarbonate ions (70%)
how much oxygen combines with
2. The conversion of CO2 to bicarbonate ions and
hemoglobin is PO2.
the related chloride shift maintains the ionic balance
e. The relationship between the percent between plasma and red blood cells
saturation of hemoglobin and PO2, the
C. Summary of Gas Exchange and Transport in
oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve.
Lungs and Tissues
f. The greater the PO2, the more oxygen will
1. CO2 in blood causes O2 to split from hemoglobin.
combine with hemoglobin, until the
available hemoglobin molecules are 2. Similarly, the binding of O2 to hemoglobin causes
saturated. a release of CO2 from blood.
g. Other Factors Affecting Hemoglobin 3. Make a summary of all reactions that occur during
Affinity for Oxygen gas exchange.
1. In an acid (low pH) environment,
O2 splits more readily from
hemoglobin. This is referred CONTROL OF RESPIRATION
to as the Bohr effect.
2. Low blood pH (acidic conditions) A. Respiratory Center
results from high PCO2. 1. The area of the brain from which nerve impulses
3. Within limits, as temperature are sent to respiratory muscles is located bilaterally
increases, so does the amount of in the reticular formation of the brain stem. This
oxygen released from hemoglobin. respiratory center consists of a medullary
Active cells require more oxygen, rhythmicity area (inspiratory and expiratory areas),
and active cells (such as contracting pneumotaxic area, and apneustic area.
muscle cells) liberate more acid and 2. Medullary Rhythmicity Area
heat. The acid and heat, in turn,
stimulate the oxyhemoglobin to a. The function of the medullary rhythmicity
release its oxygen. area is to control the basic rhythm of
4. BPG (2, 3-biphosphoglycerate) is
a substance formed in red blood b. The inspiratory area has an intrinsic
cells during glycolysis. The greater excitability of autorhythmic neurons that
the level of BPG, the more oxygen sets the basic rhythm of respiration.
is released from hemoglobin.
c. The expiratory area neurons remain
5. Fetal hemoglobin has a higher inactive during most quiet respiration but are
affinity for oxygen because it binds probably activated during high levels of
BPG less strongly and can carry ventilation to cause contraction of muscles
more oxygen to offset the low used in forced (labored) expiration.
3. Pneumotaxic Area
a. The pneumotaxic area in the upper pons accumulates and PCO2 rises to 40
helps coordinate the transition between mm Hg.
inspiration and expiration.
c. Severe deficiency of O2 depresses activity of the
b. The apneustic area sends impulses to the central chemoreceptors and respiratory center.
inspiratory area that activate it and prolong
d. Hypoxia refers to oxygen deficiency at the tissue
inspiration, inhibiting expiration.
level and is classified in several ways (Clinical
1. Hypoxic hypoxia is caused by a
low PO2 in arterial blood (high
altitude, airway obstruction, fluid in

B. Regulation of the Respiratory Center 2. In anemic hypoxia, there is too

little functioning hemoglobin in the
1. Cortical Influences blood (hemorrhage, anemia, carbon
a. Cortical influences allow conscious monoxide poisoning).
control of respiration that may be needed to 3. Stagnant hypoxia results from the
avoid inhaling noxious gasses or water. inability of blood to carry oxygen to
b. Breath holding is limited by the tissues fast enough to sustain their
overriding stimuli of increased [H+] and needs (heart failure, circulatory
[CO2]. shock).

2. Chemoreceptor Regulation of Respiration 4. In histotoxic hypoxia, the blood

delivers adequate oxygen to the
a. Central chemoreceptors (located in the tissues, but the tissues are unable to
medulla oblongata) and peripheral use it properly (cyanide poisoning).
chemoreceptors (located in the walls of
systemic arteries) monitor levels of CO2 and 5. Proprioceptors of joints and
O2 and provide input to the respiratory muscles activate the inspiratory
center. center to increase ventilation prior to
exercise induced oxygen need.
1. Central chemoreceptors respond
to change in H+ concentration or 6. The inflation (Hering-Breuer)
PCO2, or both in cerebrospinal reflex detects lung expansion with
fluid. stretch receptors and limits it
depending on ventilatory need and
2. Peripheral chemoreceptors prevention of damage.
respond to changes in H+, PCO2,
and PO2 in blood. 7. Other influences include blood
pressure, limbic system,
b. A slight increase in PCO2 (and thus H+), a temperature, pain, stretching the
condition called hypercapnia, stimulates central anal sphincter, and irritation to the
chemoreceptors. respiratory mucosa.
1. As a response to increased PCO2, 8. Summarize the changes that
increased H+ and decreased PO2, increase or decrease ventilation rate
the inspiratory area is
hyperventilation, rapid and
deep breathing, occurs and depth.

2. If arterial PCO2 is lower than 40

mm Hg, a condition called
hypocapnia, the chemoreceptors are
not stimulated and the inspiratory A. The respiratory system works with the
area sets its own pace until CO2 cardiovascular system to make appropriate
adjustments for different exercise intensities and
B. As blood flow increases with a lower O2 and
higher CO2 content, the amount passing through the
lung (pulmonary perfusion) increases and is matched
by increased ventilation and oxygen diffusion
capacity as more pulmonary capillaries open.
C. Ventilatory modifications can increase 30 times
above resting levels, in an initial rapid rate due to
neural influences and then more gradually due to
chemical stimulation from changes in cell
metabolism. A similar, but reversed, effect occurs
with cessation of exercise.
D. Smokers have difficulty breathing for a number
of reasons, including nicotine, mucous,
irritants, and that fact that scar tissue
replaces elastic fibers (Clinical Connection)
A. Asthma is characterized by the following: spasms
of smooth muscle in bronchial tubes that result in
A. The respiratory system begins as an outgrowth of partial or complete closure of air passageways;
endoderm called the laryngotracheal bud, part of inflammation; inflated alveoli; and excess mucus
which divides into two lung buds that grow into the production. A common triggering factor is allergy,
bronchi and lungs. but other factors include emotional upset, aspirin,
exercise, and breathing cold air or cigarette smoke.
B. The smooth muscle, cartilage, and connective
tissue of the bronchial tubes and pleural sacs develop
from mesenchyma (mesodermal) cells.

B. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

AGING AND THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM is a type of respiratory disorder characterized by
chronic and recurrent obstruction of air flow,
which increases airway resistance.
1. The principal types of COPD are
A. Aging results in decreased vital capacity,
emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
decreased blood oxygen level, diminished alveolar
macrophage activity, and decreased ciliary action of 2. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the
the epithelium lining the respiratory tract. bronchial tubes, the main symptom of which
is a productive (raising mucus or sputum)
B. Elderly people are more susceptible to
pneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema, and other
pulmonary disorders. C. In bronchogenic carcinoma (lung cancer),
bronchial epithelial cells are replaced by cancer cells
after constant irritation has disrupted the normal
A. Examine the role of the respiratory system in FOCUS ON HOMEOSTASIS: THE RESPIRATORY
maintaining homeostasis. SYSTEM
growth, division, and function of the epithelial cells.
Airways are often blocked and metastasis is very
common. It is most commonly associated with
D. Pneumonia is an acute infection of the alveoli.
The most common cause in the pneumococcal
bacteria but other microbes may be involved.
Treatment involves antibiotics, bronchodilators,
oxygen therapy, and chest physiotherapy.
E. Tuberculosis (TB) is an inflammation of pleurae
and lungs produced by the organism Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. It is communicable and destroys lung
tissue, leaving nonfunctional fibrous tissue behind.
F. Coryza (common cold) is caused by viruses and
usually is not accompanied by a fever, whereas
influenza (flu) is usually accompanied by a fever
greater than 101°F.
G. Pulmonary edema refers to an abnormal
accumulation of interstitial fluid in the interstitial
spaces and alveoli of the lungs. It may be pulmonary
or cardiac in origin.
H. Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease of secretory
epithelia that affects the respiratory passageways,
pancreas, salivary glands, and sweat glands.


I. Asbestos-related diseases result from inhalation of
asbestos particles.
J. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is the sudden
death of an apparently healthy infant, usually
occurring during sleep. The cause is unknown but
may be associated with hypoxia, possibly INTRODUCTION
resulting from sleeping position. As such, it
is recommended that infants sleep on their
backs for the first six months. A. Receptors for the special senses - smell, taste,

K. Acute respiratory distress syndrome is a form of GUSTATION: SENSE OF TASTE

respiratory failure characterized by excessive vision, hearing, and equilibrium - are housed in
leakiness of respiratory membranes and severe complex sensory organs.
B. Ophthalmology is the science that deals with the
Make a list of the medical terms associated with the eye and its disorders.
respiratory system.
C. Otorhinolaryngology is the science that deals with
disorders of the ear, nose and throat.


A. Both smell and taste are chemical senses.

B. Anatomy of olfactory receptors
1. The receptors for olfaction, which are
bipolar neurons, are in the nasal epithelium
in the superior portion of the nasal cavity
a. They are first-order neurons of the
olfactory pathway.
b. olfactory hairs are the parts that
respond to the olfactory stimulus
2. Supporting cells are epithelial cells of the
mucous membrane lining the nose.
3. Basal stem cells produce new olfactory a. Filiform papilla cover the tongue
receptors. but act as tactile receptors instead of
taste receptors
C. Physiology of Olfaction
C. Physiology of Gustation
1. Genetic evidence suggests there are
hundreds of primary scents. 1. When a tastant is dissolved in saliva it can
make contact with the plasma membrane
2. In olfactory reception, a generator
potential develops and, through a of gustatory receptor cells.
transduction process, triggers one or more
2. Receptor potentials developed in
nerve impulses
gustatory hairs cause the release of
3. Adaptation to odors occurs quickly, and neurotransmitter that gives rise to nerve
the threshold of smell is low: only a few impulses.
molecules of certain substances need be
a. Receptor potentials develop in
present in air to be smelled.
response to chemicals in the food (ie
4. Olfactory receptors convey nerve sodium or hydrogen)
impulses to olfactory nerves, olfactory
bulbs, olfactory tracts, and the cerebral
cortex and limbic system.

D. Taste Thresholds and Adaptation

1. Taste thresholds vary for each of the
primary tastes with the threshold for bitter
being the lowest, then sour, and finally the
other primary tastes.
5. Clinical Connection: Hyposmia, a reduced 2. Adaptation to taste occurs quickly.
ability to smell, affects half of those over
3. Gustatory receptor cells convey nerve
age 65 and 75% of those over 80. It can be
impulses to cranial nerves V, VII, IX, and S,
caused by neurological changes, drugs, or
the medulla, the thalamus, and the parietal
the effects of smoking.
lobe of the cerebral cortex (Figure 17.3).
4. Clinical Connection: Taste aversion
A. Taste is a chemical sense. causes individuals to avoid foods which
upset their digestive system. Because cancer
1. To be detected, molecules must be
treatments cause nausea, cancer patients may
lose their appetites because they develop
2. Taste stimuli classes include sour, sweet, taste aversion for most food.
bitter meaty, and salty.
3. Other “tastes” are a combination
of the five primary taste sensations plus
1. More than half the sensory receptors in the human
body are located in the eyes.
B. Anatomy of Taste Buds and Papillae
2. A large part of the cerebral cortex is devoted to
1. The receptors for gustation, the gustatory processing visual information.
receptor cells, are located in taste buds
3. Visible light (wavelengths between 400 and 700
2. Taste buds consist of supporting cells, nm) is the only part of the spectrum of
gustatory receptor cells, and basal cells. electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the
3. Taste buds are found on the margins of
4. The papillae include circumvallate, B. Accessory Structures of the Eyes
fungiform, and foliate papillae.
1. Eyelids
a. The eyelids shade the eyes during sleep, protect 2. The ciliary body consists of the ciliary
the eyes from excessive light and foreign objects, processes and ciliary muscle.
and spread lubricating secretions over the eyeballs
i. The ciliary processes consist of
b. From superficial to deep, each eyelid consists of protrusions or folds on the internal
epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue, fibers of the surface of the ciliary body where
orbicularis oculi muscle, a tarsal plate, tarsal glands, epithelial lining cells secrete
and conjunctiva aqueous humor.
1. The tarsal plate gives form and support to ii. The ciliary muscle is a smooth
the eyelids. muscle that alters the shape of the
lens for near or far vision.
i. The tarsal glands secrete a fluid to
keep the eye lids from adhering to 3. The iris is the colored portion seen
each other. through the cornea and consists of circular
iris and radial iris smooth muscle fibers
c. The conjunctiva is a thin mucous membrane that
(cells) arranged to form a doughnut-shaped
lines the inner aspect of the eyelids and is reflected
onto the anterior surface of the eyeball.
i. The black hole in the center of the
d. Eyelashes and eyebrows help protect the eyeballs
iris is the pupil, the area through
from foreign objects, perspiration, and the direct rays
which light enters the eyeball.
of the sun
ii. A principal function of the iris is
e. The lacrimal apparatus consists of structures that
to regulate the amount of light
produce and drain tears
entering the posterior cavity of the
f. The six extrinsic eye muscles move the eyeballs eyeball
laterally, medially, superiorly, and inferiorly
c. The third and inner coat of the eye, the retina
C. Anatomy of the Eyeball (nervous tunic), lines the posterior three-quarters of
the eyeball and is the beginning of the visual
1. The eye is constructed of three layers pathway
a. The fibrous tunic is the outer coat of the eyeball. It 1. The surface of the retina is the only place
can be divided into two regions: the posterior sclera in the body where blood vessels can be
and the anterior cornea. At the junction of the sclera viewed directly and examined for
and cornea is an opening known as the scleral pathological changes
venous sinus or canal of Schlemm
2. The optic disc is the site where the optic
1. The sclera, the “white” of the eye, is a nerve enters the eyeball.
white coat of dense fibrous tissue that covers
all the eyeball, except the most anterior 3. The vessels of the retina are the central
portion, the iris; the sclera gives shape to the retinal artery and vein. They are bundled
eyeball and protects its inner parts. Its together with the optic nerve with branches
posterior surface is pierced by the optic across the retinal surface.
4. The retina consists of a pigment
2. The cornea is a nonvascular, transparent, epithelium (nonvisual portion) and a neural
fibrous coat through which the iris can be portion (visual portion).
seen; the cornea acts in refraction of light.
i. The pigment epithelium aids the
b. The vascular tunic is the middle layer of the choroid in absorbing stray light rays.
eyeball and is composed of three portions: choroid,
ii. The neural portion contains three
ciliary body, and iris
zones of neurons that are named in
1. The choroid absorbs light rays so that they the order in which they conduct
are not reflected and scattered within the nerve impulses: photoreceptor
eyeball; it also provides nutrients to the neurons, bipolar neurons, and
posterior surface of the retina. ganglion neurons
5. The photoreceptor neurons are called rods by the ciliary processes behind the
or cones because of the differing shapes of iris.
their outer segments.
2. The aqueous humor flows
i. Rods are specialized for black- forward from the posterior chamber
and-white vision in dim light; they through the pupil into the anterior
also allow us to discriminate chamber and drains into the scleral
between different shades of dark and venous sinus (canal of Schlemm)
light and permit us to see shapes and and then into the blood.
3. The pressure in the eye, called
ii. Cones are specialized for color intraocular pressure, is produced
vision and sharpness of vision (high mainly by the aqueous humor. The
visual acuity) in bright light; cones intraocular pressure, along with the
are most densely concentrated in the vitreous body, maintains the shape
central fovea, a small depression in of the eyeball and keeps the retina
the center of the macula lutea. smoothly applied to the choroid so
the retina will form clear images.
1. The macula lutea is in the
exact center of the posterior 4. Excessive intraocular pressure,
portion of the retina, called glaucoma, results in
corresponding to the visual degeneration of the retina and
axis of the eye. blindness.
iii. The fovea is the area of sharpest b. The second, and larger,
vision because of the high cavity of the eyeball is the
concentration of cones. vitreous chamber (posterior
cavity). It lies between the
iv. Rods are absent from the fovea
lens and the retina and
and macula and increase in density
contains a gel called the
toward the periphery of the retina.
vitreous body. It is formed
v. Clinical Connection: A detached during embryonic life and is
retina may result in visual not replaced thereafter.
distortions or blindness
c. Summarize the structures
vi. Clinical Connection: Age related associated with the eyeball.
macular disease is a degenerative
D. Image formation on the retina involves refraction
disorder of the retina and the
of light rays by the cornea and lens, accommodation
pigmented layer in persons 50 years
of the lens, and constriction of the pupil.
of age or older
1. The bending of light rays at the interface of two
2. The eyeball contains the nonvascular lens, just
different media is called refraction; the anterior and
behind the pupil and iris. The lens fine tunes the
posterior surfaces of the cornea and of the lens
focusing of light rays for clear vision.
refract entering light rays so they come into exact
3. The interior of the eyeball is a large space divided focus on the retina
into two cavities by the lens: the anterior cavity and
2. Images are focused upside-down (inverted) on the
the vitreous chamber
retina and also undergo mirror reversal these
a. The anterior cavity is subdivided into the inverted images are rearranged by the brain to
anterior chamber (which lies behind the produce perception of images in their actual
cornea and in front of the iris) and the orientation.
posterior chamber (which lies behind the iris
3. The lens fine tunes image focus and changes the
and in front of the suspensory ligaments and
focus for near or distant objects.
E. Accommodation and Near Point of Vision
1. The anterior cavity is filled with a
watery fluid called the aqueous 1. Accommodation is an increase in the curvature of
humor that is continually secreted the lens, initiated by ciliary muscle contraction,
which allows the lens to focus on near objects. To
focus on far objects, the ciliary muscle relaxes and c. There are four different opsins, one for
the lens flattens. each cone photopigment and another for
2. The near point of vision is the minimum distance
from the eye that an object can be clearly focused d. Research how photopigments are
with maximum effort. activated and restored.
3. Clinical Connection: With aging the lens loses e. Bleaching and regeneration of the
elasticity and its ability to accommodate resulting in photopigments accounts for much but not all
a condition known as presbyopia. of the sensitivity change during light and
dark adaptation.
F. Refraction Abnormalities
2. Once receptor potentials develop in rods and
1. Myopia is nearsightedness.
cones, they release neurotransmitters that induce
2. Hyperopia is farsightedness. graded potentials in bipolar cells

3. Astigmatism is a refraction abnormality due to an 3. light adaptation —your visual system adjusts in
irregular curvature of either the cornea or lens. seconds to the brighter environment by decreasing
its sensitivity.
4. Clinical Connection: LASIK surgery can be
utilized to correct the above conditions. 4. dark adaptation— sensitivity increases slowly
over many minutes.
G. Constriction of the pupil means narrowing the
diameter of the hole through which light enters 5. Clinical Connection: Most forms of
the eye; this occurs simultaneously with colorblindness (inability to distinguish certain
accommodation of the lens and functions to colors) result from an inherited absence of or
prevent light rays from entering the eye through deficiency in one of the three cone photopigments
the periphery of the lens. and are more common in males. A deficiency in
rhodopsin may cause night blindness (nyctalopia).
1. In convergence, the eyeballs move
medially so they are both directed toward an B. The Visual Pathway
object being viewed; the coordinated action
1. Bipolar cells transmit excitatory signals to
of the extrinsic eye muscles bring about
ganglion cells, which depolarize and initiate nerve
2. Impulses from ganglion cells are conveyed
through the retina to the optic nerve, the optic
Physiology of Vision chiasma, the optic tract, the thalamus, and the
occipital lobes of the cortex
C. Brain pathway and Visual Fields

A. The first step in vision transduction is the 1. Axons of the optic nerve pass through the optic
absorption of light by photopigments (visual chiasm where some crossover to to the other side,
pigments) in rods and cones (photoreceptors) while some remain on the same side, before
continuing to the thalamus.
1. Photopigments are colored proteins that undergo
structural changes upon light absorption. 2. The visual field, defined as the area which the
eyes can see, have a central half and a peripheral
a. The single type of photopigment in rods is half.
called rhodopsin. A cone contains one of
three different kinds of photopigments so
there are three types of cones.
b. All photopigments involved in vision
contain a glycoprotein called opsin and a
derivative of vitamin A called retinal.
A. The ear consists of three anatomical
1. Retinal is the light absorbing part subdivisions.
of all visual photopigments.
1. The external (outer) ear collects sound waves and canals. Each is arranged at approximately
passes them inwards; it consists of the auricle right angles to the other two.
(pinna), external auditory canal (meatus), and
1. The anterior and posterior
tympanic membrane (eardrum)
semicircular canals are oriented
a. Ceruminous glands in the external vertically; the lateral semicircular
auditory canal secrete cerumen (earwax) to canal is oriented horizontally.
help prevent dust and foreign objects from
2. One end of each canal enlarges
entering the ear.
into a swelling called the ampulla.
b. Excess cerumen may become impacted,
f. The portions of the membranous labyrinth
causing temporary partial hearing loss
that lie inside the semicircular canals are
before it is removed.
called the semicircular ducts (membranous
2. The middle ear (tympanic cavity) is a small, air- semicircular canals).
filled cavity in the temporal bone that is lined by
g. The vestibular branch of the
epithelium. It contains the auditory (Eustachian)
vestibulocochlear nerve consists of
tube, auditory ossicles (middle ear bones, the
ampullary, utricular, and saccular nerves.
malleus, incus, and stapes), the oval window, and the
round window h. Anterior to the vestibule is the cochlea,
which consists of a bony spiral canal that
3. The internal (inner) ear is also called the labyrinth
makes almost three turns around a central
because of its complicated series of canals.
bony core called the modiolus
Structurally it consists of two main divisions: an
outer bony labyrinth that encloses an inner B. Cross sections through the cochlea show that it
membranous labyrinth. is divided into three channels by partitions that
together have the shape of the letter Y
4. The bony labyrinth is a series of cavities in the
petrous portion of the temporal bone. 1. The channel above the bony partition is the scala
vestibuli, which ends at the oval window.
a. It can be divided into three areas named
on the basis of shape: the semicircular canals 2. The channel below is the scala tympani, which
and vestibule, both of which contain ends at the round window. The scala vestibuli and
receptors for equilibrium, and the cochlea, scala tympani both contain perilymph and are
which contains receptors for hearing. completely separated except at an opening at the
apex of the cochlea called the helicotrema.
b. The bony labyrinth is lined with
periosteum and contains a fluid called 3. The third channel (between the wings of the Y) is
perilymph. This fluid, chemically similar to the cochlear duct (scala media). The vestibular
cerebrospinal fluid, surrounds the membrane separates the cochlear duct from the scala
membranous labyrinth. vestibuli, and the basilar membrane separates the
cochlear duct from the scala tympani.
c. The membranous labyrinth is a series of
sacs and tubes lying inside and having the 4. Resting on the basilar membrane is the spiral
same general form as the bony labyrinth. organ (organ of Corti), the organ of hearing
1. The membranous labyrinth is a. Projecting over and in contact with the
lined with epithelium. hair cells of the spiral organ is the tectorial
membrane, a delicate and flexible gelatinous
2. It contains a fluid called
endolymph, chemically similar to
intracellular fluid. C. Sound waves result from the alternate
compression and decompression of air molecules.
d. The vestibule constitutes the oval central
portion of the bony labyrinth. The 1. The sounds heard most acutely by human ears are
membranous labyrinth in the vestibule from sources that vibrate at frequencies between
consists of two sacs called the utricle and 1000 and 4000 Hertz (Hz; cycles per minute).
a. The frequency of a sound vibration is its
e. Projecting upward and posteriorly from pitch; the greater the intensity (size) of the
the vestibule are the three bony semicircular
vibration, the louder the sound (as measured 1. High-frequency or high-pitched sounds
in decibels, dB). cause the basilar membrane to vibrate near
the base of the cochlea.
b. Clinical Connection: Exposure to loud
sounds can damage hair cells of the cochlea 2. Low-frequency or low-pitched sounds
and possibly lead to deafness. cause the basilar membrane to vibrate near
the apex of the cochlea.
Physiology of Hearing C. Hair cells convert a mechanical force (stimulus)
into an electrical signal (receptor potential); hair
A. The events involved in hearing cells release neurotransmitter, which initiates nerve
1. The auricle directs sound waves into the
external auditory canal. D. The cochlea can produce sounds called

2. Sound waves strike the tympanic Physiology of Hearing

membrane, causing it to vibrate back and
forth. otoacoustic emissions. They are caused by vibrations
of the outer hair cells that occur in response to sound
3. The vibration conducts from the tympanic
waves and to signals from motor neurons.
membrane through the ossicles (through the
malleus to the incus and then to the stapes). A. Nerve impulses from the cochlear branch of the
vestibulocochlear nerve pass to the cochlear nuclei
4. The stapes moves back and forth, pushing
in the medulla. Here, most impulses cross to the
the membrane of the oval window in and
opposite side and then travel to the midbrain, to the
thalamus, and finally to the auditory area of the
5. The movement of the oval window sets up temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex.
fluid pressure waves in the perilymph of the
1. Clinical Connection: Cochlear implants are
cochlea (scala vestibuli).
devices that translate sounds into electronic signals
6. Pressure waves in the scala vestibuli are that can be interpreted by the brain.
transmitted to the scala tympani and
eventually to the round window, Physiology of Equilibrium
causing it to bulge outward into the
middle ear. A. There are two kinds of equilibrium.
7. As the pressure waves deform the walls of 1. Static equilibrium refers to the
the scala vestibuli and scala tympani, they maintenance of the position of the body
push the vestibular membrane back and forth (mainly the head) relative to the force of
and increase and decrease the pressure of the gravity.
endolymph inside the cochlear duct.
2. Dynamic equilibrium is the maintenance
8. The pressure fluctuations of the of body position (mainly the head) in
endolymph move the basilar membrane response to sudden movements, such as
slightly, moving the hair cells of the spiral rotation, acceleration, and deceleration.
organ against the tectorial membrane; the
bending of the hairs produces receptor B. Otolithic Organs: Saccule and Utricle
potentials that lead to the generation of 1. The maculae of the utricle and saccule are
nerve impulses in cochlear nerve fibers. the sense organs of static equilibrium; they
9. Pressure changes in the scala tympani also contribute to some aspects of dynamic
cause the round window to bulge outward equilibrium
into the middle ear. 2. The maculae consist of hair cells, which
B. Differences in pitch are related to differences in are sensory receptors, and supporting cells.
the width and stiffness of the basilar membrane and C. Membranous Semicircular Ducts
sound waves of various frequencies that cause
specific regions of the basilar membrane to vibrate 1. The three semicircular ducts, along with
more intensely than others. the saccule and utricle maintain dynamic
2. The cristae in the semicircular ducts are A. Changes in vision, that occur with age include:
the primary sense organs of dynamic loss of lens elasticity; loss of transparency of lens;
equilibrium. discoloration of the sclera; weakening of the
extrinsic muscles; less responsive irises; lowered tear
D. The Equilibrium Pathway
production; and, lessening of color vision.
1. Most vestibular branch fibers of the
B. Changes in hearing, that occur with age include;
vestibulocochlear nerve enter the brain stem
hearing loss of high-pitched sounds; loss of hair
and terminate in the medulla; the remaining
cells; degeneration of the auditory pathway and an
fibers enter the cerebellum (Figure 17.26)
increase in tinnitis.
2. Various pathways between the vestibular
nuclei, cerebellum, and cerebrum enable the
cerebellum to play a key role in maintaining
static and dynamic equilibrium. DISORDERS: HOMEOSTATIC IMBALANCES
3. Clinical Connection: Motion Sickness
A. A cataract is a loss of transparency of the lens that
4. Summarize the structures related to can lead to blindness.
hearing and equilibrium.
B. Glaucoma is abnormally high intraocular
DEVELOPMENT OF THE EYES AND EARS pressure, due to a buildup of aqueous humor inside
the eyeball, which destroys neurons of the retina. It
A. Eyes
is the second most common cause of blindness (after
1. Eyes begin to develop when the ectoderm cataracts), especially in the elderly.
of the lateral walls of the prosencephalon
C. Deafness is significant or total hearing loss. It is
bulges to form a pair of optic grooves
classified as sensorineural (caused by impairment of
2. As the neural tube closes the optic the cochlear or cochlear branch of the
grooves enlarge and move toward the vestibulocochlear nerve) or conduction (caused by
surface of the ectoderm and are known as impairment of the external and middle ear
optic vesicles. mechanisms for transmitting sounds to the cochlea).

3. When the optic vesicles reach the surface, D. Meniere’s syndrome is a malfunction of the inner
the surface ectoderm thichens to form the ear that may cause deafness and loss of equilibrium.
lens placodes and the distal portions of the
E. Otitis media is an acute infection of the middle
optic vesicles invaginate to form the optic
ear, primarily by bacteria. It is characterized by pain,
malaise, fever, and reddening and outward bulging
4. The optic cups remain attached to the of the eardrum, which may rupture unless prompt
prosencephalon by the optic stalks. treatment is given. Children are more susceptible
than adults.
B. Ears
1. Inner ear develops from a
thickening of surface ectoderm MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY
called the otic placode
List as many as you can the medical terminologies
2. Otic placodes invaginate to form otic pits. associated with the special senses.

3. Optic pits pinch off from the surface

ectoderm to form otic vesicles
4. Otic vesicles will form structures
associated with the membranous labyrinth of
the inner ear.
5. Middle ear develops from the first
pharyngeal (branchial) pouch.




A) The spinal cord and spinal nerves mediate

reactions to environmental changes.
B) The spinal cord has several functions.
1) It processes reflexes.
2) It is the site for integration of EPSPs and
IPSPs that arise locally or are triggered by
nerve impulses from the periphery and brain.
3) It is a conduction pathway for sensory, to
the brain, and motor impulses to effectors.


A) The spinal cord is protected by two connective

tissue coverings, the meninges and vertebra, and
a cushion of cerebrospinal fluid.
1) The vertebral column provides a bony covering of 4) The gray commissure forms the cross bar of the
the spinal cord H-shaped gray matter.
2) Meninges (a) In the center of the gray commissure is
the central canal, which runs the length of
(a) The protective meninges are three
the spinal cord and contains cerebrospinal
coverings that run continuously around the
spinal cord and brain
(b) Anterior to the gray commissure is the
(b) The outermost layer is the dura mater
anterior white commissure, which connects
(c) The middle layer is the arachnoid. the white matter of the right and left sides of
the spinal cord.
(d) The innermost meninge is the pia mater,
5) The gray matter is divided into horns, which
(1) Denticulate ligaments are contain cell bodies of neurons.
thickenings of the pia mater that
suspend the spinal cord in the 6) The white matter is divided into columns.
middle of its dural sheath.
7) Each column contains distinct bundles of nerve
3) The subarachnoid space carries cerebrospinal axons that have a common origin or destination and
fluid, (CSF). carry similar information.

4) Clinical Connection: A spinal tap is done to (a) These bundles are called tracts.
withdraw CSF for diagnostic purposes
(1) Sensory (ascending) tracts
B) External Anatomy of the Spinal Cord conduct nerve impulses toward the
1) The spinal cord begins as a continuation of the
medulla oblongata and terminates at about the (2) Motor (descending) tracts
second lumbar vertebra in an adult conduct impulses down the cord.

2) It contains cervical and lumbar enlargements that 8) The internal organization of the spinal cord allows
serve as points of origin for nerves to the extremities. reflexes to be processed and to inform the brain of
the results of those reflexes
9) review the cross section of the spinal cord at
different segments.

3) The tapered portion of the spinal cord is A) Spinal nerves connect the CNS to sensory
the conus medullaris, from which arise the filum receptors, muscles, and glands and are part of the
terminale and cauda equina. peripheral nervous system.
C) Internal Anatomy of the Spinal Cord 1) The 31 pairs of spinal nerves are named and
1) The anterior median fissure and the posterior numbered according to the region and level of the
median sulcus penetrate the white matter of the spinal cord from which they emerge
spinal cord and divide it into right and left sides (a) There are 8 pairs of cervical nerves, 12
2) The gray matter of the spinal cord is shaped like pairs of thoracic nerves, 5 pairs of lumbar
the letter H or a butterfly and is surrounded by white nerves, 5 pairs of sacral nerves, and 1 pair of
matter. coccygeal nerves.

(a) The gray matter consists primarily of 2) Spinal nerves are the paths of communication
cell bodies of neurons and neuroglia and between the spinal cord and most of the body.
unmyelinated axons and dendrites of 3) Roots are the two points of attachment that
association and motor neurons. connect each spinal nerve to a segment of the spinal
3) The white matter consists of bundles of cord
myelinated axons of motor and sensory neurons
(a) The posterior or dorsal (sensory) root and upper part of the shoulders;
contains sensory nerve fibers and conducts connects with some cranial nerves;
nerve impulses from the periphery into the and supplies the diaphragm
spinal cord; the posterior root ganglion
(5) Emerging from the plexuses are
contains the cell bodies of the sensory
nerves bearing names that are often
neurons from the periphery.
descriptive of the general regions
(b) The anterior or ventral (motor) root they supply or the course they take.
contains motor neuron axons and conducts
(6) Damage to the spinal cord above
impulses from the spinal cord to the
the origin of the phrenic nerves (C3-
periphery; the cell bodies of motor neurons
C5) causes respiratory arrest.
are located in the gray matter of the cord.
(7) Clinical Connection: Breathing
B) Connective Tissue Covering of Spinal Nerves
stops because the phrenic nerves no
1) Spinal nerve axons are grouped within connective longer send impulses to the
tissue sheathes diaphragm
2) A fiber is a single axon within an endoneurium. D) The brachial plexus constitutes the nerve
supply for the upper extremities and a number of
3) A fascicle is a bundle of fibers within a
neck and shoulder muscles
1) A number of nerve disorders may result from
4) A nerve is a bundle of fascicles within an
injury to the brachial plexus
(a) Clinical Connection: Among these
5) Numerous blood vessels are within the coverings.
injuries are Erb-Duchene palsy or waiter’s
tip palsy, ulnar and radial injuries, wrist
drop, claw hand, and winged scapula
E) The lumbar plexus supplies the anterolateral
C) Distribution of Spinal Nerves abdominal wall, external genitals, and part of the
1) Shortly after passing through its intervertebral lower extremities
foramen, a spinal nerve divides into several 1) The largest nerve arising from the lumbar plexus
branches; these branches are known as rami is the femoral nerve.
(a) Branches of a spinal nerve include the (a) Clinical Connection: Injury to the
dorsal ramus, ventral ramus, meningeal femoral nerve is indicated by an inability to
branch, and rami communicantes. extend the leg and by loss of sensation in the
(1) The anterior rami of spinal skin over the anteromedial aspect of the
nerves T2-T12 do not enter into the thigh.
formation of plexuses and are (b) Clinical Connection: Obturator nerve
known as intercostal or thoracic injury is a common complication of
nerves. childbirth and results in paralysis of the
(i) These nerves directly adductor muscles of the leg and loss of
innervate structures they sensation over the medial aspect of the thigh.
supply in the intercostal F) The sacral plexus supplies the buttocks,
spaces. perineum, and part of the lower extremities
(2) Their posterior rami supply the 1) The largest nerve arising from the sacral plexus
deep back muscles and skin of the (and the largest nerve in the body) is the sciatic
posterior aspect of the thorax. nerve.
(3) The ventral rami of spinal (a) Clinical Connection: Injury to the sciatic
nerves, except for T2-T12, form nerve (common peroneal portion) and its
networks of nerves called plexuses branches results in sciatica, pain that extends
(4) The cervical plexus supplies the from the buttock down the back of the leg
skin and muscles of the head, neck,
(1) Sciatic nerve injury can occur 2) A reflex is a fast, predictable, automatic response
due to a herniated (slipped) disc, to changes in the environment that helps to maintain
dislocated hip, osteoarthritis of the homeostasis.
lumbosacral spine, pressure from the
3) Reflexes may be spinal and cranial in location,
uterus during pregnancy, or an
and somatic, or autonomic in function.
improperly administered gluteal
injection D) Reflex Arc
G) Sacral and Coccygeal Plexus 1) A reflex arc is the simplest type of pathway;
pathways are specific neuronal circuits and thus
1) Situated in the anterior sacrum
include at least one synapse.
1) Supplies buttocks, perineum, and lower limbs
2) The five functional components of a reflex arc are
B) Dermatomes the receptor, sensory neuron, motor neuron,
integrating center neuron, and effector
1) The skin over the entire body is supplies by spinal
nerves that carry somatic sensory nerves impulses 3) Reflexes help to maintain homeostasis by
into the spinal cord. permitting the body to make exceedingly rapid
adjustments to homeostatic imbalances.
2) All spinal nerves except C1 innervate specific,
constant segments of the skin; the skin segments are 4) Somatic spinal reflexes include the stretch reflex,
called dermatomes tendon reflex, flexor (withdrawal) reflex, and
crossed extensor reflex; all exhibit reciprocal
3) Knowledge of dermatomes helps a physician to
determine which segment of the spinal cord or which
spinal nerve is malfunctioning. (a) Stretch Reflex
(1) The stretch reflex is ipsilateral and is
important in maintaining muscle tone and
muscle coordination during exercise
(2) A two-neuron or monosynaptic reflex
arc contains one sensory neuron and one
motor neuron. A stretch reflex, such as the
A) The spinal cord has two principal functions. patellar reflex, is an example.
1) The white matter tracts are highways for nerve (i) It operates as a feedback
impulse conduction to and from the brain. mechanism to control muscle length
2) The gray matter receives and integrates incoming by causing muscle contraction.
and outgoing information to perform reflexes. (b) Tendon Reflex
B) Sensory and Motor Tracts (1) The tendon reflex is ipsilateral and
1) Read the principal sensory and motor tracts in the prevents damage to muscles and tendons as a
spinal cord. result of stretching

2) Sensory information from receptors travels up the (2) It operates as a feedback mechanism to
spinal cord to the brain along two main routes on control muscle tension by causing muscle
each side of the cord: the spinothalamic tracts and relaxation when muscle force becomes too
the posterior column tract. extreme.

3) Motor information travels from the brain down (c) Flexor and Crossed Extensor Reflexes
the spinal cord to effectors (muscles and glands) (1) The flexor (withdrawal) reflex is
along two types of descending tracts: direct ipsilateral and is a protective withdrawal
pathways and indirect pathways. reflex that moves a limb to avoid pain
C) Reflexes and Reflex Arcs (2) This reflex results in contraction of
1) The spinal cord serves as an integrating center for flexor muscles to move a limb to avoid
spinal reflexes. This occurs in the gray matter. injury or pain.
(3) It works with the crossed extensor C) Poliomyelitis (infantile paralysis or polio) is a
reflex to maintain balance. viral infection characterized by fever, headache, stiff
neck and back, deep pain and weakness, and loss of
(i) Crossed Extensor Reflex
certain somatic reflexes. Paralysis is produced when
1. This is a balance- the virus destroys motor neuron cell bodies.
maintaining reflex that
causes a synchronized
extension of the joints of
one limb and flexion of the
joints in the opposite limb
2. The crossed extensor
reflex, which is
contralateral, helps to
maintain balance during the
flexor reflex.
a. Clinical Connection:
Reflexes are often used for
diagnosing disorders of the
nervous system and locating
injured tissue.
i. If a reflex is
absent, or abnormal,
the damage may be
somewhere along a
ii. Among the
clinically important
reflexes are the
Patellar reflex,
Achilles’ reflex,
Babinski reflex,
Abdominal reflex
and Pupillar reflex.


A) The damage that results from Traumatic injuries
depends on the degree of spinal cord section, and or
compressions and the segments involved. Complete
transection results in paralysis of a variety of forms.
Lessor effects include incomplete paralysis to loss of
sensation and motor function. Spinal shock often
occurs immediately after injury with associated
swelling. Administration of corticosteroids is one
treatment to reduce the swelling.
B) Shingles is an acute infection of the peripheral
nerves by the herpes zoster virus; the virus migrates
down peripheral nerves, causing pain, skin
discoloration, and a characteristic line of skin

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