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1D Autonomic Nervous System

Dr. Antonio T. Parong Jr.

Autonomic Nervous System

 may be stated that the length of preganglionic and
postganglionic fibers differ in that in the sympathetic
nervous system the preganglionic fibers are short and
the postganglionic fibers are long
 parasympathetic nervous system the opposite is
usually true, in that the preganglionic parasympathetic
fibers are long and the postganglionic parasympathetic
fibers are usually short

 Cells of the ANS located in both the central and peripheral

nervous systems, innervate smooth muscles, cardiac
muscles, and glands Anatomy of the ANS
 perform their functions below the conscious levels
 Efferent neurons
Functional components of autonomic nervous system:
 carries nerve impulses from the CNS to the
1. Sympathetic NS - “fight or flight”
effector organs by way of two types of efferent
2. Parasympathetic NS- “digest and rest”
3. Enteric NS- “overseeing the digestive process”
A. preganglionic neurons
B. postganglionic neurons
 usually treated as a motor system—the general visceral
efferent(GVE) system and possess afferent components
Preganglionic neuron -cell body of the first nerve cellis
 two neurons are required to effect a contraction of located within the CNS
smooth muscle or cardiac muscle, or to elicit secretion
 emerge from the brainstem or spinal cord and make a
from the cell of a gland
synaptic connection in ganglia (an aggregation of
 cell body of the first neuron is in the Central Nervous nerve cell bodies located in the peripheral nervous
System system)
 cell body of the second neuron is in a ganglion in the  ganglia function as relay stations between the
peripheral nervous system preganglionic neuron and the second nerve cell, the
 postganglionic neuron (postsynaptic neuron) - postganglionic neuron
second nerve cell body resides in an autonomic
ganglion Postganglionic neuron- cell body of the postganglionic
 preganglionic neuron (presynaptic neuron) - first neuron originates in the ganglion
neuron in this two neuron chain  generally nonmyelinated and terminates on effector
 preganglionic fiber - axon of the preganglionic organs, such as smooth muscles of the viscera,
neuron, myelinated and it synapses with the cardiac muscle, and the exocrine glands
postganglionic neuron’s soma
 postganglionic fiber - axon of the postganglionic  Afferent neurons
neuron, is not myelinated  important in the reflex regulation of this system (for
 Somatic sensory ganglia do not have synapses, example, by sensing pressure in the carotid sinus and
whereas synapses do occur in autonomic ganglia

Aefferent branch of the system to respond
aortic arch) and in signaling the CNS to influence the neurons are cholinergic; the majority of ANS
sympathetic postganglionic neurons are adrenergic,
but a minority are cholinergic
 neurotransmitters acetyl choline and norepinephrine
can act to stimulate/excite or to suppress/inhibit the
effector because different effector cells possess
different types of acetyl choline and norepinephrine
receptors (excitatory neurotransmitter-gated sodium
ion channels or inhibitory neurotransmitter-gated
potassium or chloride ion channels)
 almost all visceral effectors receive a dual innervation,
i.e., any one visceral effector cell is 'hard-wired" to both
a parasympathetic postganglionic neuron and a
sympathetic postganglionic neuron

Characteristic of Autonomic Nervous System

 Under unconscious, involuntary control
 Control is generally shared with the endocrine system
 Used to respond to the internal environment
 Relevant sensory input primarily derived from
interoreceptors = visceroreceptors
 Primary responses are activities by effectors to deal
with maintaining homeostasis in the internal
 Effectors are smooth muscle tissues, cardiac muscle,
exocrine glands and endocrine gland
 Origin of the visceral motor commands may come from
the limbic system of the cerebrum, the diencephalon,
or the brain stem
 visceral motor neuron (the ANS preganglionic neuron) NEUROTRANSMITTERS
cell body typically resides in the brain stem or the  neurotransmitter substance at the parasympathetic
ventral/anterior horn of a spinal cord segment and its preganglionic and postganglionic and sympathetic
axon extends to a peripheral autonomic ganglion preganglionic synapse is acetylcholine
where it synapes with a second visceral motor neuron
 sympathetic postganglionic synapse it is
(the ANS postganglionic neuron) whose axon then norepinephrine (noradrenaline)
extends the remaining distance to the visceral effector
 only exception to this rule is that the postganglionic
(a two cell motor pathway)
sympathetic fibers serving the eccrine sweat glands
release acetylcholine
 primary neurotransmitter, co-transmitters are also
usually releasedfibers of the sensory (or afferent)
limb of the sympathetic and parasympathetic
 their cell bodies (unipolar/pseudounipolar) are located
in the sensory ganglia of the cranial and spinal nerves

Somatic nervous system/SNS/Voluntary Nervous


 part of the peripheral nervous system associated with

the voluntary control of body movements via
skeletal muscles
 consists of afferent nerves or sensory nerves, and
efferent nerves or motor nerves
 cell body of the lower motoneuron is located in the
ventral horn of the spinal cord
 axon of that neuron leaves the spinal cord via the
 visceral motor neurons may be cholinergic, or ventral rootlets and passes directly to the muscle fibers
adrenergic, i.e., they release the neurotransmitter it is destined to innervate
norepinephrine [Note: all ANS parasympathetic  only a single neuron is required to relay the signal for
preganglionic and postganglionic neurons are muscle contraction.
cholinergic; all ANS sympathetic preganglionic

A Relevant sensory input primarily derived from
exteroreceptors and proprioreceptors
 Primary responses are actions by effectors to deal with
changing circumstances in the external environment
 Effectors are skeletal muscles
 origin of the somatic motor commands may come from
the cerebral cortex, the diencephalon, the brain stem
or the cerebellum
 somatic motor neuron cell body typically resides in the
brain stem or the ventral/anterior horn of a spinal cord
segment and its axon extends the entire distance to the
skeletal muscle effector (a one cell motor pathway)
 somatic motor neurons are cholinergic, i.e., they
release the neurotransmitter acetyl choline
 neurotransmitter acetylcholine always acts to
stimulate/excite the effector (the skeletal muscle at the
neuromuscular junction) because skeletal muscle cells
all possess the same type of acetyl choline receptors
(acetyl choline-gated sodium ion channels)
 skeletal muscles receive a single innervation, i.e., any
one skeletal muscle cell is 'hard-wired" to just one
somatic motor neuron


 also known as the thoracolumbar outflow

 soma of the preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic
nervous system are located in the lateral cell column of
spinal cord levels T1 to L2,3
 axons of these neurons exit the vertebral canal in the
ventral root of the spinal nerve at the levels of their
 cell bodies of the postganglionic sympathetic neurons
reside in the sympathetic chain ganglia
(paravertebral ganglia located on either side of the
vertebral column)
 pelvic ganglia, the preaortic ganglia, and the small
renal ganglia
 bilaterally symmetric sympathetic chain ganglia, also
Characteristics of Somatic Nervous System called the paravertebral ganglia, are located just
 Primarily under conscious, voluntary control ventral and lateral to the spinal cord. The chain extends
from the upper neck down to the coccyx, forming the
 Control is not shared with the endocrine system
unpaired coccygeal ganglion
 Primarily used to respond to the external environment

fibers to form the greater, lesser, or least splanchnic nerves to
A synapse in one of the prevertebral sympathetic chain ganglia,
specifically the pelvic, renal, or preaortic ganglia.
The paravertebral ganglia in the neck fuse to form three ganglia:
 largest of which is the superior cervical ganglion
 smaller middle cervical ganglion
 smallest inferior cervical ganglion

 Inferior cervical ganglion fuses with the first thoracic

sympathetic chain ganglion to form the enlarged stellate
 Caudal-most ganglia of the right and left paravertebral
chains fuse with each other in the coccygeal region, thus
forming the unpaired ganglion impar.

Preganglionic fibers and paravertebral ganglia

of the sympathetic nervous system

Preganglionic fibers (preganglionic efferent axons)

 enter the spinal nerve via the ventral rootlets; they
subsequently leave the spinal nerve via 14 pairs of
small branches, known as white rami
communicantes (white because the axons are
myelinated) to reach one of the sympathetic chain

Once preganglionic sympathetic fibers have entered the chain

ganglion they have one of three options:
Sympathetic neurons:
1. To form synapses with postganglionic, sympathetic soma in The efferent ANS is divided into the sympathetic and the
the chain ganglion at the level of entry. parasympathetic nervous systems, as well as the enteric
2. To proceed superiorly or inferiorly in the sympathetic chain nervous system.
and synapse in a ganglion above or below the point of entry. Anatomically, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic neurons
This may be as far superiorly as the cervical level or as far originate in the CNS and emerge from two different spinal cord
inferiorly as the sacral level. regions. The preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic system
3. To pass through the chain ganglion without synapsing in any come from the thoracic and lumbar regions (T1 to L2) of the
of the paravertebral ganglia, joining with other preganglionic spinal cord, and they synapse in two cord-like chains of ganglia
that run close to and in parallel on each side of the spinal cord.
The preganglionic neurons are short in comparison to the
postganglionic ones. Axons of the postganglionic neuron extend
from these ganglia to the tissues that they innervate and
In most cases, the preganglionic nerve endings of the
sympathetic nervous system are highly branched, enabling one
preganglionic neuron to interact with many postganglionic
neurons. This arrangement enables this division to activate
numerous effector organs at the same time.

Efferent ANS is composed of
 Sympathetic nervous system
 Parasympathetic nervous system
 Enteric nervous system

 sympathetic and the parasympathetic neurons originate in

the CNS and emerge from two different spinal cord regions


A the thoracic and lumbar regions (T1 to L2) of the spinal
preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic system come
from 4. Branches proceeding directly to specific organs may travel
cord, and they synapse in two cord-like chains of ganglia on arteries, in nerves, or through plexuses, but they travel on
that run close to and in parallel on each side of the spinal their own, at least for a while. These include postganglionic
cord sympathetic fibers destined for the eyes and the heart.
 preganglionic neurons are short in comparison to the
postganglionic ones. Axons of the postganglionic neuron 5. Branches that proceed to autonomic plexuses possess
extend from these ganglia to the tissues that they innervate either postganglionic or preganglionic fibers, depending on the
and regulate. plexus. Those that serve the heart, lungs, and pelvis are
 preganglionic nerve endings of the sympathetic nervous probably postganglionic, whereas those that are destined for the
system are highly branched, enabling one preganglionic abdominal plexuses are preganglionic sympathetic fibers
neuron to interact with many postganglionic neurons destined for the postganglionic soma in the walls of the organ to
 arrangement enables this division to activate numerous be innervated. The greater, lesser, and least splanchnic
effector organs at the same time nerves are the major nerve fibers that contain preganglionic
sympathetic axons destined for the abdominal plexuses.



 composed only of postganglionic sympathetic fibers

whose cell bodies are located in the superior cervical
 primarily associated with the tunica adventitia of blood
vessels passing from the neck into the head, are named
according to their vessel of association or by their location,
or by the localized region that they serve


 composed of postganglionic sympathetic fibers derived
from the superior cervical ganglion
[Note: The adrenal medulla, like the sympathetic ganglia, receives
 travel with the internal carotid arteries as two separate
preganglionic fibers from the sympathetic system. The adrenal medulla, plexuses, the internal carotid plexus and the cavernous
in response to stimulation by the ganglionic neurotransmitter plexus
acetylcholine, secretes epinephrine (adrenaline), and lesser amounts of
norepinephrine, directly into the blood.] INTERNAL CAROTID PLEXUS
 travels on the lateral aspect of the artery and has the
Distribution of the postganglionic fibers of the sympathetic following branches:
nervous system  Branches communicating with cranial nerve V
 Postganglionic fibers (axons of the postganglionic soma) (trigeminal nerve) and cranial nerve VI(abducent
arise from the sympathetic chain ganglia and are distributed nerve).
as branches to the spinal nerves or cranial nerves, or they  deep petrosal nerve: this pierces the cartilage of the
may travel wrapped around arteries, or they may proceed foramen lacerum and accompanies the greater
directly to specific organs or to autonomic plexuses. petrosal nerve as the two nerves enter the pterygoid
canal to form the nerve of the pterygoid canal (vidian
1. Branches to spinal nerves re-enter the spinal nerve through canal).
connections known as gray rami communicantes (gray  caroticotympanic nerves: these are small fibers that
because the postganglionic axons are unmyelinated). Unlike are destined to serve regions of the middle ear
white rami communicantes, there are 31 pairs of gray rami
communicantes, one for each spinal nerve. The postganglionic CAVERNOUS PLEXUS
sympathetic fibers are distributed with the cutaneous branches  travels on the medial aspect of the artery and has the
of the spinal nerves, reaching the sweat glands, arrector pili following branches
muscles, and smooth muscles of peripheral blood vessels.  Branches communicating with cranial nerve IV
(trochlear nerve) and cranial nerve V1 (ophthalmic
2. Branches to cranial nerves may reach the cranial nerves division of the trigeminal nerve)
directly, namely, the glossopharyngeal (CN IX), vagus (CN X),  Branches destined for the dilator pupillae muscle of
and hypoglossal (CN XII) nerves or they may follow blood the iris
vessels until they are in the vicinity of the cranial nerve that they
 Branches serving the vessels of the pituitary gland,
use to reach their final destination.
brain, meninges, and orbit.
3. Branches wrapped around arteries travel with these
vessels, such as the internal and external carotid arteries and
 composed of postganglionic sympathetic fibers derived
the vertebral artery. There are numerous other arteries that
from the superior cervical ganglion, travel with the external
possess postganglionic sympathetic fibers in their tunicae
adventitia and they are discussed below.

carotid artery and its branches in the head. These include branches arising from the inferior cervical ganglion are the
ones that join the cervical spinal nerves, the inferior cardiac
 Nerve fibers that follow the facial artery: these travel to nerves, and the vertebral nerve:
and serve the submandibular gland and, using the  Gray rami communicantes to cervical spinal nerves 6–
lingual nerve, reach and serve the sublingual gland. 8: these are distributed with the branches of these
 Nerve fibers that travel on branches of the facial and cervical nerves
superficial temporal arteries, serving them as well as  Inferior cardiac nerves: these join the cardiac plexus
arrector pili muscles and sweat glands of the facial and function, in concert with the superior and middle
region. cardiac nerves, to accelerate the rate of heart beat
 The small deep petrosal nerve: this leaves the middle  Vertebral nerve: this travels on the tunica adventitia of
meningeal artery to pass through (without synapsing the vertebral artery and serves it as well as its
in) the otic ganglion. It joins the auriculotemporal nerve intracranial branches with vasomotor function
and serves the parotid gland  inferior cervical and first thoracic ganglia frequently fuse to
form the stellate ganglion. This fused ganglion fulfills all the
CERVICAL REGION OF THE SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS functions of the inferior cervical ganglion and also gives rise
SYSTEM to the gray rami communicantes of spinal nerves T1 and T2

 composed of the superior, middle, and inferior THORACIC REGION OF THE SYMPATHETIC
sympathetic cervical ganglia as well as the sympathetic NERVOUS SYSTEM
cord that connects them to each other
 superior cervical ganglion is the largest sympathetic  only region with white rami communicantes. White rami
ganglion in the neck. is located deep to the carotid sheath, communicantes are connections between the thoracic
at the level of the atlas spinal nerves and the thoracic chain ganglia
 Branches traveling with cranial nerves IX,X, and XII  carry preganglionic sympathetic fibers from the lateral
 Branches traveling with the first four cervical nerves column of the spinal cord, which enter each thoracic
 Four to six pharyngeal branches that form the sympathetic ganglion to synapse with postganglionic
pharyngeal plexus in unison with cranial nerves IX and sympathetic soma residing in a sympathetic ganglion at any
X level of the chain ganglia or in a sympathetic ganglion
 Intercarotid plexus that proceeds to the carotid sinus located elsewhere in the body
and carotid body to innervate the smooth muscle of the  Branches arising from the thoracic sympathetic ganglia are
regional blood vessels the gray rami communicantes, the visceral branches, and
 Superior cardiac nerves of the right and left side: the splanchnic nerves
these join the cardiac plexus and innervate the cardiac  gray rami communicantes arise from each thoracic
muscle of the heart. They function in concert with the ganglion to unite with their associated thoracic spinal nerve,
middle and inferior cardiac nerves to accelerate the carrying postganglionic sympathetic fibers that will be
rate of heart beat distributed with the branches of the spinal nerve


 smallest of the ganglia, has an inconstant location and is  composed of postganglionic sympathetic fibers that are
occasionally absent distributed to plexuses on or in the vicinity of the heart,
Branches arising from the middle cervical ganglion are those esophagus, lungs, and aorta:
that join the cervical spinal nerves, the middle cervical nerve,  Cardiac branches arise from the first through fifth
and the thyroid nerves: thoracic ganglia and are destined for the cardiac
 Gray rami communicantes to the fifth and sixth cervical plexus. They mix with fibers from the superior, middle,
nerves that are distributed with the branches of these and inferior cardiac nerves. They also function in
cervical nerves accelerating the rate of the heart beat
 middle cardiac nerve/ great cardiac nerve: this  Esophageal branches arise from many of the thoracic
communicates with the superior cardiac nerve to join ganglia and serve to modify the function of the enteric
the cardiac plexus. It functions, in concert with the nervous system.
superior and inferior cardiac nerves, to accelerate the  Fibers destined for the pulmonary plexus arise from the
rate of the heart beat second through fourth thoracic ganglia and enter the
 thyroid nerves: these travel on the tunica adventitia of hilum of the lung. They serve the blood vessels of the
the inferior thyroid artery to reach and supply lung as well as the bronchial musculature.
the thyroid gland  The aortic plexus is served by fibers arising from the
 sympathetic cord connecting the middle and inferior fifth to tenth (or eleventh) thoracic ganglia. These fibers
cervical ganglia. This is usually split into an anterior distribute with the branches of the aorta and probably
and a posterior portion; the anterior portion passes function to modulate the enteric nervous system
around the subclavian artery, forming a loop—the ansa
 composed of mostly myelinated preganglionic sympathetic
INFERIOR CERVICAL GANGLION fibers (as well as large myelinated visceral afferent fibers
 located at the level of the transverse process of the 7th bringing information from the viscera), because they have
cervical vertebra

A the ganglia on their way to the preaortic ganglia.
not synapsed in the chain ganglia; instead they passed
CN IX (Glossopharyngeal), and
CN X (Vagus)
b. sacral region (S2 to S4) of the spina(l cord and synapse
There are three splanchnic nerves: the greater, lesser, and least in ganglia near or on the effector organs. Three spinal
splanchnic nerves nerves in the sacrum (S2-4), commonly referred to as
a. GREATER SPLANCHNIC NERVES the pelvic splanchnic nerves, also act as
 formed into a single trunk from preganglionic parasympathetic nerves.
sympathetic fibers that pass through the fifth The vagus nerve accounts for 90% of preganglionic
to ninth thoracic ganglia, penetrate the crus of parasympathetic fibers in the body. Postganglionic neurons
the diaphragm to synapse in the celiac from this nerve innervate most of the organs in the thoracic
ganglion (and splanchnic ganglion, if and abdominal cavity.
present). Some fibers continue through the
celiac ganglion without synapsing, and  sympathetic system, the preganglionic fibers are long, and
continue to the suprarenal gland medullaand the postganglionic ones are short, with the ganglia close to
synapse there on chromaffin cells. or within the organ innervated. In most instances, there is a
b. LESSER SPLANCHNIC NERVE one-to-one connection between the preganglionic and
 formed into a single trunk from preganglionic postganglionic neurons, enabling discrete response of this
sympathetic fibers that pass through the tenth system.
and eleventh thoracic ganglia, penetrates the
crus of the diaphragm and synapses in the
aorticorenal ganglion.
 formed from preganglionic sympathetic fibers
that pass through the twelfth thoracic
ganglion, passes through the diaphragm and
synapses in the renal plexus.



 composed of two to six ganglia and the intervening trunk.

Branches of the abdominolumbar trunk are composed of gray
rami communicantes, lumbar splanchnic nerves, and branches
of the celiac ganglion:
 Gray rami communicantes in the lumbar area are
somewhat longer than those of the thoracic region.
They join the spinal nerves to be distributed with them
to innervate the smooth muscle of blood vessels as
well as the glands and arrector pili of the skin
 Lumbar splanchninc nerves, preganglionic
sympathetic fibers that are located caudal to the least
splanchnic nerve, synapse in the inferior mesenteric
 Branches of the celiac ganglion are postganglionic
sympathetic fibers that follow the aorta and its
branches and form a large plexus of nerve fibers, the
celiac plexus.


 Called the “rest and digest” system, the parasympathetic  travel with four cranial nerves, the oculomotor, facial,
system conserves energy as it slows the heart rate, sexual glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves.
arousal, increases intestinal and gland activity, and relaxes
sphincter muscles in the gastrointestinal tract. OCULOMOTOR NERVE (CN III)
 Edinger–Westphal nucleus houses preganglionic
Functions of the parasympathetic nervous system is SLUDD parasympathetic soma whose axons travel in the
(salivation, lacrimation, urination, digestion, and defecation) branches of cranial nerve III.
 When these preganglionic fibers reach the orbit they
The Nerve fibers of the parasympathetic nervous system synapse with postganglionic parasympathetic soma in
(preganglionic) arise from the central nervous system: the ciliary ganglion (the parasympathetic ganglion of
a. Specific nerves include the oculomotor nerve)
CN III (Oculomotor)  postganglionic parasympathetic fibers, known as the
CN VII (Facial), short ciliary nerves, exit the ciliary ganglion, pierce the


Amuscle, which constricts the pupils
orb (eyeball) to innervate the sphincter pupillae Postganglionic parasympathetic soma along the
gastrointestinal tract extending from the esophagus to
 innervate the muscles of the ciliary body, which the end of the transverse colon. These postganglionic
function in accommodating the lens of the eye when parasympathetic cell bodies are housed in Meissner’s
focusing on nearby objects. submucosal and Auerbach’s myenteric plexus
(ganglia) located within the wall of the alimentary canal.
FACIAL NERVE (CN VII) Moreover, many of the preganglionic parasympathetic
 lacrima land superior salivatory nuclei of the brainstem axons synapse with the intrinsic soma of the enteric
house the preganglionic parasympathetic soma associated nervous system. Parasympathetic activity facilitates
with cranial nerve VII the digestive process and relaxes sphincter muscles.
 Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers from the lacrimal
nucleus reach the pterygopalatine ganglion (a
parasympathetic ganglion of the facial nerve) where they
synapse with postganglionic parasympathetic soma.
 Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers leave the ganglion
and serve the lacrimal gland, eliciting the production of
tears, as well as glands in the nasal mucosa, eliciting the
production of mucus.
 Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers from the superior
salivatory nucleus proceed to the submandibular ganglion
where they synapse with postganglionic parasympathetic
 Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers leave the ganglion to
innervate the submandibular and sublingual glands,
eliciting the flow of saliva.


 inferior salivatory nucleus (nucleus of the glossopharyngeal
nerve) of the brainstem houses the preganglionic
parasympathetic cell bodies associated with cranial nerve
 Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers from this nucleus
reach the otic ganglion to synapse with postganglionic
parasympathetic soma
 postganglionic parasympathetic fibers leave the ganglion to
innervate the parotid gland as well as minor salivary glands  lateral cell column of the second to fourth segments of the
in the oral mucosa, eliciting the flow of saliva. sacral spinal cord houses the preganglionic
parasympathetic cell bodies composing the sacral division
VAGUS NERVE (CN X) of the parasympathetic nervous system.
 nucleus ambiguus and the dorsal motor nucleus of the  preganglionic axons join their corresponding spinal nerves
vagus nerve house the preganglionic parasympathetic and travel to the pelvic plexus and to scattered small
soma associated with cranial nerve X. ganglia in the vicinity of the pelvic organs, where they
 Preganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibers from the synapse with the enteric nervous system and with
nucleus ambigus synapse with postganglionic postganglionic cell bodies of the parasympathetic ganglia.
parasympathetic soma located in the cardiac ganglia  Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers from the pelvic
distributed around the great vessels of the heart. plexus and the additional small ganglia serve the urinary
 Postganglionic parasympathetic axons leave the ganglia bladder, penis, prostate, and seminal vesicles in the male
and innervate the sinoatrial (SA) node. Additionally these as well as the bladder, uterus, clitoris, and vagina in the
fibers also serve occasional atrial and ventricular cardiac female.
muscle fibers. The parasympathetic nervous system  bladder, prostate, and seminal vesicles receive their motor
decreases the rate of the heart beat. innervation from the small ganglia in their vicinity, except for
the sphincter muscle controlling the bladder, which is
Preganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibers from the dorsal inhibited by the parasympathetic nervous system.
motor nucleus of the vagus synapse with the following  uterus and vagina receive inhibitory postganglionic
soma: parasympathetic fibers via the uterovaginal plexus.
 Postganglionic parasympathetic soma located in Although in the pregnant female the same fibers are
ganglia surrounding the bronchial passages. believed to have excitatory roles.
Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers derived from  external genitalia of the male and the clitoris of the female
these ganglia serve to elicit bronchioconstriction. receive postganglionic parasympathetic fibers from the
pelvic plexus via the pudendal nerve; these fibers are
 Postganglionic parasympathetic soma located in
responsible for dilation of the cavernous blood sinuses
the vicinity of the pancreas. Postganglionic
resulting in the erection of the penis and clitoris.
parasympathetic fibers derived from these ganglia
serve to elicit the release of pancreatic enzymes and
A ENTERIC NERVOUS SYSTEM Preganglionic and postganglionic parasympathetic neurons,
preganglionic sympathetic neurons, and those postglanglionic
ENTERIC NEURONS sympathetic neurons that innervate eccrine sweat glands are all
 a collection of nerve fibers that innervate the cholinergic. All other postganglionic sympathetic neurons are
gastrointestinal (GI) tract, pancreas, and gallbladder, and it adrenergic.
constitutes the “brain of the gut.”
 functions independently of the CNS and controls the AUTONOMIC RECEPTORS
motility, exocrine and endocrine secretions, and Autonomic receptors are classified as cholinergic or
microcirculation of the GI tract. It is modulated by both the adrenergic(noradrenergic), based on their ability to bind and
sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. to be activated by acetylcholine or norepinephrine, respectively.
 Meissner’s submucosal plexus and Auerbach’s myenteric
plexus house the intrinsic components of the enteric CHOLINERGIC RECEPTORS
nervous system. The neurons and neuroglial cells of the
enteric nervous system originate from neural crest cells. Two types of cholinergic receptors:
a. MUSCARINIC RECEPTORS - activated by muscarine,
Meissner’s submucosal plexus a toxin derived from toadstools. Muscarinic receptors
 located in the submucosa at its interface with the are located in the membranes of cells synapsing with
inner circular layer of the muscularis externa. It is postganglionic parasympathetic fibers and in the
responsible for peristalsis and global, rather than membranes of eccrine sweat glands (innervated by
local, actions postganglionic sympathetic fibers).
Auerbach’s myenteric plexus b. NICOTINIC RECEPTORS - activated by nicotine.
 located between the inner circular and outer Nicotinic receptors are located in the membranes of
longitudinal layers of the muscularis externa. postganglionic sympathetic and postganglionic
parasympathetic soma where they synapse with their
Auerbach’s plexus preganglionic counterparts. They are also located in
 responsible for localized phenomena and for the sarcolemma of the myoneural junctions of skeletal
movement of, and glandular secretions from, the muscle cells.
It is important to note that nicotine will not activate muscarinic
Two sets of plexuses interact with the sympathetic and receptors and muscarine will not activate nicotinic receptors, but
parasympathetic nervous systems as well as with each other both types will be activated by acetylcholine.
and function together to ensure that the alimentary canal
performs its functions properly. ADRENERGIC RECEPTORS
 Extrinsic components Two types of adrenergic receptors,
o the sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers a. ALPHA ADRENERGIC RECEPTORS- activated by
that modulate the functioning of the intrinsic epinephrine than by norepinephrine and are least
components activated by isoproterenol. Alpha receptors are located
o Parasympathetic innervation facilitates in the plasma membranes of vascular smooth muscle
digestion by increasing peristalsis and cells, dilatator pupillae muscle cells, and soma of
relaxing sphincters. enteric neurons controlling sphincter muscle
o Vigorous activity from the sympathetic contraction.
innervation slows down peristalsis and b. BETA ADRENERGIC RECEPTORS- responsive to
increases sphincter muscle tonus. isoproterenol than to epinephrine and are least
 Intrinsic components activated by norepinephrine.Beta receptors are located
o regulate much of the digestive processes by in the plasma membranes of cardiac muscle cells,
innervating the smooth muscles, glands, as bronchiolar smooth muscle cells, and soma of enteric
well as the diffuse neuroendocrine system neurons that facilitate peristaltic activity of the
(DNES) cells residing in the epithelial lining of alimentary canal.
the alimentary canal
o There are at least 20 different types of DNES PELVIC AUTONOMIC FUNCTIONS
cells and each releases a specific paracrine  somatic and autonomic nervous systems interact with each
hormone (although many of these hormones other to perform numerous functions, among them those
also enter the bloodstream to remote target that control urination, defecation, and erection and
cells). These hormones act in concert to ejaculation.
regulate much of the digestive process.
Urine retention and urination
NEUROTRANSMITTERS AND RECEPTORS OF THE  require the interaction of the sympathetic,
AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM parasympathetic, and somatic motor nervous systems
and are controlled by the cerebral cortex and pons
Two primary neurotransmitters are acetylcholine and  urinary bladder distends, nociceptors and stretch
norepinephrine, it is customary to speak of cholinergic and receptors in its wall transmit the information to the
adrenergic divisions of the autonomic nervous system. dorsal horn of the spinal cord


Aneurons whose cell bodies are located in the dorsal
afferent nerves are unipolar (pseudounipolar) peristaltic action of the sigmoid colon, and the
intra-abdominal pressure created by contraction of
root ganglia. the anterior abdominal wall musculature
 volume of urine in the bladder is low, the skeletal cooperate in expelling the feces from the sigmoid
muscles of the external sphincter undergo reflex colon and the rectum through the anus.
contraction in response to stimulation by axons of
somatic motoneurons whose cell bodies are located in Erection and ejaculation
the Onuf nucleus (ventral horn of spinal cord levels  Erection of the penis and of the clitoris is an autonomic
S2–S4). Cell bodies of the motor neurons in the Onuf function initiated by tactile or psychogenic stimulation
nucleus are activated by projections from the pons and and mediated by parasympathetic innervation derived
cerebral cortex from sacral spinal cord levels.
 smooth muscle cells of the internal sphincter also  parasympathetic fibers are responsible for
undergo reflex contraction and the detrusor engorgement of the spongy tissue of the penis and
muscles, smooth muscles located in the wall of the clitoris as well as of the vascular channels of the labia
urinary bladder, undergo reflex relaxation, due to the minora, and cause the release of secretions from the
activities of preganglionic sympathetic innervation from vaginal glands, lubricating the vagina.
the intermediate cell column at spinal cord levels T12  preganglionic sympathetic fibers from spinal cord
to S2. levels T10 to L2 synapse on postganglionic
 process of urination is facilitated by the micturition sympathetic nerve cell bodies housed in the inferior
centers located in the cerebral cortex and the pons. As mesenteric ganglion. Postganglionic sympathetic
the bladder distends and the urine volume reaches a fibers from that ganglion are responsible in females for
threshold level, sensory information reaches the rhythmic contractions of the vagina and uterus, and in
ventral posterolateral (VPL)nucleus of the thalamus males for the release of secretions from the prostate
traveling via the medial lemniscal pathway, the dorsal gland and seminal vesicles as well as for ejaculation.
column, and the anterolateral column. The information
is transmitted by tertiary neurons from the thalamus to
the postcentral sulcus and the individual becomes
conscious of the need to urinate.
 individual is ready to void the retentive reflexes
described above become inhibited, thus the internal
and external sphincters relax. Additionally, projections
from the pons activate the preganglionic
parasympathetic neurons in the lateral horn of spinal
cord levels S2–S4, whose post-ganglioic counterparts
stimulate the detrusor muscles of the bladder to
undergo contraction, thus emptying the urinary

 feces accumulate, the sigmoid colon distends and
the individual becomes conscious of the need to
defecate, but the feces are retained in the colon by
the two sphincter muscles, the internal smooth
muscle sphincter, is supplied by postganglionic
sympathetic fibers from the hypogastric plexus as
well as by postganglionic parasympathetic fibers
located in Auerbach’s plexus (whose
preganglionic fibers arise from the sacral spinal
 external skeletal muscle sphincter, is supplied by
the somatic nervous system, namely the inferior
rectal nerve.
 when the sigmoid colon becomes distended, the
internal sphincter muscle relaxes (due to the
parasympathetic nerve supply) and at the same
time the external sphincter muscle contracts,
preventing the feces from exiting the bowel
 While the individual is asleep, this contraction of
the external sphincter muscle is a reflex response.
When the individual is awake, the contraction of
the external sphincter is a voluntary response.
When the individual is ready to defecate, the
voluntary relaxation of the external sphincter, the


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